Barcode: Cavern of Youth (42 page)

BOOK: Barcode: Cavern of Youth
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“Yours is sexier though.”

Seth walks over and holds my head while planting a huge one on my lips. It takes some strength, but I manage to shove him off.

He burps, “What? I had to see what all the fuss is about. It’s really not that great.”

Angie dances in her seat. “We’re kissing Kode? Yay!”

She tries rushing me, but Jamie grabs her arm. “Not yet.” She looks away nervously and tamely mutters, “I don’t want to be in the room for yours.”

Though she pouts for a second, Angie seems as though she just got a bright idea. Bending down, she kisses Jamie intimately with tongue and a bit of fondling. When Angie releases her, I’m shocked to see an actual smile on the dry Compton girl’s face.

“It’s like an indirect kiss for Kode,” Angie asserts. “But now I’m just horny and want the real thing.”

Seth taps her on the arm. When she looks into his eyes, he reveals a exultant smile. “Are you bisexual too?”

“I guess. I don’t know. I’m fine with other girls sharing Kode,
they’re like Jamie. But not the weak pussies like

Interrupting the argument I see brewing on Carmen’s lips, I cover her mouth and shout, “It’s time, but I want everyone to do me a favor.”

The group simmers down and I explain my elaborate rescue mission for Maria and anyone else that may need saving. Then, I leave with Angie and Carmen to meet up with Monte at the school. When we arrive, he doesn’t look too pleased to see Angie and I together.

The second I turn around, Carmen hugs me heartily and whispers in my ear, “Be safe. I know you’ll come back, but I hate seeing you hurt.”

“You’re not coming?”

“I read your thoughts and know how dangerous it is for me to follow. I don’t want you to get hurt trying to protect me.” Carmen looks over my shoulder to see Angie. She scrunches her face and sticks out her tongue at the brute. Angie flicks her off. “And don’t fall for the slut just yet. Give me a chance to catch up.”

I roll my eyes, but that doesn’t seem like the response she’s waiting on. Carmen tempestuously folds her arms and taps her foot. “Okay.” With that, she pumps her fist and runs off the field.

“Where’s she going?” Monte inquires angrily.

“Home,” I retort with the same tone.

That’s when I notice that familiar sound. It’s the same one that Geb and Mel were wearing. Eve’s perfume is on Monte, but it’s faint; possibly a few days old.

“That’s an interesting fragrance you’re wearing.” My words have plenty of bite and sound more like a threat. Angie watches from the corner of her eyes.

“I don’t wear cologne,” Monte drags out each word.

“Perfume. It’s very rare and expensive because it’s made from Protea repens, which are damn near extinct. They’re currently grown—”

“Solely in South Africa. Thanks for the lesson, but I know what they are.”

“Are you seeing someone? She left the smell all over your armor?”

Monte turns around and glares at Angie. She doesn’t avoid the eye contact. He pats down his Afro and wipes his nose. Taking his time to respond works in his favor. A large military plane with propellers on its four wings lands in front of us. Once the gigantic ramp lowers, we load onto the rear end of the massive aircraft.

Gardezi and Jules are in the back. They meet us at the top of the slope and explain the situation.

Gardezi clears his throat and frowns. “This is the worse-case scenario. Your target is Lake Okeechobee, which has been dry for years. The base is built at the bottom of the lake. No matter what you do, you’ll be spotted upon entry.”

Adjusting his glasses, Jules says, “So we’re going to drop you over the building and provide you with cover. This aircraft is highly durable and it will fly overhead the entire time. All you need to do is rush into the highest tower, insert this flash drive for sixty seconds, and leave.”

Gardezi hands each of us three circular wristbands. It’s pretty big for my small arms. I have to wear it around my bicep.

“Turn this device clockwise,” Jules says while pointing to the dial on its head, “and the magnets will activate, pulling you back into the aircraft. You’ll be vulnerable in the air and will need to turn it all the way up for maximum power. Reduce it before it slams you into this area.”

Just for fun, I tease, “And let me guess, you two will be on flat ground—safe and sound—while the autopilot and us dodge bullets.”

Jules manages to hold his composure. “We represent the stadium and being caught could jeopardize the academy’s integrity.”

