Bears' Babe: BBW Paranormal Menage Shape Shifter Romance (Confessions of a Mail Order Bride Book 2) (6 page)

BOOK: Bears' Babe: BBW Paranormal Menage Shape Shifter Romance (Confessions of a Mail Order Bride Book 2)
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“Yum, this looks delicious, but it’s too beautiful to eat!” It was a gorgeous Saturday morning and I was back in Shifter Villages with my two favorite bears. I felt rested and refreshed after a good night’s sleep at the Big Bull Inn and ready for a fun day with the two burly men.

“It’s made from scratch, our best recipe ever,” Evan said.

“All your recipes are the best ever,” I joked. But it was true. The bears took a lot of pride in their bakery goods and they were constantly creating and tweaking recipes. They always used the freshest ingredients and took time to make the best product possible. Their bakery was immaculate. It was funny because when you looked at them they were very clean but still scruffy; with their scraggly head and facial hair.

I admired the cupcake again. It was a red velvet flavor with cream cheese frosting capped with shaved dark chocolate swirls.

“Enjoy it,” Grant said smiling, the cleft in his chin deepening.

“Well, if you insist. It’s so yummy looking, I can’t resist!” I lifted the cupcake towards my lips. Closing my eyes, I swirled my tongue around the layers of icing. “It’s luscious, so smooth and creamy.” I licked the sides of my lips. “Mmmm,” I moaned, taking a bite into the moist velvety cake, “so heavenly.”

I opened my eyes. Grant and Evan were watching me closely, their rich brown eyes taking in my enjoyment.

“You’re the luscious one,” Evan said, grinning. His eyes traveled to my mouth as he licked his full lips.

“Silly.” I gave him a swat, but little butterflies floated inside me. The more time I spent with these two, the greater they affected me. God, were they cute. Yeah, the beards and hair were a little scruffy, but that dimple Evan sported and the cleft Grant had…and their chocolate brown eyes. I just melted. It was hard not to let myself go with them, but I was determined not to repeat my past mistakes. So far we’d done nothing more than a little light kissing.

“We’re calling it the Judy, after you,” Grant said.

“I’ve never had anyone name a cupcake after me!” I squealed. “That’s so cool.” I’d been visiting the bears on and off for several weeks and they’d started calling me Judy. Though I’d always been called Judith, it felt right for them to call me by a less formal name. It was more relaxed and comfortable, mirroring the way I felt when I was around them.

“It was your flame red hair that inspired our red velvet cupcake. It’s only right we name it after you.” Evan picked up another one from the tray. “Want another?”

“I do, I do. But I haven’t finished this one yet.” My two bears loved feeding me. Well, I wasn’t going to disappoint them. I took another bite of the treat. After I’d finished swallowing, I took a sip of the caramel latte Grant had made me.

“This is all so good. You have a way of making me feel really special.” And they did. For the past few weeks I had been leaving work early on Friday. I would drive to Shifter Villages, enjoy time with them, and then return to my apartment late Sunday night. Normally I was a workaholic, and leaving work early was way out of the norm for me. But I loved seeing my two bear men. The one weekend I’d had to miss seeing them because of a work deadline had been awful.

We’d fallen into a comfortable routine. When I arrived in town, I always stopped by and helped them out in their bakery. ‘Crazy Cakes Bakery’ was a very successful business. I was shocked when I’d looked over their books. Who knew there was so much money in desserts—even more in the specialty coffees and teas they sold to accompany them. Their profit margins were high.

It was a lot of fun making cookies, cakes, and pies. It was like therapy…a relaxing change from the number crunching I was used to at the accounting firm I worked at.

Though I spent a lot of time with the two shifters, they gave me my space. I could see by the look in their eyes they were ready for more—much more from me, but they were giving me time. They knew I’d been divorced twice, and after my experience with that rotten wolf Brad Stanford, I was afraid to jump into anything again.

“Do you want to go for a picnic in the park?” Evan asked.

