Battle Beyond Earth: Resurrection (26 page)

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Authors: Nick S. Thomas

Tags: #Sci Fi & Fantasy, #Space Opera, #Science Fiction, #Adventure

BOOK: Battle Beyond Earth: Resurrection
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"Yes, thank you, Colonel. And do not forget how much we appreciate all your efforts."

Taylor turned and left with Jones and Jafar.

"Still making friends, I see?" Jones commented sarcastically.

"He's a fool," Taylor replied, shaking his head, "A few weeks will go by with some half hearted publicity stunt, and they we'll be right back where we are."

"I will not let that happen."

"No, Jafar? And how much say do you have on the Human element of this Alliance?"

Jafar said nothing.

"That's what I thought. All the fighting I do in my life, and I can't escape the politics. It is endless."

"You say that," added Jones, "But you have always meddled in politics, more than any person I can think that I have ever known or studied. For a fighting man, you surely do get involved in places your job never should."

"Yep, well sometimes, someone has to."

"Will!" a voice yelled.

They turned to see Cynara rushing towards Jones. She leapt into his arms. It brought a smile to his face as he thought back to Coco and Charlie. But as he was busy reminiscing, he felt a hand on his shoulder and pull him around. He turned and felt Alita's lips lock with his. He instantly felt his troubles and fears melt away. It was a relief. She leaned back in his arms once again.

"So what great medal is the President going to bestow on you this time?"

He shook his head. "Hopefully nothing."

"Taylor, this is Cynara, my wife. Cynara, this is Colonel Mitch Taylor."

"I know who he is. How could I not? He is practically family."

Taylor nodded in humble appreciation, many memories stirring in his mind.

"Without Taylor, I would never have come back alive. When I was all alone and lost, I had nowhere to turn and no way out. It was Taylor who came for me."

"Then I can never thank you enough. How can I ever begin to?"

"Honestly? You can get me a beer."

She smiled and then began to laugh.

"I can surely do that."

"Right now," he stated.

She wasn't sure how to take it, but he wasn't joking.

* * *

Taylor strode into the bar they had drunk at since arriving at the station. Cheers rang out as they entered, despite the fact he still wore his filthy uniform and armoured suit. He didn't care to take it off, as it felt like home now. He stepped up the bar, and Cyn tried to get a drink for him, but she couldn't even get served. A glass was placed before Taylor and the bottle with it.

He ignored the glass and took the bottle, grabbed the cap by his teeth, and ripped it out before spitting it out. He turned around to address the crowd that waited for him to say some words.

"I wasn't born in this time and life, and I never wanted it. But in my short time here, I have come to gain friends and family that mean as much to me as those I once fought with in my first lifetime. When I awoke in this new life, I thought the whole world had gone crazy. But here we are. I want you to raise your glasses and drink to our victory, our fight, to all those we have lost, and for all the hard times to come. I salute you!"

He raised the bottle in salute and finally knocked it back in celebration.

* * *

It was not long until the President's speech now, and Taylor at last climbed into a shower. His head was soft from drink, but it at least served to numb the pain he felt. Blood and dirt flowed from his body, and he started to feel refreshed. He was beginning to appreciate now that he truly had been resurrected. He didn't feel out of place anymore because he now felt that perhaps he was destined to be here in this time and place, just as he had in his previous life.

He stepped out, pulled on a fresh uniform, and made his way to the door. As it opened, he found Jones leaning against the wall, waiting for him. A huge grin was stretched across his face.

"What?" Taylor asked suspiciously.

"I'm just thinking how you came back for me. The great Mitch Taylor risked everything, for me?"

Taylor stepped back and put his hands up before him.

"You're not gonna try and kiss me now, are you?"

Jones laughed. "Do you really believe I would have done the same for you?"

Taylor nodded.

"I want to believe so, because we Immortals, we are family. We have a bond that cannot be broken, not even in death. The day will come when our roles are reversed, and it may come sooner than you think."

"Then I hope and only pray I can rise to that occasion."

"Don't pray for it.
Know it. There are too many uncertainties in life for you to worry. Now come on, let's see how much of a mess Isaacs can make of this."

They carried onwards and were soon joined by the rest of the Immortals. Taylor noted that every one of them walked taller and prouder now than they had ever done, and he was proud of them for it. They reached a ceremony hall and found it packed out with thousands of guests.

"This way, Colonel," said one of the ushers.

"Wherever I go, they go," he replied.

"As you wish, Sir."

They were led down the central corridor, passing line after line of serving personnel, reporters, and civilians of Krys, Aranui and Humans. Many clapped as they went by. When they reached the very front of the room, they were ushered into the front row a few metres in front of the podium.

"I never cared for all this pomp and ceremony," Taylor said to Jones.

"But you have to let them have it. Look at them. They need it."

Taylor reluctantly agreed with him. "Whatever gets the job done."

As he looked around, his eyes suddenly connected with Alita's. She was standing the other side of Jones with a broad smile. Her eyes were sparkling, and her entire body positively glowed. All Taylor could now think was that he could not afford to lose another one like her.

