Bad Boy's Bridesmaid (62 page)

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Authors: Sosie Frost

BOOK: Bad Boy's Bridesmaid
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Bob spat on the ground. “I’m not going to be intimidated
by him again.”

“Intimidated?” Josie ran a hand through her hair. “I
don’t understand?”

Bob pointed at me.


“You sent your asshole boyfriend after me once. Gonna do
it again?”

?” Josie shook her head. “I never…what are
you talking about?”

“Last year. That bastard there tossed me against the
goddamned wall of my store and broke half my windows.”

Son of a bitch.

Josie’s mouth dropped open.

“I was trying to buy your goddamned property, to settle
this fucking dispute once and for all. Then this asshole rammed my head into
the wall.”

I should have shut him up, but Josie sputtered, confused.
Bob grunted.

“Don’t try to play dumb. You sent him to intimidate me
into paying more money, and it damn well worked.”

So much for him not
telling a soul
like he fucking
promised in exchange for leaving his jaw unbroken. Not like I wanted to waste
my energy on the town drunk, but I was hired to send a message. Christ, the
money I got for the job was spent before I earned it anyway.

Josie stepped away from both me and Bob. “Maddox
threatened you?”

Bob sneered, staggering as whatever he drank finally
caught up to him. “Cracked a rib. Shoulda sent him the medical bill, but he got
his time in jail. Asshole.” He flipped me off. “Keep your damn property. Ain’t
giving you or your family a dime.”

“We never asked for—”

“Christ, had I known Matthias would have blown through
the insurance money and been strapped to a hospital bed, I’d have lit the match
years ago.”


Every muscle in my body rent, and I tasted bile. Bob
tripped over his feet, stalking away.

That son of a bitch wasn’t getting far.

I raced after him, but Josie caught my arm. She spun me
back, but she hadn’t heard the spiteful, vile truth of Bob Ragen’s words.

I knew the racist prick would one day cause trouble for
Josie and her family. But was he just threatening us? Or did he admit his
fucking guilt?

Hell if I knew, but I couldn’t find out if Josie didn’t
let me go.

Her words punched through me.

“Did you…did you
him?” She already knew the
answer. “I can’t believe this! Why the hell would you attack him for
on my property?”


“Don’t.” She pointed at me. “Maddox, I knew you were
trouble when I started dating you. I knew your history, and I knew you were
dangerous…but this?” She stepped away, every inch separating us ripping through
my heart. “This is why we can’t be together. I can’t do this anymore.”

“Let me explain.”

She shook her head. Her voice wavered.

Fuck. I made her cry.

“I’m sorry, Maddox. This is over.”

“I’m sorry too…because you’re not leaving me.” I grabbed
her hand before she could escape. She struggled, but my grip tightened. “I’m
not letting you go until you understand why I did what I did.”

“Why would I even listen?”

“Because you know you’re in danger.” I held her gaze.
“And I’m the only one who can protect you.”

Chapter Eleven – Josie


“Let go of me!”

It wasn’t the first time Maddox carried me home, but this
wasn’t like the time he accidentally got me drunk on an iced tea that was a
little too long-island for my tolerances. He hauled me over his shoulders. When
I tried to wiggle away, he smacked my behind.


Then he threatened to carry me all the way to his motel

I never feared Maddox before, but I had every reason to
get pissed at him.
Bob Ragen? Was he insane?

And he wondered why I said he was bad for me. Why the
town thought he was

No wonder Chief Craig had searched for a way to put him
behind bars. Maddox lived on the wrong side of the law, never responding to a
conflict like a reasonable person. He didn’t look for trouble, but he never hid
from it either. And every time he came home with a black eye or busted lip, he
for forgiveness.

I couldn’t pardon his crimes, but I’d take responsibility
for them, for what would happen if we stayed together. I couldn’t handle blood
on our hands, and I was running out of ways to prevent it from spilling.

Maddox’s rented room stank of cigarettes, but he didn’t
smoke. He set me on the bed next to a scorch mark. I ignored it and picked up
the glass on the nightstand.

Lipstick prints.

My imagination was pretty vivid, but Maddox shook his

“Chelsea’s been staying here. It’s hers.” He held his
arms out. “You know I’m faithful.”

“It doesn’t matter, Maddox.”


Maddox spun the chair out from under the desk and sat. He
stared at me, unashamed that he just dragged me through town. He’d never
apologize. It wasn’t his style. Wasn’t how our relationship worked. He used his
strength and stubbornness to get what he wanted.

Well, it wasn’t working this time. The entire town saw
him with me at the meeting. Nolan especially. I endured most people’s
judgments, but Nolan’s grimace wasn’t meant to shame me. It was a warning for
me to stay away from Maddox.

And maybe he was right. If Maddox stayed, Nolan would
hurt him. At least the decision was made easier knowing that Maddox was as
dangerous as Nolan.

