BAD LUST: A Stepbrother Romance (A Step Over the Line Book Book 1)

BOOK: BAD LUST: A Stepbrother Romance (A Step Over the Line Book Book 1)
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Hayes is the secret pen name for best selling erotic romance author Ana W.


book is hot.

book is wild.

the heart of it all, this book is truly a romance story.


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Aurora Hayes







s supposed to be simple. I

m the good girl, he

s the bad boy. We

re at a party. We get drunk. His
eyes are all over me

so I let him be all over me. Simple as that. One crazy night with the sexiest
guy in the world. Stripping away all my innocence.



m never going to have to deal
with him again. Until my father makes a shocking confession

my father

s now married and I have a new
stepbrother. When I meet him, my life forever changes




Yeah, I knew the
truth of it all. And you know what? I didn

give damn about it. I take what I want and I forget everything else. So when
Jade sees me standing there, being introduced as her new stepbrother, the look
on her face is priceless. But something else starts to happen

it turns me on. She

s too pretty and way too
tempting to be around.


I like it. I like
her. I like us.



s so innocent and so good. And
she has no idea.



s wild and it

s fun

just as long as we don

t get caught

or fall in love.


Yeah, right.








s thirty people
the little dive cafe, half staring at me, half busy with their own
conversations, but in the back of my mind I can

stop thinking about my first and hottest one night stand ever. With bad boy
Jake Ziggen, tall, strong, athletic, the guy who could have any girl at any time.
I took pride that a guy like Jake would never get into my pants, until I let him.
And it was so worth it.

Well, worth it until I found him fucking
a girl in the bathroom at the little dive cafe

and he looked at me with his cocky grin and had no fucking clue who I was.

He didn

t remember me.

But I totally remembered him.

The night is spinning around me. I

m not meant to be in this place.

m meant to be studying classical
piano and become the good girl poster child for my father who has plans to take
his business acumen and enterprise into a more political role, and I

m apparently a key part of it all.


go back a few steps first though.

My name is Jade Werlem. Not that it
really matters in life, but at least there

a name to this mess called my life. I

sneaking around tonight, even though I don

have to. My father is out of town on vacation to some island. I don

t really care that he

s gone; he takes these trips
after making big deals or big decisions. There

a big house with plenty of people to keep their eyes on me.

I stand off to the side of the
stage and look at my best friend, Katelyn, as she reads some kind of poetry
thing about a guy she had been sleeping with. Turns out this guy had a
girlfriend who went home for a semester to help with her sick father. That made
Katelyn something fun on the side. She didn

take well to it. Her
offered to cut off the guy

s dick and make him eat it. She
also suggested sticking his dick somewhere else, making me wonder how many
dicks this guy actually had.


not standing there for the good of Katelyn, although she did force me out of
the house for once. I never went out because it just wasn

t my thing, at all. My father
preferred to keep me under his watch and make sure that nothing negative could
happen. My image was key to his personal success. He told me I was the only
thing he had that went right in his life, but the words were always as
processed as the hair oil shit he ran through his hair to keep a sleek and
clean shine.

My mother left us when I was a
little girl. I remember the day it all happened, too. I was in pigtails with a
light blue dress on. I had spent the morning setting up for a tea party, making
sure all the right stuffed animals had been invited (at that time, my stuffed
giraffe had a bad attitude about things and was totally banned from tea
parties). It was hard work for a five year old girl. There was one empty seat
left, for my mother, but when I got to the top of the stairs, I heard her and
my father fighting, again, and this time she left. For good. She looked up at
me, tears in her eyes, and didn

even wave. My father looked up at me, shaking his head. I asked him to join me
for the tea party but he said he had to get back to his company. Less than ten
years later, he was a multi-millionaire. But being rich didn

t mean he had more time.

I haven

t had a tea party since then.

And I got rid of the giraffe the
following week, fearing his bad attitude was the reason why my mother left.

On the small stage, Katelyn is
rubbing her pointer and thumb together.

this isn

t me playing the

s smallest violin for

she says.

This is me giving him a hand

The little crowd bursts into a fit
of laughter.

Katelyn is loud and beautiful. She

s wild and crazy, loves life,
and honestly doesn

t give a
shit about anything. The total opposite of me. I

programmed to give a shit about everything. Right now, I can

t stop looking over my shoulder
at the bathroom door.


s right in there. He

s got her pinned against
the wall. Her legs wrapped tight around his body. His pants down to his ankles.
His amazing ass tightening, flexing with each hard thrust of his body to hers.

Just like he did to me

It was completely rare for me to
get out two times in a week, but remember, my father is out of town. The
stories and press are trying to find him on whatever island he

s at right now. They don

t care about me when he

s not around. Which is weird,
because this is generally my chance to get out and have some fun.

Like when Katelyn forced me to go
to the party with her. Where I bumped into Jake and spilled his drink.

shit, I

m so
sorry. I

spilled my drink, sweetie.

