Bay Hideaway (4 page)

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Authors: Beth Loughner

BOOK: Bay Hideaway
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“There she is,” Lottie announced, her rail-thin frame suddenly straightening. She moved to tidy the frilly red box hat on her head. “We thought you’d gotten lost on the way to the bakery.” Her attention rapidly swiveled to Nathan and she smiled sweetly. “Now we understand why.”

Judi felt herself color, a tiny pulse starting in her neck. Perplexed, she looked up at Nathan, who was giving one of his most charming smiles back at the woman.

“Yes, I’m the cause of the delay,” Nathan readily admitted to the awaiting group. “I apologize for keeping Judi from her chores.” His smile widened as he looked down on Judi and she felt herself grow weak. He turned back to Lottie and held out the bags of muffins. “Hope we’re not too late.”

“Not at all,” Lottie babbled, accepting a bag with one weathered hand and waving him off with the other. Clearly she liked what she saw.

Tilly stepped forward to take the other two bags. “Didn’t catch the name,” she said, her strong voice taking command. Her graying hair, pulled into a bun as usual, was topped with a ridiculously ornate crimson bonnet. The flowered dress she wore hung loosely over her ample hips and amazingly matched the hat.

Nathan stepped forward and offered his hand. “The name is Nathan and I’m glad to meet you.” Judi watched as Tilly let him envelop her beefy hand. “Judi and I are close family, and I’m sure you have it in your heart to forgive us for visiting awhile.”

Family! Judi rubbed her bare fingers as her eyes flew to his in amazement. How could he make such a flippant statement without flinching when her heart plummeted at the thought?

Nathan answered her look with mocking amusement. “Aren’t you going to introduce me to the rest of your friends?”

Overcoming her momentary speechlessness, Judi began the proper introductions. “You’ve just met Tilly Storm,” she began with a slight smile, giving an inward groan when she saw the spark of suspicion in Tilly’s eyes.
Ignore it!
Sometimes Tilly was much too perceptive for her own good. The lovable woman had the ability to save the world one individual at a time, but she could also dig her teeth in like a bulldog when needed. The heart attack she suffered the previous fall did little to slow her down.

“And you’ve met Lottie BonDurant,” Judi continued. “She heads up the Red Hat Club.” Lottie also helped in the church library and was the self-appointed muffin-supply coordinator for the Red Hatters. She was sweet and harmless unless a church business meeting ran overtime with the frivolous rantings of one elder. Then she could be quite vocal.

Judi turned to Larry and swallowed back the lump in her throat. “Nathan, this is Larry Newkirk, our very own camp builder, handyman, and local police officer.”

Larry Newkirk eyed Nathan with interest as they shook hands. Judi hoped Nathan understood her cue. It wouldn’t do for Larry to begin probing.

“How long are you stayin’ on the island?” This question was from Tilly.

“I’m not sure.” Nathan swung his attention Tilly’s way. “A couple of days at least.”

Tilly continued. “You’re part of Judi’s family? Cousins?”

“Actually,” Nathan quickly responded, not missing one beat, “we’re related by marriage.” Judi nearly choked, but he ignored her. Tilly opened her mouth slightly as if to ask another question but clamped her lips closed when he held up a hand. “Trust me; it’s too complicated to explain.”

“Oh, come on, Tilly,” Lottie admonished. “Don’t give the poor man the third degree. You don’t have time for it.” She turned to Judi and Nathan. “If you’ll excuse us, we’re going to be late for our meeting.” Lottie blew a fluttering kiss and ambled out with her bag of muffins. “Come on, Tilly,” she called.

“Nice to meet you,” Tilly finally said with a look of hesitancy crossing her face. “I’m sure we’ll be talkin’ again.”

The two women exited the room with Tilly looking over her shoulder.

If Tilly said they would be talking again, they
be talking again. She never spouted idle words. Judi knew that couldn’t be good! Tilly wouldn’t rest until she knew exactly what was going on. It wasn’t merely a busybody type of wondering, but an uncanny discernment when she knew something wasn’t quite right.

Larry Newkirk didn’t seem quite satisfied, either. “You must be the visitor who came in on the charter plane last evening. Did you have to travel far?”

“Pennsylvania,” Nathan answered honestly. “Have you ever been to the Lancaster area? It’s beautiful Amish country.”

