Bear in the Rough: Bear Shifter Romance (Broken Hill Bears Book 1) (13 page)

BOOK: Bear in the Rough: Bear Shifter Romance (Broken Hill Bears Book 1)
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He pushed her, she lost her footing, and they crashed to the ground. He arched over her, wild and fierce, and she braced herself for his bear to burst out of him.

“Don’t test me like this. There are some in the clan who wanted you dead, little girl. You have no idea how dangerous your actions were. Do you really think someone would come and rescue you before we’d dealt with you all?” She was on the point of tears, but desperation took over.

“Yes, of course I was signaling! Because you’ve imprisoned me here and I need to escape from you!” she screamed, all her anger and fear spilling out of her. “I don’t know why you think you’ve got the right to be angry when I’m the one who’s trapped here!” Unexpectedly, he eased off her body and his eyes softened. A flash of understanding passed across his features.

“You were tricking me just now, when we kissed, weren’t you? You were trying to lull me into trusting you?” his voice was full of anger. She nodded in spite.

“Yes, that’s right. I don’t feel anything for you. You’re a monster!” she spat.

His jaw tightened. But then he reached out and chafed her lip with his thumb. She turned her head, but it was too late. A slender flame of arousal darted through her body.

“I don’t think that’s true,” he said. He unbuttoned the top button of his shirt, then another, then another. As much as she wanted to, she couldn’t tear her eyes away from his incredible torso. His shirt was soon fully open, and he pulled it off and cast it aside. “I think you want me, Freya,” he said.

“I don’t,” she replied, her words catching in the back of her throat.

“I can smell your arousal. There’s no hiding from a bear. You want me as much as I want you.” Her face flushed and she tried to clap her knees together, but they were separated by his thighs as he knelt in front of her. She was lying helpless and far too turned on as this huge man beast stared down at her, his eyes lingering on her breasts and the apex of her thighs. “Tell me you want me to stop,” he said. His hands went to the top button of his jeans. He unfastened it. “Tell me,” he repeated. But she stayed silent. There was an ache deep inside her that cried out for his touch, cried out for him to take her in his arms and possess her completely. He slid his zipper down an inch and a patch of dark pubic hair emerged. She made a sound of hunger. It was out of her mouth before she could stop it. A slow grin spread across his face. He reached for the top button of her shirt and unfastened it deftly.

“You can stop me any time you want, Freya.” His voice was a deep rumble, and his erection strained at the zipper of his jeans. She lay still, her chest rising and falling rapidly as he unbuttoned her shirt all the way and slid it off. Her bra followed. His thumbs chafed her nipples as he cupped her breasts and she cried out, her whole body turning to liquid. He rolled them into aching points with surprisingly light fingers. Then his attention moved to her shorts. Holding the waistband, he slipped them down, along with her panties, and she was suddenly naked to his gaze. She was so turned on that she didn’t feel self conscious. All she wanted was for this man to strip off his pants and take her. He gazed at her curiously, fire burning in his eyes, while his hands caressed her body, all over, apart from the part that needed him most. She couldn’t stand it any longer. Propping herself up on her elbow, she reached for his zipper, and his erection sprang out, huge and rock hard. He made a sound of appreciation and pulled his pants off completely.

As he climbed back on top of her, she watched him, drinking in every incredible detail of his body, of that big cock, pulsing with his desire for her. His mouth met hers, his tongue snaking between her lips, and he drove straight into her. She let out a wild moan as her muscles clenched tight around him, and she gazed up at him, scarcely able to believe that this big sexy man was inside her. He held her in his arms, and she clung to him helplessly as he thrust in and out of her, slowly at first and then with gathering pace. Her breath came fast and hard and she was dimly aware of her nails raking his back, as he fucked her relentlessly. She wanted to fight him, but all she ended up doing was gripping him tight. The sky was salmon pink overhead, and the mountain air was sweet in her nostrils, as this sexy wild man possessed her again and again.