A few moments later a representative of the President stepped up to the podium to get things started. She was a beautiful young woman in a gleaming silver dress suit. She was short and of Asian descent. Taylor expected some big speech from her to frame the President's arrival, but her opening was short and to the point.

"Ladies and Gentlemen of the Alliance, I give you President Isaacs."

She stepped aside as he stepped up to take her position. He wore a pin sharp suit, and the worried wrinkles of his face were gone now through carefully and professionally applied make up. He looked confident and content, but did not smile.

"People of the Alliance!" he began.

His voice carried through speakers throughout the entire room, and screens above them displayed his address to the whole of the Solar System. Cameras floated around the room, filming from every angle.

"Just a few short days ago we were struck by tragedy and adversity, the likes of which we could never have imagined."

Should have prepared for anything then, shouldn't you?

But he felt a nudge from Jones and realised he had actually spoken the words out, too. Jones was both smiling and appalled all at once, as a camera had been watching them, but the President didn't seem to have heard or noticed as he continued.

"Through this adversity, we as the Alliance have triumphed. It is through the hard work, effort, and sacrifice of so many that we have gotten through this horrific experience, but none more so than one man; a man who seemingly doesn't belong in this timeline, and yet came back to us in our greatest time of need. That man is Colonel Mitch Taylor. A hero among the Human race, and today he lives as a hero of the Alliance and an inspiration to us all!"

Roars of excitement and cheers rang out as people began to clap. For a full minute the President was drowned out and forced to wait for the noise to die down, although Taylor had no reaction at all. The President’s words earlier had stuck with him, and all he saw was a man pandering to a crowd. He feared for what Isaacs would do now he could get away with a short-lived peace. The President looked down at him and smiled, but it seemed entirely false.

"But through all of the great achievements of Colonel Taylor, his Immortals, and all those who fought that battle together, let us now remember those who paid the ultimate sacrifice so that we may be here today. Our society has not known the scourge of war in most of our lifetimes, but I suspect the pain and suffering of loss remains a constant, no matter the time or place. Let us thank and remember all those we have lost in this battle, for they must never be forgotten."

Taylor started to blank out what the President was saying. His mind began to wander, but not to the sad losses he had endured now. It was Alita he pictured. He was daydreaming and oblivious to all that was around him. Several minutes passed when he was awoken by clapping and cheers from the crowd.

"As a final word, may I now call for a minute’s silence so that we may reflect and remember all those who gave their lives?"

The room fell silent as everybody lowered their heads. Taylor tilted his head just slightly so that he could look past Jones and see Alita smiling back at him. The minute’s silence seemed to go on forever but was broken by an alarm that rang out through the entire station. Taylor felt his heart sink at the thought of what might have caused it. A Navy officer rushed to the President's side and whispered in his ear. Then several of the high-ranking officers behind Isaacs poured out of the room through an exit at the back of the podium.

"What the hell is going on?" Jones asked.

Everyone waited for a word from the President.

"Can all personnel remain calm and report for duty immediately. That will be all," he said and quickly stepped down.

"This can't be good," Taylor muttered.

He rushed up to the podium to follow Cohen and the other Naval officers. Jones was close behind him and security did not question it. As he got to the door, Taylor looked back to his people.

"Gear up, and be ready for anything!" he ordered before passing through the doorway.

"Where are they all going?" Jones asked breathlessly.

"To wherever this place is run from."

It took just over a minute to reach the bridge of the station. Taylor paced right up to Cohen and asked, "What the fuck is happening?"

But the Commander seemed unable to answer and stared at the screens. In the distance ahead they could see the remnants of the fleet they had brought back from Khar Els. Much of it was already under repair, though many of the vessels would be better off going to scrap. The gateway in the distance was opening, and everyone appeared to be waiting to see what was going to come through.

"Expecting trouble, Commander?"

"Someone has opened a gateway from Cholan space. We've got nothing out there."

"What do you think it is?"

Cohen shrugged, as she had no better idea than anyone else in the room. A single Cholan vessel had already come through the gateway and was stationary between the gateway and the Allied fleet. It was a small vessel and appeared to be no threat at all. Taylor squinted and looked at the ship, trying to imagine what their intentions were.

"You think they want to negotiate?"

"Or scout us out before they hit us with everything they have got. Why would the gateway still be open otherwise, Jones?"

Jafar strode into the centre of the room.

"Hail that ship!" he ordered.

"We can't get a response, Sir," one of the officers replied.

"Shoot them. Take them down before they can get a signal out," said Taylor.

Many of the officers in the room looked at Taylor in disgust.

"The Cholans are our ally," replied Cohen.

"Were; the moment they left us to die all that changed. Shoot them down now and lock the gateway!" Taylor demanded.

Even Jafar was unsure.

"Trust me, this is not how your allies operate. Had they been interested in helping, they would have done so when we needed it most."

"And if you are wrong, and we fire on a peaceful ally, we could start a war that was never necessary," added Cohen.

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