Battle Earth V (25 page)

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Authors: Nick S. Thomas

BOOK: Battle Earth V
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Taylor shook his head.

“I don’t buy it. There’s still more you aren’t telling me. You are too practical a man to risk the entire fleet on such an endeavour.”

“Yes. The honest truth is that enemy forces were already beginning to amass at the gateway in our system. You really think we had no intelligence on the area before we arrived there? Many of us could see what was coming. We were just weeks or months away from another invasion. The Earth defence grid and our fleets are well underway, but what hope could they have with the wolves at our door?”

Taylor breathed a sigh of relief. He didn’t like being kept out of the loop, but he was glad to know there was a legitimate reason for their actions.

“Why on Earth could you not have told me this beforehand?”

“World leaders would not believe the information we put before them. We called their bluff. If the enemy truly were weak, then we could sail out and smash them in their own lands.”

“That was just another manipulation.”

“Yes, the only way to get the job done. We always knew this was a very dangerous mission. You were not lied to about that. We calculated that Earth needed three months to be prepared for a second invasion, and yet it appeared an enemy attack could take place with just four weeks.”

Taylor sipped back on his drink.

It’s all becoming clear now.

“So we are a buffer? Keep them away from our lands as long as possible?”

“That is one of our tasks, and to ensure they appreciate the severity of the situation. When the first war started, our military was ill prepared. They need to know what danger lies around the corner.”

“And you believe we can make that difference?”

“We already have. I can’t say how long we can hold here, but I can say we have already had an impact. Red 1 was clearly a key strategic point for the enemy, as is this gateway. We’ve inflicted substantial losses on them so far and continue to defend the entrance to our Solar System.”

“Then send a messenger through the gateway. Let all on Earth know what we have done here, and that we still hold.”

Huber went silent for a moment as he thought it over. They could both see it would serve to assist their purpose.

“Okay, we will send a single messenger within the hour, but I do not promise anything will come of it.”

“Thank you, Sir.”

Taylor thought about his next question carefully, as it was a delicate matter to put to their leader.

“Sir, you said, if the defence of this gateway becomes unrealistic, we will withdraw. Is that truly your intention?”

The Admiral looked offended for a second before he could see how necessary the question was.

“Of course. I would never throw lives away needlessly. The time may well come when we have to return through that gate. We both still have people out there, friends and comrades. If the time comes, could you leave them behind to save what remains?”

Mitch knew the right answer to the question, but his heart made him want to say no.

“Sir, we could get them back. We could fire up this fleet, head for Red 1, and get our people back.”

“Sure, we could try, but we both know the chances of us returning alive from such a mission would be minimal. The enemy forces have amassed at that planet. We have the strength to remain here in defence, but we do not have what we need to move forward.”

Taylor knew the Admiral was right, but it didn’t make it any easier.


* * *

General White had sat at a conference table for two hours discussing the events he had taken part in. He could see that several world leaders there were growing weary and seemed to be losing interest. It disgusted him that they would show as such, even if they did feel it. But he could not speak out against them. He needed the support of those around him. In his moment of need, Field Marshal Copley spoke up. The proud British officer was a man White knew by reputation but had only met briefly.

“It seems clear to me that Admiral Huber’s fleet is in need of assistance. They have made headway in their mission and in assisting them further, we secure the safety of our Solar System.”

White nodded in gratitude for the support. Brigadier Dupont leapt to his feet in a typically dramatic nature they had come to expect of the Frenchman.

“I am sorry, but I am yet to see any progress other than provoking a race which since the war ended have shown no signs of further aggression.”

White could feel his blood boil as he listened to the obnoxious man.

“Are you that naive that you believe the war to be over? You think they will simply give up and forget what happened here?”

“We are, General. We are moving on with our lives in peace.”

White shook his head in astonishment.

“Asshole,” he muttered under his breath.

“General White.”

He turned to see the American President staring at him.

“Yes, Mr President.”

“You are the only one among us who has been to this foreign system, Tau Ceti. You are therefore better informed and qualified than any one of us to recommend a way forward here. What do you believe we, as a united people, should do?”

“Sir, I have seen what this enemy is capable of. They will not stop. They will never stop. They will end us, or we will end them. Our fleets have made a great advance into enemy territory, and I believe with the backing of Earth’s armies, we could remove this threat forever.”

“Remove the threat?” asked President Moreau. “You are talking about genocide? Going to their homes and killing every man, woman and child in their race?”

“Yes, I am,” replied White. “If we dealt with a civilised enemy, we could beat them into submission and end this war with some kind of peace. But we do not face a civilised enemy. They are a race of technologically advanced savages.”

“And is that not what you are recommending that we become? We are taking on advances in our technology every day from what we have learnt from them, and now you want to become as bloodthirsty and murderous as they are?”

