Beach Blanket Santa (Holiday Brides Series) (11 page)

BOOK: Beach Blanket Santa (Holiday Brides Series)
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Sarah’s heart beat faster as she knew suddenly what she must
do. She could no longer run from her life. She had to confront it head-on. She
needed to start by gathering her courage to explain things to Matt. Even if he
didn’t want her after what she had to say, he deserved to hear the truth. He’d
been nothing but good and kind to her. So thoughtful and romantic too. It was
wrong of her to leave without any explanation at all, leaving him to wonder if
he’d somehow been at fault. How could she do that to someone as great as him
when the blame was hers and hers alone? It was time for her to stand up and own
it, letting the cards fall where they may. But oh, didn’t her heart hope that
would land her in Matt’s arms.

She glanced in her rearview mirror and gasped. Another car
was getting loaded onto the ferry behind her. Then another…and yet another
still. “Wait!” she shouted, throwing up her hands. The ferryman continued his
work, unable to hear her. She couldn’t let this happen. Not here, not today.
The year was coming to an end, so maybe it was time to consider new beginnings.
Sarah laid on her horn and opened her driver’s side door, leaping from the SUV.
“Stop!” she yelled at the stunned ferryman, who stared at her beneath his tartan-plaid
tam. “Off! I’ve got to get off,” she continued, a bit breathless. “Off of this

“I’m afraid that’s impossible, lady. We’re already halfway

Sarah glanced at the line of nearly a dozen vehicles behind
her, then met the ferryman’s gaze. “What if I ask them all to back up?”


“I’ll do it! I’ll go car to car if I have to!”

“What is this? Some sort of emergency?”

It most certainly was. In fact, it was the greatest state of
emergency Sarah Anderson had ever had. For the first time in her life, she was
falling for the perfect man,
a good man,
a wonderful man,
and she was being foolish enough to let him get away. It
was time she learned to fight for her life, work for the future she wanted.
Even if it proved painful. Even if she might fail. The hard truth was she’d
never forgive herself if she didn’t try. “Yes.”

The ferryman removed his tam and slowly shook his head
before looking up. “What kind of an emergency?”

“It’s…” Sarah felt her voice warble and pursed her lips a
beat to steady herself. “…my heart.”

His faced creased with concern, and he took a step forward.
She held up a hand to stop him.

“Two hearts, really. There’s a very big risk of someone
getting hurt. Of both hearts being broken.”

The ferryman heaved a sigh, his expression lighting with understanding.
“And you think that by getting off this boat, you can fix it?”

She stared at him, feeling her confidence surge. “I have to


Back at the cottage, Matt morosely disassembled his makeshift
Christmas tree. Sarah had looked just like some delighted kid when she’d
happened upon it Christmas morning. He’d really thought he’d done everything
right, but apparently his efforts had been a major fail. What a fiasco this
trip had been. He’d come to beach to forget about one woman and had been
unexpectedly raked over the coals by another one. Maybe what Matt needed to do
was take a break from women altogether. A long break.

He was just coiling up the deck lights when he thought he
heard a car in the drive, screeching to a halt. Seconds later, a door popped
open, then slammed shut. Could that be Sarah? Coming back to retrieve something
she’d forgotten?

His answer came in the sound of her footfalls racing up the
front steps. “Matt!” she said, bursting through the kitchen door. “We have to
talk!” She was out of breath, her coat unzipped and her sweatshirt and hair
speckled by the light rain that had been falling.

“I thought you were catching the ferry?”

“I was,” she said, stepping forward and shutting the door
behind her. “But I got off.”

“Off?” he questioned, trying to imagine that feat,
particularly if she’d already been loaded. “Sarah, what’s going on?”

She crossed to where he stood, and looked up, her brown eyes
brimming with moisture. “I haven’t been completely honest. There’s something.
Something that I need to tell you.”

Matt swallowed hard, not knowing what to expect. “And what
is that?”

