Bad Boy's Last Race (21 page)

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Authors: Dallas Cole

BOOK: Bad Boy's Last Race
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agger squeezes my hand
. “We don’t have to do this if you’re not ready.”

I look down at the boot on my right foot. All things considered, I got away from my time with the cartel pretty unscathed. Seeing my ex-boyfriend shot dead in front of me—that was pretty horrifying, as much as I’m thrilled the bastard’s dead. And the terror of my abduction, of those dark hours under lockup with the cartel, then that final car crash—even a psychology grad student is bound to have issues after that, which is why I found myself a good shrink the moment I got discharged from the hospital. No sense burdening Jagger alone with my baggage. I’ll take all the professional help I can get.

But right now, seeing my friends and family again, I’m just embarrassed as shit about the boot. And about facing my sister again. Admitting that she was right, and I was wrong. Just like it’s always been.

“I’m ready.” I bring Jagger’s hand to my lips for a kiss. “As long as you’re at my side.”

“She’ll be fine. She and I had a good, long chat, after her lawyer friend brought all the exoneration paperwork around for me to sign.” He grins. “She misses you. She understands why you did what you had to do.”

“Spoken with the earnestness of someone who’s never had a big sister before,” I tell him. But I grin and swing my passenger’s door open. “Let’s do this.”

Jagger rushes around to my side to help me stand up. The boot thunks awkwardly into the gravel, but with Jagger at my side, who the fuck’s going to notice my limp? I link my hand in his and head toward the gate that leads into Darla’s backyard.

The warm smell of Darla’s and Hank’s barbeque grill floods over me. My mouth is already watering. Jagger unlatches the gate, and we walk into the garden that’s Darla’s transformed into a magical wonderland of soft garden lights, bright spring blooms, and all our friends and family gathered for the first barbeque of the season, tossing back some beer, eating steaks and burgers, lounging around Darla’s beautiful yard. Hank, standing over the grill, offers me a wave with his tongs before shrinking under the stare of his wife. My sister.

“Looking good.” Elena Drazic saunters up to us and hands us both freshly uncapped beers. “How’s it feel to have a whole new way to kick Jagger’s ass into shape?”

I laugh and clink my beer with hers. “He’s been pretty well-behaved. I’ve got him trained to fetch me tea, trashy magazines, ice cream . . . pretty much whatever I want.”

Elena laughs and pats Jagger on the head. “Good boy. I knew we’d send you to obedience school someday.”

Jagger bares his teeth at her. “I’m still a wolf at heart, baby.”

“I’m sure you are.” Elena smiles and takes in the scenery. “All kidding aside, Sophie, I’m so glad you’re sticking around. If you’re up to it, I’m sure Jagger would love it if you’d come to the tri-state circuit finals in a few weeks to cheer him on. I’ll be packing a picnic for all of us in the losers’ bracket.”

“I’d really love that, actually. Thank you.”

Lennox sneaks up behind Elena and coils his arms around her waist. “Glad you made it back to us safely, Sophie.” He turns toward Jagger. “And I hear Elena has a surprise waiting for you—”

“Shh! You weren’t supposed to tell!” She swats at his arm.

Jagger raises one eyebrow, and I know exactly what he’s hoping for. “Elena. Did you—”

“She’s not done yet.” Elena’s cheeks flush. “But she’ll be ready in time for the finals. Your Firebird’s getting all patched up.”

Jagger tosses his head back. “Seriously? You’re doing that for me? You fucking sly little—Thank you. I can’t thank you enough.” He pulls Elena and Lennox both into a bear hug. “Thank you.”

I grin and pat Elena’s shoulder once Jagger’s released them. “Thank you. Seriously. And for—well. And for coming back for me.”

Elena smiles warmly. “You’re family now, girl. You can’t get away from us as easily as all that.”

Jagger reaches for my hand. “I’m starving. Let’s get some slabs of meat.”

“I think I need to sit, actually,” I tell him. “Help me into that chair over there and then bring me some fried chicken, if you would.”

“As you wish.” Jagger winks and helps me hop toward the chair. I’m nestled safely in an alcove of plants and vines, with fairy lights strung up overhead. I watch Jagger saunter over toward the food table with a smile on my face.


I cringe. Darla.

She sinks into the seat opposite me, hands laced together in front of her. “Listen . . . I know you’ve been through a lot.”

“You’re gonna say ‘I told you so.’” I groan. “Or lecture me about trying to play games, getting in over my head . . .”

She shakes her head. “I get it. I really do. You love Jagger, and you thought going back to Tyler was the only way to save him. But Jesus fucking Christ, Soph. Give a girl a head’s up, okay?”

“Yeah, well, there shouldn’t be a next time.” I smile sadly. “So no worries there.”

“I know, I know.” She curls her hand over mine. “I just worry about you.”

“Well, with Tyler gone, I think things are looking way up for me.”

“Just don’t let Jagger turn out the same way.” Darla smiles. “No, I get it—he’s not even a
like Tyler was. He’s the fun kind of dangerous. I know you too well, sis—you need a little danger in your life.” She nudges my shoulder with her own. “I’m glad you picked his kind.”

I smile back at her. “Me too.”

“Mom! Aunt Sophie! Watch this!”

