Be Careful What You Wish For (20 page)

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Authors: Misty Blue

Tags: #chimera, #erotic, #ebook, #fiction, #domination, #submission, #damsel in distress, #cp, #corporal punishment, #spanking, #BDSM, #S&M, #bondage

BOOK: Be Careful What You Wish For
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As always the two men were struck by her simple act of acceptance, of trust, of faith, aware of the tremendous responsibility she placed on them to ensure her complete protection. They knew how vital it was to maintain the cherishment as well as the control, both to fulfil her as a woman and to be certain she felt special and loved at all times. She was gentle, fragile, vulnerable. Her needs made her a high maintenance slave, and would warrant unlimited stimulation and time to express her creativity, to develop her talents and skills, particularly those in writing and the arts. Time Out would be a necessary provision of their commitment to her, in which she might also spend time with family and even just rest. These needs were not incompatible with her overwhelming need to be owned. All this had been explained to her and was understood and accepted as part of her contract with them.

‘Come and we will begin to prepare for the Ceremony of Commitment when, finally, you will be collared and named as slave under the House of Arcana.'

They refused to answer any one of her pressing questions about what was to happen, who would be present, what was expected of her. Nor would they allow her to examine those things they had brought to symbolise the day.

A special breakfast was shared. Then they showered, removing all clamps and plugs she had been ordered to wear, and laid her on the couch pulled out from the wall. There, carefully and methodically, Shadow shaved her pussy while Dream Catcher took her hands in his and held her arms up, gazing all the while into the bright eyes watching his every move. She fluttered as a bird, unsure, unwilling to leave the nest, uncertain about her abilities, confused about the next step to take.

Softly he brushed her forehead, and the single teardrop which appeared on her cheek as her fears came to the fore.

‘Trust us. That is all we ask, all that is required of you. Know we have only your best interests at heart. Be certain in the knowledge you have been prepared for this day to a high standard. This is your Destiny. Meet it with your head held high. Embrace the dream, for soon,
, there will come the moment when all your dreams are realised and you are one of us, one with us...

They examined her, meticulous in their observations, talking to one another about particular aspects of her body, before turning her onto her front, binding her arms and securing her feet, clamped to the corners of the couch.

‘We are now going to mark you as our slave. Accept this as the first symbol of our commitment to you. It is a symbol which will match your slave name and by which others may know you belong to us, your Masters, and to the House of Arcana.'

‘Will it hurt?'

‘Yes, it will hurt, Little One. Shadow will tattoo the symbol we have created unique to you just below your right shoulder, and you will be allowed to see it only when the Ceremony is complete and you are truly slave. Prepare yourself.'

A small humming sounded and a tiny needle pierced her skin. Dream Catcher held her head firmly, soothing back her hair.

‘It will take time, so try to relax and let the experience unfold, as with those others that will be yours this day.'

The needle continued its journey around the designated area of skin. Abi tried to let her thoughts wander to places she had visited, people she knew, and in a half-dream state, brought herself back through the journey which had led her to this moment and the memories about to be created here. The confusion about Dream Catcher and Shadow and the strange relationship they shared she pushed to the back of her mind.

She almost believed the images to be a part of her dream state when the experience of sub-space left her living in a bubble for some time after. She had taken the image of the cage and the idea of Shadow caught inside as part of sub-fever when she knew that, while in a state of euphoria, thinking can become distorted. And yet still a small niggle remained, which increasingly she tried to ignore, unwilling to have anything spoil her very special day.

Finally Shadow finished, and the handiwork was inspected, approved and admired.

‘Come. We will share a light lunch together while we show you what we have brought.'

It was like Christmas all over again.

Dream Catcher displayed for the first time a cloak the colour of sunrise, together with a black velvet dress with a lace bodice which lifted her breasts high, leaving her nipples bare. It laced all the way down past her waist, hugging and accentuating her figure, displaying the small mark of ownership on the back of her shoulder. She found wearing it meant she could move only the smallest of steps, and in doing so create an illusion of grace and stature, and great sensitivity and strength.

‘Now, take off the clothes. It is only the cloak you will wear for the Ceremony, accompanied by the ornaments in this case. But first we have a surprise.'

As if on cue through the arch stepped two familiar faces, ones she could never have imagined seeing here.

‘I said it would not be long before we met again.'


‘Yes, and I'm here to arrange your hair for your big day.'

The two Masters left her to the attentions of the masseur and hairdresser from Hartington Hall. They too admired the tattoo which throbbed gently on her shoulder.

‘I'm going to relax you for what is to come, Princess. And then my good friend Shellie here is going to arrange your hair. So enjoy.'

Two hours passed while Abi was transformed, her hair washed and a volumiser used to encircle her face in a titian halo of colour. Her cheeks glowed. She was refreshed.

‘We must go now, but we'll see you again in a little while. Promise.'

They took their leave as Shadow and Dream Catcher appeared, dressed in black trousers topped with lace shirts and black waistcoats.

‘Come, it is almost time.'

Shadow collected the still unopened jewellery box, while Dream Catcher wrapped the cloak around her shoulders and one on either side, they escorted her beyond the arch, along the corridor, and down the stairs to the largest of the dungeons she had seen only once before.

But as she stepped through the doorway she saw it with very different eyes. Like crossing the horizon, the large hall was bathed in the soft hazy glow of sunrise. Curtains the colour of burnt amber hung from floor to ceiling around the walls, while a carpet led through the centre to a dais on which stood an imposing figure in black. On either side of him were others dressed in a similar fashion, and creating an aisle in front of them slave girls sat on their heels, adopting the Standard Pose. It was an impressive sight.