Larry nodded. “Spent a couple of days there before going on to Hershey. You’re right—it’s beautiful sightseeing and full of good Amish cooking. I hope you enjoy Bay Island as much.” His glance landed on Nathan’s tie. “And if you’re here on business, make sure you take some leisure time to see what the island has to offer.”

“I plan to do just that.” Nathan gave an easy smile and looked over at Judi. “Are you ready to get started?”

Suddenly conscious that her hands were gripping the folds of her skirt, she loosened her hold. “I suppose.” She turned to Larry. “I’m going to take lunch now, but I should be back in the office sometime this afternoon. Do you need anything before I leave?”

Larry seemed to mull over her words. “Everything seems to be in order for now.” He looked at his watch. “I need to be on my way to meet the lumber truck at the dock. Becky’s already at the camp waiting for us.” Unsnapping his cell phone from the clip at his waist, he opened it and appeared satisfied it was operating. His gaze settled on Judi. “You have my cell phone number if you should need me, right?”

This drew an odd look from Nathan, but he said nothing and Judi tried to ignore the rising panic within. She endeavored to give Larry a natural smile. “If I need you, I’ll call.”

Larry clipped the phone back onto his belt. “Good! I’ll be back this afternoon to finish up some camp work before evening duty. Later, you can help me with a few tasks. If I don’t see you, I’ll make sure to catch up with you on my rounds.”

Judi knew Larry was uneasy. This was his way of reassuring her he would available to check on her. God bless his kind soul! Becky Newkirk was a lucky lady to have him. He cared about everyone. The thought warmed her, and yet, Larry’s concern might draw unwanted attention to her predicament. How long she could keep this problem silent was anyone’s guess. Nevertheless, she had to try.

“Thanks, Larry,” she finally responded.

Then Nathan looked over at Larry. “I’ll try not to keep her too long.” A warning glance came Judi’s way. “Depending on how the afternoon goes, we might be seeing you sooner than later.”


Nathan couldn’t wait for the set of double doors to close behind him. He stood for a few moments on the hot concrete entranceway. What an inquisition! The one called Tilly would bear watching. Even with that silly hat balanced unevenly on her head, determination and authority were clearly etched in her wide, muscular face. Here was a woman who knew what she wanted and evidently was used to getting her way. She’d require special handling, the same type of management he frequently used with those on the senate floor—all with a good dose of strength of mind and willpower. He’d dealt with worse.

The other old woman, the muffin lady, was more interested in blowing kisses to strange men than looking at his dossier. Total pussycat.

The police officer was another matter altogether. He seemed more than a little cautious and a bit too interested in Judi. An unwelcome thought had been niggling at his mind ever since the guy protectively made it clear he would be calling to check on Judi. Was it jealousy?

Nathan shot a glance at Judi. Of all the colliding thoughts assailing him the past twenty-four hours, not once had he considered the possibility Judi might be seeing other men. The thought set his teeth on edge. Presumed dead or not, she was still legally married. He felt blindsided by the torrent of hurt and anger the vision caused. Could she be cruel enough to add unfaithfulness to the growing list of illegal and dishonest acts she’d committed against him?

Judi looked up at him. “Did I perform to your satisfaction?” An unmistakable cynical sharpness laced her voice.

“Brilliantly!” He meant to sound equally sarcastic, but his words came out more poignant than harsh, and her emerald green eyes narrowed in what he guessed to be mistrust. What? Did she believe he was immune to the hurt she’d caused? Recovering quickly, he forged ahead. “Seems like you’ve made quite a few devoted church friends on the island—especially the police fellow.” He drew out his last words, slowly and deliberately.

He knew they’d hit the intended target as he gauged her quick and indignant reaction.

police fellow
happens to be a married man!”

Nathan leveled her with a no-nonsense look. “May I remind you the same can be said about you?”

“Just what are you insinuating?” Two angry red splotches immediately crossed her high cheekbones. “Larry’s an honorable man.”

“He’s not the one I’m worried about.”

Her mouth dropped open in protest, but she quickly snapped it shut and began walking across the gravel. Using two fingers to loosen his restricting tie, he followed her to the golf cart. His power shirt and tie had done the trick, but they were nearly suffocating him now. The noon heat cloaked him like a heavy blanket.

When they reached the cart, Judi turned to him. “You do realize,” she began, her voice tight and brittle, “that I’m not the only one with something to lose?”

