Bargaining for the Billionaire (15 page)

BOOK: Bargaining for the Billionaire
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“Good. Lift your head.”

She arched a brow. “Why the blindfold?”

“It makes all the rest of your senses take over. You'll feel more.”

“And what, exactly, do you plan to do to me?”

Heat flared in his gaze. “Make you see stars. Eventually.”

The exact conversation he was referencing flitted through her mind. Her first orgasm with him, when she'd thought he was Dave, just a sexy stranger, had been incredible, and he hadn't even touched her. Her orgasm, when he'd fucked her on the vanity in the hotel bathroom, had left her breathless. Knowing the pleasure he could bring her had her clit begging for his touch.

She moaned and squeezed her thighs together to ease the ache he already built.

“Oh, God.” She closed her eyes and did as he bade, lifting her head.

He put one of the ties over her eyes, securing the back tightly enough that she couldn't see, but didn't appear to knot it. “All right. Now your hands. Hold them up in front of you, please.”

She did. This time, he tied the silk tight enough she couldn't pull her hands apart, then took her wrists and gently placed her arms over her head.

“Is this okay?” His voice came as a murmur beside her ear, his breath hot against the lobe.

She groaned, frustration and need winding through her. “No. I can't see you. I can't touch you. This is driving me crazy.”

“That's the whole idea. But what I meant was, does the position hurt your arms at all?”

She sighed. “No. I'm comfortable with the position.”

“Good. Now don't move. Pretend you
tied to the bed, that your wrists are restrained. And remember. If you touch, I'll stop, and believe me, I'll make sure you don't want me to.” His mouth brushed hers, his voice a low hum between them. “I promise you'll enjoy it. Do you trust me, Maddie?”

She nodded, once again breathless. “I trust you.”

“Good.” He kissed her again, a tender tangle of his lips with hers, then pulled away.

His fingers caressed the tip of her right breast first, circling the nipple, his touch so light goose bumps shivered across her skin. No sooner had he touched her, though, than he retreated. He shifted, moving off her, and the bed dipped. His fingers skimmed her belly next, running down the center, then retreated. Next, he caressed his warm palms up her thighs, grazing her nether lips with his thumbs.

Maddie sucked in a sharp breath. Desire tore through her, and her hips arched off the bed. Barely a minute and already he had her panting. When he retreated again, she moaned, lifted her arms and reached out in the direction she swore he was in.

“Ah, ah, ah.” His voice held a tease and, damn him, seemed to come from across the room.

She let her arms drop back over her head with a frustrated sigh. “I hate not touching you.”

He chuckled and as suddenly as he seemed to disappear, he came close and his hot tongue flicked over her earlobe. “Am I driving you crazy?”

His husky rumble in her ear sent shivers down her spine that all settled between her thighs.

She rolled her head back and forth, thrusting her chin and her breasts out with the frustration winding through her. “Yes!”

“Do you remember what I said? It'll be worth it. Trust me?”

She sighed, allowing her muscles to relax. “Yes.”

Time passed slowly after that. He seemed constantly on the move around her, keeping her disoriented enough she couldn't pinpoint where he'd touch next. A light caress over her nipples. A firm stroke of his palms over her belly. A fingertip skimming her ankle. Occasionally, he'd touch her in intimate places, stroking his fingers over her mound, inserting a digit inside her, but as soon as she arched into the touch and began to enjoy it, he'd take it away.

He stroked the tip of his cock across her lips once. Across the tips of her breasts. He rubbed his erection against her mound as his body hovered over hers. Every touch made her yearn, and each one stoked the fire within her, sending it racing across her skin. Not once did her bad memories invade her thoughts nor did anxiety creep over her, because he kept her focused on him, on the ache he created low in her belly. He had her panting. Every nerve ending had come alive, and her body vibrated with a need so keen she was sure she'd come the next time he touched her.

The bed dipped, his warm, soft skin pressing against her side. His hip? He confirmed the thought when he rocked his erection against her thigh. His warm palm skimmed down her belly to settle over her mound.

