Be Brave (18 page)

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Authors: Fyn Alexander

Tags: #Romance MM, #erotic MM, #General Fiction

BOOK: Be Brave
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brain stem? Especially if it"s a sniper hit. And there"s something disturbingly

satisfying about sticking a scalpel in the jugular at the precise angle to avoid

making a mess.”

“You"re gifted at your work,” Conran said.

“You still haven"t told me why you need me,” Kael reminded him.

Sweat began to glisten on Conran face and neck. “Sir, you"re not videoing this

again, are you?” he asked.

“If I am, what can you do about it?” Kael asked. “But no, I"m not.”

Conran spoke very quietly, seeming nervous and self-conscious. “I feel safe

with you. Perhaps that"s stupid of me considering you have been less than kind to

me on many occasions. But it"s true, I do. I get very stimulated by being controlled

and punished, and no one does that better than you. Aside from that, you are a very

handsome man. I"m not a homosexual, but I am sexually attracted to you. I have

never felt this way about any other man. I wish we could be friends.”

“Perhaps we can,” Kael said.

“I love you,” Conran whispered.

Kael was stunned at the admission. No wonder Conran wanted to ensure he

was not videotaping the scene. For a long moment, he watched Conran, whose face

was scarlet. He decided the best thing to do was to move on briskly. “Excellent!”

Kael rose and moved the chair.

Without warning, he came up beside Conran and lifted him to the floor. The

man tensed, his breath coming hard. But as before, Kael lifted him perfectly and

carefully. Reaching under Conran"s belly, Kael removed the cock ring. “Here"s what

I"m going to do, Stephen.” Kael strode over to the shelves and selected a thick black

neoprene butt plug and a tube of K-Y. From the hooks on the wall, he took a wooden

paddle. Returning to Conran, he squirted a long stream of K-Y between the man"s

buttocks, massaging it in.

“Now I"m going to insert this fine butt plug up your arse. Would you like that,


“Yes, Sir,” Conran said breathlessly.

“Then I"m going to paddle you, and as I paddle, the butt plug will fuck you. You

can come when you want.”

“Thank you, Master.”

Angel and the Assassin: Be Brave


Kael positioned the tip of the plug at Conran"s anus and pushed slowly but

surely until it was all the way in and the ring of muscle gripped the ridge of the

plug, securing it in place. Then he picked up the paddle and braced his legs.

“Get ready, boy. Here it comes.” Kael raised his arm before bringing it down

heavily, landing a loud crack on Conran"s buttocks. For the next two minutes, Kael

landed one hard, fast, evenly timed smack after another, carefully avoiding the

bulging ball sac. The effort it must have taken Conran to remain in place without

stumbling forward kindled Kael"s admiration. The man"s hands were cuffed,

offering no stability to his shoulders. The humbler made any but the most careful

movements excruciating, and the paddle was a vicious wooden instrument. Yet

Conran remained absolutely still.

At last a long scream, steadily rising in pitch, tore from Conran"s throat. Thick

semen pumped from his cock and hit the floor beneath him. Kael brought the

paddling to a slow halt and allowed Conran to recover for several minutes while he

gathered water and a blanket and put them on the couch. Then quickly and without

ceremony, he removed the handcuffs and the humbler before helping Conran to his

feet. “Come on, boy.” He took him to the couch and wrapped him in a blanket before

sitting down beside him and handing him a bottle of water.

“You can take a lot of punishment, Stephen. I admire that.”

“Do you, Sir?” Conran said at once, as though Kael"s admiration was the one

thing in life he craved.

“I do. Drink your water. All of it.” Conran obeyed, obviously thirsty from


Kael sat patiently for about ten minutes while Conran rested, allowing him to

recover. “Get dressed, boy. I want to spend some time with Angel, and he"ll be home

soon. I expect to be away a couple of nights on this job.”