The General opened to his mouth to speak but stopped himself and panned around to study the faces of all around him. Most looked down on him as an upstart against the peace they now enjoyed. He laughed for a few seconds, so as not to cry.

“You now live the peaceful lives we all wanted, but do you not see that these perfect lives you now have are in danger yet again? Will you bury your heads in the sand and believe that we have once more seen an end to war? War will never be over, not whilst intelligent beings exist. We have a choice before us. We can sit back and await our destruction, or we can step up and fight for the peace you all so desperately want to secure.”

The United States President sat at the centre and head of the discussion, and it was clear he played more than his equal part in the decision to be made. White had always liked the man. He had voted for him, after all. He could see President Walter wanted to support him, but he faced a vicious opposition.

“General, I think we all need an understanding of quite what you have in mind and the alternatives. As far as I understand it, you want to pursue a full scale campaign into Tau Ceti, and bring the enemy race to an end.”

“Yes, Mr President. I believe the most apt analogy would be – ‘If an injury has to be done to a man, it should be so severe that his vengeance need not be feared.’”

“I don’t think reciting ancient philosophy is appropriate to our situation,” snapped Dupont.

“Far from it, everything we know has been learnt from those who came before us. Would you cast aside their wisdom and re-invent the wheel?”

“Enough,” said Walter sternly.

The President didn’t need to shout. His deep and commanding voice was sufficient to resonate around the room and bring it to silence.

“You do not see another option?” he asked of White.

“Not if the future of the human race is to be persevered, Sir, no.”

“And if, as the combined forces of Earth, we sent all our might to Tau Ceti to crush them, what would be the cost?”

“Probably hundreds of thousands of lives.”

Gasps rang out across the room.

“You are surprised? Surprised that the cost of war is the lives of honourable and courageous men and women? The last war was not won by anyone else. I’d never send a marine to die unless I knew it had to be done. Would you prefer we lost enlisted men and women of our armies, navies and air force, or civilians? The price has to be paid somewhere. I believe we can end this for good, and save the people of this world from any future pain and suffering.”

A cough rang out, and White looked to see Commander Kelly from the Moon Colony. He had been sitting quietly at the far end of the table throughout.

“Commander, I of course refer to humanity as a whole. I would see to the protection of the Moon equally with Earth.”

Kelly nodded in appreciation. They all went silent for a solid minute as every one of them thought of the options before them. Finally, the US President spoke up, as he had led the meeting from the very start.

“It seems to me, General, that while in theory you might be right, we have too little information. We do not know the enemy strength. We do not know how many colonies they have. We do not know if we have the strength and resources to succeed in a war in faraway lands. As much as I think there is a chance you could be right, we cannot risk all with so little understanding of what lies ahead.”

White looked around the room to see several were nodding in agreement. His argument was dead in the dirt, and he knew it. He thought about pleading further, but it was clearly going to be time wasted.

“I am sorry, General, but my advice would be to return to Admiral Huber. Congratulate him on a successful excursion into enemy territory, and have him return home with the brave men and women he commands. That is my recommendation and order to the forces of the United States. Are all in agreement?”

Grunts and words of agreement rang out. White’s hopes had been dashed, and he got up with slumped shoulders. The taste of defeat was bitterer than ever when it came from his own people. The meeting was adjourned, and the officials scattered quickly. Just after he had left the room, Kelly stopped him for a word. White sighed. He had no more desire to talk.

“What can I do for you, Commander?”

“You’re right. We both know it, but you must have known you’d never have convinced that room. They fought the last war because they had no choice.”

“Maybe they don’t have a choice now. They just don’t see it yet.”

“If that is the case, then they will rally to your cause soon enough.”

“Taylor said you were a good man.”

“Ha, what would he know?”

White smiled.

“I hope Taylor and the rest of your people return safely. If you’re right, we’ll need them more than ever in the coming days and months.”

White patted Kelly on the shoulder and carried on down the hallway where the crowd was beginning to thin out. He stopped in a quiet spot and leaned against the wall and exhaled sharply. He should have known he would make no progress there, but he’d had to try.

The General leaned back further against the wall and looked up to the bright lights running the length of the hallway. He was thinking of Taylor and the rest that he had left behind. He prayed they had come to no harm. He looked back down and was about to stand up straight again when a voice rang out next to him.

“Your boy Taylor is in the shit now. I hope he gets what is coming to him.”

White was still fuming from the insults and stupidity he had witnessed and received before the President’s eyes. He looked to his side and saw it was Dupont strolling past with his aide. His anger overcame him, and he leapt off from the wall and thrust a hard punch into the Frenchman’s ribs. Dupont’s body folded at his waist from the pain as he let out a squirm in pain.

The Brigadier’s aide froze and watched in shock and disbelief at the scene. He would not go Dupont’s aid, for it would mean striking a General. White looked to the frightened Lieutenant.

“How do you live with it, with a wretch like this? He isn’t worthy of your nation’s uniform.”

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