“This is the last time we do this.” I suppressed the
indignation. I couldn’t out-attitude Maddox, but I’d make him listen. “I need
you to respect what I’m about to say.”

“I always do…when you’re right.”

“I’m right in this.” I didn’t look at him. “A year ago, I
broke up with you. I did it for a reason, and you proved it was the right one
today. I want you out of my life.”

“Because I threatened Bob Ragen a year ago?”

has changed since a year ago.”

“Bullshit.” Maddox tossed the chair back. He paced the
room, but he wasn’t a man for indecision and waiting. How long until he did
something foolish? “Bob Ragen was the first to call the police during the

“This has nothing to do with the fire.”

“Of course it does! Why was Bob Ragen at his store at ten
o’clock that night? Don’t tell me his schedule is any different since I’ve been
in jail. He always closes his shop at five, hits the bar, and stumbles home
after last call. Somehow I doubt Saint Christie has a thriving AA program he’s
attending instead.”

“What are you saying?”

“Did you hear what he said? If he had known the problems
it would’ve caused your family, he would have
lit the match years ago

I didn’t feel so good. I stood, swallowing the bile that

This wasn’t happening.

“Now you think
Bob Ragen
burned down my store?” I

“Doesn’t it make sense? He was in a property dispute with
your family. Hates your granddad and you. He’s a goddamned
, and
he wanted to send a message.”

A message… or retaliation? “And he only struck the match
after you intimidated him.”

Maddox had the decency to look ashamed. “Maybe.”

“This is ridiculous.” I wove my fingers through my hair.
Felt like I tied my scarf too tightly and everything that made sense was
getting squeezed out of my head. “I thought you were convinced it was Chief

“I am. Maybe.” He shrugged. “Look, Chief Craig was
following me that night. He knew I was alone and had no alibi. Maybe he took
the chance and set fire to your shop, not realizing Matt and you wouldn’t get
out in time. I saved you, but he was able to frame me.”

My heart thudded too hard against my chest. This had to
end. Now.

I revealed exactly what I knew in my gut. “Or maybe Nolan
Rhys was upset because I refused to sleep with him? I didn’t sell him the
property he wanted—the property he already had mapped, zoned, and planned for a
conversion into a bed-and-breakfast. He offered me ten times what the property
was worth and took it
when I refused him.”

Maddox hesitated. “Maybe.”

. Nolan is the arsonist, no question.
I’ll prove it to the town.” I turned to leave. “But I’m doing it alone,

His hand flattened on the door the instant I pulled it
open. It slammed shut. What was he trying to prove?

Maddox stepped behind me, entirely too close for the
blistering confusion and rage coursing through my veins. I protected a man who
didn’t deserve protection. I didn’t want to lose him, but who was I losing? A
lover…or a man slipping from the house late at night only to return bruised and

“I dealt with Bob a long time ago, Josie.”

“That doesn’t make it right.”

“I only wanted to protect you.”

That was the most idiotic thing I’d ever heard. I spun,
pushing his arm from the door and forcing him to hold my gaze. I’d never
intimidate him, and I was cruel enough to break his heart, but he had betrayed
me. He used my name to hurt another person, and that was inexcusable.

“You want to protect me?” I whispered.


“You can’t.”

Maddox slammed a second hand beside me. I edged back, but
it only invited him closer.

“You think I can’t keep you safe? You think I won’t find
the son of a bitch who did this, who hurt you, who
me and
separated us?”

“It won’t matter what you do.”


I hated that I had to say it. “Because it’s your fault it

His eyes blazed, dark and fierce. “I didn’t torch your

“You didn’t have to.” I dodged his arm, but he didn’t let
me go. He pinned me on the door, and damn if I didn’t want to feel more of him
against me. “You didn’t light the match, but my shop burned because of you.
Chief Craig and you were feuding. Bob Regan is a racist prick, but he left my
family alone—until you
him in his store.”

Maddox looked away. His arms dropped, but I didn’t move.
My chest rose in ragged breaths, shuddering as my heart shattered.

“And if it was Nolan?” I dared to meet his eyes. The
darkness shadowed his face. “He framed you because it would hurt us both. You
antagonized him, even when you had me, even when we were together. Do you get
it now?”

He didn’t answer. I didn’t expect one.

“You aren’t the arsonist. You were the fuel on the fire,
all because you wanted to

Maddox gritted his teeth. “I never wanted that to happen.
I hate myself for dragging you into my life, through the blood and violence and
gangs. I don’t fucking deserve you. I never deserved you. I’ve always been the
shit on the bottom of your shoe, but just knowing I had a
to make
you mine forced me to change. If I could shed that past, it’d be gone in a

“This isn’t about your past.”

“You made me a better man.”

I shook my head. “Don’t say that.”

“You saved my life, Josie.”

“You don’t believe that.”

He bit back. “Why the fuck wouldn’t I believe it?”

“You can’t talk about changing and bettering yourself and
me when I know what you’ll do when you find the man who framed
you. Don’t promise me the world and then bleed it dry for your revenge.”

