Read Barely Breathing Online

Authors: Lacey Thorn

Tags: #Fiction, #Erotica, #General, #Contemporary, #Romance

Barely Breathing (3 page)

BOOK: Barely Breathing
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“Hell. Whose records have you been digging in now? Who did
you play around with and piss off?”

“Play around with? I don’t play around at what I do. I’m
damn good as you saw firsthand.”

Jack turned to Tyler. “Did Zach ask you to keep an eye on

Tyler nodded and Honor sighed.

“I can’t have my dad involved in this.” Honor’s gaze bounced
back and forth between Tyler and Jack. “I’ll leave right now. Stace doesn’t
even need to know I was here. Just leave my dad out of it. Please.” Uttering
that one word seemed to cost her a lot. If Griff could see it, then he knew
Jack would as well.

“I can’t let you just leave.” Tyler shook his head at her.
“I’m involved now whether you like it or not. If you run, I’ll have no choice
but to call your dad.”

“Fuck.” Her whispered word seemed to wrap around Griff.
Yeah, that’s exactly what he’d like to do with her. Damn, he’d never had it
this bad before. And definitely not this quickly.

“You don’t need to leave. Let me make some excuses and we’ll
head over to my office and chat. Tyler can come with us.”

“No offense, but I’d rather Tyler not be involved.”

“What?” Tyler didn’t look happy at all.

“You walked away. Stay gone, Tyler.”

Tyler looked at her for a long moment. “I won’t tell your
dad if that’s what you’re afraid of.”

Honor smiled at him and Griff felt a flash of jealousy when
she cupped the other man’s face with her hands. “I can’t take the risk.”

“Damn it, Honor.”

“Just trust me. Please. If not me, then Mr. Madigan. I’m
sure he’ll inform my dad if he feels the need to.”

Tyler didn’t look happy but when Jack nodded in agreement
there was little the other man could do. “I want your promise you’ll come to me
if you need to.”

Honor nodded and leaned up to kiss Tyler on the cheek. Was
there something going on between the two of them? Were they involved? Griff
sincerely hoped not.

“I’m staying at a local hotel. Stace hasn’t seen me yet.
I’ll just leave before she does. Enjoy your party, Mr. Madigan. I’ll come see
you first thing in the morning.”

“Is that safe?”

“I should have a head start.”

“How long?”

“Two days. Three tops.”

“No hotels. Too risky, too hard to guard.” Jack turned and
speared Griff with his gaze. “Griff, stop hovering and get your ass up here.
Honor, this is Griff Daniels. He works for me.”

“I know.” She nodded at Griff. Standing this close to her,
he could easily visualize just how well their bodies would line up.

“Don’t remind me of your breach,” Jack warned and Griff
watched Honor bite her lip. He was pretty sure it was to hide the grin he saw
lurking at the corners of her mouth.

“Griff, follow Miss Davison back to her hotel and help her
check out. Take her back to the apartment building.” Jack turned back to Honor.
“It’s secure. No one gets in or out without one of us knowing it. Period. I own
the building. Griff lives there as do several other of my employees. Including
Stace. It’s the best I can do for now.”

Honor nodded. “Thank you. I know you don’t know me, Mr.
Madigan. You have no reason to listen to me or help me in any way. I screwed
up. I’m not proud of it but it happened.”

“I would expect Zach to help my daughter in my absence. I’m
assuming there’s a good reason you want him left out of it. I’ll respect it,
for now.”

“Thank you.”

“I see Stace and Shep heading this way. I don’t think she’s
noticed Miss Davison yet.” Griff met Honor’s eyes for the first time and felt a
jolt of pure lust rock through him. It had been a long time since a woman
affected him this way. Maybe never.

“I’m sorry for crashing the party. I should have waited.”
Honor looked poised to run. Griff reached out and took her hand without
thinking. He told himself it was just to keep her from bolting without him. It
had nothing to do with wanting to see if her skin was as soft as it looked. He
held the moan in. It was.

“Griff will make sure you have my number,” Jack told her.
“Call me if you need anything. I’ll see you first thing in the morning.”

“Jack,” Julia said as she walked up and snuggled against her
husband. Griff watched as Jack hugged his wife close to his side. She was
really good for him. And a force to be reckoned with herself. “Julia Madigan.”
She held her hand out to Ms. Davison, cutting off their timely exit. Luckily
Stace and Shep had stopped to talk and weren’t close enough yet. Griff adjusted
his position hoping to block Honor from their view.

