Ballads of Suburbia

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Authors: Stephanie Kuehnert

BOOK: Ballads of Suburbia
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Chicago Tribune
“Hot Summer Read”

“Kuehnert's smart gal, punk-rock narrator is irresistible, and her harrowing sexual initiations, tragic family predicament, and struggle to stay close to her best friend and secure respect as a rock musician will enthrall.”


“As a fictive artifact of an aggressive, didactic genre in which shades of gray are often obliterated by black and white beats of rage, Kuehnert emerges as a true subversive—retaining her cred while expanding the form.”

—Los Angeles Times

“Car won't start? Don't call AAA. Just grab a copy of
I Wanna Be Your Joey Ramone,
hook it up to a pair of jumper cables, connect the other end to the car battery—and stand back. The power surge emanating from Kuehnert's first novel will be more than enough to get the engine going.”

—Chicago Tribune

“A manifesto for defiant high school girls, as well as a refresher course for the goddesses they turn into.”

—Venus Zine

“Allusive, real, and honest…. It makes no difference if you're a punk-rock chick or a glam princess, I would recommend this book.”

—Elle Girl

“Raw and gritty.”

—Publishers Weekly

“Kuehnert's language is slick. The punk references bite with genuine angst and hunger, and Emily's tough, sardonic attitude, as revealed through chunky, poetic language, is feverishly tempting.”

—Kirkus Reviews

“A rich muscular story.”

-BUST Magazine

“This book could be any real band's
Behind the Music
…. Solid writing.”

—Racket Magazine

“A powerful story…. I could almost believe that Emily was a real musician, not a character created by the author. I was sad to come to the last page, wanting the story of Emily to go on forever.”


“Unputdownable…. Kuehnert is an unbelievably talented writer. Her debut is a smart, touching, intense and emotional novel that readers will absolutely love.”

—Teen Book Review

“Heartbreaking, hilarious, touching, exciting, upsetting, elating and exhilarating. I loved this book fifteen pages in, and that feeling continued to grow the more I read. In fact, the end was one of the best endings I've read in a very long time. It was a perfect close.”

—Plenty of Paper Reviews

“I promise you won't regret picking up this unforgettable novel. I definitely look forward to more amazing novels from Stephanie Kuehnert.”

—The Book Muncher

“A wonderfully written and evocative story of a mother and daughter parted by circumstance and joined by music. I heartily recommend it.”

—Irvine Welsh, internationally bestselling author of

“Teeth. Punk. Combat boots. Attitude. Feminism. Family. Girls with guitars. Relationships that jack you up. Sharp things of the not-good kind. Friendships. Love…. It's all here; it's all pure and real. I loved it.”

—Melissa Marr,
New York Times
bestselling author of
Wicked Lovely
Ink Exchange

“Kuehnert's love of music is apparent on every page in this powerful and moving story. Her fresh voice makes this novel stand out in the genre, and she writes as authentically about coming of age as she does punk rock.”

—Charles R. Cross,
New York Times
bestselling author of
Heavier Than Heaven: A Biography of Kurt Cobain

“Stephanie Kuehnert has written a sucker-punch of a novel, raw and surprising and visceral, and like the best novelists who write about music, she'll convince you that a soul can indeed be saved by rock and roll.”

—John McNally, author of
America's Report Card

“Intense, raw and real…. Emily, a gutsy, passionate, and vulnerable girl, knows exactly what she wants and strides straight into the gritty darkness after it, risking all and pulling no punches…. A fierce and wild ride.”

—Laura Wiess, author of
How It Ends

“Stephanie Kuehnert writes with dramatic flair and all the right beats…. A debut like an unforgettable song, you'll want to read
I Wanna Be Your Joey Ramone
again and again.”

—Kelly Parra, author of
Invisible Touch


Don't miss Stephanie Kuehnert's first stunning coming-of-age tale




Now available from MTV Books

Pocket Books
A Division of Simon & Schuster, Inc.
1230 Avenue of the Americas
New York, NY 10020

This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are products of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

Copyright © 2009 by Stephanie Kuehnert

MTV Music Television and all related titles, logos, and characters are trademarks of MTV Networks, a division of Viacom International Inc.

All rights reserved, including the right to reproduce this book or portions thereof in any form whatsoever. For information address Pocket Books Subsidiary Rights Department, 1230 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY 10020

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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Kuehnert, Stephanie
   Ballads of suburbia / Stephanie Kuehnert.-1st MTV Books/Pocket Books trade pbk. ed.
      p. cm.
   Summary: An aspiring film writer tells about her troubled teen years in the Chicago suburbs when she and her friends tried to escape the pain of their lives through rock music and drugs.
   [1. Emotional problems—Fiction. 2. Drug abuse—Fiction. 3. Rock music—Fiction. 4. Punk culture—Fiction. 5. Chicago (Ill.)—Fiction.] I. Title.
   PZ7.K94873Bal 2009
   [Fic]—dc22          2009008658

ISBN-13: 978-1-4391-2685-1
ISBN-10: 1-4391-2685-2

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For my best friend, Katie, who helped me
through my own high school experience.

In loving memory of Marcel Fremont, who helped
us all survive high school and become better,
wiser people. We miss you so much.


Thanks to:

Everyone at MTV Books, especially Jen Heddle, the best damn editor on the planet, for pushing me to do my best. Also to Erica Feldon, publicist extraordinaire, and to Jane Elias, copyedit queen. I can't send you guys enough cupcakes to repay you.

Caren Johnson Estesen, darling agent.

Sheryl Johnston, for all the guidance, both professional and personal.

Scott, sweet husband-to-be, who talked me off the ledge numerous times while I was writing this and just generally makes me happy.

Vanessa Barneveld, Katie Corboy, Jenny Seay, and Aaron Golding, the best critique partners a writer could ask for.

Jenny Hassler, goddess of the interwebs, and Elise Coleman, mistress of graphic design.

The Columbia College Chicago Fiction Writing Department. Special shout-out to Joe Meno, who taught class with Johnny Cash songs one day, inspiring the concept behind this book.

My family, including my future in-laws.

BFF Katie and all my amazing friends. Polly and Thea, I'm especially glad we've reconnected.

Everyone at the Beacon Pub-bartending is my favorite job besides writing.

My street team; you guys seriously rock.

All the authors who have offered wisdom, especially those I've had the privilege to read with, and all the incredible folks at bookstores, libraries, taverns, record stores, and schools who have graciously hosted me.

Special thanks to Alexa Young, my partner-in-crime for Rock ‘n' Read. Also to Irvine Welsh and Joe Shanahan for making my rock-star fantasies come true by inviting me to read onstage at the Metro.

And of course, the biggest thanks of all go to my wonderful readers. Read on.

“If you made a book of what really happened, it'd be a really upsetting book.”

—Angela Chase on
My So-Called Life

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