Balefire (6 page)

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Authors: Barrett

Tags: #Gay & Lesbian, #Contemporary, #Fiction, #Romance, #Genre Fiction, #Lesbian, #Lesbian Romance, #Literature & Fiction

BOOK: Balefire
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“Oh, honey. We have to fix that. Can we talk to Mark about it?” Diane’s determined expression both reassured and caused her to waver.

THE MOSQUITOES WERE fierce as Kirin made her way back to the small bungalow at the Land’s End resort. Kenrick and his cousin, Arthur, were lost in memories of “remember when . . .” on the screen porch. She didn’t think she could stay awake for any more stories. The sun, the surf, and the previous six months of nonstop activity had taken a toll. The sun
was just setting, and she knew she couldn’t keep her eyes open much lon
ger. Cousin Arthur had a friend who was willing to drive them inland to talk to some of the local farmers. He wanted to get an early start before it got too hot, so she made her excuses and left.

She took a quick shower and climbed between the sheets after crank
ing the fan up to high. Even after all the water she drank with dinner, her lips were chapped, and her body parched. Her body relaxed quicker than her brain. She closed her eyes and formatted the article in her mind. She’d
compare and contrast recovery between lands devoted to tourists vs. ag
ricultural areas. Clearly, the third world country with limited resources needed to prioritize. Long-term infrastructure problems, temporarily cured by immediate cash flow from the tourist trade was a potential part of the puzzle.

As her eyelids grew heavier, she floated and wondered how her new friends at the resort were faring. Odd, but she missed Silke. The memory
of her surfaced: her unconstrained, grounded demeanor was transforma
tive for Kirin. By comparison, Kirin could barely exhale most days because of the self-imposed strangling of schedules and deadlines, always playing catch-up. Silke Dyson was unaffected.
How does she maintain that cool?


Chapter Eight

THE YOUNG MAN set the small box of groceries on the kitchen counter.

, Ramon.” Silke tipped him and watched as he left. After
lunch, she had walked over to the tiny convenience store behind the res
taurant. It was next to an even smaller Laundromat. Both came in handy

She put away the soup, the lemonade mix, sweetener, and crackers, then stowed the cheese and sliced ham in the refrigerator. She stopped.
I probably should have asked if Kirin had any requests before she left.
She closed the door. Had Kirin mentioned how long would be gone?

After filling a canvas bag with sunscreen, water bottle, towel, hat,
sunglasses, and her iPod, she slipped on her bathing suit and pareo. Be
cause so many of the islands’ visitors were divers, the pool area was empty this early in the afternoon. She picked a lounge chair near one of the palm trees. With any luck, she’d be able to finish the book she had started
earlier. Worst-case scenario she’d fall asleep. The lull of sleep and dream
ing—paradise . . .

“It just feels wrong to disturb someone who looks so peaceful and so beautiful,” Diane sat on the foot of the lounge chair. “But I’m going to do it anyway.”

Silke cracked open one eye. “You are only rarely disturbing.” A few puffy white clouds drifted across the sun, dropping the temperature. A seagull swooped close the pool deck, squawking. Behind her was laughter from the bar.

“Why, thank you. I won’t stay. I just wanted to let you know that Bren and Katie were here. You remember them from two years ago?”

Silke sat up. “The funny couple from North Carolina?”

“Yup, the same. They’re unpacking, but they promised to come up for the Belizean Night. The first thing they asked about was you.”

“Oh, I’m really glad you told me, we had a blast the last time they were here. And thanks for reminding me about tonight. I almost forgot.”

Diane stood. “Okay. Get back to your book. I’ll see you later.” She stopped and turned back. “Do you want me to get you anything?”

Silke shook her head. “I’m good. Oh, Diane, thanks again for last night. You guys are wonderful.”

The clouds had moved off and sun again warmed her. Silke pressed play and closed her eyes.

ARTHUR’S FRIEND DROPPED Kenrick and Kirin at the dock after three. Arthur stubbornly refused money for driving them around all day. She worked him with her beguiling charms, and he finally relented with a big hug. She knew he needed the money.

“I’ll grab my stuff while you get the boat ready.” When they had left at seven a.m., he had encouraged her to take nothing but her camera and a notebook. He agreed to lock her backpack in his office.

She was glad he did. Wherever they went, they tried to be unobtru
The people they met were gracious and welcoming. Away from the tour
ist centers, living conditions were much harder. The storm and flooding had swept through like the arc of a giant scythe, indiscriminately hacking the earth and the homes. During her writing career, she’d traveled all over the world, but mostly to review tourist destinations. This was altogether
different. She seldom looked behind the curtain where the workers lived.