She felt as limp as a ragdoll as he lifted her up in his arms, into a sitting position. She wrapped her legs around his waist and he took hold of her hips, pulling her up and down on his cock. He looked into her eyes, his pupils dilated and his broad shoulders slick with perspiration, as he murmured her name. She was dizzy, lightheaded, and she’d lost all sense of time and place, totally surrendered to the moment. He began to move faster and faster, and she sensed that his orgasm was near as his speed perfectly matched her own rhythm. He gave a roar of release at the same moment that a climax hit her, detonating in waves deep inside her, as her pussy throbbed around his cock.

“Oh, god,” she moaned as she hung onto him, feeling him shuddering all over. When the final waves of their orgasms subsided, she didn’t want to let go of him. Being in his arms like that felt so right, however weird the situation.

“I’ve wanted to do that ever since I saw you at the wrestling match,” he said, his voice husky, and he brushed her damp hair out of her eyes. She cupped his jaw briefly, enjoying the feeling of his stubble on her fingers, then she pushed on his shoulders and got to her feet.
Sleeping with the enemy. There’s even a movie about it,
she thought to herself as she recovered her clothes and got dressed again.
But, damn, that was incredible. Easily the best sex of my life.

He watched her get dressed, lazily, and didn’t get up and dress himself until she was done.
Should I feel angry now?
she wondered. All she felt was a deep, blissful satisfaction.

Night had fallen by the time they made their way down the mountain. Xander held her hand tight to stop her from slipping, and she clung to it and didn’t complain.

At the bottom they parted quickly, both keen not to draw attention to themselves. Freya was relieved not to see any of the bears as she crept back to her cabin, her heart doing somersaults in her chest.


“Where have you been?” Marin and Eloise asked in unison as she came back inside. Freya sighed and sat on the couch, her legs very tired from the hike down the mountain. Her thoughts were so conflicted that she could barely speak. She’d just had amazing sex with a super sexy man, who just happened to be her captor. And she’d failed to execute her escape plan.

“Xander showed me all around the territory. It was very useful,” she said and explained the lay of the land, and the single, narrow road route out of the territory.

“Did he hurt you? You seem to be in a weird mood,” Eloise said.

“Oh, no.” She flicked a strand of hair out of her eyes self-consciously. “He was a perfect gentleman actually.”

“Same with the other guys,” Eloise said enthusiastically. “I wish we’d met them, you know, in different circumstances.”

“What’s wrong, Freya?” Marin said and laid a hand on her knee. Unexpectedly, she burst into tears.

“I tried to help us escape. I had a plan. I didn’t want to tell you earlier in case it didn’t work, but I had a mirror with me. Xander took me up to the top of Broken Hill to look at the territory, and it was perfect. I pretended that I needed to pee, then I hid out of his sight and I tried to signal an SOS.” Both women gasped.

“That’s amazing, Freya. You’re so smart,” Marin said. “I don’t even know how to do that signal.” Freya shook her head helplessly.

“But it was no use. He caught me before I was done.”

“Was he mad?” Eloise asked, big eyed.

“Initially. But then he said he understood. He’s actually a cool guy. I can tell that he doesn’t like keeping us here.”

“Maybe we can turn that to our advantage,” Marin said.

“Exactly what I was thinking. So, tell me, how was the rest of your day?”

While the girls chatted about the guys and relayed some of the conversations, Freya wondered why she wasn’t telling them that she’d just had sex with Xander. She felt guilty, as if she was betraying them all in some way. She also thought they’d be angry, or disgusted, or something. She didn’t understand it herself, and decided that she needed some more time to turn it over in her mind before she discussed it with anybody else.

But when she climbed into her sleeping bag, she lay awake for a long time, the scent of Xander’s body still on her skin, and her veins running with the euphoria of the most intense orgasm of her life.




Maximus watched until Freya had slipped through the front door and closed it firmly behind her. His lips curled into an unpleasant grin and he stepped out from the shadows where he’d been hiding and strode back to his own cabin. He knew that she and Xander had been alone together today, and he’d been awaiting their return with anticipation. Concealing himself downwind from Xander, he’d begun trailing her as soon as she’d parted from his brother. He could smell the sex on her; he knew that they’d mated. But as much as the thought that his brother had mated with a human outraged his morals, he wasn’t planning on challenging him about it. He had a much better idea than that.

