Bad Girlfriend (First & Last #4) (23 page)

BOOK: Bad Girlfriend (First & Last #4)
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My eyes immediately started to water, and my mom’s expression turned horrified.

“Oh, shit.  Brooke, I’m sorry.  I always say the wrong things.  Did something happen?”

I shook my head and then shrugged my shoulders, blinking up at the ceiling to get rid of the tears.

“I don’t know.”

“You don’t
know if something happened?” my mom asked, confused.

“I heard some rumors, but I don’t know…”

“Look, I know I haven’t ever been a mother to you.  But I have learned some things along the way.  The hard way.  Don’t let him go without finding out the truth.  You don’t want to wonder “what if” forever.”

The sincerity in her voice had me looking up.  Her eyes, as blue as mine were green, were also shining with unshed tears.  Those few words couldn’t undo years of her neglecting me, but at the moment they did help.  When I left here, I would go in search of Adam and demand an explanation.

“So what are your plans here?” I asked when our food arrived.

“Well, I was hoping to stay at the house for a while until I can find a place of my own.  And I’ve been looking in the classifieds for a job.”

“You’re seriously thinking of staying here?  Even if you can’t live rent free with me?”

My mom winced.  “I’m tired of bouncing around from place to place.  I want to try and settle down for a change.”

Yeah, we’ll see how long that lasts.

The rest of dinner was only slightly awkward, and when we left
in our separate cars I told her I would be home later.  The resolve I had earlier to confront Adam was waning as I drove away from the diner.

It was nearing seven o’clock on a Monday evening, and the town was nearly deserted.  Everyone was home eating dinner with their families or tucking their kids into bed.  I needed to talk to someone. 
Someone who would understand.  Fishing around in my purse for my phone, I asked Siri to call Lindsay.

“Call Lindsay.”

“I’m sorry.  I am unable to complete that request.”



“Now, now, Brooke.
  Please watch your language.”

Unable to believe I was being put in my place by my phone, I shook my head and scrolled through my contacts to find Lindsay’s number.

“Hello?” she answered on the fourth ring.  I had almost hung up.

“Hi, Lindsay.
  Are you busy?”

“Oh, hi Brooke.
  I was just coming downstairs from putting Brie to bed.  What’s up?”

“I wondered if I could stop by.  I need to talk to someone.”

“Of course.  I’ll open the garage door.  Just come on in.”

“Thanks, Lindsay.”

Of the three girls that had become my best friends, I was closest with Poppy.  But, I just didn’t think she would understand what I was going through.  She would try, of course, but I felt like Lindsay would get where I was coming from on another level.

I drove down the dark lake road and slowed as I approached Lindsay’s driveway.  Pulling off the road, I parked my car to the side of the driveway in case Grady needed to get his truck out.  The garage door was open and the light was on.  I knocked lightly on the door before pushing it open.

“Hello?” I called.

on in, Brooke.  I’m in the kitchen,” Lindsay’s voice drifted down the hallway.

I found her drying off a glass pan.  She set it down to come around the large granite island and give me a hug.

“Okay, spill.  What’s wrong?”

I smiled,
but my eyes instantly welled up.

“Oh, boy,” Lindsay said, and led me over to the sectional in the great room.  I kicked off my heels and curled my feet under me as I leaned into the corner of the sofa.  Lindsay sat a foot away and waited for me to start talking.

I took a deep breath and told her what I had overheard at work today.

“I think he’s cheating on me.  What else does “compromising situation” mean?”

Lindsay bit her lip.  “I don’t know, Brooke.  Adam seems like a really great guy.  I find it hard to believe he’d do something like that.  Have you asked him about it?”

“What do you think?”

She laughed.  “I think that’s a no.  You’re afraid to ask him because you don’t want to hear what you’re afraid you’ll hear.  Am I right?”

“That was the most confusing sentence I’ve ever heard,” Grady said from behind us. 
“Hi, Brooke.”

“Hi, Grady.”

He took one look at my teary expression and backed out of the room.

“He knows his place,” Lindsay teased.

“You are right.  I’m afraid if I ask him, he’ll either admit to it or lie.”

Lindsay cocked her head to the side.  “So, you don’t think there’s a scenario where he didn’t do something wrong?  You automatically believe the rumors?”

Oh.  “Um…I guess I just assume it’s true, because…”

e that’s what always happens?” Lindsay filled in the blanks.

I could only nod and sniffle.

Lindsay scooted closer so she could pull me into a hug.  “I really think this will work out okay for you guys.  I know what it’s like to be afraid.  I was scared out of my mind when I came back here and saw Grady after all that time.  But I am so glad I did it.”

I nodded against her shoulder.

“Do you want a beer?” Lindsay asked when I pulled back.

“No.  I should probably go find him.”

Lindsay walked me to the door.  “Good luck, even though I don’t think you’ll need it.”

I smiled and waved as I pulled my car out.  I went over what I would say to Adam all the way back home.

But when I pulled into the driveway, it was empty.  Adam’s car was gone.  Even my mom wasn’t back.  The windows in both the house and his apartment were dark.  I didn’t want to miss my chance to talk to him tonight, because I didn’t know if my courage would drain away if I waited until tomorrow.

I glanced at the swing, but even that wasn’t calling to me tonight.  Instead I climbed the stairs on the side of the garage and leaned my back against the door to Adam’s apartment.  My feet were killing me after standing in these heels all day.  It wasn’t long before I slid dow
n the door and sat on the floor, hugging my knees to my chest.  As I waited, all the different ways this conversation could go ran through my mind.  Over and over, on a repeating loop.  And no matter what Lindsay said, none of the scenarios I imagined had a happy ending.

