Beautiful boy (22 page)

Read Beautiful boy Online

Authors: Grace R. Duncan

Tags: #gay romance

BOOK: Beautiful boy
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“You, Master.”

“Who’s inside you, boy?”

“You, Master!”

“Who gets your ass?”

“Only you, Master!”

“Who do you belong to?” he demanded again.

“You, Master! Only you!”

Then, quiet again, he said, “Open your eyes and look.”

I did as he bid, my fuzzy gaze landing on the three Doms on the couch across from me. All three had stunned expressions on their faces, and even from where I was, I could see the lumps in their jeans.

Master hit my gland again and reached around. “You ready to come, boy?”

I groaned my yes, need robbing me of better words again.

“Good,” he said, then as he yanked the last clothespin off my dick, said, “Come!”

My vision went white as incredibly intense pleasure screamed through me. Without a touch to my cock, I came, shattering from it. I’m sure I shouted, I couldn’t have held it back for anything. I shook hard with the force of the orgasm, sure I would break loose from the frame, if not for Master holding on to me. My cock exploded, spraying my spunk everywhere, the pleasure snaking up my back, stealing my breath and vision, and rocking me to the core.

I heard my name in Master’s voice as if from a distance, then felt his cock twitching inside me. The knowledge of Master’s orgasm, knowing his hot cum was filling me again, claiming me for all of them to see, sparked another orgasm almost as powerful as the first, making me spurt again. I groaned, my balls aching as they emptied a second time.



so far gone, I couldn’t pay much attention to being let down from the frame or moved. The cuff and ring came off my cock and sac, and Master settled me onto his lap and in his arms. The blanket came around me, Master’s arms tightening with it. I burrowed in, inhaling Master’s scent, letting it and the feel of his arms comfort me.

Master brushed at my hair and kissed my forehead, murmuring to me. “Beautiful boy” and “so good” and “so pleased” made their way into my fuzzy brain. He kept his lips on me, kissing me over and over again.

“Master,” I breathed sometime later, rubbing my face over him. My arm snaked up around his neck.

“Yours, beautiful boy,” Master whispered. “Only yours.”

I hummed at that. “Yours,” I echoed, rubbing my face again on his chest.

“Love you,” Master murmured.

I didn’t know when I fell asleep, but I must have been dreaming. Since it was a dream, I didn’t even hesitate to respond. “Love you too, Master.”

“Really?” Master asked, his voice sounding louder.

I blinked open my eyes and looked up. “Really what?”

“Do you mean it?”

I scrunched my forehead in puzzlement. “Mean what?” Then my eyes widened as understanding hit. “I… wasn’t dreaming?”

He looked amused and a little rueful. “No, baby, you weren’t dreaming. I hadn’t meant for you to hear it yet, and I certainly didn’t mean to pull you back so soon.” He smiled. “But yes, I love you.”

I must have looked absurd. My mouth dropped open and my eyes widened. “You… do?”

He kissed my forehead again. “Yes, I do.”

I swallowed, my heart pounding. I hadn’t figured anything out yet! I didn’t know what was going to happen, how to handle this. But… I wouldn’t—couldn’t—lie to him. “I love you too.”

I looked up and his smile spread, that gorgeous wide one that took my breath away every time I saw it. This time was no different, and I had to remind myself to actually take in air, push it out, do it again.

He leaned in and stole what breath I did manage to get. His tongue slid into my mouth, and I opened myself up, giving him everything my still-somewhat-fuzzy brain could manage.

We broke apart and he nuzzled me, then kissed the tip of my nose, my chin, each cheek, then my forehead. We sat for a long time like that as I absorbed what had just happened. Master—Mal—loved me!

Something he said made me look up again. “You didn’t mean for me to hear it yet?”

He nodded, chuckling. “I didn’t want to push you into something you weren’t ready for.”

“Oh,” I said, dropping my gaze again and frowning. I met his eyes again. “Is it too soon?”

He shrugged a shoulder. “According to who?”

I shrugged too. “I don’t know.”

“I know what I feel, Kyle. I don’t care if someone says there’s some magical time period it’s supposed to take before I do. All this week, all I wanted was to be with you. When I’m with you, all I want to do is touch or hold you. I want to hear your voice, if only to talk about your day. When someone hurts you, I want to kill them.” He chuckled. “I
to eviscerate those assholes earlier. I think what we did was so much better, though.”

