Bare It All (21 page)

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Authors: Lori Foster

Tags: #Romance, #Suspense, #Fiction

BOOK: Bare It All
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Several cops glanced at Rowdy, but overall they ignored

Reese ignored him, too. “Dash, can you stay with Pepper? We
won’t be long.”

“Sure. No problem.”

Pepper started to object, and Reese said, “Alice?” He held out
his hand. “Come on, honey. We’re ready for you.”

He hoped Alice understood his acceptance, but in case she
didn’t, as soon as she got close, he said low, “I’m sorry.”

Blinking big brown eyes up at him, she asked, “For what?”

“For thinking, even for a second, that you’d somehow alerted

“You believe me that I didn’t?”

Pausing outside the door to the conference room, Reese gave one
sharp nod. “No more secrets between us. Right?”

“Um...” Like a deer caught in the headlights, she froze.

Reese smiled. It was an agreement, albeit uncertain, maybe even
unwilling. “Good.” He held her shoulders. “You ready to do this?”

“Of course.”

So stubbornly independent. “It doesn’t bother you, does it?” He
caressed her, fought the urge to kiss her. “Being here?”

Maybe having the same thought, Alice leaned into him, her face
tipped back, her eyes warm on his mouth. “I thought it would.” She put a hand on
his chest, stroked up and over his shoulder. “But I got so involved chatting
with Pepper that I forgot all about it.”

Every time she
with Pepper,
he worried. Not that he didn’t like Pepper, because he did. But at all times,
she was like a small, sexy explosion waiting to happen. The last thing he wanted
was for her to influence Alice.

“The meeting is in here, Detective.”

At Peterson’s forceful tone, Reese gave Alice an encouraging
smile and steered her into the room.

For the next forty-five minutes he sat back and let Logan and
Peterson ask questions of Rowdy and Alice. It worked better to let someone
fresh, someone uninvolved, get the info from them.

Alice handled it like a pro. It amazed him the amount of
details she remembered, and how accurately she relayed them again. So often,
witnesses got confused or mixed up about the order of things. Excitement and
adrenaline caused a lot of people to miss specifics of the surrounding area,
time frame, location, sometimes even the appearance of an attacker.

Not Alice. At all times, she remained alert, soaking up details
the same way a detective might. Now, in relating those details, she didn’t come
across as phony or like she was making up anything. She shared what she could,
and occasionally enhanced what Rowdy had seen while attempting to trail her.

The different perspectives from their accounts matched up.

When Peterson pulled out a folder, Reese realized that the
lieutenant planned to show a photo of the murdered girl. He moved closer,
sitting beside Alice, his hand on the back of her chair.

Alice must have realized what she’d see, because she braced
herself. The subtle shifting of her shoulders, the tightness in her expression,
might not have been obvious to the others, but Reese knew her. He saw the dread
and the iron will that kept her in the seat.

“Is this the same tattoo?” Peterson laid the photo on the
table, turned it and moved it forward.

On the other side of Alice, Rowdy’s expression hardened. He
cursed low.

With sadness filling her features, Alice took her time studying
the photograph. “When did she die?”

“Recently,” Reese said, not wanting to involve her with all the
nitty-gritty. She’d already dealt with enough ugliness in her lifetime.

Alice lifted the photo to see the tattoo better. She drew in a
shaky breath, blinked back tears.

Peterson said gently, “Take your time.”

“It’s similar.” Alice dug in her purse and found a tissue, then
drew a steadying breath. She didn’t make a big deal of her tears, either to
apologize for them or to seek sympathy. “Not exactly like Cheryl’s, but pretty

“Same size?” Logan asked.

“Yes.” Alice touched her own forearm. “From here to here,” she
said, indicating just above her wrist to just below her elbow. “About five or
six inches long and less than three inches wide. It didn’t circle her arm. It
was sort of contained in a narrow rectangle but without a frame.” She looked up
at Peterson. “Cheryl’s was still red. I think she’d just had it done.”

Taking the photo back, Peterson returned it to the folder.

Logan said, “You’re sure you didn’t get a last name? Didn’t see
where Cheryl was headed?”

“I didn’t want to pry.” Peeking over at Reese, Alice shrugged.
“But I did give her a phone number that she could call in case of an

Reese wanted to groan. “The police?” he asked hopefully. Or
maybe the elusive Trace.

Alice shook her head. “She wanted nothing to do with the

Indignant, Peterson dropped the folder on the tabletop and sat
back in her chair.

“You could’ve given her my number,” Rowdy told Alice.

“Cheryl didn’t know you. And right then, she wasn’t feeling
real comfortable with men.”

Already knowing the answer, Reese took Alice’s hand. “So, whose
number did you give her?”

Wincing her apology, Alice whispered, “Mine.”