It was an epiphany.

All of the people she had encountered on her mini tour were proud, generous, and hospitable. Even with decimated neighborhoods and their meager belongings strewn everywhere, each person had offered a shy but genuine smile.

She looked over her shoulder one last time. Her heart ached as if a tiny sliver of sadness pinched it when she thought of the people. Time to go.

She trotted down the path to the dock. “I’m all set.”

Kenrick turned the key, and the big engines rumbled. He grinned wide
ly, like a man proud of his job. The business card in her pocket said he offered private tours or taxi service. He told her he left the fishing and diving jobs to the bigger outfits. On slow days, he delivered goods for the large resorts. One of the biggest expenses for inhabitants of the cayes was transporting large purchases out to the island. Fuel was expensive, and even pricier if they had to order from the states. Diane and Mark, his best customers, depended on him to pick up orders of fresh produce and meat.

Kirin leaned back to welcome the salt spray and wind in her face as the boat rose up and skidded across the waves. The route back would be more direct since she had taken more pictures than she needed. Her data would be plenty for one very long article or two shorter ones. Plus, Diane had promised to give her some time for an interview and pictures of their resort. If her luck held out, she might get to the private island resort before she flew out on Saturday. In spite of the rocky beginning, this might be a very profitable trip.

Once they cleared the shoreline and turned northeast, Kenrick mo
tioned to her. She made her way forward.

“Would you like to drive her a little bit?” he shouted.

She was stunned that he would even offer. She grinned. “You bet!”

He described the instruments, pointed out their direction, and then stepped to his right. She gripped the large chrome steering wheel and felt
the power of those twin engines vibrating. Within minutes, she felt com
fortable with the power and accustomed to the bumps as they
smacked the small waves in their path. As they passed near tiny uninhab
ited islands, he cautioned her to keep a watchful eye for anything sticking out of the water.

Forty-five minutes later, Kirin tired from holding on to the bucking boat. She pointed to the wheel, and Kenrick nodded with a big smile. She slid down on the bench.

During the last twenty-four hours, she had absorbed an overwhelm
ing mountain of disturbing information. The idea that the individuals who
provided elegant meals, clean sheets, fast boats, and fancy fishing expedi
tions actually lived in third world conditions might tarnish those
glamorous tropical adventures. She knew most tourists skipped the im
poverished areas by design. Never look behind the curtain, it might spoil the illusion.

In her heart, this was the kind of journalism she had always wanted to write. This could be her chance.

Kenrick steered the boat northward, and she let her mind wander as the sunlight danced on the surface of the turquoise water. Brightly colored restaurants, shops, and hotels dotted the sandy shore as they sped past.
No more thinking
tomorrow will sort itself out
. Her only goals were a long shower and a cold drink. The distant sight of the now familiar thatched casitas and long pier was a welcome one.

After tying up his boat, Kenrick followed Kirin to the condo for his well-deserved salary.

As they walked by the main buildings and pool, Kirin noticed the mu
sic. “Sounds like a party. Do you think they’re celebrating our return?”

He laughed. “No, I don’t think so. I think probably the people are hap
py because tonight is the regular Belizean celebration.”

“What’s that?” Kirin stopped, curious.

He waved toward staff covering the poolside tables. “They serve a buf
fet with all the local specialties. They also get local groups to play Garifuna music. It’s very good, you should go.” His eyes twinkled above his gapped-tooth smile. Another Belizean proud of his heritage.

It sounded like fun, but she wasn’t sure she had the energy to walk back after she got to the condo. “I’ll see how I feel after a long hot shower. Aren’t you going to stay?”

He actually blushed. “No, my lady is waiting for me.” He winked and waved goodbye.


Chapter Nine

“RIGHT OVER HERE.” Mark had his arm around Silke and pushed
her to a round table near the bar. There was no room to use her cane be
cause of the crush of people. “Bren and Katie made me promise to bring you over as soon as you arrived.”

“Thank you,” Silke said. “I’m sure I would’ve made it but I do appreci
ate your chivalry.”

The deck around the pool was crowded with small tables, each cov
ered with a white tablecloth and a candle-lit centerpiece. The truth was, she could barely see the people let alone recognize faces. Her self-pity surfaced at moments like this.
I can feel the staring eyes on my back and almost hear the “poor thing.”
She hated depending on anyone. Of course, Mark and Diane thought nothing of it and loved her unconditionally. Suddenly and unexpectedly, a flash of anger bristled as she thought a
bout Rachel’s hands on her throat and the blood pulsing behind her dark
ening vision.

