Read Bad Boys of Romance - a Biker Anthology Online

Authors: Kasey Millstead,Abigail Lee,Shantel Tessier,Vicki Green,Rebecca Brooke,Nina Levine,Morgan Jane Mitchell,Casey Peeler,Dee Avila

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Anthologies & Literary Collections, #General, #Short Stories, #Anthologies, #Romance, #Anthologies & Literature Collections, #Genre Fiction, #Collections & Anthologies

Bad Boys of Romance - a Biker Anthology (29 page)

BOOK: Bad Boys of Romance - a Biker Anthology
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“Just make sure you describe me as the hot and sexy guy I am.” Our heads turn swiftly to the sexy, low voice of Steele walking into the room. I giggle as I watch him walk over to the cabinet, get out a cup and then pour himself some coffee. Betsy
hits my arm as we watch him turn around, raising the cup up to his full lips, taking a sip and his eyes closing. His no shirt and jeans attire makes my heart beat for another reason, and I hit Betsy’s arm as I see her staring at his chest and abs.

“What? Research! I am you’re best assistant,” she laughs.

Steele walks over to us, bends down kissing my good cheek, and then walks behind me, and sits down. “So, Steele…. This is Betsy. Betsy…. Steele.”

“I remember her from the first night you came into the bar, barely,” he smiles looking straight into my eyes. Damn!

“Well, thanks, I think,” she laughs, and then we proceed to have a great time. I sit there and watch them banter back and forth, and it fills my life full of happiness, even under these weird circumstances. But that’s how my life rolls.

Chapter Six

We spend the day helping Kallie unpack more, but I insisted she rest and let us do most of the work. Of course, she put up a fight. Stubborn woman and so freakin’ sexy. That didn’t help with my cock already wanting to be inside her. Fuck! I called Charley to see if I could take off another night, and she only laughed and said ‘see ya tomorrow’. I owe her a lot. Every once in a while, Kallie gasps loudly, as she sits on the couch with her laptop and watching her books climb the charts. I’m so fucking proud of her. It must have been hard leaving the comfort of her daddy’s money and making it on her own. Another reason why I love her so much. What? I smile as my heart beats wildly with the feelings that just overtook me. How can I love her already, how can I be so sure so fast? I guess fate doesn’t care how or when. I look over at her, from the last box I’m unloading, and smile.

A little bit later, as I’m taking a break and drinking a beer, she gets off her phone with a scared look on her face. “I guess I’m going to see this plastic surgeon tomorrow morning to take a look at my face.” I watch as her eyes fill with tears. “I haven’t even looked at it myself, yet,” she whispers. I’m off my chair in an instant and squatting down in front of her, taking her hand in mine.

“I’ll go with you, if you want. Let me be there for you, baby.” She leans up and throws her arms around me and mine move around her quickly, holding her as tight as I can. “We’ll get through this together. Let me be your rock.” I rub her back as I hear her sob into my chest and her body shakes. “Either way, you’re the most beautiful person I’ve ever known, inside and out.” I take my hands and grasp her upper arms, moving her back from me but just enough that I can look at her tear stained face. “Want me to look for you? I’m used to stitches.” I raise my left arm, still bandaged over the stitches and think quickly that I should be removing them about now. She doesn’t speak, only nods, and I give her a smile. I release my hold and carefully remove the bandage off her face, trying to keep a straight look on my face. I cringe on the inside at the look of it but give her a grin. “It’s not that bad. I think going to the plastic surgeon and hearing what they can do for you will put your mind at ease.”

She nods sadly and I put the bandage back in place, and she puts her face against my chest again as her arms move back around me. “Thank you for being with me. Thank you for wanting to be my rock.”

We spend the rest of the day and night, unpacking boxes, and she helped with what she could in between some naps. The next day I take her over to her doctor’s appointment and sit in the waiting room, which is driving me fucking nuts, but I think it was worse for the patients in there as I was making them crazy. When she came out of the door, my head snapped to her, and her face is full of tears. I quickly walk to her, taking her in my arms, whisper words of comfort. Well, I hope they were comforting to her.

Now, I’m taking her to a car lot since she told me outside the doctor’s building that she needs a good reliable car, but nothing fancy. She told me she doesn’t think she’ll be going out much as her surgery is planned for next week once her stitches are removed. My heart bleeds for her but deep inside I know she’ll be okay. I’ll make sure of it.

“This is it! This is the one! I love it!” She shrieks as she points at a black Jeep.

