Be Mine (5 page)

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Authors: April Hollingworth

Tags: #Contemporary,Holiday,Humorous/Romantic Comedy,Small Town

BOOK: Be Mine
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Our mouths open and explore one another’s, tasting, and sipping. Wrapping my arms around his neck, I plaster myself to his firm body. Leaning into his warmth and embrace, I feel peace surrounding me, us.

The scent of spice and something purely him, intoxicates me. I wiggle fractionally closer, inhaling him, feeling every clothed inch of him. A little groan escapes from me, as I mutter, “Too many clothes,” with a fair amount of disgust in my voice.

I hear his deep chuckle reverberating in my ears, and feel it vibrating through his powerful body.

“Mmm, you’re like a human vibrator,” pops out of my mouth, before I even think of what I’m about to say. It’s only when I hear the bark of his laughter, and a spluttering cough from behind me, my words penetrate my brain.

“OMG, you did not just say that about my brother, with me in the house!” Sally exclaims, shock and laughter fighting equal measures in her voice.

“She did indeed,” chortles the man I’m wrapped around, proving my point. My eyes close half way, as I feel his powerful body vibrate, with his words and laughter. I love the feeling, a simple action that proves this man, is very much alive.


When I see her descending the stairs, I feel like I can’t breathe. Her elegance and beauty astounds me. She’s dressed in a red dress that flows about her luscious curves, yet only hints at what’s hidden beneath.

Climbing to my feet, I walk quickly to her, as if drawn by a magnet. She is my true north, my life, my everything.

“You look stunning,” the inadequate words don’t do her justice. Searching her expression, I see excitement bubble like champagne inside of her. “Would you like something to drink or is your news you’re dying to tell, about to explode from you similar to how Sally’s clothes did earlier?” I tease, before bending to kiss her soft lips. I can’t help it, I need to taste her.

I take my time, exploring and drinking from her. Hearing a groan coming from her, I can’t help the pleasure ripple through me, that I caused that throaty sound.

With a fair amount of disgust reverberating in her voice she mutters, “Too many clothes,” making a laugh escape me. She has literally just said what I’m thinking.

“Mmm, you’re like a human vibrator,” pops out of her mouth, causing me to laugh again.

Before I can say anything in reply, I hear my sister’s voice from the stairs, “OMG, you did not just say that about my brother, with me in the house!” she exclaims, shock and laughter, fighting equal measures in her voice.

“She did indeed,” is the only thing I can say, while a satisfied smirk spreads across my face.

Stepping back from my temptress, I grasp her hands and pull her after me. Looking up at Sally, I realize my little sister has turned into a beautiful woman.

“You look beautiful,” I inform her. The smile she gives me lights her up, she descends the stairs with a little bounce and sway of her arms.

I get us all something to drink, sit beside Beth on the settee, and take a gulp of my drink. Finally, I turn to her, smiling as I take in her beauty.

“What is your news?” I finally ask, my curiosity has reached its limits.

“I signed another book contract for the story I sent off last month. The publisher also contracted me for two more stories too,” her smile bursts from her like a ray of sunshine that I can’t help basking in.

“Congratulations, that is amazing news and if I do say so myself, well deserved. You have a brilliant talent,” I wrap her in my arms, dragging her closer to me. One hand reaches up and I let my fingers trace the contours of her face. I can’t help myself, there’s something about her that I find irresistible.

“Okay, don’t get me wrong,” Sally pipes up from the armchair she’s curled up in, “I’m really pleased for you, but what happened this morning, with Mrs. Hardy? She wanted something from you, and you called her son a murderer!”

“What?” I ask. A wrinkle furrows my brow. My head spins toward my sister and back again. Thinking of this morning in the diner, I remember the old woman and the freaky silence.

“I called him a murderer, because he is one.” Beth informs us. Silence crashes into the room, deafening, confusing, and utterly shocking.

Chapter 12

The ringing of the doorbell breaks the silence. It’s only when it chimes again, I finally move to answer it. Confusion clouds my brain.
Who is Mrs. Hardy’s son, and how does Beth know he’s a murderer. And what does it have to do with her?

Answering the door, I gesture for Jonathan to enter.

“You okay?” worry laces his voice as he looks at me, “Nothing has happened to Sally has it?”

“What? No, no she’s fine,” I reassure him, surprised at the concern and fear flashing across his face, “She’s in the sitting-room,” I add, indicating he should go through to her.

I’m almost knocked flying as he rushes past me. As I close the door, I hear his muttered, “Thank God,” when he spots my sister. I return to the others, once more I take my seat beside Beth. Picking up her hand, I wrap it in both of mine, giving it a gentle squeeze of reassurance.

She looks at me; a small smile slips past her trembling lips. I’ve never seen her look so fragile before, it makes me want to protect her, and defend her from everything.

“Seven years ago when I was in college, I was dating James Hardy,” Beth suddenly says, causing Sally and I to still, and Jonathan to look confused. He opens his mouth to say something, but Sally shushes him before he can.


“Things were going well, for a short while until my studies started getting more intense, and I wasn’t spending as much time with him, as he wanted me to.” I reach for my drink, take a sip, and return it to the coffee table. Giving me time, I gather my thoughts and memories, into an order of some sort, or another.