Abi stood with Shadow and Dream Catcher at the start of the aisle, looking with interest at the girls who looked up to smile, nodding encouragingly, helping her feel more at ease.

Her stomach was knotted and tense. She trembled beneath her cloak, wishing she'd been allowed to wear the beautiful dress that went with it.

‘Approach the Grand Master and let the Ceremony commence.'

The words were uttered by the man in black. He presented an imposing and formidable figure on the dais, waiting for them. He had a presence that commanded attention. As they drew near Abi couldn't take her eyes from his as they drew her in, holding her gaze, steady and sure. Then, hastily remembering her training, she fell to her knees, submitting herself before the Grand Master.

A hush immediately fell around the room.

‘We are here today to celebrate the submission of a slave and the taking of that slave by a Master. We recognise that to be a true slave is a Calling, and in welcoming her into our wider family we embrace all that she is, knowing she has found her Destiny and her true heart's desire, that of being owned by a Master.'

Abi shivered at his feet, knowing his words to be true, certain in the knowledge that this was what she wanted, yet aware of the contradiction of the lifestyle and the confusion of loving and being controlled.

‘Woman, come before me in silence. Make yourself naked. Assume the standard position of rest.'

Abi sat back on her heels, mirroring the slaves in rows on either side. Shadow leaned forward and took the cloak from her. For a moment she felt vulnerable. She wanted to curl up into a ball and assume a womb-like state, away from the eyes on all she had become. But then strengthened by the two men at her side she made her back straight, held her head high, and with eyes lowered, maintained her position, hands resting on her parted knees.

‘Who takes this woman as Property and slave?'

The velvety tones of the Grand Master made Abi want to squirm. She was inextricably aroused by both his manner and his voice. What was the matter with her? Was every man likely to have this desirable affect upon her?

‘We do. Sir Richard and Master Paul, of the House of Arcana.'

The words, strong and true, came from the lips of Shadow and Dream Catcher in unison. They were words which brought comfort in her confusion. Looking at them she could see a measure of their love sparkling in their eyes, and knew they were working together in her best interest. The last of her fears was resolved. How stupid she had been to doubt them! She would not let them down.

‘Woman, have you any reservations about entering into this relationship?'

‘No, Grand Master,' she answered clearly into the space between them.

‘Woman, do you enter into this relationship fully and of your own free will?'

‘Yes, Grand Master, I do.'

Turning to Shadow and Dream Catcher, the same was asked of them.

‘Masters, do you have any reservations about entering into this relationship?'

Together they replied. ‘We do not.'

‘Masters, do you accept the petition of this woman to be your slave of your own free will?'

‘We so do.'

‘Masters, have you brought symbols of your ownership, the collar of submission, the leash of control?'

‘We do.'

‘Turn, woman, to face your Masters.'

Dream Catcher and Shadow moved to one side while her knees shifted around to face them, still with head high, eyes lowered.

‘Masters, you may present your symbols to your slave-to-be.'

The two men took it in turns to stand in front of Abi.

‘I, Sir Richard Armstrong, take thee, Pandora, to be my slave and my Property. I shall love, honour, protect, nurture, discipline and cherish you as my slave.'

The use of her slave name was deliberate so that the gathering might not be able to identify her in the outside world. That knowledge was reserved for her Masters.

Shadow repeated the same words as Richard, placing his own name in the place of the Master.

The commanding and yet oh so velvet voice of the Grand Master addressed Abi. ‘Slave, stand and receive your symbols of ownership.'

She immediately stood, ensuring her legs were well apart, facing her Masters now standing side by side, crossing her wrists behind her back with eyes lowered, body still. She then repeated the words the Grand Master was bidding her speak.

‘I, Pandora, take thee Sir Richard and Master Paul to be my Masters and Owners. I shall love, honour, obey and be the property of my Masters until death do us part or until my Master and owner sells or gives me as property to another.'

It was Dream Catcher who leaned forward to encircle her throat with a locket of the finest silver. ‘Slave, with this necklace of ownership we take possession of you and command that you never remove it so long as we are your owners. With this necklace we pledge our vows as your Masters.'

Shadow then fastened an ornate leather collar around her throat, showing the same symbol as the tattoo on her shoulder, and inserted a leash which hung down before her. ‘Slave, with this collar we command your submission and with this leash we impose our control on you.'

Then making the hand signal, with an index finger and thumb encircling his wrist, he placed on her outstretched wrists the golden fur-lined cuffs with the symbol of the flame.

The Grand Master watched the slave girl known as Pandora closely, caught by the charisma of the figure before him. She possessed a strange, almost mystical aura, presenting someone he would very much like to get better acquainted with and to understand more. Then, speaking in the same clear tones, he assigned her the slave name already decided by her Masters.

‘Slave, from this day forth you will be known as Angel, slave to Sir Richard and Master Paul of the House of Arcana. As slave you have been marked by a flame tattooed on your back, which is also the symbol displayed on your locket and collar. This symbol represents your character, your journey, your Calling. Wear it with pride, for it is symbolic of you and everything you are as slave,' he instructed. ‘Slave, is there anything you would say to your Masters in response to what they have given? You may speak and address your Masters directly.'

Abi's words were spontaneous and heartfelt. ‘Masters, I thank you for accepting my submission. I will serve you well.'

She dropped immediately to her knees, legs wide, arms outstretched, and placing her forehead to the floor offered herself in total service to them.

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