I did. I

get you another one.

you can make it up to me another way.


can suck me off. I think that


My jaw hits the floor. I blink
fast. I collect myself and try to look disgusted. I mean, he is disgusting,
right? Jake is disgusting. Tall, wide shoulders, scruffy hair and face. Just


that how you hit on girls?

I ask.


s how I

m backing you into a
corner so I could fuck you. Pretty little rich girl. Have you ever had a cock
in your ass before?

I slap him across the face. The
reaction is instant and I instantly regret it.


I say.


m drunk. I

you have to kiss it,

he says.

I swallow hard and feel
something hit my back. I put my hands back and realize I

m against a wall. Jake
has somehow taken over my mind and forced me backwards
wall. He

sexy and smooth. I

turned on. And he

inches from me.

Jake turns his head and taps his

on, sweetie. Kiss it.

The party is booming. The music
is playing. Everyone is packed into this townhouse, enjoying their college
life. My heart is pounding hard, my mind reminding myself I don

t do shit like this.
Ever. I don

slap guys. I don

let them talk to me like this. And I definitely don

t kiss their cheek.

Yet here I am, inching forward
toward Jake


I mean, it

s freaking Jake Ziggen.

s kind of
famous for not just his attitude and social problems, but because of his once
famous musician mother. He doesn

fit the mold for what he should be and it makes him super hot.

My lips touch his cheek and I
linger maybe a second longer than I should. I shut my eyes

why? I open my mouth to
pull away from Jake

stubbly cheek. I open my eyes and I realize Jake has turned his head. He

s facing me and his lips
are pressed to mine.

He tricks me into a kiss

I feel like slapping him, but
the kiss is so fucking good.

The small crowd claps and Katelyn
takes a little bow. She walks off the side of the stage and throws an elbow to
my arm. She snaps me out of my fantasy trance. It

the only thing I can think about. How good Jake felt when he was on top of me,
inside me.

was that?

Katelyn asks.


I say.

Really good. You

funny. And crazy.


s what I do best. I

m getting a drink. You ready to
play some songs?

I don

t want to do this.


t be a pussy about it,

Katelyn says.

You came out here to do this. You
are really good at piano and your songs are really amazing. So just do it. If
you need a second, go in the bathroom and splash water on your face.


I look back again.

The bathroom.

Where Jake was fucking some girl.
Where Jake looked right into my eyes and had no clue who I was.

I wasn

t a virgin, but I wasn

t experienced in sex either. I sort of lost my
virginity once and then Jake took care of that during our one night stand. I
lost myself that night with him and I don

regret it. I regret he doesn

remember me. Which is probably foolish


s Jake, he probably

t remember anyone.
Hell, he probably doesn

even know the name of the girl he

fucking right now. Right there in the bathroom. Right where I

m staring.  

But we were both drunk that, too.

No big deal, right? It was a total
college thing. It happened all the time, I


I didn

t tell Katelyn about that night with Jake. And I

m definitely not doing it now,
not with Jake not remembering me. It would make it seem like I had made up the
whole story. My reputation as the dorky, good girl who took piano lessons would
then take a wild twist as the girl who made up sex stories with the hottest and
most bad guy in the same damn college.

Katelyn goes to the bar and I start
to inch back. I

m tempted
to go into the bathroom again. To see. To watch. It

s all wild in my mind, but it seems less of a risk
than actually getting on the small stage and playing a song I wrote. I shouldn

t be so shy, but I

m used to having a script. My
father or his publicist and people telling me what to wear, how to walk, when
to smile, and giving me the general answers to invasive questions. It was how
he maintained his bachelor status for so long. The great father who took care
of his daughter alone. A rich single father who somehow grew his software
company into a massive corporation.

My father never wanted me to
actually pursue music at first. But the lessons kept me our of his hair, unless
he needed me. I became a parlor trick for him when entertaining friends and
clients. I

d be forced to
play a few songs and he

dab his eyes with an expensive napkin, and then toast to me for being such a
strong and beautiful girl.

And all that did was bring in cash
for him. Sympathy and cash.

A guy with a hat on backwards
jumped up on the stage and started to mess with the wires to hook up the
keyboard. It was my time to get on the stage and play. I knew all the songs. I
wrote them. But I couldn

get on stage and do this.

I turn and move to the bathroom.

I gently open the door, biting my
bottom lip as I do so. I need to escape for a second. I stand in the bathroom,
waiting to hear something. It

too quiet for people to be in here, screwing.

Maybe Jake and the girl already
left the bathroom and I didn

see them.

Whatever, right?

I walk to the sink and as I

m about to touch the faucet, I
hear a whimpering cry. I jump and gasp. I slowly look to the mirror and see
feet. Two feet, arches up. My mind races, thinking Jake did something really
bad. This girl is crying because of him?

I have heard nasty things about
Jake. The way he treats women. Uses them and loses them. Maybe he promised this
one something and when he finished fucking her, he bolted. That wouldn

t surprise me at all.

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