Read Bad Boys of Romance - a Biker Anthology Online

Authors: Kasey Millstead,Abigail Lee,Shantel Tessier,Vicki Green,Rebecca Brooke,Nina Levine,Morgan Jane Mitchell,Casey Peeler,Dee Avila

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Anthologies & Literary Collections, #General, #Short Stories, #Anthologies, #Romance, #Anthologies & Literature Collections, #Genre Fiction, #Collections & Anthologies

Bad Boys of Romance - a Biker Anthology (19 page)

BOOK: Bad Boys of Romance - a Biker Anthology
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He gets a cocky look on his face and his eyes sparkle. “Please. Call me, Dash.”

Oh, now the shirt I’m wearing makes sense.

I nod my head once and spin around to face my father. “I need to go shower and then get home. I have homework
to do,” I lie. “Excuse me,” I mumble and walk out of the office and start down the hall when I hear Erik speak to my father.

“Will you excuse me, sir?”

As I’m nearing the stairs I feel a hand on my upper arm. “What the…”

  I’m pulled into a hallway and pressed up against the wall. Before I can speak his hands are on my face and his lips are on mine.

I try to fight it, try to push him away, but instead my arms make their way around his neck. My body is still sore as hell from last night. And my pussy has been wet all morning. Although I can’t remember what all he did, my body sure as hell can. His kiss is slow and sweet. He takes his time as his tongue makes long strokes. 

              He pulls away and a moan slips past my lips. “You taste as good as I remember,” he mumbles. “Like candy.”

I don’t say anything as I stare into his eyes. He gives me a warm smile. “You left this morning without saying goodbye.”

“If I remember correctly, we never really said hello,” I whisper.

He chuckles. “You’re correct.” He leans back into me. “Hello
,” he whispers, sending chills down my body.

,” I answer breathlessly.

“I have something you might like
,” he says with a smirk on his face.

“I’m pretty sure I liked it
,” I respond still feeling the aftereffects from last night.

“Pretty sure?” he frowns. “Well, I will have to remind you of how much you
it later.” He runs his fingers down the side of my cheek. “You screamed my name so loud my ears are still ringing.” I inhale sharply. He lowers his face to mine and runs the tip of his nose down the side of my face. “You fucking loved every bit of it, darling,” he growls.

              My body trembles. He nuzzles my hair and inhales deeply. “You still smell like sex.” He pushes his erection into my lower belly. “Like me. And that shirt looks absolutely amazing on you.”

His hand slips under the hem of his shirt I’m wearing. They softly make their way up my sides
, and he cups my breasts. Thank God I lost my bra in his bedroom. “We can’t,” I choke on the words as his aggressive hands massage them roughly.

He lets out another chuckle. “I know.” He pulls back f
rom me and my tits instantly go cold when he pulls his hands away and reaches into his pocket. Pulling out something black that is inside his fist, he holds it out in front of me. “This is what I thought you would want.”

              I look at his hand and he opens it to reveal my black panties. I gasp before I snatch them out of his hand. “How did you know?” I narrow my eyes at him.

Did he know who I was last night?
Is that why he slept with me?

It wouldn’t be the first time a guy wanted to sleep with me because of my father’s fame.

He looks at me with a confused face. He goes to speak but I hold up my hand. “I’m glad you had fun last night but my father has already signed you, so that won’t be happening again.” I place my hands on his chest and shove him away from me.

“Wait. What?” he asks sounding confused
. I go to walk away from him, but he grabs my upper arm.

“Erik, you ready to finish up this meeting?” I hear my
dad ask.

He sighs as he holds onto my arm. “Yeah. Sure, Mr. Knight.” He looks down to me and whispers
, “This conversation isn’t over,” as he lets go of me.

              I take the stairs two at a time and head straight for my shower. I turn the water on scalding hot and jump in, scrubbing every inch of my body until it’s raw. He was right, I still smell like him, and I want it gone. The bastard used me. I mean in a way, I used him as well—self-satisfaction. But he used me to help further his career.














              Just my fucking luck! The girl I slept with at my party is the one and only Tabatha Knight.  Mr. Knight’s daughter. My new boss!

“Dude. I had no idea,” Blake says as he sits next to me on my couch while he holds my laptop. “I told you I had never met her.”             

“Go to images,” I say pointing to it.

He does and images of her start to pop up—her in the winner’s circle with racers; her dad by her side; her out at parties with a dark-haired man by her side. “Is that her ex?” I ask.

“One sec,” he says before he clicks on the link to his name. “Rodger Heath the third. Son of Rodger Heath and Shawna Heath…”

“Wait. Rodger Heath? As in the congressman?” I ask, standing up from the couch and looking down at him in shock.

“Yes,” he says just as shocked. He looks back down and starts to read the headline. “The two are still going strong after a year together. Are wedding bells in their near future?” He clicks on a few other links. A picture comes up of her and him walking out of a restaurant. She has her head down, and he has a hold of her arm tightly as if he’s dragging her behind him. He then looks at a few more links. Not one mentions their breakup. How long ago did they split? Could it be possible that the press doesn’t know about it yet?

“What are you going to do?” he asks getting my attention.
He has a hard look on his face as he stares up at me from my laptop.