“Honor Davison.”

“Lovely to meet you, Honor. A friend of the prospective
bride or groom?”


“I see.”

Griff wanted to laugh. If Jack knew who Honor was and had
obviously been expecting her, then Julia knew as well. Jack kept little from
his wife. He’d once said she’d just find out on her own anyway. But then that
was one of the skills, which made her such a great detective.

“Tyler, as always, it’s good to see you.”

“You too, Julia.”

Honor shook her head. “I apologize for intruding.” She
pulled her hand from Griff’s and held it out to Jack. “Thanks so much, Mr.
Madigan. I’ll see you tomorrow.” She turned and almost ran in her haste to
leave. She was moving fast and it was all Griff could do to try to catch up. He
did his best to keep his eyes off her well-rounded ass. The woman looked good
both coming and going. But he really wanted to see her coming, preferably at
the same time he was.

Chapter Three


Griff Daniels caught up to her as she reached the door.
“Slow down. You’ll draw less attention if you act normal.”

She knew that. God, what was wrong with her? She was
reacting and that wasn’t like her. She needed to calm down, take some deep
breaths and figure out what to share with Jack Madigan in the morning. She
needed to be honest but not make herself look as stupid as she was, or

Why had Jack chosen Griff Daniels to be her escort? She
stifled a groan as his palm pressed against the small of her back. If he knew
how many sexual dreams he’d starred in, he’d be running from her. No file could
ever do him justice. He was so alive. She swore she could feel his body
strumming with energy. He practically vibrated with it. Christ, she’d let Vince
rev her engine before she knew his game. Now she was high-and-dry and ready to
dry hump the dream walking beside her.

“I was afraid Stace would see me. I wasn’t thinking clearly
or I would have waited until morning anyways.”

“It’s good you came. You’ll be more secure where I’m taking
you than at the hotel.”

“I’m sorry you got stuck with me tonight. I’ll be quick so
you can get back to your friends’ party.”

“No worries. I wasn’t really in the mood for a party tonight
anyway.” He smiled at her and her toes tried to curl in her shoes. She’d done
her research this time. He was one of the good guys.

“I like that.” His grin did funny things to her stomach.


“You think of me as one of the good guys.”

Crap! Had she spoken the thought out loud? She stopped by
the door to her Jeep.

“I rode over with a friend. I’ll just ride with you if
that’s okay.”

She would die if he’d been on a date and she’d interrupted.
“I’m so sorry. I really didn’t mean to pull you away. You can go back inside.
I’m sure I’ll be okay until the party is over.”

“No can do when Jack says go.” He grinned at her.

“Is there someone you need to go in and say bye to?”

“If you’re asking if I had a date, then the answer is no.
I’m single. Not dating at all in case you’re interested.”

She laughed. “Am I so transparent?”

“Maybe I was just wishful thinking? How well do you and
Tyler know each other?”

“He’s like a brother to me.”

“Good to know.”

“Why can’t I ever meet a guy like you when the timing is

“There are no guys like me. I’m an original.”

“I bet you are.”

“You’ll be a true believer when you get to know me better.”

“I know a little about you. Griff Daniels.
Six-feet-six-inches. Black hair. Blue eyes. Owned a martial arts studio before
coming here. Now you work for Jack. You still teach a few MMA classes during
the week and help with personal safety training at your sister-in-law’s gym.
You’re the perpetual Boy Scout, always prepared and probably helping little old
ladies across the street and shit. You have major issues with your mom and her
recent marriage to Caesar Davis, also known as Roman. Cool nickname, though I
would prefer the power behind a name like Caesar. Don’t you agree?”

She saw temper flash in his eyes. Lord, she needed to think
before she spoke. Yet again she proved how easy it was for her to piss people
off without meaning to.
Nice way to let him know you basically cyber stalked

“Fuck you.”

It didn’t sound like the invitation she’d like from him.
Maybe it was a good idea to back off. She was in danger and anyone involved
with her would be too. She should keep him away. And the best way was with
insults. Wound his ego and he’d give her a wide berth.

“Oh, I bet you’d like to fuck. I’m sure I would too. Bet you
know your way around a woman’s body. But I’ve never been one for crowds. You
know, taking the road less traveled and all that.” She let her gaze sweep him
from head to toe, letting the insinuation sink in.