When Conran was dressed at last and ready to leave, Kael put his arm around

his shoulders as he walked him to the door. “Who would guess that inside that

expensive suit, your arse is red and welted from my paddle.”

“Hopefully no one,” Conran said, making Kael chuckle.

At the door, Kael looked out to see if Mrs. Chalmers was lurking. “Careful as

you go to the lift. There"s a crazy neighbor woman who"s stalking me. I may have to

kill her.”

“You will kill only those you are sanctioned to kill,” Conran said quietly. “If

she"s watching your movements, I"ll have someone look into the situation. But she"s

probably just attracted to you.”

“Everyone is.” Kael grinned.

Conran gave him a weary smile. “I"m glad you"re back doing what you"re

supposed to be doing. We need you.”

“My queen and my country need me,” Kael said, only half-serious.

He heard the voice the minute he closed the door. “Is Mr. Saunders home?”


Fyn Alexander

He listened closely to Conran"s answer. “Yes, but I"m afraid he"s rather busy

just now. It wouldn"t be a good idea to disturb him.” Kael wondered what she would

do if he answered the door dressed as he was.

* * *

Angel was starving, but he would have just a very small snack and then begin

making dinner. When Daddy first starting teaching, he got really annoyed a couple

of times when Angel had eaten so much before dinner that he couldn"t eat his meal.

He hung his blazer in the hall closet, making sure the shoulders were even on the

hanger—just like Daddy had taught him—left his laptop in the hall, and wandered

into the kitchen. He was looking in the fridge when he heard a voice behind him.


“Shit!” Surprise made his heart pound, and he turned around. “Oh my God,

Daddy, you look so fucking hot dressed like that.”

Daddy smiled. “Get over here, boy.”

Angel rounded the counter and came to a halt in front of him, looking up into

Daddy"s handsome face. His breath became short, and his cock began to struggle

against the fabric of his underwear.

“Drop your trousers, boy.” The order, so casually given, inflamed Angel to the

point where he almost came. The zipper at his crotch, so easy to lower, suddenly

stuck in his hands.

Usually when they went into the dungeon, they both stripped naked. Daddy

liked being naked in the dungeon, and when the door was closed and locked, they

were in their own world. Yet there in the kitchen, a room they used every day for

everyday activities, the smell and look of leather took on an unreality that

heightened the sexual element.

The zipper finally behaved in his hands, and Angel pushed down his trousers,

followed by his leopard-print Ergowears. “Cute little panties, boy.”

Angel giggled nervously, his eyes never leaving Daddy"s face. His cock stuck

straight out. Daddy pulled a high stool away from the counter and, without

speaking, took Angel by the arm and turned him to face the stool. With a small

push on his shoulders to direct him, Angel bent forward at the waist until his belly

lay on the leather top of the stool. His cheeks felt hot, partly in anticipation and

partly at being exposed like that in the kitchen.

“Don"t move, boy.”

Unable to see over the counter, Angel heard the fridge open and close, and

Daddy came behind him again. He sucked in a breath when a lump of cold grease

was plastered between his buttocks with Daddy"s strong fingers. “It"s better with

butter,” Daddy said and laughed.

Angel moaned softly as the thick cock began to slide in tiny increments into his

rectum. Angel let his head drop and grasped the legs of the stool. “Oh Daddy, I

didn"t even know you were home and I wasn"t expecting this.”

Angel and the Assassin: Be Brave


“Quiet, boy, no talking.”

“Yes, Sir.”

Angel looked to the side. The sight of Daddy"s leather-clad legs and his leather

boots sent a surge of pleasure rushing up his belly and down into his thighs. “Holy

fuck,” Angel moaned as his orgasm coursed through his body unchecked. He

slumped onto the stool, panting while Daddy gripped his hips, thrusting hard up

Angel"s ass. Daddy moaned out his pleasure, then stood panting behind him.

“Get up, boy. I see you made a mess on the floor.”

