Band Fags! (22 page)

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Authors: Frank Anthony Polito

BOOK: Band Fags!
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When I finally do get my license in August, I drive Max, Betsy, and Audrey out to the Tombs in the new car that my Dad bought for me. Okay, it isn't exactly new. It's a 1979 Dodge Omni. It's also pea green. And it isn't exactly just for me—I have to share it with my Mom. After not being behind the wheel since the car itself first rolled off the assembly line, she decided she wants to start driving again, don't ask me why! But I get to drive it to school every day. And to work.

Oh, yeah. I forgot to mention…I got a job. My parents informed me that once my Sweet Ass turned Sweet Sixteen, my days as a Kept Child were over. So come tomorrow—August 26, 1986—I will join the Great American Workforce. For $3.05 per hour I'll be working as a Bagger at Farmer Jack's. Though not at Store #12 on 9 Mile and John R where my Dad is employed. Family members working together is strictly prohibited according to Union Rules. Which is why my Dad called up his former Boss and got him to hire me. Remember Lyle Waggoner? He's now the Manager of Store #142 on 12 Mile and Campbell in Madison Heights

Unfortunately when I met with him, I discovered the guy no longer looks
like Major Steve Trevor. Fortunately, I don't think he remembered much from
Sooner or Later
Night—probably 'cause he was totally wasted by the time he left our house! At least he didn't mention it if he did.

The good new is…I'll only be working part-time. No more than 20 hours per week and on weekends. But never on Friday night on account of Marching Band playing at the Varsity Football games. Speaking of…Practice starts tomorrow, with the first Home Game against Warren Fitzgerald coming up on September 12
. But before that, we've got the Hamtramck Labor Day Parade on Monday the 1st. (Yippee!)

In case you can't tell, that was totally sarcasm. I really am over being a Band Fag. Especially since the '86–'87 HPHS Viking Marching Band Drum Major is none other than…Luanne Kowalski.

Talk about fun—not!

I can't say I've seen much of Brad since my Sweet Sixteen party. He got a job waiting tables at Big Boy's and when he's not working, he spends all his time with Luanne. Which might explain the following letter I found in my mailbox today…

August 25, 1986


Hi, I have just returned home from a girl named Jane's house to wait for Max because he is picking me up after work to spend the night. Please forgive the lovely flowery paper, but in the Dayton household, bills don't get paid, so there isn't even hot water, let alone regular paper.

I had a rather uneventful week, working at Big Boy's, hanging out with Luanne. Stuff like that. Tonight we picked up Jane (met her at the bar 2 weeks ago, she works at Oakland Mall) and then we went to her house. She lives in this really cool upper-flat in Royal Oak with 2 skinheads that are really cool and we made some coffee and just sat around on the living room floor. All in all it was pretty boring. I really went because I needed to kill time before Max got here. I was gonna call you, but Lou said you were pissed at me, so I decided to drop you a letter.

Jack, I can't believe I've barely seen you this entire summer. How can you even think that we aren't Best Friends anymore? After all we've been through, all we've done? It really hurts me to think that someone who
I thought
was the closest person to me can't understand the position I'm in. You know I stood by you when all you talked about was Joey Palladino. Only a real friend, a really special friend would do that. Any other person would have said, “Jack, Fuck off.” But I knew that you'd get over it—not that you have, but hey, things take time.

Not for once during that period of our friendship did I think that you weren't still my Best Friend. I just want you to know that I'll always be there for you, just like I hope you will always be there for me. I don't know if this letter has made any sense to you, but just remember that I love you Jack, and always will.
what happens to us during the corse of this year.

I always thought we'd be friends forever, I know we will, but
remember what I said before,


Talk about feeling like a Jerk! As in Total. Leave it to Brad Dayton to lay a Guilt Trip on me for being such a Bad Friend.

Don't get me wrong, I appreciate him reaching out to me like this. And he's totally right. Why have we barely seen each other this entire Summer? In the past, we spent practically every single day together—riding bikes, swimming in Max's pool, hanging out at the Mall. I remember us dreaming of the day Max would be the first to get his driver's license and his own car. We had all these plans to go to the Drive-In and to Metro Beach and to Cruise Gratiot for Chicks…Now that day has come and what have the three of us done? Nothing!

Why did Brad have to ruin everything by letting Luanne brainwash him? According to her, everybody in the entire world is gay—or at least bisexual. They're just too afraid to admit it.

I suppose this
be the case with me. As much as I liked Joey, I know in my heart I still also like girls. I wouldn't have wasted so much time with Alyssa if I didn't. She just wasn't The One. But what Lou doesn't seem to understand is…I'm only 16. I'm not old enough to make a decision that's going to affect me for the rest of my life. Why can't she just accept that and leave me alone? And why the fuck is she telling Brad I'm pissed at him?! I haven't seen or talked to her in ages. Once again, this is her little plot to pit Brad against me, I just know it!

Well, I am
going to let that happen…

I head back to my room, closing the accordion-fold door behind me. Then I reach for my phone, sit down on my bed and dial.

“Dayton residence.”

“Is Brad there?”

“Hi, Jack.” It's his Mom. “How's your Summer been?”

“Good,” I answer, realizing just how much I've missed her slight Southern drawl. I wonder if Laura's been clued in as to what's been going on between me and her son on account of Stanley—I mean, Luanne Kowalski. By which I mean the fact that Lou's been trying to ruin our friendship since Day One.

“He's in his room…I'll get him for you,” she offers. Followed by,
It's been way too long since I've heard her say that.