Griff took a step back. If it wasn’t for the lust in her
eyes, he’d really be pissed. As it was, he’d let his temper get the best of him
when she’d made the comment about his mom. He sighed. Honor smelled like warm
honey and something else, some type of exotic spice maybe. The scent was toying
with him, getting into his skin and making him hot. Christ. How long had it
been since he’d made love to a woman? Too long if she was getting under his
skin this way. He never used the “f” word around a woman, not even during sex.

His mind filled with a movie reel of the two of them. Hot,
naked and sweaty, contorting into positions you only seemed to see in porn. He
groaned. Maybe it was all the love floating in the air around him. Seemed as if
everyone was finding their perfect match and hooking up lately. All three of
his siblings were married and now had kids. Out of the people he worked with,
only he and Chetan were still single. And Chetan had been a little odd lately.
Which was saying something.

“What’s the matter, Honor? I thought you didn’t fear
anything?” He laughed. “Seems to me, maybe you do. Maybe I’ve suddenly become
the big, bad wolf and you’re afraid I’ll eat you up.” He leaned back in close
and whispered in her ear. “I would too. I’d savor every delicious inch and keep
coming back for more.”

“Fuck you.”

He liked the flash of temper in her eyes. It just turned him
on. “Oh, you’d enjoy me fucking you. You’d wrap around me like a vise and never
want to let go. I’d make you feel things you’ve only dreamed about or read in a
really smutty novel.” He shrugged and stepped back, heading around the front of
her car to the passenger side. “But I’ve got little old ladies to help across
the street. Or some other shit like that.”

She glared at him. He smiled back. And, damn if his cock
wasn’t hard as a rock.



He had to bite his lip to keep from laughing out loud at her
snarl. “Unlock the car so we can go.”

She looked at the car and seemed to realize they were still
standing in the parking lot. He hadn’t enjoyed himself this much in a long
time. Too long.

“Fuck.” He heard her mutter just before the locks clicked

He’d always dated smaller women. They were usually at least
a foot shorter than he. They tended to be polite and ladylike. The only times
they used the word fuck was in the bedroom, and even then very rarely. Most
would never utter that word, no matter the location.

He glanced at Honor. She probably didn’t have a ladylike
bone in her body. She’d keep him on his toes and give him pure hell. He zoned
in on her mouth. Soft, full lips just perfect for kissing, or even better for
sucking… He shook the thought out of his head.
Down boy,
he told his
cock and opened the door to get in.

She was moving some bags from the passenger seat to the
back. He watched her eyes zone in on his fly and felt his cock pulse and throb
against his zipper. There wasn’t much he could do to hide his aroused state. He
wasn’t a kid anymore so he refused to be embarrassed by the hard-on he was
sporting. Especially since she was the cause.

Her gaze flew to his and he lifted an eyebrow as he finally
sat in the seat, adjusting it to suit his long legs. He watched her swallow and
lick her lips as she put the car in gear. It sent his mind right back to where
he’d like to feel those lips. This was going to be a long night.

They made the ride to the apartment building in silence. She
had used her room at the hotel to shower but left nothing there once she headed
out to find Stace. No reason to go back to the room. They’d take care of
checking her out tomorrow. Plus, if anyone was checking on her already, they’d
find her checked into the hotel. It might be a good idea to leave her checked
in there. Didn’t mean she had to stay.

She did her best to ignore him and he just sat there
grinning. He couldn’t help it. It had to be hard to pretend a guy as big as he
was didn’t exist. But she gave it her all. He shifted as much as he deemed
necessary, making sure to brush his elbow across her. He did manage to hold the
chuckle in every time she gritted her teeth and pulled away.

Her smell was intoxicating. It filled his head and made his
mouth water.

“What’s that perfume you’re wearing?”


“Your perfume. It smells nice.”

She gave a snort and gritted her teeth. He didn’t even try
to bite back the laugh that tumbled out.

“Turn into the lot here.” He pointed to the private parking
for the apartment building and gave her the code to raise the bar so she could
drive in.

“What can I carry?”

She grabbed the stuff she’d moved from the passenger seat
for him and then pointed to a zipped duffle bag. “Just take that. It’s all I’ll
need for tonight.”

He grasped the bag and stood by while she punched in a code
on her keypad to alarm her car. The lights flashed and they were good to go.
She probably didn’t need it in this lot but he doubted she would care if he
told her that.

