Bad Cat Baby Blues (Shifter Squad Six 3) (7 page)

Read Bad Cat Baby Blues (Shifter Squad Six 3) Online

Authors: Anya Nowlan

Tags: #BBW, #Navy SEALs, #Military, #Forbidden Pregnancy, #Menage, #Action & Adventure, #Romance, #Shifters, #Paranormal, #Fiction, #Forever Love, #Adult, #Erotic, #Shifter, #Mate, #Suspense, #Violence, #Supernatural, #Protection, #Bachelor, #Single Woman, #Shifter Squad Six, #Werejaguar, #Interracial

BOOK: Bad Cat Baby Blues (Shifter Squad Six 3)
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Somehow, she doubted it was going to be that easy.

Dutch slammed the laptop shut and stood up, affording Ari a good look at his strong, limber body as he stalked across the room. He shoved the computer on a metallic shelf and picked up his heavy sniper rifle case, carrying it across the room. Even when he noticed her watching him, she didn’t tear her gaze away, but only added a sly smile to it.

The corners of his mouth twitched upward and he shook his head slightly, sitting down on the bunk again across from hers. There were a few feet of distance between them but it could have been miles for what it felt like. Dutch opened the case and his hands went to work immediately, putting together the huge rifle with such ease and speed that his motions were almost a blur.

“How long have you been a sniper?” she asked, feeling her throat get a bit dry now that they were getting off of
work talk.

“Almost ten years now,” he said, not looking up from his task.

“Why did you leave the service? I assume you were a SEAL as well?”

“Why did you?” he asked, flicking a look at her that was unreadable.

It made her want to know everything all the more keenly.

“I asked you first,” she said, bemusement in her tone.

“What is this, grade school?” he snorted, his eyebrows furrowing.

He had a strong jaw and the slight sweep of his Roman nose was oddly sexy. But his hands were even sexier. The way they moved with deft precision, muscles tensing and knotting as he assembled the rifle made Ari cross her legs, squeezing her thigh muscles. Damn, watching him work was hot as sin. She bet doing something more fun with him would be even better.

The pause lingered between them and she finally gave in. Her pride wasn’t important enough to let the conversation lull.

“I left because I couldn’t watch friends die anymore,” she admitted.

That afforded her a nod, his lips getting thin. It wasn’t a simple reaction. She could see his shoulders hunch a little and a wave of recognition coil through his body, almost like an invisible hand squeezing around him before releasing. Whatever it was that made him respond that way, Ari could recognize repressed pain when she saw it.

I wonder what he’s hiding…

“Your turn.”

“I left because it wasn’t home anymore,” he said.

“Do you have a home now?” she asked, crossing her arms over her chest.

Her eyes went to his ring finger, confirming for the fifteenth time that hour that there wasn’t a band there, or even a shadow of one, a tan line, anything. As much as she was intrigued by him, she would have never made a move on a married guy. Something in her stilled for the time it took for him to shake his head, adamantly hoping that he was going to say no.

“I have my brothers now,” he offered, pulling the rifle to his shoulder and leaning forward to look through the scope before lowering it, satisfied with it.

“But they’re the same kind of guys that were in the service, aren’t they?” she asked, slightly confused by his answer.

Dutch’s hands stopped, those strong, powerful fingers pausing on the smooth metal, and Ari could feel the lump in her throat get a tad tighter. She wished badly that his hands were on hers, and her jaguar purred at the thought. All of it was positively ridiculous, because she was never the kind of woman to lose her cool over a man. But Dutch? Hell, he seemed like he was worth it.

“They’re not. All of these guys, they’ve lost something. A part of themselves, mostly,” he said, training his eyes on Ari and making her world focus intensely on him while he spoke. “They’re my brothers. I’ve had others, but they’re no more. So I guess my reason is the same as yours,” he finished, the sternness of his expression lingering, brooding.

“But you could lose them again,” she said, wishing she could tell herself to shut up, but impressively failing at it.

“I could,” he agreed, smirking dryly. “But a man fights harder than anything for his family.”

The lump in her throat relaxed and she could swallow it down. The fact that he was so passionate about those he loved really resonated with her, and a big part of her got very busy pondering what kind of a partner he would be. Would he be a good father? Would he devote himself to his family like he did his crew? The answer seemed to be a resounding yes, but why she started wondering about it was a mystery Ari didn’t quite want to unravel.

Those gray-blue eyes seemed to consider her for a moment too long, rolling over her in more than simple casual interest. She’d caught him looking several times, but he had kept his tone neutral, his words careful around her since their little flirting after her identity was revealed.

A mischievous thought ran through her mind, egging her on. Maybe she could make the unflappable soldier play again…

“Can I try it?” she asked, pointing at the rifle.

That caught him off guard.

“Why?” he asked, an automatic reaction.

“I’ve never held a real sniper rifle before. Assault rifles for me, mostly. Never had the sureness of hand, I guess. I’d like to know what one feels like,” she said.

“It’s heavy,” he warned, indecision evident in his voice.

“I won’t break,” she purred, catching herself when she heard the flirty tone, but not apologizing for it.

He smirked, shaking his head with mild amusement. At least it was working. He stood up, taking the rifle in his hands, and Ari scrambled to her feet as well. He gave the gun to her and he hadn’t been kidding, that thing was heavy as hell. Ari sucked in a breath through clenched teeth as she hauled it up to her shoulder, pressing the butt against the muscle firmly while her hands gripped it with expertise that couldn’t be forgotten once learned.