I thought about what he said and knew it was all true for me too. Even aside from the sexual frustration, I thought about him all week. Sometimes it was just his smile. Sometimes it was the comments he’d made over the movies we’d watched. Sometimes, yes, it was his Mastery, the way I felt around him, like I was his whole world. I knew how that felt, because in those moments, he was mine. Right then, I couldn’t care less what my parents thought or what they did.

I smiled. “I feel the same way. Well, not about those assholes,” I said, chuckling.

He laughed.

“Do you really think what happened made an impression?” I asked, looking up.

“Oh hell yes. The looks on their faces when you came was
.” He grinned and my smile matched it.

“I’ve never come like that before,” I confessed.

He raised his eyebrows. “Never?”

I shook my head. “No. I’ve always had to touch my cock to get off.”

If possible, his grin got wider. “Oh, I like knowing that.” He gave me a hard, quick kiss. “How are you feeling?”

I thought it through, knowing it wasn’t an idle question. I took inventory of the physical stuff first. “Nothing’s too bad. My cock and balls hurt like hell, of course.”

He snickered. “I’d expect so. It wasn’t too much?”

“No, not at all. Intense, probably the most intense I’ve ever had.” I liked the smile that got. “I never even thought my safeword.”


I nodded.

He looked thoughtful. “I’m going to have to try harder next time.”

I laughed. “That really wasn’t meant to be a challenge, Master.”

“Oh, but I can’t let it go.” His grin told me he wasn’t too serious. “What else?”

“My legs and stomach are going to hurt for a bit.” I pulled the blanket aside and looked down. I had some light welts over my abdomen and thighs.

“I suspect the strap did more than the flogger,” he said, running his fingers over a few of them, then pressing on one. The tiny spark of pain made my sore dick twitch. He cupped my cheek. “And how do you feel emotionally?”

I sighed. “I’m fine.” I almost bit my lip, but stopped myself just in time. “I do want to touch and be close, but….”

He raised his eyebrows. “But?”

I dropped my gaze to his chest and ran my fingers through the hair there. “But… that’s probably as much from what you said a few minutes ago as the scene.”

“Ah, well in that case… I want to be close, probably as much as you do, for that reason.”

I looked up at him and he smiled, brushing his thumb over my cheek. “I… I like knowing that,” I whispered.

“Do you want to go home? Are you ready to get up?”

I frowned at that for a moment. “Home?” Did he mean to send me back to my—

“My house,” he clarified.

“Oh,” I said, blushing. “Sorry.”

“We could go get dessert or something first, if you’d rather.”

I shook my head. “No, I’d rather go straight to your place.”

“Good, I would too.” He leaned in and kissed me again, then whispered, “I’d like to make love before we go to bed.”

I closed my eyes, my heart thudding. I took a breath and nodded. “I would too.”

“Then let’s clean up and get going, boy.”

I was all too happy to comply.

Chapter 13





never see that movie the same way again,” Kyle said as we made our way out to the parking lot.

I grinned at him. “Aww, why’s that?”

He glared at me, making me grin even wider. “Every time I see an orc from now on, I’ll get a hard-on,” he grumbled, and I laughed. I was still sporting my own half erection, thanks to spending the last three hours arousing and denying Kyle over and over again.

“Well, that could make things interesting, no doubt,” I said as I hit the unlock button.

He snorted. “More like uncomfortable, especially if I have to watch it in front of, well, anyone not you or possibly the guys at the Asylum.”

“True,” I conceded. I pushed him against the door and leaned into him, bucking into his still-hard cock, grateful we’d parked next to a minivan. “But I like you frustrated, hard… horny. As—”

“Good boys should be,” he finished for me, grinning cheekily.

I kissed him hard. “Exactly.” I leaned into his ear. “If it were up to me, boy, I’d keep you naked, hard, and ass stretched and lubed all the time so I could fuck you at any given moment.”

He moaned. “Yes, Master,” he whispered.

“You like that idea?” I asked, grinding into him. “You like the thought of being my naked boy, ready for me at all times?”

His sound turned more whimpering than moan. “Yes, Master.”