Chapter Fifteen



A loud knock on the door roused Xander while he was still in bed, thinking idly about Freya, replaying their scorching-hot mating up on the hilltop, in his favorite place in the whole world. He hadn’t meant for any of it to happen, but the way she’d looked up there on the mountain, the sun in her hair, making her eyes glow, gazing at him with such kindness had snatched all reason from his mind. And then the thought that she was so desperate to escape him had cut him to his core, driving him to do something he never would have rationally allowed himself to.
Take her; claim her
, his bear kept telling him.
She could never be my mate,
he reminded himself.
Everything about it is wrong.

The knock on the door sounded again, even more forcefully. Checking he was no longer hard, he got up and answered it.

“Good morning, Brains,” Maximus said, smirking from behind a pair of Wayfarers. He was wearing a leather jacket with a high collar which concealed the healing welts around his neck. Xander merely grunted and let him in.

“What do you want, Maximus?” he said, as his brother sauntered around the room, looking at his things. Maximus stopped and turned to face him, his stance wide, hands on hips.

“I won’t beat about the bush: you need to find a mate. Everyone in the clan is saying the same thing. It’s unseemly for an Alpha to be unmated, and it exposes all of us to danger. We’ve drawn up a list of eligible females.” He stuffed his hand into his pocket and pulled out a scrap of paper, before thrusting it at Xander. Xander took it wearily.

“Why don’t you make yourself useful and put a pot of coffee on while I take a look at this,” he said with a yawn. Maximus gave him a sarcastic salute and stalked over to the kitchen.

It was a long list, filled with the names of girls he knew in passing from the other clans, and a few that he didn’t know at all.

“What are you thinking, including Skyla and Domenica from the Black Paws?” he called. “The last thing we want is to ally ourselves with those assholes.”

“People are saying it’s a great idea. It’s the oldest trick in the book after all – mate with your enemy, and they’ll no longer be your enemy,” Maximus said, coming back from the kitchen with two cups of coffee. Xander snorted. “Our father would’ve been horrified to see us with a Black Paw.”

Maximus shrugged, sat down.

“Suit yourself. These are the potential mates that the clan has approved. As long as you pick one of them, and soon, it’s fine with us.” His words had an electrifying effect on Xander. His bear let off a snarl as he got to his feet, bristling.

“What the hell are you talking about?” he bellowed. “Who are ‘people’? Who’s ‘us’?” Maximus’ bear let off an equal snarl.

“My supporters. The bears that I’ve taken care of while you’ve been away for years, laboring on behalf of humans!” he roared. “You think you can just walk back in here and make all the decisions, with no regard for what everybody else wants.”

“I can, because I’m the Alpha!” Xander yelled, his voice booming over Maximus’.

“There’s more to being an Alpha than being the anointed one,” Maximus said, his voice dropping to little more than a whisper. It was a technique he used to use when they were kids, and there had always seemed something sinister about it. “The opinions of the whole clan matter too.”

Xander stared at him, knowing that something was going on behind those icy blue eyes – something that he wasn’t going to like at all.

“We just want you to find a mate. One of our choosing, so we know we’re all on the same page,” Maximus continued.

“And if I don’t?” Xander said, his own voice cold with menace. Maximus shrugged.

“The clan’s not going to like it.” Xander blew a long breath out, trying to force his bear under control. It was doing its best to burst out of him, eager to get its teeth into his brother’s neck again.

“The answer’s no.” He screwed up the list of names and pinged it into the wastepaper basket. “I’ll choose my own mate in my own time.” Maximus seemed to grow; Xander saw his bear swelling inside him.

“That’s your final answer?” Xander nodded curtly.

“Then, little brother, you leave me no other option. I’m going to challenge you for leadership.” Xander looked at him coldly. Deep down, he’d suspected it might come to this.

