Band of Brothers

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Authors: Alexander Kent

BOOK: Band of Brothers
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Epub ISBN: 9781409062172
Version 1.0
Published by Arrow Books in 2006
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Copyright (c) Bolitho Maritime Productions 2005
Alexander Kent has asserted his right under the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act, 1988 to be identified as the author of this work
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The stirring story of the life and times of Richard Bolitho is told in Alexander Kent’s bestselling novels.
Born Falmouth, son of James Bolitho
Entered the King’s service as a Midshipman on
Midshipman Bolitho
Promoted Lieutenant,
: Rio and the Caribbean (
Stand into Danger
1775 - 7
, during the American Revolution. Later appointed prizemaster (
In Gallant Company
Promoted Commander,
. Battle of the Chesapeake (
Sloop of War
Birth of Adam, illegitimate son of Hugh Bolitho and Karenza Pascoe
Promoted Captain,
; West Indies: Battle of Saints (
To Glory We Steer
; India and East Indies (
Command a King’s Ship
; Great South Sea; Tahiti; suffered serious fever (
Passage to Mutiny
Captain, the
; Recruiting (
With All Despatch
; Mediterranean; Bay of Biscay; West Indies. Adam Pascoe, later Bolitho, enters the King’s service as a midshipman aboard
Form Line of Battle!
Enemy in Sight
Promoted Flag Captain,
; involved in the Great Mutiny; Mediterranean; Promoted Commodore (
The Flag Captain
Battle of the Nile (
Signal - Close Action!
Promoted Rear-Admiral; Baltic; (
The Inshore Squadron
Biscay. Prisoner of war (
A Tradition of Victory
Promoted Vice-Admiral; West Indies (
Success to the Brave
Mediterranean (
Colours Aloft!
Battle of Trafalgar (
Honour This Day
1806 - 7
Good Hope and the second battle of Copenhagen (
The Only Victor
Shipwrecked off Africa (
Beyond the Reef
1809 - 10
Mauritius campaign (
The Darkening Sea
Promoted Admiral; Second American War (
For My Country’s Freedom
Defence of Canada (
Cross of St. George
Richard Bolitho killed in action (
Sword of Honour
) Adam Bolitho, Captain,
. Mediterranean (
Second to None
Anti-slavery patrols, Sierra Leone. Battle of Algiers (
Relentless Pursuit
Flag Captain,
; Antigua and Caribbean (
Man of War
; Mediterranean (
Heart of Oak
Also by Alexander Kent
Man of War
Midshipman Bolitho
Stand Into Danger
In Gallant Company
Sloop of War
To Glory We Steer
Command a King’s Ship
Passage to Mutiny
With All Despatch
Form Line of Battle!
Enemy in Sight!
The Flag Captain
Signal - Close Action
The Inshore Squadron
A Tradition of Victory
Success to the Brave
Colours Aloft!
Honour This Day
The Only Victor
Beyond the Reef
The Darkening Sea
For My Country’s Freedom
Cross of St George
Sword of Honour
Second to None
Relentless Pursuit
Man of War
For you, Boo, with my love.
The Way Ahead
Midshipman Richard Bolitho threw up one hand to shade his eyes, surprised by the fierce, reflected glare from the water alongside. He waited while two seamen lurched past him half carrying, half dragging, some bulky objects wrapped in canvas toward the open deck and the hard sunlight. After the semi-darkness of
‘s between decks, it only added to his sense of unreality.
He calmed himself.
Another day
. For most people, anyway.
He glanced down at his uniform, his best. He wanted to smile. The
uniform that would pass muster and avoid criticism. He flicked off several strands of oakum which he had collected somewhere along the way from the midshipmen’s berth, his home in
for the past year and a half.
Was that really all it was?
He took another deep breath. He was ready; and it was not just another day.
He walked on to the main deck, adjusting his mind to the noise and outward confusion of a ship undergoing the indignities of a badly needed overhaul. Chisels and handsaws, and the constant thud of hammers in the depths of the hull, while elsewhere men swarmed like monkeys high above the decks, repairing the miles of standing and running rigging which gave life to a fighting ship and the sails that drove her. And now it was almost finished. The stench of tar and paint, the heaps of discarded cordage and wood fragments, would soon be a cursed memory. Until the next time.
He gazed across the nearest eighteen-pounders, black muzzles at rest inboard of their ports, still smart, disdaining the disorder around them. And beyond, to the land, hard and sharply etched in the morning light: the rooftops and towers of old Plymouth, with an occasional glitter of glass in the sun. And beyond them the familiar rolling hills, more blue than green at this hour.
He tried not to quicken his pace, to reveal that things were different merely because of this particular day. The new year of 1774 was barely a few days old.
But it
Some seamen flaking down halliards glanced at him as he passed. He knew them well enough, but they seemed like strangers. He reached the entry port, where the captain was piped aboard and ashore, and important visitors were greeted with the full ceremonial of a King’s ship. Wardroom officers were also permitted here, but not a midshipman, unless on duty in his proper station. Richard Bolitho was not yet eighteen, and he wanted to laugh, to shout, to share it with someone who was free of doubt or of envy.
Out of the blue and with less than a few days warning, the signal had arrived: the appointment every midshipman knew was inevitable. Welcome, dread, even fear: he might receive it with all or none of these emotions. Others would decide his fate. He would be examined and be subject to their decision, and, if successful, he would receive the King’s commission, and take the monumental step from midshipman to lieutenant.
He watched a schooner passing half a cable or so abeam, her sails hard in the wind, although the waters of Plymouth Sound were yet unbroken, a deep swell lifting the slender vessel as if it were a toy.
‘Ah, here you are, Mr. Bolitho.’
It was Verling, the first lieutenant.

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