BBW ROMANCE: BWWM Romance: A Cowboy’s Southern Comfort (Military Cowboy Pregnancy Romance) (Interracial Army Contemporary Fantasy Romance Short Stories) (8 page)

BOOK: BBW ROMANCE: BWWM Romance: A Cowboy’s Southern Comfort (Military Cowboy Pregnancy Romance) (Interracial Army Contemporary Fantasy Romance Short Stories)
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“It is you,” I said. I felt tears welling up in my eyes. Before I could stop myself, I surged forward and hugged her again.

Rose and I stayed in that embrace for a long time. I closed my eyes and rocked her back and forth as I spoke.

“I prayed,” I told her. “I prayed that we would see each other again.”

“I didn’t have to pray,” she said, sobs lining her voice as well. “I knew we would be together again.”

This time, I pulled back and looked at her curiously.

“How could you have known that?” I asked.

She smiled through her tears and shrugged.

“You promised me,” she said. “And you’d never broken a promise before. Besides that, we’re sisters. No one can take that away from us.”

“You remembered that?” I asked.

“I never forgot it,” Rose said. “No matter what.”

I don’t know why, but I looked at her then, smiling and happy with tears running down her pretty face and I couldn’t help but laugh. Before I knew it, she was laughing with me.

God does indeed have a strange way of answering prayers. But, in that moment, I knew one thing for certain. He had given me my family, and led me home.




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*There are 19 BONUS eBOOKS included with this book. Click here to see them all in the Book of Contents*













Spirit C
by Samantha Forest

Evelyn Springs tried not to bump into anyone in the crowded hallway as she attempted to find her new dorm room. Despite her best efforts to seem confident, she still felt as if the horde of chaotic college students were already judging her.

Montclair University was only a few hours away from her home in Jasper, New York, but it might as well have been a thousand miles. This was the first time she would be living away from her family, and the pressure to be an independent adult was a little daunting. Evelyn still could not believe that they had canceled their four-year anthropology program at her old college. She had no choice but to accept the transfer solution offer to another university - otherwise the first two years of her hard work would be for nothing.

Her parents, sick of their daughter being a homebody, had been more than willing to help her move. They had barely said their goodbyes as they dropped her and her luggage in the building’s driveway before jetting off to the airport. Apparently they were off to the Caribbean for some serious relaxation time.

At least the Clover Apartments gave me a pretty good rate for the semester, she thought with a sigh. But as soon as she opened the door to her room, Evelyn understood why. Although the building and hallways were nice enough, the interior of the dorm looked like something out of the last century. The kitchenette was filthy, the tiny bathroom was a horror show, and her bedroom was stripped bare except for a measly wire frame bed.

The college junior anxiously twirled a strand of her raven hair as she tried not to imagine the nightmare of having to clean it all by tomorrow. But just as Evelyn was about to panic, a sudden cool breeze went through the room. Rather than be perplexed by how the sealed windows could let in such a draft, she was overcome by a feeling of calm.

“I can do this,” she whispered out loud. “I can be on my own.”

As Evelyn continued to unpack her things, though, she could not help but feel gloomy as she found pictures of her friends during her going away-party. Like her, they had lived in Jasper their whole lives and had gone to both high school and college together. And while there might be people in Montclair worth meeting, she could not imagine being as close to anyone like she had been with them.

Tucking the pictures away in her purse, she decided to get a glass of water from the kitchen. As Evelyn turned she was nearly frightened to death as a pale face rushed up to her.

“Oh my gosh! You must be my new roommate!” the girl said, giving her a hug. “I’m so sorry for scaring you! But I just had to give myself a cucumber lemon facial mask before the party tonight!”

“Oh…” Evelyn said, trying to lower her speeding heart rate. Gathering her wits back she held out her hand, “It’s okay, I just thought I was going to be alone. My name is Evelyn Springs, but most people call me Eve for short.”

The bubbly blonde slapped her palm against her forehead as she said, “Oh, hello Evelyn! Sorry! I forgot to tell RA that I’d be staying here again! I’ve been in the same room for the last four years but I didn’t get to graduate last semester! You know – cheerleading stuff got in the way of academic junk.”  Taking Eve’s hand in a strong grip she added, “Oh and I’m Chelsea Richards! I-”

The short conversation was interrupted as Chelsea’s phone began to ring. Eve continued to move her things as the girl talked for hours on end on what she was going to wear to the party she had mentioned.