Jaunty, drum-laden Caribbean music played in the background and en
ticing aromas of garlic and oregano drifted through the air as they navigated around the festive tables. The rhythmic sounds of island music stirred in her belly and made her smile. Last year’s conversations with Bren and Katie were hazy. They were from the East. Bren owned a private security firm of some kind, and Katie was a teacher.

Katie waved as she grabbed the chair back. “There you are. What a wonderful treat that you’re here at the same time.” She jumped up and embraced Silke as Bren pulled out a chair.

Bren’s expression faltered when she saw the white cane. Silke folded it quickly.
Of course, they didn’t know. Damn

“Thanks, Mark, you’re a darling.” She kissed his cheek and squeezed his arm.

Mark smiled. “You ladies enjoy yourselves and, by the way, my per
sonal favorite tonight is the
with the rice and beans.”

“I’m so glad you’re both here,” Silke said. “I’m never sure I’ll know anyone around here. Did you just arrive or were you delayed by the storm?”

Bren folded her muscular arms on the table. Her short, cropped hair
was still blond and highlighted the small heart tattoo beneath her ear. “Af
ter it scraped through here and Cancun, the storm strengthened and moved north. We were stuck in Dallas for a day and a half. Pisses me off, since I don’t get that much time off. But I’m glad to be here now.” She took a swallow of her beer.

Katie smiled sweetly. “After that we had no trouble. Diane told us that you flew right through it. My God, it must have been terrifying. I’m glad you made it safely.”

“It was pretty scary. I can usually handle a little turbulence, but we were really bouncing around like a toy plane up there. When we finally reached Belize, the pilot couldn’t see the airfield and, of course, there are no lights. It took three passes before he could land.” How much of the story did she really want to tell? Eventually they were going to meet Kirin, then the questions would really start.

The waiter came up to their table “What can I get you lovely ladies to drink? Tonight’s specials are rum punch or mojito.”

The striking young man must’ve been new. His resort shirt still had a tag on.

As they each ordered, Silke looked passed the waiter and, through the dimly lit space, recognized Kirin near the entrance. She was searching. Heat rose up the sides of her neck when she realized that Kirin was looking for her. She started to raise her hand just as Kirin nodded and started walking toward her. Her pulse quickened slightly.

“Glad I spotted you. I hope I’m not interrupting.” Kirin squeezed Sil
ke’s shoulder, moved a chair next to her, and smiled broadly. “Hi.”

Silke grinned happily. “Not at all, I was hoping you’d be back in time for dinner. Bren, Katie, this is my friend, Kirin Foster, without whom I
would not have survived the tropical storm. Kirin, I met these gals a cou
ple of years ago, and we hit it off right away. Please sit down.”

“Nice to meet you,” Bren mumbled.

“Silke was just telling us about your storm adventure, it must’ve been awful. They said everything was flooded.” Katie focused her attention on Kirin.

“It was an adventure all right,” Kirin said. “I’m lucky that I ran into Silke or I might’ve been sleeping on the wet beach. She was kind enough to take in a stray and even helped me with a new assignment when my original one fell apart.”

“You’re being far too modest. I’m the one who needed the help.” Silke smiled.

Kirin returned the smile. “Well, I guess it was just a case of the blind leading the blind.”

Silke laughed at their in-joke.

Katie started to speak, stopped, and looked at Bren. Clearly, they were confused and it wasn’t fair to leave them in the dark.

The server returned with their drinks, and Kirin ordered a gin and tonic.

“I’m sure this is all confusing. Let me back up a little. Several months ago, I had an accident that affected the circulation to my brain, primarily the area that processes visual images.” Silke’s voice wavered. “It resulted in a kind of tunnel vision that may or may not be permanent. I’ll just have
to wait and see. I can see images directly in front of me, but I have no pe
ripheral vision. So being in crowds or unfamiliar places is hazardous.” She glanced at Kirin who was giving her full attention. “Stress makes it
worse, so I was lucky I bumped into someone who was willing to run de
fense for me.” She gently squeezed Kirin’s forearm.

It was an uncomfortable moment while they processed what she had just told them. She wished she’d ordered a double rum punch instead of white wine.

“That’s terrible, I’m so sorry,” Katie said.