“Of course, that would be delish.” I loved the bears’ picnics. They would bring along a loaf of homemade bread, thick slices of smoked ham and creamy butter, cheese, fruit, water and wine...and dessert of course, everything from simple snickerdoodle cookies to chocolate éclair’s tenderly made with puff pastry, sweet cream filling and chocolate glaze. “Can I help pull it together?”

“Just relax,” Grant said. “We got this covered.”

As the men gathered the food for our lunch in the park, I gazed out the window. A dark haired man passed by that reminded me of Brad. I hadn’t seen him since the night he’d insulted me and fought with Grant. It had been shocking to find out that Marcie had slept with him. The whole time I had been anxiously waiting for him to take me to Sherry and Adrian’s wedding, he had been busy fucking Marcie.

Marcie Shore…no wonder she’d been so surly at the Dixie Diner when she’d waited on us. She’d probably thought he was her happily ever after and then she saw him with me. At first I felt bitterness towards Brad, but as I got to know my two bears, the feeling slipped away. My scars and my bears had helped me dodge a huge bullet.

“Are you ready, Judy?” Grant asked, offering me his arm.

I smiled as I got up from my chair. “I can’t wait.” I looped one arm in his and the other in Evan’s.

The park was not too far from the bakery and Grant spread a big, soft blanket on the ground. As he poured a glass of wine, I could see the two brothers talking to one another with their eyes.

“I see you two communicating…don’t leave me out of the loop. What is it?”

Grant pursed his lips but said nothing.

“Tell her, Grant,” Evan said.

“We don’t want to put any pressure on you,” Grant blurted out.

“I know, and I appreciate that.”

“But,” Evan said, “it’s like we told you when we first met you. We know you’re our mate and we want you—every part of you, in every possible way. At first, we knew your mind was elsewhere and there was that whole mess with Brad. We didn’t want to put any pressure on you.”

“Right,” I said softly, “I know that.”

“But the more time we spend together, it just reconfirms that you’re the right one for us too.”

Grant nodded his head.

They both looked so serious, and so adorable. “We want to mate with you. You
our intended—our marriage match.”

I looked from one brother to the other and a shiver washed over me. They were watching me so expectantly. I knew they were right. I wanted them and they wanted me. But everything was perfect with them now…well almost…I had needs, and I knew they did too. We all wanted, no needed to satisfy those urges…but what would they think when they saw my stomach?

I had told them I’d been burned in a fire when I was a kid, but I’d never told them about the scars. I just hadn’t been ready. I’d been comfortable in my body and gotten used to my scars over the years, but Brad’s look of disgust had brought up old childhood feelings and emotions I hadn’t even realized were still there. I could see myself standing in front of them, naked, and their jaws dropping as they saw how the fire had worked its flames on my belly. What if they looked at my stomach and their faces reflected displeasure like Brad’s had? Or, what if one of them didn’t mind but the other did—what then?



“Don’t be nervous,” Evan said softly. We were sitting in the bears’ living room, drinking glasses of honey-sweetened tea.

I glanced around the room. It was a man cave, with big heavy furniture and large oak side tables. The buttery soft leather chair I was sitting in dwarfed me, but it needed to be big for these brawny men.

“We just want to take care of you in every way possible,” Grant added.

I flicked a few strands of hair off my forehead. The marks on my stomach—what would they think? God, I wanted the men so badly. But after the fiasco with Brad I was nervous. I felt like such a hypocrite. I couldn’t help but remember how I’d told Sherry to get over herself when she’d moaned about the birthmark on her face one day at work.

“Are you ready for us?” Evan asked, wishfully.

Grant grinned. “God, I hope you are!”

It was not just the scars. It was two men…two men at one time! How could I handle two men emotionally when I’d had trouble handling just one man in the past? And physically—these were big men, muscular and powerful. I couldn’t begin to imagine what they were packing between their thighs.

I looked from one shifter to the other. They were both being sweet and trying to be gentle, but I could see the desire in their eyes. They were leaning towards me and I could sense the animal in them just waiting to pounce if I gave them the go ahead.

“I…I don’t know.” Yes, I knew. I wanted these men like a fish needed water. “I’m afraid.” There. I’d said it.