Great, my first day here and I’m already roommates with the type of girl I never liked in school. I just hope she isn’t too loud when I’m trying to study… Eve’s mental grumbling was cut short as Chelsea abruptly popped her head into her room.

“Hey! You should totally come to my friend’s frat party tonight! It’ll be tons of fun!”

Skeptical and drained from the day’s move, Eve said politely, “Sorry… I’m pretty tired… And I have class tomorrow…”

“Oh come on, Eve! That’s exactly why you should have some fun!” Chelsea exclaimed, pulling at her arm. “Trust me! It’ll be way better than spending your first night all alone.”

Eve tried to object, but knew that it was true. She was already a bit scared about being away from her family and friends, and there was no television or Internet to keep her busy at the moment. Dejectedly, she said, “Alright…”


She had only been at the party for twelve minutes and she was already regretting her decision. Not only was the alcohol here disgusting, but the boys here were as well. Eve had gotten hit on about three times since she’d walked into the door, and none of the offers were very good.

While trying to find a quiet place in the rowdy fraternity house, Eve was startled as she bumped into someone with a black candle.

“Sorry!” they both said in unison, knocking into each other’s heads as they both bent down to pick the candle up. Trying to laugh off her embarrassment, she introduced herself to him.

“I’m Ash Pierce,” he said, shaking her hand. “Hey you live in the Clover Apartments right?”

“Yeah, how’d you know? You psychic?” she asked jokily.

“Perhaps,” Ash said with a wink. “Actually, I just read the move-in sticker stuck on your jeans.”

Embarrassed once again, Eve blushed as she removed it. “Oh. Well it was nice meeting you. I think I’m going to head home.”

“Yeah, this stuff isn’t really my scene either,” he stated with annoyance, running a hand through is brown hair. “I was actually going to go to your apartment. Well, the basement anyway.”

“What for?” Eve asked curiously.

Grinning, he then held up the candle and showed off the Ouija board in his backpack. “Just a little late night séance. Care to join?”


Eve could not believe that she was actually doing this. The damp, dark basement was even creepier than she had imagined. She had always maintained that she was not afraid of spirits and such, but this place felt genuine.

Still, the young woman did not want to look like an idiot in front of Ash. The guy was not only handsome, but he also seemed like a potential friend. Just buck up and don’t act like a dork, she thought to herself, forcing a playful smile on her face.

As Ash continued to set up the board and candles, Eve asked, “So… are you trying to contact anyone in particular?”

“You mean like my grandmother or something?” he replied jokily. “Nope. I make it a rule not to try to speak to anyone I knew. Trust me – getting too familiar with ghosts can get pretty sketchy. And the more familiar energy a spirit has with you, the more of a pain it is to get them to leave you alone.”

“Oh…” Eve said, slightly surprised by the serious tone in his voice.

“Sorry!” Ash said, rubbing his neck nervously as he noticed her concerned expression. “Trust me this stuff is nothing to get scared of. We aren’t going to do anything too crazy.”

Eve nodded, but the warning words still rang in her mind. “Alright, I trust you,” she finally said with a slight smile.

With everything ready, Ash began to ask the typical beginning questions: Are there any spirits there?  If so, can you please show yourself to us?

These were repeated several times, but the wooden planchette did not move a single inch. After another five minutes of silence, Ash seemed ready to give up.

“Wait,” Eve said, not wanting to be left alone with Chelsea so soon. “Do you mind if I try?” she asked.

The young man shrugged his shoulders. “Sure, go for it. Maybe it will help.”

Clearing her throat, Eve attempted to sound confident as she asked, “Are there any spirits here?”

Almost immediately, the planchette glass rushed over the YES section. The two gasped at the strength at which it had moved so quickly. Eve gave Ash a suspicious look, but the way he sincerely shook his head confirmed it was not a trick.

Her voice now a bit more anxious, she asked, “Can you please tell us your name?”

The piece was still for a moment, but then began to spell out C-O-L-T-O-N-A-B-B-O-T.

“Colton Abbot? Is that your name?”  Eve asked. In reply, the planchette removed to yes, once again.

