Read Bad Boys Online Online

Authors: Erin McCarthy

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Romance, #Anthologies, #Contemporary, #Collections & Anthologies

Bad Boys Online (17 page)

BOOK: Bad Boys Online
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Turning to the side, she pushed the jeans down over her hips, her hands gliding along the rounded curve of her ass. His mouth went dry.

She had on different panties than earlier. These were fire engine red. Rip them off me red.

To think when he’d stepped into Harold’s office today he had thought he would be able to resist her. He’d never stood a chance.

Candy held onto his table while she kicked off her boots and stepped out of the jeans. She turned to him, wearing nothing but those satiny panties. Her tongue slipped out and moistened her lips.

Jesus. He was so goddamn lucky.

“Much better than girly cat pajamas,” he managed to say.

She smiled. Two steps and she was in front of him. He wrapped his arm around her back and closed the remaining inches between them. Running his mouth along her salty skin, he sucked lightly just below her ribcage.

“Good enough to eat,” he murmured.

Candy climbed onto his lap, straddling him. “You’re overdressed for the part.”

“So are you.”

“I’m only wearing panties.”

“That’s too much.”

He was distracted by the tantalizing view of her flushed breasts directly in front of his mouth. Forgetting about stripping off her panties for now, he focused on the obvious.

With his tongue.

Back and forth, over and around, slicking her nipple, nibbling and pulling on the taut skin. She smelled like spring, fresh and alive, and he held onto the small of her back, keeping her close to him.

Candy tried to move away from him. “No, stop. I can’t take it.”

Jared moved to her other breast and gave it the same extended treatment. “Yes, you can. You can take it all.”

“I can’t.” Her ass rubbed against his thighs and she tried to rock up on his cock with the front of her panties.

He shifted out of the way of her touch, his finger working the other nipple he didn’t have his mouth around.

Candy moaned. “Jared, I don’t want to come yet. You’re going to make me come.”

That was the plan.

She went up on her knees, hitting his bare arm with her inner thighs as she struggled to get her breasts away from him. Jared felt the cool dampness of her desire on his skin.

That got him to pull back and look down into his lap. The middle of her red satin panties was dark with moisture, and the stain was spreading.

Man, she was sexy.

He brought his thumb over her mound, tracing the damp spot on her panties. “You’re a little wet, aren’t you?”

She wiggled around as if she could somehow shift his finger inside her panties. “I’m

He laughed softly, but Candy didn’t. She reached out and ripped his shirt apart, sending buttons in three directions. He was so shocked he hit his back against the bars of the wooden chair he was sitting on. He stared at her in a horny stupor.

“I’ve always wanted to try that,” she said, shoving his sleeves down his arms to puddle at his wrists.

“You did it like an old pro.”

Candy didn’t answer, just ran her fingers across his bare chest, scraping her nails. Her eyes were trained on him.

“You’re such a hottie,” she said finally, her searching hands moving up to his shoulders to stroke and caress.

Jared had never been called a hottie before. Coming from anyone else, he would have taken serious exception. From Candy, it pleased the hell out of him.

He couldn’t wait another damn minute. He wanted to taste her again. Grabbing the back of her head, he pulled her forward until their lips met in a grinding wild kiss, full of slippery lips and pushy tongues.

Hands in her panties, he squeezed her firm ass, dipping his thumbs to brush on the underside of each cheek.

Candy pinched his nipples, driving him nuts, while she moved up and down on him, the movements as raw and lacking in finesse as their continued kiss.

Jared rocked the chair back, wanting Candy to slide forward in his lap. She did, her breasts landing against his chest as she squeezed her thighs around his legs.

It felt like he was sailing through the floor, rocking with passion, caught somewhere between reality and ecstasy.

He pulled her lip into his mouth to suck hard. And a minute later he really was sailing through the air.

Candy jerked at the jolt that kicked her in the gut when Jared tugged on her lip. She threw her arms forward and wound up knocking Jared’s knees with her calves.

Mouths still wrapped around each other, Candy heard him make a startled sound before they both went over with an obnoxious crash as the chair slammed into the floor.