“What are you afraid of?” Evan asked softly. He ran his hand soothingly along my back.

“I…I do want you both. I just want to be sure you’ll be satisfied with me and the way I am. I can’t stand the thought of getting hurt again.”

“We would never hurt you, Judy.” Grant patted me on the shoulder and then pulled me next to his body. It felt so good to be in those powerful arms.

“Do you want us?” Evan asked.

I gulped. “Yes, I do, very much.”

“You are
you want to be our mate?” Grant asked, confirming.

I nodded.

“Then we’re ready to make you ours,” Evan said.

The two men started removing their clothes, dropping their cotton tees and jeans on the living room floor. I swallowed hard as I stared at their hard, muscular chests and firm, tight abs. The hair on their bodies only highlighted how defined their muscles were. My eyes trailed down the lines of their hips. I could see the bulge of their cocks straining against their boxers and I felt myself getting warm. Those dicks were growing because of me…Judith—Judy Banks. It made me feel good. But at the same time, I only hoped I could fill their expectations.

Then, the underwear came off. I did a double take. Both of their shafts were huge—thick and fully erect.

“We can’t wait to make love to you everywhere,” Grant smiled.

“And in every way possible,” Evan added firmly. “Now it’s your turn. Take off your clothes, Judy.”

I turned my back to the men and quickly slipped off my shirt, pulling down my jeans so I was only in my bra and panties. I took a deep breath and turned back to face them. What would they think? But any fears I had were quickly dispelled. The look in their eyes was one of love and desire.

The men moved closer so they were practically right on top of me.

“You’re gorgeous.” Grant hugged me.

“Absolutely beautiful,” Evan agreed, softly nibbling my neck.

“So, you don’t mind this…” I ran my hand along my stomach.

“What do you think?” Grant asked. “Isn’t it obvious that we love every part of you—from the tips of your toes to your very cute nose and your belly?” He gave my nose a little peck and stroked his fingers lightly along my stomach.

I looked at the two men. They were looking at me like I was the finest honey the planet had to offer.

we can’t wait to get your sweet ass into our bed,” Evan added, pinching my butt cheek.

“Evan!” I gave him a little push. He could be so blunt sometimes, but I had to admit, his words excited me.

Grant leaned in even closer and kissed me deeply on the mouth. “Mmm, your breath is sweet, just like you.” He stroked my ribcage then moved his hand upwards, squeezing my breasts through my bra and massaging the tender skin there.

Evan nuzzled my neck and rubbed my belly gently but firmly.

I stretched my right arm around Grant’s broad back and my left around Evan’s. My hands roamed up and down the firmness of their skin as I rubbed their backs and ran my fingers through their hair.

I kissed one, then the other. Grant’s tongue was long and smooth, and Evan’s shorter and raspy. I couldn’t decide which one I liked best as I went from one to the other…but then again, I didn’t have to.

“We need you, Judy,” Grant whispered throatily.

I didn’t resist as he scooped me up in the air in his muscular arms, carried me to the bedroom, and placed me gently face up on the bed.

In seconds, Evan flipped me over so my butt was in the air.

“God, I’ve been waiting to do this for so long.” He took his hand and smacked my butt cheeks playfully a few times, just enough so it tingled and made my pussy moist. Then he flipped me back so I was facing him and Grant.

“Hey,” I squealed, “what was that for?”

“You’ve been teasing me with that ass for a while and it’s so spankable,” he grinned. “I got to admit, I’m an ass man. I can’t wait to feel my cock in your luscious heiny.”

“You want your cock in my ass?” I’d never had anal sex before. I couldn’t do something like that—could I? The thought of it made me nervous but excited at the same time.

“And in your pussy too, of course, I like it all!”

“Slow down, brother,” Grant said. “Don’t scare her away.”

“I…I can handle it,” I said excitedly. Hell yeah, I could handle it. I loved the idea of taking whatever my bear shifters had to offer!

BOOK: Bears' Babe: BBW Paranormal Menage Shape Shifter Romance (Confessions of a Mail Order Bride Book 2)
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