Angel struggled upright, still awash with tingling shards of sensation. Daddy

had put his cock away and stood majestically, looking down at him. His face hot,

Angel said, “Daddy, I just can"t control myself. I need help.”

“I know. And I keep promising to help you with it—which I will. Take your

clothes off, boy, and start cooking.”

So excited his hands shook, Angel stripped and carried his clothes to the

bedroom. For the next hour, he worked in the kitchen, and all the while, Daddy

watched him, sitting on a kitchen chair with his booted feet crossed at the ankles

and stretched out before him. He loved to see Daddy dressed in full leather with his

Muir cap. Daddy usually wore the full deal only when he went out alone to the S

and M bars. He still insisted Angel would not be allowed in and made him stay

home and go to bed whenever he went. But he had taken him to a couple of leather

bars that were not so strict about protocol and dress.

They ate with Daddy sitting at the table and Angel sitting cross-legged on the

floor at his feet. When the meal was over, Angel cleaned up the kitchen before

following Daddy into the living room, where he found him sitting with his feet up on

the coffee table—a thing Daddy never did. The power he exuded was too much for

Angel, and the boy had an erection that would not go away. He found himself

panting, his face and neck flushed rosy as he stood in front of his daddy.

“I love you, Daddy,” he said with such spontaneity that Kael laughed.

“Good boy.” He put his feet down and patted his lap. “Come here.”

If he had not paused to check himself, Angel would have jumped over the

coffee table in his haste to sit in Daddy"s lap. But he did pause and hurried around


The feel of cool, soft leather against his buttocks was incredibly erotic. The

familiarity of Daddy naked and ready for him was the most wonderful sense of

comfort and excitement, but Daddy dressed in leather when Angel was naked made

him feel anxious and shy.

“May I talk, Daddy?”

“Yes, talk to me. Tell me what you want.”

“Only to please you, Sir. I love you so much.”

Daddy reached out and stroked Angel"s face with one finger. “I have to go away

on business again.” Angel knew business was a euphemism for the work he was to


Fyn Alexander

know nothing about and could never be involved in now that Daddy had decided he

couldn"t. “I"ll be gone a couple of days. You be a good boy and carry on with your

duties. Go to college. Keep the place clean. Daddy will be back in a few days, and I"ll

expect you to be doing what you are supposed to be doing.”

“Yes, Sir. I won"t let you down, Daddy. Not ever.” Angel wrapped his arms

around his raised knees. The air was cool now he was sitting still. His nipples

puckered, and little goose bumps rose up on his body.

“Good. I can do my job better when I know you"re safe and doing yours. Now”—

he took Angel"s chin on his fingertips—“what do you want? My special boy.”

Tears brimmed in Angel"s eyes. He wasn"t even sure why, but his chin

quivered and he wanted to cry.
Be brave.

“Are you all right, Angel?”

“Yes, Sir. I just feel sometimes like I love you so much I can"t stand it.”

Daddy pulled him close to his chest and cradled him like a baby in the crook of

his arm. Angel gripped Daddy"s tit between his lips and sucked. A gentle chuckle

made him open his eyes and look up. “Slave Angel, we are going to the dungeon, and

if you don"t know what will edify you, then Daddy will decide. Up you get, boy.”

“Yes, Sir.” Angel obeyed, following Daddy like the good slave he was. The

delicious rush that ran through Angel like an electrical charge when he watched

Daddy lock the door and put the key out of reach tingled through his flesh.

“Stand beside the table.”

On light feet, Angel hurried to the torture table and stood to attention. His

eyes never left Daddy, who walked to the shelves to choose his tools. Daddy"s back,

his muscular legs and buttocks tightly clad in leather, the spurs in Daddy"s boots,

was a sight he could have gazed at for hours. But Daddy turned and strode

purposefully toward him and, tossing his cap on the table, came to stand in front of


“That"s plastic wrap.” He was confused. “Cling film, right, Daddy? That"s what

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