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Authors: Rob Thurman

BOOK: Basilisk
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“A touching story on the nature of family, trust, and love lies hidden in this action thriller. . . . Thurman weaves personal discovery seam-lessly into the fast-paced action, making it easy to cheer for these overgrown, dangerous boys.”
Publishers Weekly
“Thurman delivers a fast-paced thriller with plenty of twists and turns. . . . The characters are terrific—Stefan's wiseass attitude will especially resonate with the many Cal Leandros fans out there—and the pace never lets up once the two leads are together. . . . Thurman shows a flair for handling SF/near-future action.”
“A very enjoyable and engaging book that kept me turning the pages.”

is a kick-ass story about characters that will steal your heart and a plot that will keep it pounding.”
—The Book Lush
“A gut-wrenching tale of loss and something so huge that the simple four-letter word ‘hope' cannot begin to encompass it. . . .
grabs the reader's attention and heart immediately and does not let go through the many adventures, twists, and betrayals on the long ride to redemption. . . . Rob Thurman has created a haunting and eloquent testimony to the power of love and brotherhood, as well as a mystery that enthralls and keeps the reader on the edge of his seat ALL the time. The characters are so solid and vital, they almost walk off the pages and into your home. This is a masterpiece of . . . great storytelling.”
—Bitten by Books
“The end of
is a brilliant Machiavellian twist that surprised, saddened, and elated me.”
—Smexy Books Romance Reviews
“If you enjoy powerful stories of intense relationships [and] diverse challenges, you'll enjoy
, as well as Rob Thurman's other books. Her first series, which centers around two brothers, one of whom is half monster—literally—is a wonderful story that includes the perfect mix of action, adventure, horror, and the love that can exist between two brothers placed in dire circumstances through no fault of their own.”
“This was a very entertaining book with plenty of action, a character-driven plot, and a surprising twist at the end. It was one of my favorite books of the year.”
—Fiction Kingdom
“Thurman delivers in spades. . . . As always, a great entry in a series that only gets better with each new installment.”

is a snarky and entertaining page-turner. Cal Leandros is an engaging hero who draws you into his story from the moment he awakens. . . . Funny, adventurous, and appealingly irreverent—the semidead cats got me every time—
is one for the to-be-read pile.”
—Romance Reviews Today
“If you're looking for a powerful dark noir urban fantasy that promises an excitable read but delivers so much more, then look no further than the Cal Leandros series.”
—Smexy Books Romance Reviews
“Readers will relish this roller-coaster ride filled with danger. . . . The unexpected is the norm in this urban fantasy.”
—Alternative Worlds
“Thurman has broken new ground, expanding the mythology of her world in new and ingenious ways while offering new challenges to her heroes. . . . The finale of the story is perhaps the most emotionally moving bit of writing I've read this year. . . .
is a great addition to the series and will delight Thurman's growing legions of fans.”
“Fans of street-level urban fantasy will enjoy this new novel. . . . Thurman continues to deliver strong tales of dark urban fantasy.”
“The action is fast-paced and exciting, and the plot twists are delicious.”
—Errant Dreams Reviews
“One of
's strengths is Cal's narrative voice, which is never anything less than sardonic. Another strength is the dialogue, which is just as sharp and, depending on your sense of humor, hysterical.”
—Dear Author . . .
“[Cal and Niko] are back and better than ever . . . a fast-paced story full of action.”
“The supernatural elements meld seamlessly into the gritty urban setting. . . . Cal continues to be a wonderful narrator, and his perspective on the world is one of the highlights of this book. . . . The plotting is tight and fast-paced, and the world building is top-notch.”
Romantic Times
“A roaring roller coaster of a read . . . [it'll] take your breath away. Supernatural highs and lows, and a hell of a lean over at the corners. Sharp and sardonic, mischievous and mysterious.”
—Simon R. Green
“A subtly warped world compellingly built by Thurman. . . . This book has an absolutely marvelous voice in Cal's first-person narrative. The combination of Chandleresque detective dialogue and a lyrically noir style of description are stunningly original. The reader's attention is captured and held from page one.”
—The Green Man Review
The Grimrose Path
“Thurman's comic timing is dead-on, well targeted in Trixa's cynical, gritty voice. Her crisply honed writing skills take us on a hilarious ride but humor is never allowed to get in the way of the story, instead enhancing scenes throughout the book.
The Grimrose Path
is a fast-paced urban adventure that will have you cheering Trixa's wild take on balancing life, the universe, and everything; and clinging on with your fingernails till you reach the final page. . . . I loved this book. Love, love, loved it.”
—Fresh Fiction
Trick of the Light
“Rob Thurman's new series has all the great elements I've come to expect from this writer: an engaging protagonist, fast-paced adventure, a touch of sensuality, and a surprise twist that'll make you blink.”
New York Times
bestselling author Charlaine Harris
“A beautiful, wild ride, a story with tremendous heart. A must read.”
New York Times
bestselling author Marjorie M. Liu
“A terrific premise. It's got Vegas, angels, demons, and a hunt for a mysterious artifact that by comparison makes Indiana Jones look like he was grubbing in the dirt for Precious Moments kitsch. If I had only three words to describe this book? They'd be: Best. Twist. Ever.”
New York Times
bestselling author Lynn Viehl
“Thurman weaves an amazingly suspenseful tale that will have readers so thoroughly enthralled from the first page that they'll be unwilling to set it down.
Trick of the Light
is meticulously plotted, completely fresh, and one of the best books I've had the pleasure of reading. Readers are in for a wonderful treat!”
—Darque Reviews
“[An] inventive new series. . . . Trixa comes off as a strong-willed heroine with a long-standing ax to grind, yet that is only one facet of her character. The plot is suitably complex with enough clue dropping along the way to point attentive readers toward Trixa's true nature while still packing plenty of surprises.”
—Monsters and Critics
Also by Rob Thurman
The Cal Leandros Novels
The Trickster Novels
Trick of the Light
The Grimrose Path
The Korsak Brothers Novels
Wolfsbane and Mistletoe
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First Printing, August 2011
Copyright © Robyn Thurman, 2011
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