The waiter arrived and explained that they could enjoy the buffet whenever they were ready. He described several of the main dishes and answered questions about the ingredients.

Silke ordered another glass of wine and tried to stay out of the con
versation. She felt the sick ache of shame twisting her insides. Telling the whole story would have made it worse. Maybe Diane was right. It was time for some changes. She had about ten days to harden her resolve and her backbone.

A new band started playing after most of the diners finished eating. The island boasted a number of talented musicians, and Silke remembered this young singer from last year. Her evocative voice was filled with soul.

The night and the wine tamped down her discomfort, the temperature cooled, and the lee shore wind freshened the air. Silke closed her eyes and let the pleasant breeze waft over her and the soft buzz engulf her. She felt
safe. Katie and Kirin discussed public education and Bren was her com
fortably quiet self.

Kirin pushed her chair back. “This has been great, but I spent most of the day bouncing around in a boat, and I’m still rocking, so I think I need to turn in. I hope I’ll see you guys tomorrow.” She put her hand on Silke’s shoulder. “Unless you want me to wait for you?”

Silke was glad for the excuse to retire. “No, I think I’d better go as well. Two glasses of wine are my limit. Are you guys going to be around tomorrow? ”

“We signed up for the jungle tour to the Mayan ruins at Altun Ha. Should be back tomorrow afternoon,” Bren said.

“We’ll look for you.” Kirin offered Silke her arm.

They made their way across the deck to the lovely dark beach. The whisper of breaking waves echoed across the sand.

“Nice moon tonight. It was just a sliver last night.” Kirin kept a slow pace to Silke’s movement.

Silke’s legs were a little rubbery, and she enjoyed holding Kirin’s sunburned arm. “I’d like to hear about your excursion with Kenrick. I hope it was what you expected.” The breeze shifted a little, and she caught Kirin’s familiar scent—coconut, saltwater, and a leathery floral mix. She inhaled deeply.

They walked away from the brightly lit pool deck and down to the beach shrouded with shadows. The crescent moon created lacey shadows from dozens of palm trees along the shore. The sand was still warm as her sandals moved through it.

Ahead of them, Silke could just make out the four posts of the small gazebo that housed the swing. “I’m sure you’re exhausted, but would you like to sit on the swing for a little while?”

Silke began to see the tumultuous past few days as a blender effect. Just throw dissimilar, unusual ingredients together, shake violently, and allow settling for a day.
, a sweet, satisfying concoction.

“I’d like that. I’ve been a little over-stimulated lately.” Kirin held the swing while Silke felt for the seat. “This is nice.”

Silke smiled and nodded. “I know exactly how you feel.”

They didn’t speak for a long time, which felt comfortable. It was enough just to sit and take in the peace and beauty of this perfect tropical evening, even nicer to share it with someone.

Silke thought back to Kirin’s arrival earlier, and she felt herself flush a little about how happy she’d been. It wasn’t as though she’d been worried, or was it? It didn’t really matter. For the first time in a long time she felt very content and more importantly, safe.


Chapter Ten

SILKE CAME OUT of the bathroom the next morning and found Kirin on the living room pullout curled in a ball and snoring softly. Quietly, she dressed and used the French doors in the master bedroom to go out on the deck.

She used her cane and negotiated her way across the neatly raked sand to the water’s edge a hundred feet away. The skin on her bare feet tingled
in the cool water. As she acclimated to the temperature, she ventured far
ther in, allowing the water to lap over her lower legs. She was still cautious about going in too far on her own but loved the way her heels sank into the wet sand as each wave rolled out to sea. The rising sun warmed her face as the seagulls joined with low-flying kites searching the surface of the sea for breakfast. She missed being able to watch them, but they moved too quickly to stay in her focus. She closed her eyes and remembered previous
trips when she’d sat at the water’s edge to watch the birds float on air cur
rents with their wings stretched wide.

Why hadn’t she used birds in a project? She made a mental note to do some sketches to carve later. The local wood carvers used birds all the time and some of their work was exquisite. Maybe she could get Diane to take her into town and look for some. That would be fun.

“Seems I just close my eyes and you wander off.” Kirin startled her.

She laughed. “I know you needed your sleep, so I didn’t want to disturb you. Feeling better?”

“Much. I think I was unconscious. It’s a beautiful morning isn’t it?” Kirin sat down in the sand near the water’s edge.

Silke joined her. Kirin had on a white tank top and running shorts, mak
ing her look even younger. Than what? She had no idea.

Silke tilted her head back to the sun’s rays. “It’s one of my favorite times of day, but when I’m here it seems like every time is my favorite.”