“I was spending a lot of time studying, with a boy in my class. James grew jealous and unreasonable, even when he met Tom’s boyfriend, he was determined I must be sleeping with him,”

I feel tears well up at the memory, of those last days in college, my memories and emotions crash around me, threatening to take over. I feel the pressure of a hand squeezing mine, grounding me, to the here and now. Looking up, I look into the warm hazel eyes of the man I love.

“I’d broken things off with him. His constant fits and jealousy were uncontrollable, and unreasonable. It didn’t help. He grew worse, became dangerous and even more unpredictable, until finally he killed Tom.”

“Holy shit,” Sally mutters from where she’s sitting, her hand gripped in Jonathan’s.

“I was there when it happened. There were other eyewitness’s too, thankfully. James was arrested. At his trial I had to testify, apparently he’s up for probation.

“Mrs. Hardy, his mother, wants me to testify on his behalf. She wants me to help set her son free. As far as I’m concerned, he’s where he’s meant to be, and no way in hell, do I want to see him walking about, terrorizing someone else!” Taking a deep breath, I release it, lean forward, and once more grab my drink. This time I take a large gulp, before returning it to the table.

“I’m sorry for the loss of your friend, and what you went through,” Mark says so quietly, I almost don’t hear him. Looking up I meet his eyes, see the sincerity in them.

“Thank you,” leaning forward I kiss him. The kiss is the barest touch of our lips meeting, more a brush of contact than anything, yet it has the power to make me feel alive.

I curl into him as silence once more rains in the room. Finally, it’s interrupted not by words though the grumble is loud. I burst out laughing and rub Mark’s flat stomach.

“How about we go for that dinner, after all we have a table waiting for us?” Slowly we climb to our feet and head toward the door. By the time we enter the cars, our usual happy chatter has resumed. Turning on the radio, a love song plays.

“Are you okay?” Mark asks me, there’s a tone in his voice that catches my attention, as if my answer matters more than he wants me to know.

“I am. The past is where it belongs. I won’t let it interfere with my future.”

“I have a question I want to ask you, had planned on asking you tonight…”

Turning to look at him, I watch the emotions flicker across his face, as he drives us to the restaurant. He drives into the car park closest to our destination, shuts the engine off, turns to look at me. Grasping my hands, he gives them a squeeze, before finally saying the longest sentence I’ve ever heard him say.

“I love you, am in love with you, more than I ever thought possible. Every morning, I wake up with you in my thoughts, and fall asleep with you still there. You bring joy and peace into my life, as well as a good deal of frustration. From the moment that lasagna flew into my lap and you tried to clean it up, a part of me knew, I wanted you to be mine. But I also want to be yours, only yours.

“I want to claim you, in every way possible, now and always. I want to love you, laugh with you, as well as commiserate and support you, when you need me to. I also want you, to do the same for me too. Beth, will you marry me, will you make me the happiest, and luckiest man alive?”

I gape at him in shock, my heart tripping in happiness and uncertainty.

“I so badly want to say yes, I have so much baggage though.”

“I’m strong. I can help you carry it.”

I look at him in puzzlement, “I don’t mean physical baggage, I mean mental baggage,” I explain.

“I know, and I’ll help you carry it. When you’re ready to do some mental spring-cleaning and get rid of some of it, I’ll be there to help you. If, you need me to, until then, I’ll help you carry it.”

“Are you sure?”

“Yes. Always. Will you marry me, will you be mine?”

Bursting into tears, I throw my arms around him, between sobs, I say, “yes.”

“Honey, I didn’t get a word of that,” he chuckles.

“Yes, oh Mark, yes. I love you too. Have since the first time I met you when I was five years old. I even told my mum, you were mine.” Smiling through my tears, I see an answering grin spread across his face, just before his head descends and his mouth covers mine. My hands travel up his chest, wrapping around his shoulders, before one delves into his hair bringing him even closer.

His mouth opens, and his tongue thrusts into mine. Our kiss is a kiss of claiming and accepting. This man; whom I’ve loved, since I was a little girl, and he was a boy. Who has celebrated my accomplishments, and listened to my pain. The man of my dreams and fantasies. Who loves me for who I am, and wants me now and always, has made me the happiest woman alive by claiming me, and his need, for me to claim him too.

Finally we come up for air. He leans his forehead on mine as he catches his breathe. “I love you, more than I can explain, Happy Valentine’s Day,” reaching into his pocket, he pulls out a box. Pushing open the lid, a beautiful ring with a sapphire winks at me from its velvety depths. He removes it and places it on my finger, before kissing me once more.

Eventually, we climb out of the car to join the others, and share with them our good news. Today has been a day of new beginnings and ends. Of signing a contract, standing up for myself, and claiming and being claimed by a man who loves me, and I love in return.

A Valentine’s Day to remember. One of hopes and dreams being realized, and coming together in a claiming as old and primitive as time. A simple demand and need to know that the person you love, loves you too, and simply wants you to be his and for him, to be yours. Holding hands, we walk side by side toward the restaurant, our friends and family, and into our future.

A word from the author…

Born in Dublin, I moved to England, then finally back home to Ireland. I now live in West Cork, but want to move to America.

In October 2010 I self published a book of poetry called
Different Kinds of Emotions

But I always wanted to write down the stories in my head, until finally I did. My first novel is a paranormal fantasy called
Double Magick in The Falls
, Book 1 in The Candi Reynolds Series.

When I was a child, I fell in love with books, amazing stories filled with mystery and intrigue, danger and fantasy; this love has progressed into a passion with me. I also like photography and cemeteries—the older the better.

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