His long fingers rested along her slit. “How you doing?”

His voice rumbled beside her ear again, and she squirmed, her heels slipping over the sheets as she shifted her legs. She longed to press them together, to open them and arch into his hand, but once again he retreated.

She finally gave in, going still on the bed. “I ache. Please, Gray, enough. Touch me.”

And then he did. His palm slid over her mound again, one long finger sliding between her lips to stroke her engorged clit. Her back arched off the bed with the pleasure that roared through her. A quiet, desperate moan escaped her.

He didn't tease this time, though. That delicious finger stroked and circled, and her orgasm slammed into her. Every muscle tightened and loosened in a white hot rush of juices, leaving her gasping and shaking and sighing. Grayson didn't stop there. He continued to stroke her sensitive clit, and one orgasm rolled into two, then three. He caressed her until she was breathless, her body taut as a bowstring with the unbelievable pleasure gripping her.

When the quaking finally subsided, he eased his fingers from her. Panting and spent, she collapsed back into the softness of the quilt. She lay there stunned and boneless.

Grayson stretched out beside her, his cock once again hot and hard against her thigh, and pressed a soft kiss to her neck, below her earlobe. “You okay?”

Maddie let out a breathless laugh. He'd made good on this threat. To come that hard and still want him amazed her, but she did. She wanted him buried deep inside of her. “I'm not sure I can move, but yeah. I am sooo good.”

He laughed, turned her head toward him with one finger, and brushed a tender kiss across her mouth. Then reached over her head and pulled off the blindfold before doing the same to her wrists. He tossed both ties onto the bed beside her and stroked his fingers over her lips. “Worth it?”

Was it? Hands down, but now that she'd calmed down enough to catch her breath, his cock against her thigh became her focus. It was his turn now.

Deciding to show him rather than answer, she sat up and moved over him, rolling him onto his back. She braced her hands on his chest and settled on top of him, rubbing her slippery slit along the length of his erection. “You tell me.”

He groaned, his eyes heavy-lidded and blazing, and gripped her thighs, fingers digging hard into her skin. “Is this your idea of payback? Because it's working. When you came, I damn near came with you.”

He was as breathless as she was, and another slide over his length had his eyes rolling back and closing. She grinned, heart full and light. To be with him this way was gloriously freeing and as easy as breathing. Knowing she had power over him was the ultimate lure. He'd indeed made her see stars, and she intended to repay the debt.

“Your no sex rule? I'm vetoing it, because I want you. I want this cock inside me.” She reached behind her, stroking as much of him as she could reach, then leaned down and caught his bottom lip between her teeth. “Condoms, Gray. Tell me you have more condoms.”

He groaned again, his body beginning to shake in earnest now, and opened his eyes. “Top shelf.” He went still and his features sobered. “We forgot that first time.”

She stilled, remembering, and nodded. “Yeah.”

His thumbs stroked her skin, his gaze searching hers anxiously. “You do know, if you end up pregnant…”

“I know, but thank you for saying it.” She leaned down and brushed a kiss over his mouth. The thought of a baby was a double-edged sword. Things were so up in the air between them. They weren't quite right yet. A baby would only complicate their relationship. It hadn't occurred to her until he said the words, though, how much she needed to hear him say them. She was grateful.

She rose up on her knees, stretching to reach the top shelf. Her fingers found a rather large box, and she grinned as she pulled it down. He'd bought a twelve pack.

She glanced at him as she resettled herself on his hips and opened one end of the box. “Sure of yourself, aren't you?”

“No. Just hopeful.” He winked and nodded at the box in her hands. “Condom. I'm dying here.”

She couldn't resist teasing, sliding her slickness along his length again as she moved down his body. “Is this killing you?”

As hoped, his eyes fluttered closed and his jaw clenched. “And you damn well know it. Baby, I'm on my knees.” His hands slid up her stomach, closing over her breasts, thumbs sweeping her nipples. “I'm probably going to embarrass myself and come as soon as you sink onto me. For the love of God, woman, have mercy. I need you. Badly.”