Candy blinked and caught her breath as she landed hard on Jared. He was flat on his back, staring up at her like he had no idea what had just happened.

“Are you okay?”

He nodded. “You?”

His hand returned to fondling her bottom, so she knew he wasn’t injured. “I’m great. Better than great.”


He touched her chin, guiding her down to him for a kiss. It was a soft gesture, tender, and Candy gave up trying to pretend that she wasn’t head over heels for Jared. He was still serious, strong, and sexy as hell, but he also looked almost sweet.

The kiss was sweet as well, but it shifted quickly. It expanded, quickened, Jared’s whiskers rubbing her chin raw. She didn’t care, she just wanted to feel him, taste him. Her breasts were brushing against his chest, making her ache for more.

Before she could beg for that, Jared said, “Let me get my pants off. Then you can take the top.”

“Condom?” she said, as she detached herself from his lap. She sat on the floor as he rolled off the chair and got rid of his pants.

“Got it.” Jared pulled a whole box out of his pants pocket.

Candy fought the urge to lick her lips. That was a lot of condoms. Maybe Jared had more in mind than just tonight.

He righted the chair and sat back in it, the condom already rolled on. “Come have a seat.”

Still on the floor, Candy bent her knees up and slid her panties down, leaving them carelessly where they fell. She stood up and stopped in front of Jared, placing her hands on his shoulders to brace herself.

Closing her eyes half way, she moved her legs on either side of the chair. Then let out a startled cry when Jared’s finger found its way inside her.

“Just making sure you’re still ready.”

“I’m ready.” She meant to move back out his reach, but somehow her body rocked the wrong way. Forward. Onto his finger.

He gave a soft laugh. “If you like one so much, you’ll like two even better.”

Another finger slid alongside the first, fitting her snugly as he went deep inside her. When his other hand reached out and stroked her clitoris, Candy cried out.

“Of course, if you like this, you’ll like the real thing even better.”

She nodded. He withdrew his fingers.

Candy used her hand to guide him, then sank down onto the length of Jared, biting her lip as she did. Pausing a moment, she swallowed hard, enjoying the curse that flew out of Jared’s mouth.

But when she tried to ride him, she discovered a problem. “I can’t move on you like this. There’s nothing to push off of.”

Her feet were trapped behind his knees.

But Jared nibbled on her shoulder. “No problem. I can move.”

His first thrust was slow and gentle, but within seconds, he had dissolved into hard, urgent movements that left her gasping. Each thrust sent her up into the air and she clung to him, pinching his skin and digging in with her nails.

The angle sent him deep into her, robbing her of her breath. Her nipples hit his chest, and the light brush of his hard ab muscles against her clitoris was a cruel tease.

Jared stopped without warning.

“What?” she moaned, trying again in vain to pull herself up and down on him.

He didn’t say anything, just stood up with her still on him in an impressive muscular move. He rocked once into her, then lowered her to her feet.

“Standing up?” she asked with a grin, waiting for him to start moving again. She couldn’t work this angle either, she wasn’t tall enough.

He didn’t grin back. His eyes were dark, searching. “Actually I want you to turn around. Will you let me do that?”

She saw what he was doing. Jared was asking her to trust him. To understand that he wasn’t like her ex. She knew that already and she wanted him to know she trusted him with everything. Even her heart.

Candy pulled back until he was no longer inside of her. “Yes, I’ll let you do that.”

Then she turned around and splayed her hands on the dining room table, bending over a little.

“You’re incredible,” Jared murmured before easing himself into her vagina from behind.

He wasn’t so bad either. Candy closed her eyes as he went in and out, thrusting harder. She pushed her hips back to meet him and felt her orgasm building up inside her. She was tight and on the edge already when his finger snaked around and rubbed her clitoris.


His answer was a push so hard and deep that she lost her grip on the table and stumbled forward. Her hand landed in a plateful of pasta, now cold. It stayed there while she cried out her orgasm, shuddering and arching her back.

“Candy.” Jared removed his finger from her as he came, holding onto her hips and pulsing into her.

His orgasm blended with the final waves of hers, and she closed her eyes to feel him. All of him, filling her from deep inside.