Excited, Ash suggested that she ask him more questions. But just as Eve prepared to, the piece hovered over the GOODBYE and lay still.

“Huh…” Ash said. “I guess he got bored.”

Eve nodded, but something told her there was another reason.

As the two began to exit the basement, she asked if she could borrow the Ouija board.

“Already got hooked, huh?” Ash asked with a grin. “Sure, I’ve got around three, anyway. But… uh… just be careful, okay?” he added with another apprehensive look.  “This stuff’s not a game.”

Eve assured him she would and, before she could chicken out, she gave him her phone number as well as asked for his. “You know, just in case I have any questions…”

“Sure…” he said with a wink. “And if I want to ask you out I guess that could be helpful, too.”


The next morning, Eve was still blushing like mad over last night’s incident. And unfortunately, there were no classes to distract her today. A last minute change in schedule left huge gap in her agenda until the late afternoon, and Eve had absolutely nothing to do until then. Even Chelsea was off at class – a shock considering how hung-over she was.

As she paced around the room, trying to take her mind off of Ash’s blue eyes, Eve’s gaze shifted over to the black box of the Ouija board tucked underneath her bed. Could I? Even this early?

With a shrug of her shoulders she decided there was no harm in trying. Pulling down the shades of her room, Eve did her best to make the space as dark as possible. She also hoped her beach-scented bathroom candle would be sufficient enough for a séance.

“Are there any spirits here?”

The reply was immediate as the planchette went to YES. This startled her. Now there was no doubt that this was a real spirit. Eve was certainly not the one moving it. Though a bit terrified, she pushed herself to continue onward. It can’t hurt me… Can it?

“Are you a girl?”


“Are you a boy?”


Eve paused. Could it be the spirit from last night? Swallowing hard, she asked, “Are you Colton Abbot?”


The girl bit her lip as she tried to decide what to do next. Ash had warned her not to get too familiar with spirits. Would not continuing to communicate with the same one be doing that? Preparing to leave to think about it, the planchette flew towards NO.

Though this should have probably been the point where Eve ran off to safety, for some reason she continued to sit there. “Why?”

The piece was motionless for a while, but then spelled out L-O-N-E-L-Y.

Seeing this, Eve felt a pang of pity. She knew what that was like all too well. And as a spirit, there was no telling how long this Colton had been alone with no communication.

“Okay, I’ll stay,” she said. Racking his brain for another question, Eve asked, “Did you go to the university here?”



The planchette shifted to the numbers saying 1-9-1-2.

Eve was surprised, that was around the year that the university was founded over a century ago. She then went on to ask about the cause of his death, but the piece soon became limp. Great, now I offended him.

“I’m sorry, Colton,” she said, hoping that he was not gone yet. “We can talk about something else if you like!”


For the next several hours, Eve continued to ask questions about the spirit learning about his birthday (April 6th, 1891), favorite music (the risqué Bob Cole), hobbies (checkers and writing), and aspirations (to become a doctor). And in return, she shared as much information as him when asked.

But eventually, she had to stop as the time for her class came close. “Sorry, I have to leave. But I’ll talk to you soon, okay?”

Colton appeared to agree, but as she began to put away the box, one last question remained.

“Colton… why did you decide to just talk to me and not to Ash?” Eve knew she should have just been grateful, but if they were going to continue talking she might as well make sure they were truthful to each other.

His reply sent a warm wave throughout her body: B-E-A-U-T-I-F-U-L.


As Eve continued to fail in holding in her laughter, she was glad that her roommate was a party queen. She was not sure what the cheerleader’s reaction would be if she found Eve laughing hysterically at a simple bathroom mirror. But of course, it was not so simple to her.

While anyone else would have just seen Eve’s reflection, Eve herself was able to see someone else’s image in the cool glass. A handsome, blond, and green-eyed young man. Colton Abbot.

After the extended conversations with him last week, it had not been long before Eve was impatient to try something a little more intimate. Though she had been tempted to ask Ash for some advice, her gut told her that he would disapprove at how close she had gotten to Colton. And she would not blame him; it was completely true. Eve could not stop thinking about him at all.

Although the Ouija board had given her the evidence for his existence, it had not been until she had seen his apparition that it became all too real. While scared at first, the swift appearances were never accompanied by any malicious activities. The worst thing that occurred was a stray draft, but even that was quite comforting when she was left alone to study during the late nights.