“Mmmm, I do too.” I buried my face in his neck, biting at his skin briefly before kissing him again. When I stood up, he looked decidedly uncomfortable. I loved it. “Adjust yourself, boy, I know you need to.”

He looked chagrined, but reached into his jeans and shifted himself around. “Thank you, Master.”

“Well, I wouldn’t want anything damaged, would I?”

He chuckled and shook his head. “Of course not, Master.”

I laughed as I opened the door. “Come on. We’ve got a stop to make before we get home.”

“Is that why we’re in your pickup truck?” he asked, shifting in the seat to look at me as I got in.

“Yup,” I said, doing my best to ignore the curious facial expression. Instead, I leaned in and kissed him softly by the ear, then nuzzled his skin. “I love you,” I murmured. I lost count of how many times I’d said it since the night before when I’d let it slip. But Kyle didn’t seem to mind. The look of awe on his face when he heard it made it worth saying every time. And since I couldn’t seem to help it, I was glad for it.

“I love you too, Mal,” he replied softly, lifting a hand and threading it through my hair.

I hauled him across the seat into my lap and cupped his face when I settled him in place. I brushed my lips over his softly once, twice, then caught them. His parted under mine, and our tongues touched, then slid, and I swallowed the soft moan he gave over the kiss. I took my time, savoring the taste and feel of him. When we parted, I met his gaze.

“I… I still can’t believe it,” he whispered, cheeks reddening.

“Ahh, baby,” I said, shaking my head. “I’m sorry it’s so hard for you to believe. I’ll spend as much time as I can showing you until you do believe it.”

He didn’t answer, dropping his gaze to my shirt. He hesitated, licking his lips, and I hid my smile in his hair.

“I knew I was going to have to make up new rules,” I said to lighten things.

He looked up, raising his eyebrows. “Oh?”

I nodded. “Yes. You’ve already stopped biting your lip.”

He laughed. “Oh. Well, if you want to make my ass red, Master, you don’t really
an excuse, do you?”

I grinned. “No, that’s true.” I reached back and patted his ass. I’d spanked him lightly that morning but anything he got from that was long gone. “I think I might need to do that when we get home, hmm?”

His smile was cheeky. “Would it help if I gave you an excuse?”

I raised my eyebrows. “Oh, you’re bucking for a good one, aren’t you?”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about, Master.” His eyes twinkled as he bit his lip, and I growled, diving in and nipping at his neck.

“Do you want a spanking, boy?”

He fought hard against the grin. “What do you want, Master?”

Oh, he was trying so hard. Two could play this game. “What did I ask you?”

It took him a moment to fight the grin and answer. “Uh… I don’t know?” He bit his lip again, and I conceded defeat.

“That does it, boy. Twenty. With the paddle.”

He shivered, then moaned softly. “Yes, Master.”

I shook my head, kissed him again, then slapped his ass the best I could in the confines of the truck cab. “When we get home, you’ll strip, get the paddle from the playroom, get a cushion from the couch, and present in front of the fireplace.”

He sucked in a breath. “Yes, Master.” It was more groan than words.

My cock hardened impossibly. I focused on seat belts and keys and navigating traffic, willing my erection to fade. We
in fact, have a stop or two to make before we got home. Thankfully, we had a little while before we got to the next place.



pulled into the lot, he gasped.


I looked over at him, blinking. “Kyle?”

“Are you… uh…. We?”

I raised my eyebrows. “Getting a tree? Yeah, I figured you might want to help me pick it out.”

He stared at me for a long moment.

I frowned. “Do you celebrate Christmas?” It never occurred to me that he might not. That could cause a few bumps.

He nodded numbly, and I let out a breath of relief. “Yeah, well, uh, we sort of do. There’s this… fancy dinner thing my family has on Christmas night, but that’s it. We never, uh, we didn’t do the tree thing as a kid. The housekeeper put it up and decorated it.”

“Oh, that won’t do. Come on, baby. Let’s get your first tree.”

We crossed the parking lot and went into the little office of the tree farm my family had frequented for years. I handed Kyle the ax and as I paid for our tree, I charmed the same old lady behind the register that my father had charmed for so many years.

“Have you been here before? You look so familiar.”

I grinned. “Yup. My family’s been here for years. My dad’s usually getting a tree. Tate,” I said, and she lit up.

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