“Don’t test me like this,” he said. You know I’ll beat you, and it won’t be pretty.” Maximus stepped closer, until they were no more than a foot apart.

“I don’t mean with our fists, Xander. I mean with our characters,” he hissed. “I’m going to prove to you that the clan wants me to be Alpha and not you.” Xander’s jaw tightened and his eyes burned with fire.

“How can you disrespect our father like this?” he said. Suddenly, Maximus’ features contorted, becoming very ugly.

“He disrespected me!” he spat. “After everything I did for the clan. All the loyalty I showed him. Even being the oldest wasn’t good enough for him.”

“It’s not like that. He knew how hotheaded you are, and understood that it was a quality that would make you a very impulsive leader,” Xander said.

“We Broken Hill Bears have always been ruled by our hearts,” Maximus roared.

“And that’s why we’re always fighting other clans. Maybe it’s time for it to stop,” Xander replied, with no less volume.

“Two weeks!” Maximus bellowed, cutting off the end of his sentence. “In two weeks’ time, I’ll be making a formal leadership challenge. I advise you to be ready. Then we’ll see who really deserves to be Alpha.”

Maximus turned on his heel and left.


Xander’s skin burned all over as his bear began to force its way out. He fought it all the way, locking his muscles, preventing it from gathering itself inside him. At last it retreated, and he fell to the floor, gasping for breath. It contented itself with roaring and snarling instead.
How could he!?
Every Alpha chooses the next Alpha. It’s how succession works; it’s how clans function. Our father would be sick.
And what’s going to happen to the clan if Maximus takes over? It’s going to be all-out war. Is he likely to win?
he asked himself. In truth, he didn’t know. All he knew was that his clan was distrustful of him, which seemed to spell bad news.

There was another knock at the door. What now? Had Maximus forgotten to infect him with another of his drops of vitriol? He wiped the perspiration from his forehead, got to his feet and yanked the door open. It wasn’t Maximus; it was someone far shorter, and far more appealing to look at.

Freya stood before him, just about coming up to his chest, her eyes wide and lips parted.
Damn, she looks good enough to eat
, he thought, a half second before he realized that she was absolutely terrified. She half turned, as if to run away, but he caught her wrist.

“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to scare you. Please come in.” He held the door wide open and she stepped into his cabin, looking around curiously.

“Wh-what’s wrong?” she asked. He became aware that he probably looked half-crazed. Forcing his bear to stay inside of him had taken every ounce of his strength, and his mind had gone into overdrive with what Maximus had just told him.

“I’m just having a stressful day. Please take a seat.” He gestured to his favorite vintage leather couch. “Would you like some coffee?”

“Yes, please,” she said, little uncertainly.

She’s a fascinating woman,
he thought as he went into the kitchen, poured the coffee and added the cream.
She’s been so scared these past few days, but she never gives in to it. She keeps pushing herself, staying strong. Who would’ve thought that humans could be so tough?

She wrapped both hands around the mug as if was a comfort to her.

“What can I do for you?” he said.

“What happened?” she said at the same time. He took a long breath through his nostrils. She was looking at him so intently, those big dark eyes so questioning, and also – he fancied for a fleeting moment – concerned.

“My brother has challenged me for leadership,” he said. “Despite my father’s wishes, he thinks he’ll be a better Alpha. Maybe he’s right –”

“No!” she interrupted, very forcefully. He stared at her, stunned. “You should be Alpha. Your brother won’t be a good leader.”

“Why?” he asked, too surprised to be circumspect.

“He’s not as honest and straightforward as you. He has other agendas. A leader should be fair-minded, as well as strong. And capable of seeing the big picture.”

“I’m not even sure I have the strength,” he said, unable to believe what he was confessing to the human.

“The fact that you question it is what makes you strong. You have the physical strength, and the brains, so you’re obviously strong enough. But you also have the ability to question your judgment, which is what will make you a great leader.” He frowned.

“How do you know all this?”