“You’re so girly,” I laugh as I walk to her side, placing my arm around her slim waist and pulling her close to me. “Well, get in and let’s take her for a test drive, see what she’s got.” I look around and find a sales person and motion for them to come over. “Yo, she wants to take this for a drive.” Kallie giggles beside me, and we wait for a couple of minutes for the sales person to get the key. They walk up to us and hand her the key, telling us not to drive too far and enjoy the test drive.

“WE want to take it for a test drive,” Kallie responds as she takes the key and looks up at me with a huge smile on her beautiful face.

We get in and the new car smell invades me, and I smile as she starts it up. She drives it around, a smile on her face the entire time. She pulls off the side of the road, gets out and walks around, opening my door, and tilts her head. I get out and run to the drives side and put it in drive. As I drive it, I have to admit it’s got a lot of power. Finally, I drive it back to the lot, and she tells them she’ll take it. I watch her go through the paperwork and haggle for a lower price, which she finally gets, and then I follow her back to her apartment on my bike. Once we’ve parked, she gets out of her new Jeep and throws her arms around me, her mouth pressing against mine, and I’m lost in her warmth. I couldn’t be happier than I am right in this moment in time.

She works on putting the last of her things away, and then I ask her to help me remove my stitches. I’m sitting on her bathroom counter and watching her cute face as her eyes squint and her nose scrunches up as she carefully removes them. Once she’s finished she looks up into my eyes and then into the mirror behind me. “It’s okay if you don’t want to see it,” I tell her as she moves slightly from me and stands directly at the mirror. “You told me the doctor said there’s a great chance of no scarring so that’s great news, right?”

She nods, then I watch as her hands move up to the bandage and slowly pulls it away. She gasps, tears filling her eyes quickly, as her body sways, and I grab hold of her arm, steadying her. “Oh, my God, Steele. It’s horrible.” I jump off the counter and wrap my arms around her waist.

“No matter what, you’ll always be beautiful to me,” I whisper as we both look in the mirror. I watch in the glass as her eyes move to mine, and she smiles a little then turns around, her mouth crashing against mine. I have no idea of time as we stand there loving each other. In that moment, in that time, I knew my heart belonged to her.

“I don’t want you to go to work. I need more time with you,” she whines as I get ready for work. Yesterday was filled with fun, excitement, sadness, love and making love to her last night putting everything into perspective for me. I lean over, pulling down my t-shirt, and kiss her luscious full lips.

“After tonight, you’ll have me all the time. Okay, well, more time than normal. I’m packing up my shit before I go to the bar and Tiny’s bringing it over in the morning. Then, my love,” I kiss her smiling lips again, “next week right after your surgery, I start at the bar just down the street. So we’ll spend a lot of time together until then. It’s a classier place, one that you can come over and hang while I work, and I’ll be in your bed every night.”

“Our bed,” she whispers as she kisses me this time.

“Our bed. Fuck, I love the sound of that.”

She moves in closer to me, although I’m not sure if that’s possible, and kisses my lips once again but longer. “I love when you say ‘fuck’ and ‘bed’ in the same sentence.” Shit, there went my cock pushing against my jeans.

I bring my hand underneath her hair and grasp the back of her neck, pulling those luscious lips to me again. My tongue plays hide and seek with hers, as I press against her mouth, hard. “You’re still trying to heal so I suggest a nap while I’m at work and then be ready for me when I get home in the early hours,” I say against her mouth.

“Mmmmm, that sounds like a threat, sexy biker man, but one I’m dying to accept.” I kiss her again, not wanting to go, and finally move back.

“Til later, baby.” She smiles as I walk away, and I have to take a deep breath as I close the front door behind me and adjust myself. It’s gonna be fucking hard to work tonight, pun very much intended.


ᵴ    ᵴ    ᵴ    ᵴ


“I know! I’m writing as fast as I can. Did you get the last few chapters in your email this morning?” Betsy is making me crazy with the pressure to get this book done, and she knows it and I think she is feeding off it. And I love her for it. It keeps me determined.

“Yes! You wild woman! Why do you think I’m calling you? I’ve already read them, edited them and love them so much that’s why I’m trying to get you to hurry your pretty ass up. This is totally a best seller!” She talks so fast she’s making my still aching head spin.

“My ass isn’t what’s writing this book.” I laugh.

“Is Doug working on the cover? Shit, I can’t wait to see it! He’s fucking amazing!”

I smile and my heart races. “Yes, he said he would send the mockups over by early evening. Damn, I wish Steele could see them then. He has to wait until he gets off work, or morning.” I smile to myself thinking about what we’ll be doing after he gets home.

“He wasn’t mad about you taking pictures of him knowing he was gonna be on the cover? Shit, this is gonna be the hot
test cover alive!” I giggle and hear a knock on my front door and am confused since you can’t get in the building without access or someone letting you in.

