Bad Impressions (Revive Me #1) (26 page)

BOOK: Bad Impressions (Revive Me #1)
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She chuckled at that.

I climbed out of the truck and strode around to her side. Before I could help her down, she hopped out and started scanning the street again.

“Wow, you really don’t have a shred of patience, do you?”

“Shut up and get to it already.”

I grabbed her hand and led her to the house right at the end of the street. It was a modest two-story detached home. It was small—both inside and out. I’d seen the yard and it was basically just a patch of grass with a strip of patio stones and an ancient barbecue.

But it was good enough for my intended purpose. It was in a perfect location.
, above all, it was well within my price range.

I released her hand and bolted up the porch steps with her following close behind. I pulled out a key from my jacket pocket and unlocked the front door. I pushed it open and gestured for Soph to go on in ahead of me.

Her eyes were wide, a dazed look on her face. “I don’t understand. What…is this?” she mumbled as she stepped inside to the little lobby area and glanced around.

I shut the door and followed her in, leading her into the little living room that was furnished with a single navy-blue couch and two matching over-sized chairs. There was a small bookcase, a couple of end tables and a cheap coffee table. And that was about it. Modest. Simple. A good starting point.

“I rented this place. It’ll be ready to move into at the end of the month. In three weeks’ time.”

She spun around to face me. “What?” she gasped. “You’re moving to the city? Away from Marsden?”

I grinned and took her hands in mine, holding them between us loosely. “I was hoping that

Her eyes almost popped out of her head. “You’re asking me to move in with you?
move in?

“Yes, my little princess. That’s what I’m asking.”

“Oh my God!
is your surprise?”

…I got a full scholarship to an engineering program at the best college in the city. I start in a couple of months.”

“Wow!” she shrieked, so damn excited for me.

“Yeah. I’ve landed a job at a pub around the corner as head bartender. I’ve already worked out my schedule with them for the year. So, between both our jobs, we’ll have more than enough to make rent and live comfortably. This place is pretty cheap, because it’s outside of the city center. But it works for me. The college is within walking distance, just like the bar. I won’t need my truck.”

I pulled out my car keys and pressed them into her hand. “For you, princess.”

“What? You’re giving me your truck?”

“On loan,” I said, with a wink. “That truck holds many good memories.”

“Brad, I don’t…why would I need it?”

“To drive to your job at
The Avid Reader
. You love it there. The pay is good. My mom can work around your schedule—she’s pretty flexible. You’ll have the time you need to write full-time as well and work towards your dream of becoming a successful published author.”

She stared at me in stunned silence.

“I mean…those are just my ideas…just what I’ve been thinking about. It’s up to you. If you’re not ready for us to—”

My words caught in my throat as she suddenly lunged at me.

“Oh my God, Brad! I love it! This is so perfect! I’m so proud of you! You’re going back to school! I can’t believe it! This is all so amazing!”

I laughed as she smothered me with hugs and kisses. “I take it you’re on board?”

“Hell, yes!”

“So, you’re not mad that I rented this place and took the scholarship without running it by you? It all happened so fast after I got fired.”

“No, it’s all good, baby. You’re not telling me. You’re
me. That’s all I wanted. And you’ve thought of everything—what’s in
best interests as a couple. Oh, Brad! I love you so much! Thank you!”

Her eyes darkened then and that dirty look of hers crept across her face.

The look I loved.

Her eyes flashed with desire and the next thing I knew, my back was against the wall and she was stripping off my leather jacket.

“Fuck, it’s been too long, Soph,” I growled as I unbuckled her pants and curled my fingers into the waistband of them and her panties. I tugged them down her legs roughly, too frantic to be inside her to take my time.

Clearly she felt the same way, as she hastily ripped open my jeans and pulled my cock free. I slid a condom from my back pocket. She snatched it out of my hand and ripped it open with her teeth.
Jesus. That’s hot as hell.

Her soft fingers brushing my shaft as she rolled on the condom, had my already hard cock throbbing with desperation to be buried deep inside her.

I slid my index finger along her slit, delving between her pussy lips. She was already soaking wet for me.
Thank fuck, cuz I need her now.

“Fuck, I can’t wait, Soph,” I snarled, gripping her hips and hoisting her up.

“Yes! Now, Brad!” she begged, wrapping her legs around me tightly.

I lowered her onto my cock.

She clawed at my neck and rose up before slamming back down hard.

“Fucking hell!” I cried out.

I spun us around, slamming her against the wall. And then I gripped her hips, stilling her. I smirked at her. “Now, given your hatred of being controlled, are you sure you’re okay with me taking control when we
?” I teased.

“You know I am!” she yelled, frantically, as she tried to grind herself against me.

But I was holding her too tightly.

She was at my mercy.

“So fucking is the exception then?”

“Yeah,” she panted.

“You’re sure?”


“Tell me, darlin’.”

She panted, desperate with need. Desperate for me to fuck her.

“Brad—” she whimpered.

“I need to hear it.”

“Yes! Fuck me, Brad. Fuck me hard. Take me. I’m yours. Now! Now!