Candy squeezed her inner muscles and was rewarded with another shudder from Jared before he leaned heavily against her back. His weight felt good, solid, steady.

Her racing heart quieted down and she pried her eyes open. Dragging a breath in, she looked in front of her and giggled.

“What?” His breath tickled her hot skin under her shoulder blade.

She held her right hand up. “I fell in the dinner.”

“Whoops.” Then he leaned over and pulled her fingers into his mouth, running each finger up and down thoroughly.

A burst of fresh desire hit her between the thighs. She was fully aware that Jared had hardened again inside her.

“Mmm. Tastes good.”

Then he pulled out of her and dropped her hand.

“Tease,” she said as she leaned on the table and watched him remove the condom. She had no interest in moving right now, even if it meant her behind was in the air. She felt too good to move.

“You won’t be calling me a tease in a minute when I get another condom on.”

“What do you need another condom for? I thought we might do some work on Chunky Chocolate.”

“Screw Chunky Chocolate,” he said over his shoulder as he went down the hall to the bathroom. “The only thing I’m going to do with chocolate is melt it and lick it off your body.”

There was an idea. Candy wondered where the nearest store was that carried those flavored massage oils the online counseling had recommended.

As she pondered the delights of licking chocolate off Jared, she finally looked around the condo. During their short-lived dinner, she hadn’t looked anywhere but at him. Now she could see it was a nice place.

He decorated like he dressed. Simple, classic. With a touch of rugged. Most of his furniture was in burgundy, and his dining room table was a rich mahogany, while the walls were stark white.

“You like that position, don’t you?” he asked as he came back, strutting a bit like a rooster in her opinion.

“What do you mean?” She forced her uncooperative muscles to move, and finally stood up.

“You spent half the day in Harold’s office bent over just like that. Only you were wearing clothes then.”

“I was starting to wonder if you had even noticed I was shaking my tail at you,” she said, stretching her arms over her head. “I kept dangling bait, and you wouldn’t take it.”

“Is that what you were doing?” His hands landed on her breasts and massaged. “But why were you baiting me?”

“I thought if you and I… well, that I would enjoy it. And I have.”

“Then enjoy it again.”

Before she could even moan out a yes, Jared had picked her up in his arms and tossed her a little to get a better grip.

“Oh! Well, aren’t you the man?”

His left hand was under her bottom and his right wrapped around her back holding her without strain. Lord, she knew she wasn’t that light, but he made it look effortless.

“Your man,” he said, and rubbed his nose along the side of her face.

The words were spoken lightly, but Candy heard something there that was not her imagination. It was there in Jared’s eyes, and in the soft touch of his nose and lips along her cheek.

He sounded as intrigued as she was by their new relationship.

The bedroom wasn’t far. Jared laid her down in the middle of the big bed and laced his fingers with hers.

“This time let’s take turns being on top. Who should go first?”

Candy thought about getting a good grip on the sheet and really working Jared. She didn’t bother to mask her enthusiasm for the idea. “Me.”

A second later she thought to add, “Please.”

Jared laughed. He rolled over onto his back and reached for her. “Since you asked so nice.”

Chapter Eight

They were lying in bed a couple of hours later, Candy safely tucked in the crook of his arm. Jared stared at the ceiling, yawning in contentment.

“Do you think this is what Harold had in mind?”

Candy stirred a little. “I really don’t think so. But you know, we should go back and finish the counseling. Otherwise Harold might find us out.”

Jared wasn’t exactly shaking in his boots. “So what? As long as we get Chunky’s ad done, then why would he care?”

“It will take five minutes. We’ll do it on your computer here at home.”

Five minutes? Please. Once they started answering those questions, they’d wind up right back in bed again. “Let’s just look at Internet porn instead,” he joked.


She sat up and gave him a stern look. “And by the way, I bared my soul to you about my ex-husband.”

“You bared a lot of things.” His hand drifted to her behind.

“I’m serious. I told you everything, and you didn’t tell me anything. When was the last time you were with a woman?”

He hated these kind of questions. They were designed purely to get men in trouble with women. Next she’d be asking him if she looked fat.

BOOK: Bad Boys Online
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