Ella and Jack come barreling toward us, Jagger hot on their heels. Jagger leans forward and scoops them both up, one under each arm, and executes a half-spin before letting them go crashing into the soft grass of Darla’s lawn. They squeal, try to stand up, then topple back over on each other with dizziness.

“Like that trick?” Jagger asks. “I told them if they can learn to get out of that one, then they can be good race car drivers someday.”

“Oh, god, no.” Darla clasps one hand to her chest. “I think one racer in the family is more than enough heartache for me.”

A tiny thrill runs down my spine that Darla’s calling Jagger

Darla stands, pats my shoulder, then pats Jagger’s, too, for good measure. “You’re welcome back here anytime you need, Sophie. And you too, Jagger. The garage apartment’s still yours.” She winks. “Though I suppose you like your current setup pretty well now.”

I blush. I’ve been living with Jagger ever since I got released from the hospital. And now that Jagger’s name is fully cleared, he tells me he’s got big plans to step up work around the Muscleworks. Triple their revenue. Meanwhile, the youth center has asked me to take on more hours as soon as I defend my thesis. I can see building a life in Ridgecrest once more. I can certainly see building one with

Jagger pulls me close as Jack and Ella shoot off in hunt of their next subject of torment. “What do you say we visit your apartment once more? For old time’s sake.”

I grin back at him. “I’d say you’re going to have to carry me up the stairs.”

He presses his forehead against mine with a laugh. “Done.”

Before I know it, he’s swinging me up into his arms. I cry and smooth down the ruffly skirt of my white eyelet dress before I put on a show for everyone. “A little warning, next time!”

“What, and miss that look on your face?” Jagger kisses my forehead and gives my hand a squeeze. “No way.”

I laugh the whole way up the stairs. Nash and Cyrus shout something up to us from the barbeque below, and Jagger answers them with a shit-eating grin and a raised middle finger. They dissolve into laughter as Jagger carries me into the cramped garage apartment and swings me onto the bed.

“Wow. Getting right down to business, huh?” I ask.

Jagger answers me with a deep kiss. It makes my heart race and my toes curl—even the broken ones. And I realize that this, right here, is bliss. I belong to him while still being free. It’s what I’ve been looking for all along.

Jagger slides one hand up my thigh and brushes his fingertips over my stomach. I suck in my breath. “I know the doctor said we had to be careful, but . . .”

“Please.” I laugh. “I’m sure we can get creative.”

“Oh, I’m nothing if not creative.” He winks, then slips his fingers beneath the waistline of my panties.

I gasp as he traces a long, slow circle around my clit. I’m already soaking wet, and that sly grin on his face, the one that promises so much more to come, isn’t helping matters. I curl my hips up to meet his hands. “Please. I need you bad.”

“I know you do.” Jagger laughs. “But we’ve got to be careful, remember?”

“Oh, for fuck’s sake. Get those goddamned jeans off already.”

He laughs and stands up, then sheds his clothes, ropy muscles bunching and stretching in a lurid show. My god, he’s so fucking hot. Lean muscle and dark ink and that grin that promises me the world. I know it can deliver. I always want to wake up to that grin, and see it, satisfied, when I go to sleep at night.

And nothing will stop me any longer. Nothing can stop us.

Jagger eases over me and slides my panties down and off. I’m already soaking wet at the thought of him, and he smiles as his fingers graze over it, too. “Now that’s my fucking girl.”

“All yours,” I growl.

He bends my good leg up and hooks it over his shoulder, then teases my thighs wider apart. “I’ll fuck you gently,” he says, voice husky. “But it’ll still be dirty as fuck.”

I sink my nails into his arm, desperate to latch onto him, to let him feel this pleasure and pain. “I wouldn’t expect anything less.”

He drags me toward him, where he stands at the foot of the bed, and with one leg slung over his shoulder, slides inside of me.

I groan as pleasure rocks through me. Holy fuck, how I’ve missed this. The past week’s nightmare of Tyler, kidnapping, and dramatic escape all eases away by his quick, rocketing thrusts. “Oh, fuck.”

Jagger laughs, and lowers one hand to massage my clit while he presses deeper into me. Electricity crackles through me at his touch. “I’ve missed you so bad.”

“I’ve missed
” I tense around him, and he sucks air through his teeth at the pleasurable shock.

“Just you wait,” Jagger says. “Soon as your foot heals up, I’m going to be fucking you twelve different ways to Sunday.”

“You win that race next week,” I tell him, “and I’ll be giving you road head all the way home.”

Jagger shudders and bucks against me. “Careful, baby.”

“Where’s the fun in that?”

In response, he slides his finger against me, teasing, feathering, pushing me closer toward ecstasy, and then, when I can’t take it anymore—

Holy shit, it’s like an avalanche.

My back lifts up off the bed as I arch and cry out. Everything bad is burned away in the heat of pleasure. It’s nothing but me and Jagger now. Nothing but open road and possibilities. And I’m so ready.

Jagger grunts and climaxes too, sweat glistening on the firm ridges of his chest and abs. I smile, weary and delirious, at him, drinking in the way he looks, never wanting to forget.

He slips out of me and lies down beside me. “I love you, Sophie.” He pulls me into his arms. “And I’m going to do whatever it takes to keep you safe.”

“But that’s the great thing. You already did.” I nestle back into him, as safe and warm as a girl can be. “You’ve set me free.”

He kisses my cheek. “We’re both free. And this is just our beginning.”

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