“But three students getting caught or dying is just fine. I don’t know if you get what I’m implying, but you’re spineless cowards that are searching for a fantasy. I believe the three of us are at the proper age, but you grumpy old professors are pitiful. Now, if you don’t mind, we have a flight to catch, war zone to drop in on, and documents on a mythical fountain to steal.”

The two men exit the plane, seemingly upset. Our team remains quiet during the entire flight. The ride is so smooth, it feels as though we were on solid ground.

We make it to Florida in three hours. Once we’re over the lake, an announcement sounds in the speakers with a woman’s voice, “You have arrived at your destination.”

The other two stand and walk towards the lowering ramp but I don’t budge. Instead I ask, “Are you automated or the cockpit’s AI?”

“I am the artificial intelligence of the plane. Would you like a briefing on your mission?”

“No,” I reply while listening to bullets ping on the outside steel. “I was just wondering if you were looking for a boyfriend? I know this awesome hologram.”

“I do not have an answer to that inquiry. Please try another question.”

“Women,” I mumble while unhooking my parachute.

Angie looks over the edge of the plane. When a few bullets fly through the open space, she backs away from the ramp. She bumps into me as I unhook my final strap. “What are you doing?”

Monte grabs her by the shoulder and pulls her back to the ramp. “Forget him. Let’s go.” Before he can take her any further, I stab Angie’s bag with a knife. “Are you out of your mind?”

I quickly convert Shiva back into gloves. “Listen to that gunfire! If we drop in slowly, we’re dead. I’m going to build the nastiest force I can and release it before hitting the ground. And I plan to blow a hole in the dirt like when I saved Angie.”

Angie sucks air through her teeth. “Sounds like that’ll hurt. I’m down. Kongō can’t merge into a gun, but I can help cushion the fall with my force.”

We both know that Monte can’t concentrate his energy like that. In fact, what Angie and I can do is generally limited to liminal beings. I now know why I can do it, but I’m curious to know why she can.

Her pressure is more of a weighted push and mine is a shock wave. Her’s should supply a pillow as mine destroys the ground.

Grabbing her wrist, I jump out of the plane. Monte follows behind us quickly. I convert Shiva into the massive shield that’s meant for a fifteen-foot giant.

Monte propels himself closer to the shield with the air he’s collected. “I’ll use the wind as a cushion.” Even I find it difficult to hear him, but at least he’s thinking.

Approximately one hundred feet from the ground, I release Shiva’s energy. Angie and Monte add their pressures and the ground shatters to bits and pieces much better than the way it did on Jules’ course.

We land between hundreds of helicopters. The ground has turned to dust and we’re all fighting to crawl to the top.

Men rush out with their weapons in hand. They’re dressed in navy blue military armor and armed with MMAK-47 rifles. The soldiers are organized and quick. They’re probably used to defending against the liminal beings from the surrounding areas.

This place is built like Colt Arena, with an open space in the middle for helicopters to land, but the lake’s fort is in the shape of a square.

Angie grabs my hand as I use a force to blow us out of the crater. Monte attaches himself to her foot. While the guards fire their countless rounds, Angie applies pressure to their bullets. The ones that do hit us simply bounce off.

We land on the ground and I create another shield, big enough to protect me, but Angie and Monte still duck behind. I thought the conversion was complete, but Shiva continues changing. To my surprise, a long tube appears in the center of the round shield. I transfer my data into the weapon to see what will happen. Without warning, it releases large shock waves with electricity connected to it. Though I missed the security guards, helicopters and anything else in the way fly into the sky. The men firing their guns flee for their lives as the objects come crashing down.

Angie runs to the highest tower in one of the corners and we follow. Monte collects enough air to bash right through the walls and we enter a room with many men and women on phones and their computers. Instantly, they scream and run away.

We follow behind them and find an elevator that leads to the penthouse. The stairs are next to them, but Monte and I want a little break from the yelling and gunfire.

“I hate elevators,” Angie cries fearfully.

When the security behind us unloads a round, I scream, “That’s the one thing that actually scares you?”