Chapter Twenty Four




I had been fighting off a migraine all day, and it seemed like I was fighting a losing battle.  Rubbing my temples with my fingers, I attempted to focus on the computer screen in front of me.  Outside it was already dark, as I waited in my office until it was time for the School Board meeting to begin.

The meeting that would decide my fate.  After talking with Thomas on Saturday, I had hoped this whole thing would blow over.  You know, since it was fucking stupid to begin with.  But no such luck.

Sunday afternoon Thomas had called to tell
me the Board was holding a meeting on Monday evening to review the complaint.  It was just a preliminary hearing, so I was welcome to attend but I wouldn’t be allowed to present my case.  Yet.

Added on top of that was my avoidance of Brooke all weekend.  I was pissed off, and I knew she would see it.  I wanted to keep her as far away from this shit as I could.  She didn’t deserve to be dragged into this mess.

So here I sat, popping Advil like an addict and trying to remain calm.  Louise had left me alone for the most part.  This seemed like the kind of thing she would enjoy - seeing me squirm - but surprisingly the hostile edge to her voice was gone today.

I knew I should probably consult an employment attorney, just in case.  But I had been dragging my feet and I hoped that the meeting tonight would dismiss the complai
nt as unfounded, which it was.

The Board was holding their meeting here at the school, in the library.  When I saw the Board members begin to arrive, I waited.  I needed to be fully composed and professional when I went into that room.  I needed to check my frustration and anger at the door.

At seven o’clock on the dot, I stood up, shrugged on my suit jacket, straightened my tie and left my office.  Louise inclined her head at me as I walked by.

Well, hell.  If she was being decent, that probably meant I was walking to my funeral.

Pausing outside the double doors to the library, I took a deep breath and ran my fingers through my hair.  Smiling a little, I remembered Brooke saying she loved my messy hair.  That memory gave me the kick in the ass I needed to push open the door and walk into the room.

They were all there.  Thomas
, the Assistant Superintendant, Thomas’ secretary to take the minutes, the nine members of the School Board, and of course, Mrs. Larkin.  I gave the evil bitch my nicest smile and took a seat in the back of the room.

Thomas called the meeting to order and ran through the agenda.  My case was the only thing on it.  Well, duh, since this was a special meeting called for that purpose.  But I guess they had protocol to follow.

Thomas distributed papers that contained the formal complaint and then read it aloud.  I had to restrain myself from rolling my eyes.  Especially when he read something about me being immoral and a bad role model.

And it was frustrating as hell to sit quietly while they debated the merits of the complaint and the possible ramifications.  The only consolation was that Mrs. Larkin was not allowed to speak either.  I don’t even know why she was here, unless it was just to give me evil stares every now and then.

Thomas did his best to defend me, but it was clear early on that the majority of the Board would be siding with Mrs. Larkin.  The scandal with Principal Edwards was recent history, and it seemed they would go to great lengths to avoid even the hint of misconduct.  This did not bode well for me or my career.  Eventually, I tuned out the back and forth between the Board members and thought of Brooke.  I wouldn’t be able to go much longer without seeing her.  She was the only one that could ease my mind, yet she was the one person I wanted to keep away from this.

Finally the Board came to a decision.  I would be suspended without pay until the official hearing, which would take place in one week.  As soon as I heard the decision, I was out the door.  Louise had already gone home, and my office light was the only one on at the front of the school.  I closed down my computer and took the few personal effects I had there with me - in case I didn’t come back.

I was fighting the urge to throw my trash can through the window when Thomas walked in.

“I’m sorry, Adam.  I tried.”

“I know you did.  I just can’t believe this has gone so far.”

Thomas just shook his head.  “You should have an attorney with you next week to have any hope of turning this thing around.  I can give you the name of someone if you want.”

“No, thanks.  I know just the guy for the job.”

Thomas left and I followed a few minutes later.  The second I was in my car, I pulled out my phone and called Graham.

When he didn’t answer, I hung up and called again.  It was the third try before he finally picked up.

“This better be good,” he growled, and I knew he was with a woman.

“It is.  I’ve been suspended without pay for immoral behavior.”

shitting me.  You?  Immoral?”  Then he started laughing, a rolling on the floor, stomach holding kind of laugh.

I not so patiently waited for him to come back on the line.

“Sorry, man.  Is this some kind of joke?  Because I got to tell you, your timing sucks.  I was just about to…”

“Graham.  I don’t need details.  I need your help.”

I heard some rustling and a woman’s voice in the background.  Then a door closed and Graham was back on the line.

“Okay.  Start from the beginning.”

I told him about Mrs. Larkin stopping by and the formal complaint that followed.

“So, let me get this straight.  You are being brought before the firing squad because you were engaging in personal activities in your own home, on the weekend, with a woman with whom you are in a monogamous relationship?”

“Yup.  That pretty much sums it up.”

There was a long pause, and I could picture Graham trying to wrap his head around the stupidity of the situation.

“Well, this should be a slam dunk.  The old hag showed up on your doorstep at the ass crack of dawn uninvited.  When is the hearing?”

“Next Monday.”

“I’ll fly out Friday evening, and we can take the weekend to prepare.”

I blew out a breath.  “Thanks, Graham.”

“Don’t mention it.  Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have some pussy to eat.”

I rolled my eyes, used to Graham’s crudeness after living with him for several years.

“Have fun with that,” I replied evenly.

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