Be My Victim and other Strange Tales from the Cape

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Authors: Andre Beerwinkel

Tags: #mystery, #forest, #magic, #witch, #weird, #victim, #sinister, #brimstone, #cape, #sulfur

BOOK: Be My Victim and other Strange Tales from the Cape
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Be My
And Other
Strange Tales from the Cape



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André Beerwinkel at Smashwords

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Published: Nov.
16, 2015


English (South African dialect)


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Be my Victim

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grandmother was a witch. When she was born her grandmother made a
curious prediction. While standing over the crib her grandmother
said: “This one will make half a million rand in one day.”

She and her
grandmother were very close. By the age of nine she knew most of
the protection spells in her grandmother’s Book of Shadows.
Protection - of any kind - is very important for a girl growing up
on the Cape Flats. A girl of ten who has not been raped at least
once, can consider herself very lucky. Her protection spells
safeguarded her against all those that would seek to harm her.

She knew that
she would follow in her grandmother’s footsteps one day. She had
the gift. She had the power. She could control all things visible
and invisible. She called all the demons - that walked the
townships - by their first names...

Nasim looks
over the sweet features of Judy where she sits fast asleep next to
him in his speeding Toyota Hi Ace panel van. His hand lightly brush
through the thick black hair of the beautiful twelve year old girl.
As he expertly drives the van on the busy Vanguard Express Drive on
his way to Heideveld, he takes a quick feel over her strong young
body. He let his hand wander over all her girlish curves and
bulges. A slight smile forms on his face. Her face looks so serene
in her drug induced sleep. A serenity Nasim knows will soon be
something of the past forever. He also knows that she will never
have a restful sleep in her life again. When she wakes up she will
find herself in a world of her most vicious nightmares...maybe even

It took him
the best of three weeks of observing and stalking to finally
capture her. But for the price that he was going to get for her,
those three weeks were worth every minute.

Nasim has been
abducting children for the past eight years now. Over the years he
has become extremely proficient at it. He saw it as his profession.
A profession that he developed into an art form. He is compensated
very well for this ‘art form’. For a girl between eight and
fourteen he can get up to sixty thousand rand. For girls from one
years old to seven the price can go as high as a hundred thousand
rand. Not bad for work of only a few weeks. If he abducts about
three children a year, he makes more money than most people in the
townships make in a life time.

For Judy
though, he will get five hundred thousand rand. Why was she worth
such a lot of money? Because of her dark skin and her green eyes.
Girls like that is very scarce in his profession and when you find
a girl like that, you can say that the rest of the year is a paid
holiday. About a month ago, while cruising through Bonteheuwel on
the lookout for kids that he can abduct, he saw Judy. It is easy to
abduct kids in the townships of the Cape Flats, because everyone is
very careless. People just don’t care about anything. The adults
are mostly so high on alcohol or drugs that they don’t even know
their left foot from their right foot let alone looking properly
after their children. He took a quick photo of her with his long
lens camera and showed it to his contact with The Circle. The
Circle is the organization that controls all the criminal gangs in
the Western Cape. They have a division that specializes in the
abduction of young girls. These girls are either sold in the Far
East, or The Circle uses the girls in pornographic films and later
uses them as prostitutes or casino girls ocally. His contact gave
him the go ahead. Judy would be sent to Hong Kong where girls with
dark skins and green eyes are extremely rare and thus worth a lot
of money.

That day, when
he saw her for the first time, is still fresh in his memory. She
was the most beautiful youngster he had ever seen. She looked very
sexy with her school uniform clinging tightly to all the ripening
curves of her girlish body. She appeared confident with that bossy
walk of a successful athlete. Her dark skin and green eyes would
have drawn the eyes of any normal man to her. It made her
outstanding. Nasim started the hunt immediately. He knew that he
could never let a price like this slip through his fingers. If The
Circle didn’t want her, he would have abducted her for himself.

After taking
the photo he followed her to her home to find out exactly where she

Knowing where
the victim lives is very important. This is their base and the
centre of their world. This doesn’t only apply to children, but to
anyone. If you know where a person lives, you can get into their
lives and under their skin. Outside their homes most people are
pretending. They are acting out their lives as they perceive others
think they should do it, but at home they are themselves. And this
is what a professional like Nasim wants. He want to get into the
mind of his prey. He wants to know what she thinks, what excites
her, where she hangs out, who her friends are. He has to see life
through the eyes of his victim. This is what makes the difference
between the amateur and the professional. The amateur is caught
almost immediately, because he does things on the spur of the
moment. The professional spends a long time observing the victim,
studying the victim and coming to know the victim. That is why the
professional never gets caught.