“I know what you mean. This country’s unusual and the people are wonderful. I sure hope I can do it justice. Right now, my head is still spinning with the stories and images. I’m afraid it’s going to take longer than I thought to write this article. But I have a story to tell, and it’s going to be a good one.” Kirin squeezed Silke’s knee. “And it’s all because of you.”

A tiny electric shock surprised Silke. “Actually, Diane suggested it. I just encouraged you.”

“No, it’s more than that. It was meeting you and having the opportunity to share our near-death experience—which might have been either the plane flight or the not quite delightful exotic hotel. But I believe it was your kindness and generosity to a cantankerous stranger.”

“You’re very kind but I think we’re even,” Silke said, embarrassed. “Unless you aren’t hungry, would you like to join me for some breakfast because I’m really hungry.”

Kirin jumped up and put her hands out. “My treat, let’s go.”

Silke took her hands. The softness surprised her.

Over a huge Belizean breakfast, Kirin described her tour with Kenrick. She confirmed the rumors were true—Kenrick knew everybody. “I’ll bet very few people have had the opportunity to listen to locals describe a tropical storm they lived through. It’s overwhelming to see. There were so
many things I wanted to do, to help, or fix—too many. I know the govern
ment doesn’t have the resources it needs, and the Red Cross still hasn’t arrived. It’s heartbreaking.”

Silke leaned forward to focus. She was a little surprised by the earnest tension in Kirin’s voice. “I haven’t really been any farther than the local
tourist spots. It sounds like a unique approach to a story. Maybe the expo
sure will help.”

“What exposure?” Diane said as she put her hands on Silke’s shoulders.

Silke jumped a little. “You know, it would be so much easier on my heart if you approached from the front.”

“I’m sorry, sweetie, I just forget. I really will try to be more consider
ate. How was breakfast?” Diane pulled out a chair and joined them.

“Superb. Your team does a wonderful job. Everything tastes so fresh.” Kirin wiped her mouth and folded her napkin.

“Thank you. I will pass on your compliments. I have to admit I’m proud of our staff, and they’re very loyal. So what do you two have planned for today?”

“Nothing special,” Silke said.

Kirin leaned in. Silke noted her persona switched to gracious guest. “I was going to work on my notes and photographs. I’d like to setup a time to talk with you and Mark.”

“Today is crazy with deliveries, and we have to set up for a wedding
tomorrow. Let me check with Mark.” Diane tapped her chin with her fin
ger. “I have an idea. Since this is your first visit, Kirin, why don’t you
both take our ATV into San Pedro? Silke can point out some of the high

Kirin shrugged. “That sounds like fun. What do you think?”

Silke hesitated. She did want to go shopping, but knew she couldn’t go by herself. It had never occurred to her that Kirin might want to join her, and since they’d have a ride, she wouldn’t have to navigate the uneven streets and pedestrians. “I think it sounds great. I’m game.”

MARK REVIEWED THE instructions for the Kawasaki four passen
ATV. He sounded serious but then smiled. “Kirin, I’m entrusting Big Ber
to you because I don’t trust Silke behind the wheel. She gets reckless and
. . .”

“Mark, that was not my fault,” Silke said. “That alligator came out of nowhere.”

Kirin snapped her head around. “Alligator?”

Silke laughed. “A very rare occurrence, I assure you. Come on. Why don’t we practice by driving over to the condo so you won’t be nervous.”

It didn’t take long to gather a few things. Credit card, a hat, sunglasses, and some bug spray at Silke’s suggestion.

The narrow path behind the resort wound in and around palm trees and mangroves. The recent storm had left large swaths of standing water and mud. Kirin had initially assumed they would be taking a small lightweight golf cart. Now she was glad Mark had the foresight to buy an ATV.

“This route has more traffic when the rainy season ends. It’s slow going compared to traveling by boat, but there’s no hurry.”

“Right.” Kirin was concentrating on the dips and turns in the road but the revelation Silke made the night before was lurking in the back of her mind. What kind of accident could cause that kind of serious injury? She glanced at her. Silke held the handgrip on the roll bar and leaned back on the headrest. A picture of calm. “Can I ask you a question?”

Silke turned slightly. “Sure, as long as you know you can’t ask me to drive.” Dappled sunlight accentuated the freckles on her face.

“I promise not to. I was wondering about the accident you talked about last night. Is that too personal?”

They hit a bump and bounced off the seat. They looked at each other and laughed.