The need in his voice had the same feeling rising within her and the desire to tease again fled as quickly as it came. His little torture routine had made her feel closer to him, and for tonight at least she wanted to relish it.

She drew out a row of condoms, ripped one off, and set the box back on the shelf. Then she leaned down, whispering against his mouth. “I need you, too.”

His eyes opened. Something hot and needy moved between them in that tiny space and his arms came around her, holding her close. He lifted his head, brushing his mouth over hers. “Condom, baby.”

She nodded and tore open the packet, slid the rubber down his length, then moved up and rose over him. As she took him inch by inch, he sat upright, wrapping his arms tightly around her. She was desperate—for relief, for the connection. Her body came alive all over again, fire racing along her skin. His shaking told her he was in a similar place, but she wanted this to last as long as possible. She didn't want to think of tomorrow or regrets. Only of the intimacy flowing between them.

With his gaze locked on hers, she lost herself in his eyes, and that connection rose between them. They rocked against each other, the extended movements luxurious and slow. Despite his emphatic plea to put him out of his misery, he didn't seem in any hurry. Rather, he held her tightly, taking every erratic, hot breath with her.

His cock filled her, and every inch hit the exact right spot. If she rolled her hips forward, her clit rubbed his pelvis, charging her up all over again. In minutes she was trembling from head to toe, ready to combust. Every thrust propelled her closer to the edge, and she fell into a desperate, jerky rhythm as she lost herself in the unbelievable pleasure.

She wasn't alone in that, either. Grayson's body trembled against hers, his breathing gaining an erratic huff, his eyes heavy-lidded. His hands slid down her back to her buttocks, and as she sank and ground against him, his large, warm hands yanked her to him faster and harder. They gained a frantic gait, bodies shoving together, the sound of skin slapping skin in the otherwise quiet room.

She couldn't be sure who tipped first, but mid-thrust her orgasm rushed over her, this one a flood of wetness, luxurious and bone-melting. She dropped her head back, sighing and shaking helplessly in his arms.

Grayson groaned in her ear, a desperate, relieved sound. His belly quivered against hers as he found his own release.

When the spasms released her, she lifted her head, breathless and in awe. He watched her, tenderness in his eyes. His hands stroked her body, up and down her back, over the curve of her buttocks and down her thighs. In his intense gaze, the reality of exactly where she'd ended up slammed into her. How would she ever summon the courage to let him go now?

Tears pricked at her eyes. She couldn't. Right or wrong, good or bad, her heart was invested in him. It was a moment of absolute clarity and desperate surrender all rolled into one tangle of emotion that caught in her throat and wanted to rip her chest open. She needed him, whether she wanted to or not. His strength, his gentle presence, the way he made her feel safe, truly safe, for the first time in four years—however long their relationship lasted, she'd take it, because she couldn't let him go.

Shaking and overwhelmed by the moment and the man, she wrapped her arms around him and buried her face in his throat. The tears refused to be held back anymore and leaked down her cheeks onto his shoulder as she surrendered.

Grayson stroked her back. “What's wrong?”

She snuggled deeper into him, wrapping as much of herself around him as she could. They were as close as two people could get, but she couldn't seem to get close enough. Not by half.

“Just don't let go.” She murmured against his throat, letting his scent wash over her and soothe the panic gripping her chest. “Don't ever let go.”

If he did, she might come apart at the seams.

Grayson crushed her to him and buried his face in her hair. “I won't let go, Maddie, I promise. Not ever again.”

rayson woke the next morning lighter than he'd been in a while. More sated as well. Beside him, Maddie continued to sleep, her breathing deep and even. She lay on her side, her glorious hair fanning the pillow around her head. She'd also hogged the covers, pulling the majority of his king-sized quilt to her side and wrapping it around herself. Not that he could begrudge her the tiny liberty.