So Nasim found
out what her routine was. He knew the times she left for school in
the morning and when she returned home. He knew on which days she
went to the library. The part of her routine that he was going to
use was the fact that she went to the local mini shopping centre
every day to buy bread and milk. She visited the shopping centre
late afternoons round about five o’ clock.

Five o’ clock
in the townships on the Cape Flats are a busy time. The township
itself is coloured a dark red as the sun starts to set in the west.
People are rushing from work, in a hurry to reach the home that
they left when it was still dark that morning. Cars, buses and
taxis are sailing home making long traffic jams through all the
highways and byways. Little children are ending their day of play
in the streets, screaming and shouting with delight. Women are
calling and men are swearing. Five o’ clock is the end of one
period in the township and the start of a new period. The imaginary
line between day and night. The time when the angels go home and
the demons start coming out.

small children is the easiest for the professional kidnapper. Small
children are automatically obedient to all adults. They will
usually comply with all instructions and if they get snotty, like
township children usually gets, he just have to raise his voice in
a certain fashion. That brings them back in line rapidly. And Nasim
knew that once he started the abduction, everything must go
rapidly. This is to prevent the child crying.

He brought it
down to such an art that he could abduct a child from her mother or
other adult in any busy place in under five minutes. He just had to
follow the two, watching the adult very closely. When the adult
start focussing on something, like for example becomes engrossed in
her shopping or start a conversation with another adult, he will
make his move. He would simply take the child’s hand and move off
with her. At the same time he would deftly put a wig, that is not
the same colour and style as the child’s own hair, over her real
hair. This alone makes the child almost unrecognisable to any
casual observer. But Nasim usually also puts another coloured top
over the child’s real top. This makes the child instantly and
completely unrecognisable. And all the while he is quickly walking
away from the adult with the child, talking to the child all the
time to keep her mind off crying. Even if people start looking for
the child immediately, which very seldom happens, they won’t find
her; because the hair and the clothes of the child is different to
that which everybody is looking for. For example everybody will be
looking for a child with a yellow T-shirt and brown hair. So
everybody will ignore the child with him who will have blond hair
and a red jersey on. People don’t realize how efficient a change of
hair can alter someone’s look. Once he arrives at his van in the
parking lot, he would put the small child in a secret compartment
in the floor of the van. Once he drives out of the parking lot, the
parents will never see the child again.


older children was also not too difficult, he only had to follow a
completely different game plan. This is where psychology comes in.
Once he had identified the child that he was going to abduct, he
had to make the child use to him. He would made the child use to
him in an environment that was familiar to the child. That is why
he firstly found out where the child lives. Making the child use to
him usually takes place over a period of time. The more people
think they know you, the more they will trust you. The more people
see you doing ordinary things the more they think you are okay.

With this girl
he firstly found out what her name was. Judy. This was easily done
by just listening to what her friends called her. Then he made sure
that she saw him every day at the mini shopping centre when she
came to buy the bread and milk. With his tie and suit, she would
take him for a teacher or civil servant doing late afternoon
shopping. Then he started greeting and smiling with her in the
afternoons. He did this in a very relaxed, never mind manner, doing
the same to other kids and especially to her friends. Later he
started making small talk to her and her friends in a group, making
sure that he never seemed to be concentrating on her. All females
have a sixth sense that automatically tells them when there is
danger. He had to stay under the radar of that sixth sense.
Concentrating on her would just make him look suspicious. He also
gave the impression that he knew people living in her street. This
was important for the final part of his abduction plan. He even
made sure that she saw his car stand in front of the particular
house on several occasions. He was using a car for this part of the
operation and not his own vehicle.

In this manner
Nasim became completely invisible, because he blended in with his
environment. He wore the clothes that the people of the area wore
and he spoke their language. He knew that after the abduction very
few people would even suspect him, but if they do, the Police would
get so many descriptions of him that it would confuse them. People
will then suddenly find out that nobody really knew him, although
everybody thought the others knew him well.

In his eight
years of kidnapping children and selling them for a high price he
was never scared of the South African Police Service. The police is
so under-resourced and underfunded that it is almost sad. As an
organization the police is too unorganised to ever investigate a
crime properly. The cops on the street are also so into corruption
and bribery that they are not a problem at all. And he always works
alone, never leaving any clues. He knows that the Police can’t even
solve crimes where there are hundreds of clues in plain sight,
which means they will never solve a crime where there are no

Rich people
usually gets in experts from overseas when their relatives are
kidnapped, because they know depending in the local police is a
lost case. That is why he kidnap children from the townships. Here
people live mostly from hand to mouth and don’t have extra money to
hire expensive experts. They can therefore only depend on the
Police, who very seldom solves a case.

The things
that gives him nightmares are that his victim will escape. The
thought that the victim’s family can catch him also fills him with
terror. He knows that if any of his victims’ parents should catch
him, he would be a dead man.

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