An eternity of dead air passes. I imagine the phone facedown on the orange Formica while Brad in his bedroom refuses my request. Laura drags him into the kitchen by the scruff of his neck, keeping an eye on his every move.

After a moment I hear, “Hello?”

“Hi, Brad,” I say.

“Who is this?”

“It's Jack.”

“Jack who?”

“What do you mean, ‘Jack who?'” I ask. “Paterno.”

To which Brad replies, “Oh.” Followed by, “What do

Good question. Why am I calling him now when we've barely spoken to each other this entire Summer? What am I even going to say?

And then it
out of me…
How Sorry I am for Being Such a Jerk.
By John R. Paterno.

“Dah-dah, dah-dah,” says Brad, interrupting me halfway through.

So I repeat, “Dah-dah, dah-dah.” Then I quickly finish my apology.

“What time you picking me up for Marching Band in the morning?” he asks, as if the last two months never even happened. Guess this means we're still Best Friends.

“6:45,” I tell him, almost forgetting that tomorrow's the First Day of School and we've got practice on the football field at 7:00 AM sharp.

“Better make it 6:40,” Brad decides. “Drum Major Lou will have a fit if we're late.”

Here's to another year of being a Band Fag!


Hazel Park High School
23400 Hughes
Hazel Park, MI 48030

Volume 51

…And such is LIF

C'est la vie is a French phrase that's often used here in the United States. Translated into English it means…and such is life. It's often used whenever something goes wrong which can't be fixed. That's why the yearbook staff decided to use C'est la vie as our theme this year because you can't please everyone about everything…and such is life!

We Marched to Their Beat

Marching Band took part in their traditional performances this year. In November they welcomed Santa Claus and celebrated the annual tree lighting in front of City Hall. They also marched in three different parades, including the Hazel Park Memorial Day Parade, Western Frontier Parade in Charlotte, and the Hamtramck Parade where they won Best Band Award.

A Symphony of Music

This year Sophomore Symphony Band was happy to receive a rating of I in District Competition at Romeo High. Many students participated in sales to raise money for the band. Fundraisers included working at the flea market and baked-goods sales for night school students. Also, out of generous Christmas spirit, some band members played for the elderly at Hazel Crest Retirement Home.

…And LIF
goes on


You're a real great guy I've known for a real long time. I'm glad we became Best Friends again, at least for a while. It's been an experience I'll never forget. I plan to see your book on a shelf one day and I better not be in it! (Just joking.)

Joey Palladino



We've known each other for 4 years now & I've really had fun being your friend. Never forget all the fun we've had talking about DAYS. Don't worry about fitting in with the “In” Crowd. Don't ever change for anybody. Not even Kristian. I truly hope you get all the fame & fortune you want and one day you win a Pulit Surprise. (Remember that joke?) Don't ever forget me!

Love, Carrie Johnson



I have no idea how we met and no idea when we met but hay here we are (and that's a fact). I'm looking forward to spending more time with you in French Club. We'll have a blast! Love ya,

Diane (Thompson) “89”


Cher Jack,

Tu es un très intelligent étudiant en français. Bon chance!

Mme Carey




To a real sweetheart I've known for a long time. Thanks for making me feel good all the time and for teaching me how to “Spin the Bottle” at your 16
birthday party. Well, next time you see me (Kristian) on TV, give me a call and I'll watch myself. Thanks, cutie!

Love always, Marie (Kristian) Sperling


JACK (JACQUES, as Mr. Borjes says!)

I hope you know how really GREAT I think you are. Thanks for being there when I needed to unload my problems.. You're the only person that I can talk to for hours. I hope we stay close friends and lunch buddies.

Love, Betsy (“Effie,” the girl who broke your heart) Sheffield



You're my best friend and we've been through a lot, haven't we? Please don't ever forget the awesome times we've had. You are the only person in this world that I can be myself with, laugh with, etc. Thank you for being who you are. and please don't forget who you are. No matter how hard you try to be someone (or something) else, I'll know the REAL you. If you promise to be yourself I know that you'll become the star reporter/writer you want to be. When I'm basking in the neon lights on Broadway, I'll remember…Edna, BLFAC, EB's, Marching Band, Gaylord, Christmas vacation 1985, all the events and experiences our relationship have gone thru I'll cherish & remember forever. I hope you will.

love, Brad

PS—If I ever do get my driver's license, maybe we will make it to Florida in 1988.



Life's too casual! I'm really glad we're friends again. We have to go out sometime soon, just the guys. We also gotta find a different place to hang out at besides the Tombs! I can't wait til we finally get a vacation and for the summer. Next time we go out,


“Daytona 88”



There are so many things I need to say. When we met so long ago in kindergarten, I remember how cute I thought you were. Then I moved to Minnesota in first grade and then I went to St. Mary's when I came back. I used to think about you all the time. What you looked like, if you still lived in Hazel Park, if you would remember me. Then ninth grade came along and I couldn't believe it was really you. You didn't seem too excited to see me but finally we became friends again. For a while I liked you for more than a friend but I just couldn't tell you because I didn't want to ruin our friendship. So I decided to forget about you in that way. I really loved our late night movies together, just not “Sooner or Later.” Ha ha.

We had some great times with Lu, (oops!) Lou, Brad, Max, and Aly. I'll never forget the first time I went to the Tombs and you asked me if I would bear your child if you died! We still haven't gotten to Mackinac Island to sit by the special trees from “Somewhere in Time.” I hope this Spring Break we can go to someone's cabin Up North. We'll have a blast.

There are so many other things I want to say but I'll end with three little words, “I Love You.”

Love, Audrey

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