“Not really. I mean, considering what we’ve been through already, I consider you a friend.” Silke lowered her head for a moment. “My partner and I have had some difficulty the last two years. It’s complicated. We just seem to be going in two different directions and neither one of us has the guts to talk about it. Several months ago, after another one of our intermi
nable arguments . . . something shifted. It was partially my fault for taunt
ing her. She was frustrated and . . . we started shoving. And . . . she started to choke me, and I passed out.”

Kirin slowed the ATV down, the hair on her neck prickled with a warn
ing. This wasn’t the explanation she’d expected. “Go on.”

“Rachel called 911 right away, and after some tests, they kept me in the hospital overnight for observation. The police came. It was ugly and embarrassing, but I didn’t press charges. I couldn’t. Everyone was mad at me, but . . . Rachel was horrified and hated herself. She apologized and has walked on eggshells for months. The bickering has started to heat up again.”

“I’m so sorry. Will your sight get better?”

“I don’t know. The doctor said I have a seventy percent chance of re
gaining my vision.”

Kirin wrestled with mixed emotions of anger, sadness, concern, and disbelief. Heaven knows she and Melissa had some whoppers before they separated, but she never, ever would’ve laid a hand on her. It just wasn’t in her. How could anyone do something so horrible?

The cart hit several deep puddles. They bounced from one to the next with mud splattering everywhere. They squealed and then giggled.

Kirin couldn’t avoid them, and slowing down didn’t seem to help. So why not relax? The path finally widened and dried out, and she turned on the windshield wipers. Everything was a mess, including the two of them.

Silke put her hand on Kirin’s arm. “Thank you for asking. I know it’s
awkward, and I’m sure you were curious. It’s just hard to talk about
because I’m so ashamed. I never should have let it get so far. Diane is furi
ous with me for not leaving her.” She sniffed.

Kirin wasn’t quite sure what to say. “Do you want to leave her?”

“I guess I do. It’s just that . . . well, we’ve been together for a long time, and it’s hard to give up,” Silke said. “Why don’t we talk about you for a change?”

Kirin thought about how to transition the conversation now that the path was less treacherous. She smiled. “Well, oddly enough, I dealt with a very physical relationship as well.”

“No kidding. Small world I guess.”

“Back in my carefree youth, I had my share of one-night stands, but
Melissa was different. We really hit it off. One night of lusty hot sex af
ter a chance meeting at a fundraiser turned into three years of bickering, cajoling and . . . more hot sex.” She shook her head and patted her chest. “Yes, it became unpleasant. My abusive ex is a nymphomaniac—that’s the difference.” She hoped the humor helped. “I guess I should say was. We didn’t last long as a couple, but she’s still a good friend. It was all very exciting at the beginning, and then it was just exhausting.” She released an overly dramatic sigh.

Silke giggled and then laughed and then tears ran down her face. Kirin couldn’t help herself and laughed, too. In hindsight, it really was funny. Although she doubted Melissa would see the humor. She finally stopped the ATV because she couldn’t drive while convulsed with laughter.

After several minutes, Silke took a deep breath and sighed. “Oh my God. I don’t remember the last time I laughed so hard . . . I mean it’s not that funny. I’m sure it wasn’t easy, but the analogy was so good.” She giggled again. “I guess abuse is abuse.”

They laughed again.

Kirin drove through a small neighborhood. The houses were a little more than shacks, more like shanties. Some of them were perched right on the water’s edge on stilts. “It looks like we’ve come to the end of the island. Did I miss a turn off?”

Silke leaned forward and pointed to a narrow concrete bridge spanning the shallow water. “No, this is the hand-ferry road to cross into San Pedro. When I first came here, the small ferry was manned by two men and ropes. There wasn’t as much vehicle traffic, but many of the people who live north come down to San Pedro to work.”

One by one, vehicles, golf carts, and small delivery trucks took turns crossing the bridge. A northbound pair of golf carts passed and then it was their turn.

“They built this bridge just a few years ago to accommodate more vehi
cles,” Silke said. “Since Diane and Mark first took over the resort, dozens of new buildings have been constructed on the north end of the
caye. Most of them are private homes, but there are several high-end re
sorts as well.”

Kirin followed Silke’s directions into San Pedro. She suggested they make one pass through town and follow the shoreline south of the airfield, then circle back for a walking tour. As they navigated the surprisingly crowded streets, Silke pointed out a few better-known landmarks, which included the grammar school, a couple of churches, two banks, and dozens of small businesses.

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