But today, Eve had decided to take things a step further. Looking up a book in the paranormal section of the vast Montclair University library, she had found a ritual for making a spirit appear in a mirror. Though success was not well documented, Eve had no doubt that it would work with him – and it had.

Not only could she now see the steady image of the young man, Eve could converse with him as easily as ever. She could even hear his voice. Though a bit warbled, Colton’s soothing, deep tones were as clear as day. They talked of nothing of much importance, just details about her day and of how his time at school was like. However, it was the next subject that took her off guard.

“I do not understand something, Eve,” the spirit said.

“Really, what is it?” she asked curiously.

“How a girl like you can be here, talking to me, instead of being out there. Making friends, living life,” Colton answered.

Eve shrugged. “I’ve never been very outgoing.” When he asked why she replied, “I just don’t understand most people. And I suppose I’d rather avoid them than… than be judged for my inadequacies.”

The young man shook his head a bit. “I don’t believe how anyone could ever find you inadequate.” Turning his gaze away from her, he said, “In fact… if I were still alive… I don’t believe I would be able to keep myself from wanting to be with you always.”

The words sent a burning blush into her pale cheeks. Eve hoped that he was not able to see it in the dim light. “Colton… I…”

But before she could finish her sentence, the ceremonial candle burned out. All that was left a dark bathroom mirror. In a way, Eve was glad. She was unsure of what she would have said next. How could someone respond to a spirit saying something like that?

As she turned around to turn on the light, Eve was stunned to see a dim glow began to grow in front of her. It grew larger until it took on the faint shape of a man. Colton? Though Eve should not have been too shocked, it was the first time she had seen him able to keep a physical form for so long. He’s gotten too powerful, a nagging voice said in her mind.

Slowly, the shimmering form silently reached a hand towards her face. The cool fingertips sent a chill down her spine, and she was too astonished to move. This chill continued as Colton’s head came closer to her, his eyes staring deeply into her soul. Eve closed her eyes as she hear his quiet voice whisper her name. Eve.

Eve then felt a cold sensation on her lips as a hand traveled on her back. The shiver-inducing kiss became more passionate, and when the hand went too far, the young woman finally broke out of her seat. Gasping for air, she watched as the apparition dissipated with a soft protest.

Once out of the room, Eve ran into the dorm hallway. Luckily, the hall was empty. Settling down on a plush chair, she curled up into a ball as her heart continued to pound. I can’t believe that just happened. I’m so damned stupid. How could I let things get this far? I can’t go back in there. Not until Chelsea comes home. But what on earth am I supposed to do now?

As if in answer to her prayer, Eve’s phone began to chirp. Looking at the screen, she saw that it was a text from Ash.

Hey Eve! Sorry for not texting you sooner! My classes have been hell. You want to grab some dinner or something at the Quigley Café? My treat :)

- Ash

Though the last thing Eve wanted was to go on a date after what occurred, she was confident that he would not be as forward as Colton had just been. And having any reason to get out of these apartments would be amazing. Without hesitation, she eagerly typed back.

Sounds great! I’ll meet you there! :-)

- Eve

With her hands trembling, she made her way down the building stairs.  Eve thanked her lucky stars she had grabbed her purse on the way out.


As Eve cuddled closer to Ash, she felt another blush flush her already pink cheeks. The last few weeks had been some of the best of her life. While Eve had had a few boyfriends before Ash, none of them could compare with his sweet, devoted, and caring nature.

Despite her initial skepticism, Ash turned out to be a very good conversationalist on their ‘date’ at the café. Eve did not know how to explain it - but they just clicked. They could spend hours talking about the most inane things with enthusiasm, and while they argued sometimes, it was always forgiven and forgotten by the end of the hour. They just felt right.

And now here they were, on the top of a hill watching a concert, letting each other’s warm body and scent take over their senses.

“Ash,” Eve said with mock irritation as he nibbled on her earlobe. “You’re missing the show.”

“Sorry,” he replied with a smile. “But you’re just too interesting for me to stay away.”

The sentence drew her back to something similar she had heard once before, making her tense. Colton.