Maddox pushed off the door. “That’s different, Sweets.”

“If you can’t see how
is different—”


“Well, I’m not looking for revenge. I want
I want Nolan behind bars where he belongs.”

He laughed, but I didn’t get the joke. “That’s not how
the world works. You know better than that.”

I was getting tired of people condescending to me,
pretending they knew better because they had hurt more than me. I didn’t

“Even a little town like Saint Christie is corrupt to the
core,” Maddox said. “There’s no justice when everyone is a victim.”

“Only one of us is corrupted, Maddox.”

“You’ve seen the racism. The hatred. We have a police
chief who would hurt innocent people. A damned mayor who lusts after you. Hell,
your own grandfather was taken for a ride by his bookie—”

“Don’t you dare bring Granddad into this.”

“Why not?” Maddox didn’t let me look away. “He was hurt
in that fire too. Josie, someone is lurking in this town who would destroy your
store and hurt your family in cold blood. And if you don’t think the rest of
the world is a mirror-fucking-image of this town, then you’re not naïve—you’re
goddamned ignorant.”

One step too far.

My temper flared. “We haven’t lived the same life. I
won’t pretend to know what you’ve done, what you’ve seen. But the world isn’t
that dark alley you crawled around in. It’s not all violence and rage.”

“Yeah, it is.”

“Only if you make it that way.” My words thickened,
forced through the sticky, syrupy sludge that was my own heartbreak. “You want
a reason we can’t be together? Right there. That’s why we’re incompatible.
You’re looking for revenge to answer for our past. I want justice so we could
have a future together.”

Uh-oh. I said too much.

Maddox loomed. I shrugged him away. I wasn’t letting him
touch me, hold me.

His voice softened but it never lost that feral threat.
“Do you still hope we can work it out?”

“Of course I do,” I said. “All I have is
. But
that dream of us together? It won’t come true if you’re obsessed with that vengeance.
I can’t love a murderer.”

“But wouldn’t you feel safer knowing that arsonist was
gone?” Maddox cupped my chin. “If it was Nolan Rhys, the law can’t touch him.
We can’t trust the courts, and he could buy his way out of any sentence a judge
passed. He’d get away with arson, and then he’d come back for you.”

No. He wouldn’t try to hurt me.

He’d aim for Maddox instead.

And for the first time, I almost wished I could let
Maddox take that revenge, if only because it started to sound like his only
form of self-defense. But everyone would know. They’d immediately suspect him.
They’d take him away, and I’d lose him to prison forever.

My eyes prickled with tears.

“I won’t be a part of it,” I whispered. “I won’t let you
do it.”


“Because I already lost you once for a year. I won’t lose
the man I love to a
in jail.”

I spoke too fast, without thinking, and revealed
everything I’d hidden from him. I spun for the door. Maddox grabbed me, forcing
me into his arms. My back pressed to his chest, and his thick arms coiled over
my waist.

“You still love me?” His words rasped, a fracturing

What was I supposed to say? “I never stopped.”

“Why did you break up with me?” he asked. I couldn’t
answer, not when both our lives were endangered by the admission. “You said you
didn’t want me anymore.”

I swallowed the truth. “I had to do what was best for

“I’ve never been what’s best for you,” he said. “But,
Sweets, you know I tried.”

“We can’t be together.”

“Why?” He moved closer, his scent enveloping me in every
spiced danger I recognized from my mistakes in the past.

Were they mistakes?

“I have to go,” I said.

“Stop fucking running from me!” He took my hand, gripping
as I tugged. “You love me.”

And because of that, I couldn’t save him. “I’m leaving.”

me, Josie!” Maddox’s eyes flared with a
dark, explosive threat. “I’ll prove that you can’t live without me.”

Maddox silenced my protests with the harsh bite of his

Every time I tried to run, he followed.

Anytime I fell, he caught me.

And whenever I denied my desire for him, he dominated my
body until I had no choice but to obey.

My heart shredded itself. Every resistance in my mind
faded until only delirious fantasies of him, for him, because of him remained.

“I’m gonna remind you what it means to be loved by me.”
Maddox’s words rumbled, threatening and wild. “You’ll count every bite. Hide
every bruise. Ignore every ache. By the time I’m done with you, you’re gonna
remember how much you love to be taken by me.”

I’d never forgotten, but I lived for the lesson. Problem
was it was

He led me to the bed and ignored me when I broke his kiss
to warn him to think clearly, rationally. But nothing was
Maddox. He existed in moments of passion. His touch was rough. His kiss too
intense. Nights with him were raw and demanding, and most mornings began with
an embrace wilder than the night before.

He was wrong for me.

I fell onto the bed.

He wanted too much from me.

My shirt pulled off.

His strength should have frightened me. He was too
powerful, straining with muscle, fierce from a life chiseled from the streets.
He was rough. He was feral.

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