He lay there watching her for a good ten minutes. He liked the sight of her in his bed. Liked, too, the relaxed, peaceful look on her face, and the way she'd stayed by his side all night. Despite the fact that she had the entire rest of the bed, she'd slept curled against him. He'd fallen asleep wrapped in her arms, and had awakened to her soft, warm breaths on his face.

Somewhere over the last ten minutes, he'd made a decision: Maddie in his bed ought to be an every night occurrence. He wanted to wake up to her like this every morning. He wanted her to be a permanent part of his world. So he'd make her one. Or at least, he had plans to try. He'd do what he wanted to three years ago, before the infamous weekend where everything blew up in his face.

He'd ask her to marry him.

They had to get through breakfast, of course, and he'd need a ring. And he wanted to do it right, though the details eluded him. He'd need Cassie's help. First, though, he needed coffee.

He pressed a soft kiss to Maddie's lips then rose from the bed, found his shorts where he'd dropped them the night before, and pulled them on before heading downstairs into the kitchen. First up was coffee. The scent of a fresh brew would no doubt wake sleepyhead upstairs.

When he was halfway through making the omelets, the telltale creak of the floorboards upstairs told him Maddie had woken. A minute later the toilet flushed and the water ran, followed by more silence. A minute later the stairs issued a groan.


The soft sound of her voice had a smile spreading clear across his face. His heart skipped a beat as he flipped the omelet closed and turned to look at her.

His mouth dropped open. She stood at the edge of the kitchen, her eyes soft but bright…wearing the shirt he'd discarded last night. The light blue dress shirt hung to mid-thigh, and she'd had to roll up the sleeves, but damn.

He followed the line of her body, unable to hide his surprise. “Wow. Look at you.”

“Hope it's okay that I stole it.” She gripped the open neck and brought it to her nose, inhaling. “It smells like you, and I didn't want to put on yesterday's clothes yet.”

“Oh, believe me, I don't mind.” He took a step to his left and bent to brush a kiss across her mouth. “Feel free to keep that. It looks much better on you.”

Her lips melted beneath his, and she leaned into him, and what began as a simple good morning peck became hot and needy. He was turning fully toward her when she giggled and pulled away enough to meet his gaze. Her eyes gleamed. “You're burning breakfast.”

He swore under his breath and slid the pan from the burner, lifting the edge of the eggs to peek at the underside. They were little overdone, but not burnt. Thank God.

He tossed her a playful glare. “See what you do to me? Make me forget myself.”

“I'd say I was sorry, but I'd be lying.” She sighed, an entirely too pleased smile blooming on her face, and stepped up beside him, peering around his shoulder. “Smells good. What's for breakfast?”

“Omelets. With spinach, tomatoes, and mozzarella.”

“With egg whites?” She looked up at him, one brow arched in disbelief, then stared at the pan again as if she couldn't be sure she actually wanted to eat it.

He shrugged and grinned. “I like eggs for breakfast, good protein, but I don't eat very many whole eggs. Too much fat. You'll like it. Trust me.” He nodded toward the coffee pot, several feet down the counter. “I made coffee. Sugar's in the bowl. Half and half is still in the fridge.”

She froze then, staring wide-eyed at him for a moment. “You remembered how I like my coffee.”

They used to share a lot of coffee. Their first official date back way back when had been over a cup at Starbucks. She also knew he took his black. He wasn't into what he liked to call
coffee. Give him a plain ol' cup of joe over Frappuccinos or lattes any day. He preferred his food the same way—simple.

Maddie, however, had a love affair with lattes. So when he'd gone to the grocery store yesterday to pick up the ingredients for dinner, he'd made sure to pick up sugar and half and half as well. Along with the condoms, picking up those items had been hopeful thinking, but he was glad he'd done it.

He leaned over, murmuring against her lips as he brushed another kiss across her mouth. “I remember everything.”