Dutch slipped behind her and she had to catch herself from yelping when she felt his strong hands around her and the heat rising from his chest and body licking around her back and ass. It was all she could do to keep from rubbing up against him. He adjusted her grip slightly and that same electricity whirred through her again that she’d felt when they’d touched in the car, and she almost dropped the rifle.

He secured her hands around the heavy gun, his chest against her back now. Leaning forward to press her eye to the scope, she felt his hot breath on her neck as he spoke into her ear, his voice low, growly.

“You need to lean into it, but be ready for it. The kickback’s like getting hit in the shoulder by a mule. It’s the hardest, rawest thing you’ll ever feel,” he whispered, and she was more than sure that he was talking about more than just the gun.

“I can handle it,” she said, her body vibrating with need against him.

“Are you sure?” he asked, his massive hands now sliding down from the gun, around and tracing down her arms.

Ari bit down on her lip so hard she was afraid she’d draw blood. But she couldn’t taste the telltale tang of copper in her mouth, despite the slight hum in her ears and the very familiar feeling of adrenaline starting to snake through her veins again.

She could tell herself that it was the battle, the hormones still riding high. She could even try to convince herself that it could have been anyone, and that Dutch was at the right place at the right time. She could try. But she would be wrong.

“Yes,” she said, pulling back from the scope slowly, tilting her head to the side only slightly.

His lips were right there, inviting, delicious. He grabbed the rifle from her, holding it up while she looked into his eyes, feeling a bit like a deer getting stared down by a wolf, even though she was supposed to be the hunter here.

“Good,” he said finally, with almost an eon passing between her words and his in Ari’s mind.

Then, he crushed his lips to hers and she moaned into him readily, parting her lips and letting his tongue lash into her mouth. It was like kissing fire, so brutal that it burned wherever it touched her, but so hot that she couldn’t tear herself away. Her whole universe spun around on itself, changing and tipping, and she was gladly falling right along with it.

But a part of her was beginning to wonder if she really
handle it.




Ariadne barely realized the moment when Dutch took the rifle out of her hands completely and set it down on the bunk, forgetting it there. She got the feeling that he had probably never simply
his gun like that, or been too preoccupied to pay attention to his equipment.

Her body twisted to face him and her hands wrapped around his neck, practically pulling herself up and closer to him. He growled into the kiss and Ari had to stifle a giggle as his hands cupped her ass and hauled her into his arms. The low sound drove through her like a solid current, making everything shudder in response.

Her legs were around his waist as he slammed her back against the concrete wall, the cool surface chilling against her slick, damp skin. Dutch’s hand was on her chin, dipping it and holding her head still so he could violate her mouth, and she loved every damn second of it. Her nails raked at his strong neck, making him grunt, and she mewled into the crushing, violent kiss, all raw emotion and desire.

“Fucking hell, you’re so hot,” he rasped, his other hand traveling up her side, kneading her tits, making her buck against him.

Ari felt like she was drowning in her juices and she couldn’t get enough of him. Her hands tugged at his shirt, willing him to take it off, and Dutch simply leaned back a little to rip it off. Not a second later his mouth was back on hers, claiming it like it was his and his alone.

“You’re not so bad yourself,” she said in response, drawing another strangled hiss out of him.

Dutch whirled around and threw her down on her narrow bunk, not an ounce of gentleness to him. That was exactly how she wanted it. She kicked off her loosely tied boots by the time he was done undoing the buckle on his belt, and she was given a chance to really, truly admire his body.

He was built like a wall, solid and strong. Thick, bulging muscles and tight, glistening creases and dips made up his body, with not an ounce of fat anywhere. His hips were narrow, accentuated even more by the fact that his shoulders were so wide. His chest rose and fell with quick breaths, eyes blazing.

She could see the gold of his beast flash in his gaze and she knew that hers must have been doing the same, considering how the big cat clawed at her, demanding to be let loose. But she wanted his body all to herself right now.

Her fingers went to his zipper and she undid it as he tore off her tank top and unhooked her bra in almost a solid motion. The garments fell from her and she felt no coyness, no need to cover herself or wonder what he really thought of her body. It was all painted on him, clear and evident as the laws of nature. He thrummed for her, wanted her as badly as she wanted him.

Ari pushed down his camo pants and his boxers enough to let his thick, long cock spring free and she moaned breathily as she saw it, salivating. He grinned, his fingers tying into her long locks, fisting in her hair. He didn’t push her on him, but she felt the barely controlled desire overwhelm her, to take more of her and as soon as he could. Then her tongue flicked across the velvety head of his cock, licking up the drop of pre-cum.

It was delicious. She practically whimpered as she opened her mouth wider, taking him in slowly, torturously so. She wanted him in her all the way, as soon as she could, but at the same time she wanted to draw it out. To enjoy this moment that had been given her after months of worrying, planning, and overthinking everything she did. To not have to worry and let her desire take her without caring about the consequences.

Dutch was so damn
she worried he’d rip her in half. Taking him in her mouth was a struggle and she slicked him with her saliva, watching some of it dribble over his hand as he gripped the base of his cock with his free hand. He pumped into her mouth slowly, easily, letting her get used to the feeling of him in her mouth and in her throat. But when her nails dug into his thighs and she almost pulled him on top of her, he didn’t go slowly anymore.

With a growl, Dutch thrust into her mouth, sliding deep in her throat. Ari’s eyes rolled back in pleasure, watering slightly but loving every second of it. He did it again and again, working himself into her while she gasped and spluttered around him, hungry for more. She could feel him pulse in her mouth, wide veins pressing against her tongue, heavy balls yearning to empty into her.

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