My brother rushes in first, but I gesture for Angie to go next. I hit the button for the fifteenth floor repeatedly. We hide on the sides while guards pour bullets between the closing doors. When we’re safe, we all slump on the floor and ride the slowest elevator in the world.

One minute passes with us getting nowhere. Angie paces between Monte and me and I’m sure she’s about to explode. Her nicely tanned skinned turns a fiery red. “Are you serious? The seventh floor? Can this go any slower?”

The door opens on the eighth floor and a nerdy guy with thick black glasses, a brown comb over, and a potbelly poking out of his white lab jacket joins up. “Hey. You guys are new.”

“No. We’re just here to steal information on the Cavern of Youth,” I reply.

“No way!” He takes out his phone and hands it to me. I pass it to Angie. “Here’s all the information you’ll ever need. You guys could have just called.”

“What?” we all yell synchronously.

“It wouldn’t be that easy, but all the lab rats here hate studying that thing. First off, all we know is it’s somewhere in California with fog on the ground. It’s stupid. We’re studying something we can’t get samples on. Every time we send someone for research, they wind up dead. I went once and met this guy with creepy green eyes. He let me turn around and I cried all the way back home. I took a sample of a rock on the wrong section, but no one could tell the difference.”

The elevator stops on the tenth floor. He walks out, happily providing us with more information. “The password to the phone is Theodore. Capital T. If you can hack in and delete everything we have on the cavern, feel free.” The nerd struggles to hold the door open. “If not, it’s okay. But
let us know any information you get. Gosh. They’ll start that case again and I’ll be overloaded with work.”

We all wave to him as he releases the door and runs down the hall. Angie dryly says, “Thanks?”

I hit the fourteenth floor button and walk off after it takes forever to get there.

“Why are we getting off here?” Angie asks.

“The guards took the stairs and ran to the penthouse. They’re protecting that area because it holds the most sensitive data. Well, that’s what the fat officer claims. I don’t see the point in going up there to kill off those guys for no reason.” I point to the wall right outside of the elevator. “Monte, could you open the door for the child and lady.”

He bashes the wall in and we all turn our devices on as we hop out of the building. The magnets zip us to the top and pull us back into the aircraft.

Once all three of us crash inside, the AI asks, “Is your mission complete?”

Together we shout, “Yes!”

The aircraft takes off too quickly and I slide towards the ramp. Angie reaches for me, but Monte steps on her hand. She grunts through her teeth.

The ramp is closing too slowly. The additional air makes it difficult to stand up straight.

Casually, Monte strolls towards me. I can’t hold my balance like him and continue stumbling side-to-side.

The plane moves at an insane velocity. We’ve already traveled fifty miles or so. It didn’t cross my mind before, but the amount of air must be supplying Monte with an amazing power. I swear I hear air collecting in his legs, but he has no tattoos there.

Angie screams as Monte kicks me out of the plane. I’d activate my magnet, if I weren’t unconscious. I know because I hear Angie leaping out right after me. I’d love to tell her that the training worked. If it weren’t for me enduring her punches, I’d be traveling through a lonely darkness. Not that it makes much difference. When my cranium meets the unforgiving cement, it won’t really matter.

Monte watches both of us fall until the ramp completely closes off the plane.

Angie screams my name frantically, but no matter how much I focus, I can’t move my body. I need her to cut me and release my blood like I did in the hospital, but there’s no way to relay that message. Tons of black feathers fly behind her. There’s too much wind to release Hathor.

She finally converts Kongō into two boomerang daggers. She whips one at me, but misses. Though she waits for it to return, it ventures to the ground below. Angie calms herself and kisses the last piece before letting it rip. It barely grazes my chest, but the minor wound is enough to wake me up. As I move my body, she smiles and cheers at the same time.

Though I can’t hear her through the wind, I read her lips, “Your turn!”

I open my eyes for a split second. Her facial expression horrifies me. Is she scared?

I push Angie away with a tremendous force. Though I assume I’ll die, that should help her.

Amazingly, Shiva converts into a carbon body ball with tons of cushion on the inside. I hardly notice when it smashes into the ground.

As planned, the counter force I applied to Angie slowed her down enough to bring out her wings. Now, her barcodes are pointing outward and she has the falcon wings of Hathor.

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