Holy fuck.
“Mmm…good girl.

I pulled out half way and then slammed back into her hard, driving balls deep.

She screamed excitedly. “Yes!”

“That’s right. You are
!” I grunted as I pounded into her so fucking hard that I swear the wall reverberated from the impact. “I fucking love you, Soph!”

“Ah! I love
, Brad! Ah! Yes! I’m gonna come!”

“Then come.

She screamed shrilly. Her pussy squeezed my cock in a death grip and I couldn’t hold on. I came with her, grunting my release.

But I didn’t pull out.

I held her there against me with one hand on her ass as my other brushed her sweat-drenched hair out of her face.

“We’re really doing this?” she choked out.

I grinned. “Yeah, princess. We’re really doing this. It’s just you and me now.”

She kissed my forehead. “I like that. I like that a lot.”





Ollie’s little sister, Sophie Clinton.

The good girl.

A woman who wasn’t supposed to get mixed up with the proverbial bad-boy types in our town.

But she had got mixed up with one of them.


Once. One night.

decision of my life. And no longer just one night.

I’d been kidding myself thinking I could walk away after that night. No one had compared to her. She’d ruined me. I’d known it then, but I’d denied it to myself and to her.

Sophie Clinton was the one.

She always had been, ever since that first time she’d looked at me as something more than her older brother’s best friend.

And we’d made it.

We were together.

I sipped at my beer as I leaned against the kitchen counter, watching her, Tiff and my mom fiddling around with the boxes in the living room of our new place in the city. We’d only finished moving all our shit in a half hour ago and they were already unpacking.

Soph was so damn excited. And I loved it. The way her eyes sparkled, that infectious smile brightening her entire face.
So cute.

Ollie clinked his bottle against mine, startling me out of my thoughts.

My gaze snapped to his and I found him smiling at me with amusement.


“Just never seen you whipped before.”


“Relax. It looks good on you.”

When we’d got back to Marsden after I’d first shown Soph the house, she’d been so overexcited she hadn’t been able to keep it in and she’d told Ollie right away. To my surprise, he’d been happy about it. It was then that I’d realized he had truly come around on our relationship.

Seeing how happy Soph had been to tell her brother, I’d decided right there and then that I would
to patch things up with him.

Over the last few weeks, we’d managed to get to a civil state. The road to repairing our actual friendship would be a much longer one, because trust had been broken severely on both sides. But at least we could be in the same room together, so it made it much easier on Soph.

“She’s the one,” I answered.

He nodded. “Yeah, I know, man. I know.”

Soph barged into the kitchen then.

“We need beer,” she told me, eyeing the fridge behind me.

“Your slave now, am I?” I teased, grabbing three beers and placing them on the kitchen island for her.

She winked suggestively. “In some ways, yeah.”

“Hey! Your big brother standing right here!” Ollie protested.

“Sorry,” she said, sheepishly. She giggled and grinned at me. “It just came out.” She grabbed one of the beers, twisted off the cap and took a long swig. I eyed her in question and she explained, “I need it. We got into a conversation about Kate’s sex life.”

“What?” I asked, almost choking on my own beer.

“She’s dating again.”

“Excuse me? Who the hell is this asshole?”

“Well, I’m not telling you with that attitude.”

“Judgmental, aren’t you? Considering,” Ollie chastised me, gesturing between the three of us and reminding me where
judgmental attitude over our relationship had got

I smiled at Soph.
“Right. Sorry, princess.”

“How about you?” Soph asked Ollie. “You and Tiff are talking, I see. Are you—?”

Ollie shook his head. “She’s with Roy.”

“But I told you—”

“It’s okay. We both agreed it’s for the best. We’re too different.”

too stubborn.”

Ollie looked more uncomfortable than I’d ever seen him.
Huh, he actually likes Tiff then.
For some reason, he wasn’t admitting it.

And that was his business.

I took Soph’s hand and her beer and she snatched up the two for my Mom and Tiff.

“Let’s go for a smoke.”

Ollie lifted his chin at me in a gesture of thanks as I ushered Soph out of the kitchen.

We gave Tiff and my mom their beers. They barely noticed us. They were too engrossed in an argument about where to position a particular painting, or something, on the wall.

I led Soph outside.

We both lit our smokes and then I pulled her onto my lap on the top porch step.

We sat there drinking our beers and smoking as we looked out at the peaceful street.

I couldn’t believe we were finally here.

Together and actually starting our lives.

We’d both wasted so much time, both wavering from our paths
from each other.

It had been a hell of a long time coming, but we’d made it. We both had our shit together.

And, more than that, we finally had each other.

“This is so exciting,” Soph said, leaning her head back against my chest.

I nuzzled her hair. “The first day of the rest of our life together.”

“Mmm hmm,” she murmured peacefully. “I’m so happy. I love you so much, Brad.”

“I love
I’m never letting you go, my little princess.”

She twisted in my arms and grinned at me. “Promise?”

I chuckled. “Yeah, I promise. You’re my whole fucking world, Soph and that’s never gonna change.”

BOOK: Bad Impressions (Revive Me #1)
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