* * *

way she
held on to him, almost like a lifeline. The entire situation left her far more
stressed than others would know. “Your cell?”

She shook her head. “A cell phone, yes, but not my regular
phone.” She skimmed the faces of Peterson and Logan before focusing on Reese.
“I’m not an idiot, and I don’t take chances.”

“I know that.” Not dumb by any stretch, but too daring? Too
bold? Absolutely.

“I keep extra cell phones for...emergencies.” Rushing beyond
that, probably hoping it wouldn’t draw notice—ha!—she added, “I’ve been carrying
the phone since then, but Cheryl hasn’t called, so I’m assuming she made it home

A cautious move, to give Cheryl a different number. But that
didn’t excuse things. “Why didn’t you tell me before now?”

Looking him in the eye, not really making any excuses, Alice
said, “If Cheryl had called, I would have told you.” She turned to face the
others. “No one else has that particular number, so any call will be from
Cheryl, or someone who got the number from her.”

Keeping the annoyance from his tone wasn’t easy, but Reese
didn’t want Peterson or Logan to get the wrong idea. Or maybe the right idea:
that he didn’t have control of the situation at all. “Anything else you haven’t

She nodded.

Great. “Now would be a good time then, don’t you think?”

“I told Cheryl we’d need a code of sorts in case anyone found
her, or tried to coerce her in any way. The plan is that if someone is listening
to her, she’s to tell me that everything is peachy.”


Alice shrugged. “It’s not an everyday phrase, but it’s not so
obvious that others might understand. I told her if she said that, I’d know
something was wrong, and I’d do everything in my power to help her.”

So, she had planned to stay involved? Frustration rushed
through Reese. He scraped back his chair and stood. “Everything being
” She was one small woman, untrained, too

Alice rose to stand before him. “Everything”

“Me?” Damn it, he hadn’t seen that one coming. Chagrined,
especially with the others watching, Reese said, “So you think I’m in your
power, do you?”

Alice nodded. “It’s within my power to tell you. And, of
course, if you know those creeps have found her again, you’ll help her.”

Irrefutable logic. What could he do but concede the point? “Of

The beatific smile Alice gave him made him feel like Superman.
kissing her was difficult, he was so...
Damn, he was proud. Of how she’d held it together under the difficult situation,
and her faith in him.

Peterson cleared her throat. Logan frowned and Rowdy

Time to take charge. Again. Why was it that every time he got
around Alice, he had to regroup? If he didn’t take care, he’d end up with a
boner for all to see.

Taking her wrist, he removed her hand from his chest and sought
some needed distance from her influence. “I think that’s all we need from

Unfazed by the dismissal, she resisted his efforts to guide her
to the door. “You’ll let me know your plans?”

Pushy. But so sweet, too. “Probably not.” Before Alice could
get too worked up over that, Reese got her to the door. “I need a few more
minutes. Why don’t you and Rowdy wait with Dash and Pepper?”

Confusion blunted her composure. “Reese?”

Definitely pushy. “I won’t be long.”


Rowdy gently caught her arm and, with a nod at Reese, took her
along with him as he exited the room.

The second the door closed, Peterson said, “Well. That was

Wasn’t it, though? Reese sought words to explain Alice’s unique
gift of deception and details, but Peterson gave her attention to Logan.

“Why exactly is your brother here?”


reprieve, Reese waited
for Logan to answer.

“He probably came to catch lunch with me or something. He said
he forgot I was off for a few days.”

Incredulous, Peterson rose to collect her papers into a folder.
“You’re saying that he forgot you were shot?”

Logan shifted uneasily. “Dash knows a measly wound wouldn’t
keep me from working.”

Reese snorted. The bullet that had torn through Logan’s arm was
far from measly. Helping Peterson along in her conclusions, Reese said, “Being
Dash is in construction, he probably didn’t understand that any officer-involved
shooting takes you out of the action whether you like it or not.”

“For one more day,” Peterson agreed.

Forget that! No way in hell would Reese let her assign Logan as
the lead again.

Not in this.

Not with Alice involved.

Of course, it was Alice’s involvement that might get him
excluded. Anyone could see they had a relationship. It was department policy to
keep detectives out of cases that hit too close to home. An impartial detective
was better than someone with an emotional vendetta.

Course, that hadn’t kept Logan from going after the threat to

Maybe he should just take charge before Peterson had too much
time to mull it over. Given an opportunity, she might let her personal dislike
of Reese make up her mind for her.

Crossing his arms over his chest, Reese leaned on the
door—blocking the way. “So, we’re dealing with drugs, possibly kidnapping and

“How are we going to handle it?” Logan asked.

Peterson shook her head. “We’re short-staffed, as you both

As if feeling guilty, Logan said, “I’m ready for full-go.”

Reese nipped that idea real fast. “Pepper will tie you to the
bed if you even try it.”