She blinked at him again, then in a sudden flurry of movement, threw her arms around his neck and plastered her mouth to his. She didn't hold back, either, but leaned into him, her soft lips coaxing his open. By the time she pulled back again, breakfast was all but forgotten.

He settled his hands on her hips, turned her ninety degrees and lifted her, setting her onto the island countertop, then eased between her thighs.

“That was the exact wrong thing to do if you want that coffee anytime soon.” He reattached his mouth to hers, stroking the seam of her lips as his hands gained a mind of their own, wandering up her smooth thighs and beneath the hem of his shirt. When he reached her bottom, a groan escaped him. “You're naked under here. Christ. Hope you weren't hungry, because I think breakfast will have to wait.”

She didn't push him away either, but slid forward on the counter, settling her heat against the erection pulsing to life in his shorts.

“I'm not hungry. At least not for food. Coffee can wait. I have to leave soon. Need to be at the shop by eleven, and I still need to go home and shower.” She nipped at his bottom lip, tugging gently on it. Then she reached into the breast pocket of the shirt and came out with a condom. “Can you make do with that time, Book Nerd?”

“Minx. You had every intention of sabotaging me.” He shoved his underwear down, kicked them aside, and took the condom from her fingers, waggling his brows as he rolled the latex down his length. “You can shower here. I'll even help.”

Condom in place, he slid his hands up her thighs to the soft, firm globes of her ass and pulled her to him. She surged with him, sliding onto him in one hard, desperate thrust, and moaned low in her throat. He groaned as pleasure slid to his toes.

Her head dropped back, her hair spilling down her back, her body already shaking. “H-hazard of waking up in your b-bed is the whole house smells like you. It made me wet.”

She wasn't kidding. She was hot and slippery and every stroke sent them hurtling toward bliss as they thrust hard against each other. Despite falling asleep more sated than he ever remembered being, their coupling didn't last long. In a couple dozen strokes, they were shuddering together, the quiet kitchen filling with her cries as she shattered around him.

Minutes later, she lounged with her head against his chest. Something intense seemed to rise over her, almost a sadness. “I have to go. I wanted one more time with you before I had to leave.”

Face still buried in the fall of her hair, arms around her, he couldn't bring himself to let go even enough to meet her gaze. Damn, he hated good-byes. They'd said way too many of them. Her clear upset had his chest tightening. Had she meant what she said? Was she reverting to their original deal, one night only?

It was a damn vulnerable thing to ask, but he had to know. “Can I see you tonight? I have something I need to do today, but I should be done by the time your shop closes at six. We could have dinner, maybe go see a movie.”

She paused for a split second, going absolutely still, before she lifted her head to look at him. Her gaze roamed his face anxiously. “I'd like that.”

The tightness in his chest eased and he leaned in to brush a kiss across her mouth. “You scared me. You were tense for a minute. Thought maybe you were trying to give me a hint.”

Her cheeks flushed and she dropped her gaze to his chest. “I was thinking about something. Plus, I didn't want to assume…”

“Assume, baby. Please always assume I want more of you. As much as you'll let me have.” He kissed her again, relieved when she leaned into him. He stroked the contours of her face. “What were you thinking about?”

She stared at him for a moment, eyes searching, then drew a deep breath. “I wanted to thank you.”

The nervous flit of her gaze had his gut tightening. “What for, baby?”

She dropped her gaze, stroking her hands idly over his chest. “This. Us. For having patience with me. The first time we made love, in that hotel bathroom…”

He swallowed a miserable groan. That had not been making love and had not at all been his best effort. He'd be making up for that for years to come. Assuming she'd let him, anyway.

He stroked his thumbs over her thighs, where he still held on to her. “What about it?”

“I panicked that night. Because you hit a trigger for me. It was the first time since my rape in college that I'd ever been able to…” She shook her head, her throat bobbing as she swallowed. “It's always been in the back of my mind. But I was sitting here realizing that I hadn't thought about it when I came downstairs. I got lost. In you.”