It had been ages since she had spoken, heard, or even seen his spirit. Eve thought she might have seen a shadow once or twice, but as Ash and she had grown more serious, any signs of activity had quickly stopped. And for that she was grateful. Though she would be lying if Eve said she did not miss it at times. It was like having lost a good friend.

“What’s wrong?” Ash asked, sensing her apprehension.

“Nothing,” she replied, avoiding his eyes. “Just a little cold I guess.”

He looked unconvinced, placing a hand on her shoulder. “Hey, you know you can tell me anything right?”

Eve forced a smile as grew closer to his face. “Nothing’s wrong, Ash.” Wanting to get away from the subject, she then placed a hand under his black hooded sweater. While feeling the smooth skin, she then began to kiss him. Taking the time to explore his mouth.

Ash began to kiss her back as well, now feeling underneath the thin cardigan she was wearing. It was only after several minutes that he took a breath to mutter, “Don’t think I’m going to forget asking… but keep trying to distract me…”

As their passion quickly became more intense, it was not long before they were asked to leave the lawn by a police officer. However, their mood was far from killed.

Due to living at a fraternity, the dorm rooms were nearly always empty as the partying outside never seemed to cease. And though they got several goofy, knowing grins from the drunken partiers, it was not long before they were alone in his room.

Though too preoccupied to fully observe everything, Eve could see that Ash was the very definition of the lonely artist cliché – complete with an easel and canvas, as well as a dusty, acoustic guitar. No wonder Ash had been hesitant to show the room to her. But after all they had gone through so far, this just made him more endearing to her.

He was the one person that she felt comfortable with, the one that had been the most sincere about his every intention. The one that looked at her like she was the shining, rising sun of his day. And it was now that Eve was going to go the final step with Ash. She knew that there would be no regrets.

Slowly, Eve began to disrobe, taking off each article of clothing with some anxiety as to what his reaction would be to her bare body.

But as she straddled Ash’s bare lap, looking into those deep blue eyes, all she heard was the word, “Beautiful.”


Eve woke the next morning to find Ash missing from her side. She thought it was curious that he would not wake her up since they both had classes, but dismissed it as she got dressed. It was not until she went to open the door to the hall that Eve got truly suspicious. Pressing her ear to the door, she could hear muffled yelling from outside. And one of the voices belonged to Ash.

Opening the door, she was shocked to find a half-naked Ash arguing heatedly with a red-haired young woman with few luggage bags.

“What the hell is this?!” the woman shouted. “I move back out here because you want me to and I find you sleeping with some whore?!”

“That was three months ago, Rochelle! I’ve moved one since then! And since you never replied, I assumed that you did too!” Ash shouted back. “Especially after I saw you cheating on me with Trevor!”

The two continued to bicker back and forth for several minutes until Eve gathered the courage to step forth from the shadows.

“Ash? Who is this?” she asked, biting her lip.

“Just my crazy ex,” he snapped. “Trying to ruin everything good in my life as usual!”

“Oh please,” Rochelle said rolling her green eyes. “I don’t recall you complaining the last time I spent the night here.” Dropping her bags on the floor, she added, “And another thing: you keep calling me your ‘ex’ but I never received anything from you that mentioned we were broken up.”

Eve clutched the sleeve of her sweater as she asked, “Is that true, Ash?”

“Yep,” Rochelle said with a smirk.

“Shut up, Rochelle,” Ash spat. Turning to Eve, he said, “I… I honestly did not think I needed to tell the person who cheated on me that we were over.” Seeing her befuddled expression he rolled his own eyes. “Oh come on, Eve. Don’t tell me you’re stupid enough to believe her lies.”

Although she knew that it was not his intent, the statement still stung. Now slightly angry, she said, “All I wanted to know is the truth. And if it has been only three months, then it was just a week before we started going out. And you never told me.”

Holding back her tears, Eve then said, “Maybe its best if you get this all straightened out before we keep going…”

Though Ash continued to protest, she quietly grabbed her belongings and started back to the Clover Apartments – ignoring the smug look on Rochelle’s face. Some things are just too good to be true, after all.


Just as the previous weeks had been like heaven, it had swiftly spiraled downward into a personal purgatory. Eve had hoped that Ash would apologize, or at least give her a call stating that they should talk about the incident. But as the fall days moved on into two weeks, it looked as if they were over.

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