“What I always do. I always get what I want,” I state. You think I give a rat’s ass that her ex is Rodger Heath? Fuck no!

“You’ve already had her.”

I shake my head. “I want her again.” She was different. She was wild, just like I knew she would be. Valerie was so boring, and I always had to be in control. Tabatha was crazy and full of passion. I could feel it in the way she touched me. Her body screamed for a release.

“You know her dad will kick you off the team if he catches the two of you together?” He closes the laptop and looks up at me. “I mean, look who she was with.”

I roll my eyes but inside I am wondering the same thing. I mean, look at their fathers. Talk about a power couple. “Probably,” I say in all honestly. But Mr. Knight told me he isn’t where he is today without taking risks. And she is a risk I’m willing to take.






































“You’re joking?” Jackie asks rubbing suntan lotion on her white as snow skin.

“I wish I was
,” I say lying on a lawn chair by my parents’ pool. It’s been two days since the day I came home to find Dash sitting in my father’s office. And I’m still as pissed as I was the second I realized he knew who I was.

It was my fault. I was stupid enough to sleep with him without even bothering to find out who he was. I just wanted someone to get over Rodger
, and of course like a slut, I jumped in bed with the first guy that I found attractive.

“How could he have known who you were though?”

“The internet.” I roll my eyes behind my Dolce shades. “There’s pictures of me on there with my father’s racing team.” She knows this.

“But in the past they dated you for a little bit while they tried to get close to your dad. Erik had already been signed.”

I shake my head. “Technically he was signing that very next morning,” I remind her.

“It doesn’t make sense. I can’t see him doing that.”

I arch an eyebrow. “Oh? Are you two best friends now?”

She shakes her head. “I just saw the way he looked at you the night of his party. Trust me when I say this. He was thinking how to get you up to his bed
—not how you could further his racing career.”

I close my eyes as I turn over onto my stomach to let my back get some sun. We lie basking in the sun in silence for a few minutes until I hear Jackie speak.

“I, uh, am going to go get something to eat. Want anything?” she asks sounding flustered.

“Sure. Bring me some ice cream.” Aunt
Flow is about to visit and my main craving is ice cream. Mint chocolate chip is to die for.

She doesn’t respond, but I hear her get up and her feet slap against the hot concrete as she walks away.

                I let out a long sigh as those gray eyes come to mind. I wish I could forget what happened that night at his party. It’s all I see now. I liked it better when my memory was still hazy and hung-over.

We crash through his bedroom door. He shoves my back against the door slamming it shut in the process. His lips are on mine as his tongue shoves its way into my mouth. I feel his hands on the hem of my shirt and he goes to pull his mouth away to lift my shirt. But I grab ahold of him and pull him into me. His hands rise and rip my shirt off as I moan into his mouth. My bra disappears and his hand lands on my breast roughly. He takes my nipple between two fingers and pinches it so hard I pull away and scream out.

I’m panting and pushing my hips into him, needing more. I drop to my knees and start to undo his belt. “Shit,” he hisses placing his hands behind his head as I free his rather large dick. I lick my lips and take his hard dick into my mouth.

He then slams a fist against the door as the other hand finds its way into my hair. I pull him to the back of my throat and his nails dig into my scalp. I pull away as I lick up his long hard shaft. I come to the top and swirl my tongue around the head.

“God, Tabatha,” he growls, as his other hand finds its way into my hair as well. He grips it tightly and pushes his hips forward. I suck taking him to the back once again. “Fuck,” he hisses. “I wanna fuck you so hard...” I moan around his cock in my mouth and relax my mouth giving him permissions to do whatever the hell he wants to me.

For once in a long time I want to be fucked so hard where I can’t stand afterwards.

              “You’re going to burn.” A familiar man’s voice cuts through my thoughts.

              My eyes spring open, and I fumble to get off of the lounge chair and up onto my feet. My feet get tangled in my chair and I’m about fall into the pool when two strong arms grab me around the waist and I’m pulled into a hard body.

I let out a breath as my heart pounds against his chest. I watch the frown on his face from behind my sunglasses. I tighten my legs as the memory of what we did still lingers in my mind.

He reaches up and pushes my glasses to the top of my head. I blink a few times from the harsh sunlight. “You should be more careful,” he warns.

“Of you?”
Why do I sound so breathless?

He shakes his head. “I finally realized what you were so upset about. And I promise you that I had no idea who you were that night of my party.”

“You’re lying,” I say starting to get myself under control.

“I promise. I’m not.”

“What are you doing here?” I ask trying to pull out of his arms but he doesn’t let me go.

“I just wanted to talk to you. To make sure you understood I didn’t take you to bed with the wrong intentions.”

I let out a rough laugh hoping it hides my discomfort of wanting a repeat of that night. “Yeah. Because just getting your dick wet is a much better excuse.”

He gives me a slow and sexy smile. “Darling, you wanted it just as bad as I did.”
He then runs the back of his knuckles down the side of my cheek. “If I remember correctly, you instigated it.”

“Me?” I
gape up at him.

He nods. “The way your eyes raked over me. The way you bent over the pool table and pushed your ass out. I paid attention.” I huff. “You knew what you were doing
,” he says, giving me a devious smile.

BOOK: Bad Boys of Romance - a Biker Anthology
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