Authors: Mary Helen Bowers
Rond de jambe (circle) your leg in tendu side to a tendu front, with your arms lowered to the side and slightly back. Keep your stomach engaged and your chest open.
Bend the standing knee into a plié and then bend slightly deeper in plié. Keep your front leg extended into a tendu front and arms in Swan Arms Back.
Bend the standing knee slightly deeper and slide the extended leg out along the floor. Stretch the standing knee, pulling up slightly; then bend into a plié again. Your working knee is extended straight in tendu the entire time here.
Make sure your standing knee is over your toes. Keep your chest open, your elbows lifted, and your center engaged.
Pulse here in plié tendu.
8 counts, 4 sets.
Begin with the starting position for Plié Tendu Front. With your arms in Swan Arms Back position, bend the standing knee into a demi-plié, keeping your heel on the ground, and then stretch the standing leg, lifting with your knee as you lift your arms to Swan Arms High position. Keep your front leg extended into a tendu front.
Bend the standing knee into another plié. Keep your chest open and your stomach pulled in as you lower your arms to Swan Arms Back.
8 counts, 4 sets.
Straighten again and lift your arms up to Swan Arms High position.
Repeat, remembering to engage your center, butt, and inner thighs. Be careful not to collapse your upper body when you bend.
8 counts, 4 sets.
Extend into a plié tendu front, as in Plié Tendu Front with Straight Knee, with your arms in Swan Arms Low position.
Check your form: stomach pulled in, chest open, standing knee over toe.
Hold here.
8 counts, 4 sets.
Standing Stretch for Legs.
From the front, rond de jamb (circle) your right leg back, moving your leg from your hip. Imagine your toe drawing a half-circle on the floor. Be sure to keep your leg quiet and focus on the movement from your hip. Your arms are in Swan Arms Back here—down to the sides and behind your hips. Your stomach is engaged and your chest open. Do not arch your back.
Pulse here in a plié arabesque.
8 counts, 4 sets.
From the starting position in plié tendu arabesque, move from a demi-plié with your arms in Swan Arms Back to a straight standing knee as your arms lift to second position.
Bend the standing knee again to demi-plié and lower your arms, keeping your back leg extended into tendu arabesque. Lift your arms back to second position, pulling in through the stomach and opening through the chest as you stretch the standing knee.
8 counts, 4 sets.
Return to your plié tendu arabesque back, with your arms in Swan Arms Back. Check your placement—standing knee over your toe, stomach engaged, chest open.
Hold here in a demi-plié.
8 counts, 4 sets.
Standing Stretch for Arms and Legs.
Change legs and repeat the nine movements of the Plié Workout on the other side.
An arabesque is one of the most classic ballet steps! It also provides a fantastic workout that tones your legs, butt, back, center, and upper body.
We will get started with a quick Standing Stretch for the Arms and Legs.
: Begin standing up tall, with your chest open, your stomach pulled in, your feet in fourth position, and your arms in second position. Extend your back leg into a tendu, keeping your front leg bent in a ballet lunge.
From your ballet lunge in fourth position, drop your arms down with a slight bend in your elbows to the Swan Arms Low position.
Bend your front knee into a demi-plié and make certain that your knee is over your toes and your back leg is straight. Your back toe should be on the ground and your heel slightly lifted.
Keep your chest open, your neck long, and your center engaged.
Pulse in a plié here, bending your knee a little deeper and stretching. As you deepen the plié on the standing leg, drop the back heel to the floor.
8 counts, 4 sets.
Beginners can hold on to a wall or a chair for extra stability. Even the kitchen counter will work! Use stretches between reps to give your muscles a chance to recover, and remember that you can begin working with fewer reps and increase the difficulty over time.
Standing Stretch for Upper Body and Legs.
From the same starting position as Warm-up with a Plié Pulse in Fourth Position, bend your front knee into a ballet lunge and extend your other leg straight behind you, this time pointing your toe into a tendu back. The weight is over your front foot.
Lift your arms to first position, pulling your stomach in tight. Your chest is very open, and your elbows are lifted.
Bend your knee a bit more and extend further down into a deeper plié.