“Hey, gotta go. I’ll call you back in a little bit,” I say
ending the call but not before I hear her sputtering about not hanging up. I’m on cloud nine. Everything is coming together in my life. Suddenly, I stop dead in my tracks. Oh, my God! I love him! I love Steele. This fact just hits me smack in my face and heart, and am now reeling at the fact that I absolutely love him. I always knew, deep down, in my gut that he was the one for me. It seems so fast, but really who gives a shit. When you’re in love, you’re in love. There is no time factor, no destiny of when and where it happens. Now I’m over the moon with happiness as I get to the front door, look through the peephole and everything awesome in my life just came to a screeching halt. Daddy.

I take a deep breath, letting it out as I unlock the door and open it, holding on to the frame and glare at him. “What do you want and how in the hell did you get into the building. I swear I’m gonna have to talk to the manager and….”

“I told them I was the pizza boy,” he smirks and then winks at me. Oh, really?

“Ugh. What do you want, Daddy? I’m very busy.” He nods as he walks into my place, and I roll my eyes and then follow him into the living room.

“This is a very nice place, Princ…. Kallie. Is the new Jeep outside yours too?” I nod slowly wondering where he’s going with all this. “Good. Glad my money could be useful to you. I’m glad to see that you look better than the last time I saw you. Are you having plastic surgery on your, uh….” He points to the uncovered and unstitched cut on my face, and I cover it self-consciously with my hand. “Well, I hope you are and wish you the best of luck. If it heals properly be sure to let me know and maybe you can start coming to my banquets again. I’d hate for you not to have money to survive.” Anger boils within me, my fist clenching, but the tears I’m trying to hold back start appearing.

“She doesn’t need your filthy money.”

I turn around quickly when his strong, growling voice sounds behind me.

“Son, I don’t know who in the fuck you are but this is my daughter and….”

“I’m not your son and your daughter….” He walks over to me, putting his arm around my waist. “She’s the strongest, most self-sufficient, most beautiful woman I’ve ever known. She has the biggest heart and can make more money than you with her fucking eyes closed. I suggest you leave before I get even more pissed off than I already am.”

My eyes look over at Daddy and watch when he puts his finger against his mouth as he laughs. He starts to walk passed us and stops. “Well, I’m glad to see your taste in vile men hasn’t changed.” He walks passed Steele, his arm hitting against Steele’s shoulder hard. My hand pushes against Steele’s chest as he growls and starts to go after him. Daddy stops at the doorway and turns his head. “If you change your mind you know how to get in touch with me. I really do hope you have a happy
life….” His eyes move up and down Steele. “With your new infatuation.” He closes the door behind him, and I move around in front of Steele.

“He’s not worth it, babe.”
His eyes move to mine, his arms bring me closer to him and I lay my head down against his chest. “Don’t let him get to you or use me for breaking us apart.”

His hand rubs my back and the other
on the back of my head, and I feel him kiss the top. “Nothing will tear us apart, baby. Certainly not him.”

My head raises and tilts as I look at him in confusion. “Why are you home already? Shouldn’t you be at the bar for your last night?”

His smile brightens up his sexy face, and he leans into me. “Charley and Joe told me to ‘get the hell out’, their words. Said I was no good to them when I was a sick puppy dog, longing for my girl, so I said my goodbyes and told them we would come there one night and celebrate, soon.”

I lean up and kiss his perfect mouth and smile against it. “Well, let’s go do some celebrating of our own then.” My eyes go wide, and I let out a gasp when he suddenly leans down, picks me up in his arms, my mouth crashing against his as he carries me to our bedroom. He gently lays me on the bed, our kiss breaking as he removes my shirt. I reach up to pull his shirt up when he leans up, grabs the back and pulls it over his head. He looks down at me with intenseness in his eyes as he pulls on the waistband of my jeans, grabbing my panties with them,
then moves back and removes them from me completely. My hands undo the button on his jeans. I slowly pull down on the zipper, my eyes staring into his. He stands briefly taking them and his boxers off quickly then crawls back onto the bed and in between my legs, his eyes never leaving mine.

His strong hands cup each side of my face and my lips part as my breathing becomes heavier. “You’re the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen, Kallie. That will never change in my eyes. I love you, baby.” I let out a sob as his lips press against mine, and his thick cock thrusts inside me. My arms move around his neck. My fingers thread into his hair, and my legs clasp around his waist, the heels of my feet digging into his firm bottom, as our movements become one. We both cry out, one after the other, calling out each other’s
name as our climaxes are reached, and then he pulls the covers over us. As he is holding me in his arms and I know right then, his heart belongs to me.

BOOK: Bad Boys of Romance - a Biker Anthology
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