“I can’t…” She stopped, seeming to gather her nerve.

“Are you changing your mind? About the two of us?”

“I’ve never wanted anything but the two of us.”

“Then why…?”

“I can’t have children,” she said in a whimper. “A long time
ago, I had an infection, and—”

He brought his fingers to her lips. “Is that why you left?
Why you said we couldn’t have a future? Because you believed that was a deal breaker
for me?”

She held his gaze through bleary eyes. “Isn’t it?”

While he’d never had occasion to consider it, the truth was
he wasn’t about to let someone as amazing as Sarah get away due to a medical
condition beyond her control. What kind of man would that make him? Not the one
he understood himself to be. It must have taken tremendous courage for Sarah to
come back and tell him the truth, particularly as she had no guarantee what his
reaction might be. “No. It isn’t,” he said, knowing when he said it that answer
felt right.

“But you said… You told me that you want what your parents

“I meant
. The way they are with each other and are there for one
another, even after all these years.” He took her in his arms, damp clothing
and all. “Sweetheart, listen to me. I want
Do you hear me? You’re the person I’m falling in love with and can’t bear to
see walk away. Please promise me you won’t do that again. Twice was bad enough.
I’m not sure my heart can take a third time.”

She shared a shaky smile, tears streaming from her eyes. “I

“Besides…” He lightly stroked her cheeks. “Some say that
kids are overrated.”

“They do not,” she said with a sniff. “Especially in your

“There are options, you know. Life is full of options.” He grinned
warmly. “I like dogs.”

She laughed through her tears. “You’re such a great guy.”

“Hmm, yes. I’m glad you can finally see that. Only from this
point out, I’m going to insist on one thing.” He pressed his forehead to hers
and looked deeply in her eyes. “That you call me Santa.”

“What?” she asked with surprise.

“I thought it was kind of sexy when you said I was like

him,” she
said, tugging him close.

He threaded his fingers in her luscious hair and drew her in
for a kiss. After an intensely passionate moment, he pulled back. “Can I
convince you to stay for New Year’s?”

“Why, Santa,” she said softly, “we don’t even have

He laughed out loud, snuggling her in his arms. “We’ll

He kissed her deeply then, again and again, only finding
himself hungry for more. She molded herself to him, her legs appearing to give
way. But he shored her up and held her close, determined now—more than
ever—never to let her go.




The following December, Matt took Sarah’s hand and led her
onto the big, broad deck. The ocean bellowed and tumbled before them, gulls
darting in and out of the waves under a darkening sky. Matt wrapped his arms
around her from behind as they studied the seascape.

“Looks like a storm’s brewing.”

She glanced over her shoulder thinking he was the most
handsome man she’d seen in
tuxedo or a towel. “Hmm, yes. We could be stuck here indefinitely.”

“Now, that would be a shame.” He leaned forward and nuzzled
her neck, causing her to shiver slightly.


The wind kicked up ruffling the layers of her billowy white
gown. “Just a bit.”

Matt removed his jacket and draped it over her shoulders
before turning her toward him in an embrace. “I’m glad we bought this place.”

“I couldn’t think of a better spot to spend our honeymoon,”
she said, smiling up at him.

He shot her a sexy grin. “And this time we brought

“What will we toast to?”

Her face warmed under his perusal. “Santa?”

“Yes. To him and Christmastime.”

Matt brushed his lips to hers. “Spending Christmas with you
is the best.”

“Something tells me it’s about to get even better,” she said,
nearly breathless.

“Shall I carry you back to the sleigh?”

“I’ll go anywhere with you,” she said, meaning it

“How about a trip around the world?”


“You did say you wanted to see the Southern Cross? Travel to

“You can’t mean…?”.

“Sarah, sweetheart,” he said with a loving look. “I’ve
arranged some time off, and we’ve got plenty of money.”

“But I thought this was our honeymoon?”

“Beach baby of mine,
has just begun.”


The End


A Note from the Author


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