“I can take those.” He indicated the heavy-looking backpack
she had on one shoulder. He’d also take the laptop case she had on her other
one. But she shook her head.

“I’ve got them.”

They headed toward the building. He didn’t offer his arm
like he would to any other woman. He grinned. She’d probably bite it off and
leave him with a bloody stump.

Her cry had him turning quickly, just in time to have her
slam against his chest. He grunted, automatically wrapping his arms around her
to steady her.

Her green eyes blinked up at him. “Sorry, I tripped. I’m not
so great with heels.”

He glanced down at her feet, taking in the stilettos, and
his thoughts flashed to an image of her wearing nothing but his bed sheets and
those heels. His cock pulsed and throbbed. Her eyes flared and he knew she
could feel it with the way she was plastered against him. The fact they were
still out in the open and had her stuff weighing them down all faded away. He
had one thing on his mind.

“If you don’t want me to kiss you, I’d step back.” It was
the only warning he was going to give her.

Her eyes darted to his mouth and her little pink tongue
flicked out to wet her bottom lip. With a groan he bent his head and took that
full bottom lip between his teeth. Sucked it and nipped it. She moaned and
shifted impossibly closer, opening her mouth and granting him full access.

He took. His tongue foraged inside and he felt high on the
taste of her. She filled his senses so she was all he could see, hear, smell,
feel and taste. She surrounded him and left him gasping for air when she pulled
away. Lust rocked through him. He wanted her, probably more than he’d ever
wanted anyone. It scared him a little. But then, it had been a long dry spell
for him. By choice.

“We’re going to have sex and it’s going to be incredible.”
She smiled, took another step back and a deep breath. “But it’s not going to be

She stunned him with her honesty. She obviously wasn’t one
to play games or beat around the bush. He could appreciate that in a woman.
Especially one he wanted to get naked.

“Why not tonight?” He could have bit his tongue once the
words left his mouth.

She smiled. “Because I have work to do. And I’m not easy.”

“Trust me, I can tell there’s not an easy thing about you.”

She laughed. It was such a soft, seductive sound. It rolled
over him and grabbed him by the balls, giving them a squeeze and making his
dick ache for release. “I like you.”

“I like you too.” He’d like her even more when she was naked
and under him. Or over him. Or even better, on her hands and knees in front of

He grabbed her hand before she realized his intention and
resumed leading her to the building. “In case you stumble again.”

She didn’t say anything but she didn’t pull her hand away
this time.

“Does Stace know your car?” His mind was trying to think of
things other than Honor. It was a slow process.

“Yes, anyone who knows me knows my car.”

“We probably should have parked somewhere else, but Stace
will know you’re here soon enough. We’ve probably got a few hours before she
and Shep get back.”

She nodded her head. Griff keyed them into the building and
then led her to the stairs. There was an empty apartment on the second floor
where he was. But he didn’t intend on letting her stay there.

“You said something about having work to do?”

“I need to find a secure network and do a little research.”

“Mine is secure. It’s probably the best you’ll find. A
friend of mine, Chetan, set it up for me. He stays up on the third floor.”

“Where do Stace and Shep stay?”

“Bottom floor. There’s one apartment down there. Two on each
of the other floors. Five floors. There are only three of us living here right
now though.” He put his key in and opened the door to his apartment. “This is
my place.”

“Welcome to my parlor, said the spider to the fly.”

He laughed. “I’m not so bad.”

She let her gaze slide from his head to his feet and back up
again. “I’m betting you’re very good.”

He watched her walk in and move across his living room to
the large desk he kept in the corner.

“Nice setup.” She nodded toward the computer that took up
most of his desk.

“Help yourself.” He offered, then thought of Jack’s earlier
comments. “Nothing illegal right?”

She grinned and pointed to her computer bag. “You’re safe.

He watched her long legs as she made her way to his dining
table and set up her laptop there. “What do I need to know to log into your

He spouted off the information.

“I’m in. Thanks.” She sat down and her fingers began moving
across the keys.

“Want anything to drink?”

He dropped her bag by the end of the couch and glanced her
way. She didn’t even hear him. She was already absorbed in whatever she was
doing. He went to the kitchen and grabbed a couple of bottles of water. He sat
one on the table but she didn’t even look up. It was a little disconcerting the
way he seemed to no longer exist for her. He moved to the couch and debated for
a few minutes about whether to turn the TV on or not.

BOOK: Barely Breathing
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