She shrugged halfheartedly and finally looked up at him, eyes searching his in a way that humbled him. To know someone had hurt her that way filled him with a fury he didn't know what to do with. He wanted to find the bastard and beat him senseless, but knowing he could make her forget? That she trusted him enough to let go like that? God.

“You humble me. I'm glad. We'll make more good memories. I promise.” He pressed a tender kiss to her lips. “So, we're on for tonight then?”

She nodded. “Tonight.”

*  *  *

An hour later, he stood in the private vestibule outside Cassie's upscale condo. Cassie, of course, even had expensive taste in condos. She'd bought the penthouse in one of the most premier condominium towers in Seattle. When no sound registered from within, he punched the doorbell again, four times in quick secession. Enough to be annoying. She hated when people did that, but it would make her get up to answer the door, if only so she could tell whoever it was to knock it the hell off.

Distinct grumbling finally registered from the other side of the door, and Grayson prepared himself for the crankiness about to come. And for sure she would be: it was barely ten a.m. on a Sunday morning, and Cassie almost always had a date on Saturday nights. If he was lucky, the dude wouldn't still be in her bed.

She didn't disappoint. When she yanked the door open, her face was twisted in irritation, eyes narrowed in warning.

“What.” She spit the word out, but at the sight of him rolled her eyes. “Oh, it's you. What in God's name do you want so early in the morning?”

Her short hair was mussed, parts of it sticking straight out from her head, and bags underlined her normally bright eyes. She clutched the sides of her silk robe closed by folding her arms. Someone had most definitely gone out partying last night.

Grayson grinned. “Rough night?”

She glared at him. “And it just ended a few hours ago.”

He peered around her, searching out any sign that her night hadn't completely ended. “You alone?”

Cassie furrowed her brow. “He left last night. What—”

“Good.” He pushed past her into the apartment, striding for the living room.

“Sure, Gray, come on in.” She mumbled behind him, her voice laced with exhaustion and irritation, but closed the door, calling to him as she followed him. “What on earth has you so perky this early in the morning?”

 Unable to contain the giddiness trapped in his chest, he bounced on the balls of his feet as he faced her. “I need your help.”

Cassie stopped in front of him, head tipped back as she peered up at him. Her gaze worked over his face for a few seconds, searching, before a knowing grin blossomed. Her tired eyes illuminated as understanding dawned in her face. “She stayed.”

“All damn night.”

She punched him lightly on the shoulder. “Go you. It was awesome, I take it?”

“And then some. Which is why I need your help.” He stuffed his hands in his pockets, hoping she'd remember what he was about to tell her. “Do you recall a conversation we had three years ago, right before I planned that weekend? There was something I told you I'd eventually like you to do, something I needed help with. I decided to wait until after I told Maddie everything.”

It was cruel to tease her, to drag this out, given how tired she was. If he knew her, she hadn't gotten much sleep the night before, but she'd been supportive of everything he'd ever done. He wanted to watch her face when she figured out his plans.

It took her a bit. She gnawed her lower lip between her teeth, her eyes narrowed. Several ticks of the clock later, her eyes flew open wide and her jaw dropped.

One hand flew to cover her mouth, her voice muffled behind her fingers. “Oh my God. You're going to ask her.”

He nodded, unable to contain what surely had to be a goofy-ass grin. “Tonight. But I need a ring.”

Cassie squealed and hurled herself against him, squeezing him tight. “Oh my God, Gray. I'm so damn happy for you I could just die right here. You've waited three long years for this moment. You must be beside yourself.”

He hugged her back. “And nervous. I haven't a clue about picking out a ring. You were fabulous help with that bracelet. She wore it last night. Will you help?”

She leaned back, arms hooked around his waist. “Of course. Oh, I've got so many rings to show you. We've started a new line of jewelry, and I have some I think she'd love. But did it have to be at ten o'clock in the morning?” She waved a flippant hand in the air, one corner of her mouth quirking upward. “Couldn't it have waited until, oh, say, noon?”

BOOK: Bargaining for the Billionaire
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