“Really?” What else could he lose? He’d already lost what he had thought was the love of his life and experienced the grim realities of a supposed widower. Did she really think anything else mattered as much?

“Exposing my true identity will cause a widespread scandal in the world of politics,” Judi continued with a nod of her head. “It may cost you that precious high-powered career you’ve worked so hard to build.”

Nathan returned her angry stare without wavering. “So what!”

“So what?” she repeated with skepticism before flinging herself into the passenger seat. As soon as Nathan climbed into the driver’s side, she continued. “This statement from the man who spent two years living and breathing nothing more than government policy and exit polls? I don’t believe your nonchalance for one minute. You’re too driven to give up that easily.”

“Maybe,” he answered evasively. Before starting the engine he rolled his shoulders to relax the muscles that were at that very moment knotting into a solid mass across his neck. He turned to look at her. “Your place or mine?”

“You’ve turned into a real man of ice, haven’t you?” came her bravado response, but he could tell she was shaken.

Man of ice? Hardly! But let her suppose what she wanted, to deem him a man of iron, if it gave him the tactical advantage. Judi was a bright woman and had nearly pulled off the greatest scheme of deception he’d ever encountered, if not for two tiny mistakes he’d been fortunate enough to uncover. Or would that be unfortunate? One thing he knew: She couldn’t be trusted.

“Since you can’t seem to decide,” he went on, “we’ll visit your place. I’d like to see how my other half’s been living for the past few years.”

She paled slightly but made no protest. When he released the brake, her hands quickly grasped the chair bars until they formed into white-knuckled fists.

The electric cart pushed forward with ease when he pressed the accelerator. In silence they sailed past the shoreline again, and he stole a glance at her stoic face. No doubt she was planning and plotting her escape. It would do her no good. No excuse or fancy explanation would make him understand how a woman could discard her husband and family to live an anonymous life.

Did she not realize the cost? Didn’t she care about the devastation happening to those left behind? There had been the horrible waiting and the equally horrific conclusion that her bloated and decaying body would never be found in the river muck. Visions of her desperate fight against the currents and the inevitable moment when she would no longer be able to hold back the cold and deadly waters from entering her lungs invaded his nightmarish dreams in the late hours of darkness. Night after night, he’d desperately tried to pluck her from the swirling murky waters, only to be pulled back by an unseen force greater than his own. Her horrible screams gurgled into a deadly silence as the swirling water filled her mouth, her eyes bulging wildly in terror. Down, down, she went, until the fiendish river closed over her.

Even now, knowing she was safe and sound, the terrifying image caused his throat to tighten. He loosened the tie another inch.

Judi must have sensed his discomfort for she looked at him questioningly. Looking at her now, he wondered how it was possible to love and yet feel something akin to disgust and hate at the same time. Exactly what emotion did he feel? Was it the same emotion his mother felt when Nathan nearly died trying to hop a passing train car with his teen friends? The foolish stunt cost him a night in the hospital. When his mother arrived at the emergency room, she cried with relief and smothered him with a mammoth bear hug. Then her love turned into wrath and he endured a tongue-lashing far worse than the accident. His mother wanted to throttle him right then and there—in simultaneous fury and love.

Was that what he felt—the relief of knowing the person he loved was alive and well, yet an all-encompassing anger at the audacity that this same loved one managed to be so? Could he really believe that the woman seated beside him, his wife, was indeed a living, breathing soul? There she was in the flesh, looking quite alive, and still… the world believed her to be dead.

She would have liked her memorial service. Family and friends gave her a eulogy send-off unmatched by anything he’d seen. The pastor delivered a moving message; Nathan’s sister, Laurie, sang a beautiful, soul-searching song; and Nathan spoke brokenheartedly of their short time together. There was the church-prepared, post-funeral luncheon where friends fondly recalled special moments and laughed at such memories. But even their laughter was shrouded in a weighty sadness that made the mind-numbing day drag on and on.

Returning home was worse. His sister stayed for a couple of days, but emptiness echoed in the halls, as well as his heart. Even though Judi had seemed preoccupied and somewhat distant several months before her
, she had still managed to fill the house with her presence. At the time he had been glad when Judi finally found something to occupy her time besides obsessing about his political career. She’d almost become needy. Then she was gone.

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