Rounding on him—and then wincing with pain—Logan cursed. “Stop
making it sound like she’s my mother, will you?”

With the lustful way Pepper looked at Logan, no one would ever
make that mistake. “Fine.” Reese lifted a brow. “Tell her and let’s see what she

A feral growl brought Logan to his feet. “She does not dictate
to me.”

“From what I’ve witnessed—”

Peterson laughed.

It so startled Reese that he did a double take. He and Logan
shared a look of confusion.

“The power of women,” she murmured, and then gave them both a
quelling stare. “Starting Monday, Reese, you take lead.”

Now that he had his way, he moved from the door. “If that’s
what you want.” One way or another, he’d have worked it out, but it was nice
that Peterson just handed it to him.

With her hand on the doorknob, Peterson paused. “Pick a team,
then let me know.”

“Of course.”

Rather than depart, she emphasized, “Let. Me. Know.”

“Right.” It wasn’t that long ago that Reese hadn’t trusted her
and had kept quite a bit from her. “Even injured, Logan will be useful, I’m

“Gee, thanks,” Logan said, completely deadpan. “Glad to hear
I’m not totally useless.”

“Pepper would deny such a thing with her dying breath.”

Interrupting them with a huff, Peterson jerked the door open.
And still she lingered, her gaze sizing up Reese once more. “Of course, you also
have your little network of other trustworthy cops, now, don’t you?”

“Guilty.” He’d made it his business to know who was above
reproach and who might be on the take. Peterson had ferreted out a lot of the
problems, but these days, Reese left nothing to chance. He’d amassed his own
group of loyals. They had come in handy more than once.

With a furtive look, Peterson ensured no one listened in. “If,
until Monday, you choose to do some checking on your own time, keep it to
yourself and make sure no one else finds out.” And with that, she marched

Now that Peterson was out of the room, Logan asked, “What the
hell, Reese? Care to tell me what that was all about?”

Ah, of course Logan had known he had a motive for his gibes.
“You got lead last time.” Unrepentant, he shrugged. “I needed her to give this
one to me.”

“But you made me sound whipped.”

“If the whip fits...”

“Go screw yourself.”

Reese couldn’t keep a straight face. He grinned as he held the
door open for Logan. “Actually, I’m happy for you. You two make a great

“Jealous, huh? I figured.”

Reese knew Logan was kidding, but still he nodded. “Yeah, sure.
I’d like what you have.”

Logan paused. “With Alice?”

“Now, there’s the million dollar question, yes?” Did he want
something that powerful, that permanent, with Alice? Despite her eccentric way
of keeping secrets? Her off-limits background? Her lack of trust?


“I’m thinking of buying a house.”

Logan whistled. “For you and Alice?”

“Cash was the motivation, really. He needs room to run, more
room than afforded by an apartment on the second floor.”

“Cash, huh?” Logan idly rubbed the shoulder of his injured arm.
“That’s the only reason?”

“Are you taking your pain pills?”

“At night.” Realizing what he was doing, Logan dropped his hand
and affected a look of boredom. “The meds muddle me too much during the

Logan should about be done with his antibiotics, and he’d only
need the sling a week or so longer. Thank God the bullet hadn’t done more

They’d been friends for a very long time. Reese trusted Logan
with his life, so why not trust him with this, as well?

“The thing is,” Reese said, wanting to say it out loud, “I
can’t imagine Cash playing in the yard without imagining Alice nearby, as

Staring off at nothing in particular, Logan shifted his stance.
“That was awfully fast.”

“Look who’s talking.”

Head down, he nodded. “Yeah, I know.” Finally he looked at
Reese. “It wasn’t easy. Still isn’t, really.”

“But all the same, it feels right.”

Logan lifted one shoulder. “That’s about it.”

Both solemn and introspective, they stared toward the women,
again ensconced on the bench, their heads together in conversation.

Nearby, Rowdy stood with his arms crossed, his gaze watchful as
he contemplated everyone and everything in the station with palpable suspicion.
No, for Logan, it wouldn’t be easy. Not until, if ever, Rowdy got settled.

When Alice blushed, Reese felt a stirring deep inside. Lust,
but something else, too. Something...
. As Logan
said, it wasn’t easy. Hell, sometimes it was damned uncomfortable. “Wonder what
they’re talking about.”

“I don’t know about Alice,” Logan murmured, “but Pepper doesn’t
do the usual girl talk.”

“Shopping, cooking, makeup?” No, that wasn’t Pepper. “More
often than not, I think she’s conspiring something.”

“Probably.” Logan studied her some more, then grinned and sent
his good elbow into Reese’s ribs. “Given the look on Pepper’s face, I’d say
they’re talking sex.”

Great. Just what he didn’t need to know. Was Pepper sharing
advice, or encouragement?