“I’m always being told that I’m a good judge of people. I think because I keep myself at a distance, because I find it hard to trust people, it makes me a good observer of human motivations. I guess shifter motivations, too,” she finished, with an embarrassed giggle. Xander nodded, quietly turning over her words. 

“That’s all well and good, but maybe the will of the clan should prevail. Isn’t it important for the leader to be the one that the biggest number of people want?” She gave a small smile.

“Yes. But sometimes people don’t know what they want. They often need a little education. How does this challenge work?”

“Maximus has given me two weeks until he makes a formal challenge, so we can find out which clan members we each have on our side.” Freya clapped her hands together. She had lost all appearance of fear. Her eyes were shining and her smile was bright. She looked unbelievably beautiful and sexy.

“That’s plenty of time for you to talk to your clan, convince them that you’re the leader. Just be yourself. Wise, humane and big-hearted.” He sighed.

“I’m just not sure they’ll respect that. They’re expecting their Alpha to be a fighter.”

“Then convince them that a fighter is not what they need right now. It shouldn’t be hard. You’ve already proved that you can fight when you need to. Show them something else.” He raised his gaze from the floor and met her eyes. They were so bright that he could hardly look at her. 

“Thank you, Freya. I don’t know what I’ve done to deserve your help, but I’m truly grateful for it.” He reached out and squeezed her hand. She made to pull away, but let it lie in his instead, so small and vulnerable, with slender fingers. Her nails were short and a little ragged. Probably from her hiking trip, he decided, with fascination. Slowly, carefully, he tilted his jaw towards her mouth. She didn’t pull away, and when his lips met hers, she made a little sound. Her mouth was impossibly soft and the smallness of it excited him a lot. His bear began to purr, and he reached for her, wrapping his arms around her waist and pulling her onto his lap. When her hands came to rest on his shoulders something in him relaxed and, safe in the knowledge that he wasn’t forcing her, he kissed her harder, giving way to the hunger that was bubbling up inside him.

She was wearing practical, hiker clothes, but they still looked sexy on her curves. He lifted up her tanktop and pulled it over her head, and her hands immediately went to his shirt buttons. He stripped the rest of her clothes off eagerly, wanting to lay her down someplace softer than the mountaintop and take his time exploring every inch of her beautiful, voluptuous body. At last, she sat on his lap, fully naked, so perfect that he could hardly believe she was real. Her caramel-colored nipples were hard, begging for the touch of his tongue, and he could smell the sweet, musky scent of her arousal. He stood up, lifting her in his arms, and carried her through to his bedroom. His sheets were clean and snowy white, contrasting with her deeply tanned limbs. Her torso and upper thighs were paler, not having been exposed to the sun, and her pubic hair was a perfect dark triangle. She lay on her back, thighs parted a little, watching him get undressed. He was so hard already, his cock aching like crazy for her. It was all he could do not to enter her right away. Instead, he cupped her breasts in his hands, circling her nipples with his fingertips, while he dipped his head down to the thatch of hair that covered her pale pink labia.

She tasted so good, like mountain herbs and honey, and when he flicked his tongue across the little bud of her clit, she cried out in pleasure. He licked her all over, plunging his tongue as deep inside her as he could until she writhed and squirmed in ecstasy. When he began to lick her bud back and forth, her hips gave little rhythmic jerks and she clutched at the hair on the back of his head, holding him against her, while she breathed in pants. Soon she started to tremble and then to shudder, and her hips moved faster and faster, and then she exploded, screaming as she came, right in his face, her scent sweeter and more honeyed than ever.

He sat back with a happy grin playing on his lips, his cock even harder than before. Licking her had driven his bear crazy and it gave a growl of pure hunger.

“Turn over,” he said, his voice thick with desire. She smirked at him, sat up and flipped herself over onto her hands and knees. As he stroked her labia with his fingertips, she arched her back, presenting herself to him. He couldn’t hold back any longer. He took his cock in his hand and eased it inside her. She gave a wild cry and her head sunk down on her elbows, tilting her ass a little more. He took hold of her hips and eased all the way in, feeling her muscles grip him tightly.

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