Veering off topic, Reese said, “You think Pepper will give you
enough privacy to do some work over the weekend?” He eyed Logan’s arm in the
sling. “Off the clock, that is.”

“She understands my job.” Like a man satisfied, Logan had to
pull his attention off his fiancée. “What’d you have in mind?”

“Rowdy is going to scope out the area tattoo parlors. If he
reports back to you, could you do some background checks on the owners, managers
and employees?” Alice noticed them and, with a secretive smile, started toward
him. Watching her every step, wondering what she had planned, Reese said low,
“See if anything jumps out.”

“Not a problem.” Before she got too close, Logan said, “Since
it looks like you’ll be busy, I’ll get hold of Rowdy myself. I’ll call you when
I know something.”


Color still high in her face, her dark eyes mysterious, Alice
stopped before him. “All done?”

“Yes.” She sounded breathless. How soon could he get her

With a mocking salute, Logan went to talk with Rowdy and

Reese looked, but he didn’t see Dash anywhere. “Where did
Logan’s brother go?”

Leaning into him, Alice whispered, “I think he followed your


“He’s interested in her.”

Reese snorted in disbelief, but when Alice didn’t smile, didn’t
show any sign of jesting, he sobered real quick. “Not possible.”

She chided him with a roll of her eyes. “Did you buy that
nonsense about him coming here to see Logan? I don’t know him well, but Dash
doesn’t strike me as a dummy. He wouldn’t have forgotten that his brother was

Reese had wondered about that, but with so many other things on
his mind...

Well. Given that Logan and Dash were close, and Dash had been
there with Logan when he’d gotten shot, had stayed with him at the hospital,
too, it didn’t seem feasible for him to just forget.

Dash and the lieutenant, huh? No, Reese couldn’t bend his brain
around anything that bizarre. He’d known them both a long time, Peterson as his
superior, Dash as an extension of his close friendship with Logan.

Dash successfully played the field, with
being the operative word. He dedicated himself fully to his job
and his family. But when it came to women, he gravitated toward beautiful,

Peterson was not fluff. Far from it. From what Reese could see
through her “all-business” attire, she wasn’t stacked either.

As to being beautiful...Reese supposed if he could look at her
in an unbiased way—which challenged his imagination a lot—he could see a certain
appeal. Maybe if a guy ever got her blue eyes softened with lust, or mussed her
always tidy, short brown hair... No.

He shook his head, denying the possibility.

Petite, toned and bristling with intent. That was Lieutenant
Margaret Peterson. Dash, who was far less serious than Logan, worked hard at his
construction company and even harder at having fun.

He did not work hard for women.

Surely Alice had to be mistaken. Yet...she was awfully

Did Logan realize? Of course not. If he did, he’d be on Dash’s
ass already. Reese groaned. “I hope you’re wrong, honey.”

She tipped her head. “Why?”

“Because no way in hell will the lieutenant appreciate Dash’s
interest. It’s more likely than not that she’ll only get more difficult, and
I’ll still have to work with her. That’s why.”

“Oh, I don’t know,” Alice said. She took his hand as they
headed out to the parking lot. “I think Lieutenant Peterson just might surprise

For Reese, that idea was even more repugnant. He knew how to
deal with
Peterson. The last thing he wanted
was a new dimension to that ball-busting personality.

Pushing away impossible thoughts of Peterson in a sexual
relationship, Reese slipped his arm around Alice. “You and Pepper seemed to find
plenty to talk about.”

Alice ducked her face. “She’s very nice.”

“To you.” Reese opened the car door for her, then went around
to the driver’s side.

“She likes you, too,” Alice said.


Smiling, Alice said, “You both bluster, but the mutual fondness
is easy to see.”

For Alice, it might be easy. “You think so, do you?”

She took his teasing comment to heart. “In some ways, you’re
very easy to read.”

Reese wasn’t sure he wanted Alice “reading” him. He wasn’t used
to it. But he supposed if he wanted to keep her around, and he definitely did,
he should accustom himself.

He started the car and got on the road. After a minute, he
cupped his hand over her knee. “Do you know what I’m thinking about now?”

“Yes.” She covered his hand with her own. “You’re concerned
about the people involved in tattooing and drugs, and you’re worried about me,
even though I keep telling you not to be, and you’re thinking about how much
juggling you’re going to have to do.”

Damn. She’d nailed it. “Actually, I assume I won’t have to
juggle.” He gave her knee a gentle squeeze. “Because you’re not going to keep
any more secrets.”

“No, I won’t.”

“Good.” He’d never get a better opening than this. Even though
it was forbidden—maybe especially because it was forbidden—he needed to know how
she contacted Trace. He put both hands back on the wheel. “So, how about you
tell me how I can reach your buddy?”

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