Beautiful Chances (The Beautiful Series) (21 page)

Read Beautiful Chances (The Beautiful Series) Online

Authors: Alicia Rae

Tags: #Contemporary Romance

BOOK: Beautiful Chances (The Beautiful Series)
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“Oh, I did. I protect what’s mine, Lily. You should be taking your safety more seriously, too. Please don’t be mad.” He kissed the tip of my nose.

“I’m not…just surprised is all.”

“I know this must be hard for you. Just next time, please don’t leave anything out. Sometimes, the simplest detail is the most important. What was the stranger doing?”

“He was walking on the sidewalk. He didn’t see me, and I didn’t see him until we ran into each other. He asked if I was okay, and that was about it. I didn’t think much of it at first, but then I got an odd feeling about it when I was talking to Officer West, so I told him.” My mind wandered for a second, wondering if the man was of any significance or if I was just blowing it out of proportion.
It was probably just an odd coincidence.

“Have you ever seen him besides running into him that one time?” Kyle asked, his tone inquisitive.

“No,” I answered, shaking my head. “Not that I recall. Officer West said the letter might blow over. I don’t want to make a big deal out of it.”

“It’s possible, but it doesn’t seem likely with the way he quoted your book. Is there anyone in Sanibel Island who you are suspicious of? Or someone who didn’t like no as an answer to his advances on you?”

“No, not that I’m aware of. I’ve pretty much kept to myself since I moved there, and everyone knows that,” I said, speculating where this conversation was going.

“Are you sure? Usually, stalkers like that end up being someone you know or can even be someone really close to you. Is there anyone who admires you from afar that you have noticed?”

“No.” I contemplated what he was saying. “No one.”

“Okay. Let me know if you think of anything else.” Kyle said, letting the topic go. “Now, come on. Let’s have some dessert,” he grinned, reaching for the picnic basket.

After digging around, he pulled out angel food cake, raspberries, and whipped cream. We piled the ingredients onto a plate and created our masterpiece dessert. We took turns feeding each other bites. The raspberries were fresh, and the dessert was perfectly sweet with the cake and whipped cream.

Afterward, Kyle shifted to rest against the tree and set his legs straight in front of him, crossing his ankles. “Come. Lie down for a bit.” He patted his lap.

I scooted closer, turned to my side, and laid my head on his lap. Kyle brushed my hair off my face and ran his hands all across my bare skin on my shoulders, neck, and collarbone. I closed my eyes, trying to memorize his touch.

“For someone who claimed to have no experience or interest in the romance department, you are very romantic and sweet.” I kept my eyes closed, absorbing the way his hands felt on me.

“It has surprised me, too, but for some reason, it seems to come naturally with you. I never expected to have this.” Kyle gestured the space between us with his hands. “But with you, I want to give you the world, and that includes hearts and flowers, too, Lily. Luckily for me, you also seem to like my rougher side.”

“Oh, yes, I like that side, too.” I blinked up shyly at him, and he stroked my cheek in response. “A. Lot.” I grinned.

“I wanted to ask you something when we were in Florida, but I never got around to doing it.”

“Okay…” I said.

“Please keep an open mind, okay?” He grabbed my hand.

“I will try,” I said quietly, feeling nervous about his question.

“I was thinking about your nightmares, and I thought of something that might help you. I was hoping that you might talk to a friend of mine, Dr. Jeanine Peterson. She is a therapist, and I thought she might be able to help you with post-traumatic stress. She would at least give you advice and ideas on how to move forward. I could even go with you if you want, or you could go by yourself if you feel more comfortable.” He watched me keenly, waiting for my response.

A therapist?
My Aunt Lucie had tried many, many times to get me to speak with one at the hospital, but I had refused. I didn’t want to talk. I wanted to forget. I wanted something along the lines of a mental block. I want all the good memories minus that one unforgivable day.

“I…I don’t know if that is a good idea. I don’t like to talk about what it,” I whispered, my breathing shaky. “You know that you are one of the few people who knows about that night.” I tried to restrain my feelings, but I felt like I was rapidly losing control of the fear inside me.
Breathe. Just breathe. Keep yourself together, Lily.

It did not work. My irrational side was taking over quickly. I strained to fight against it, but I wasn’t strong enough. I sat up, increasing the distance between us. “Why? Why do you need more? I told you what happened even though I
to talk about it! Yet, you still push! You can’t fix me because I’m broken! Do you hear me? My heart has shattered. You can’t ever mend something that has been completely shattered, so please stop trying!” I cried. I closed my eyes, wanting to regain control. I knew I was being unreasonable.

Kyle reached forward to pull me closer as he tried to comfort me. His eyes were filled with regret. “Lily, I didn’t mean—”

“Yes! Yes, you did! You want to help, but you can’t, Kyle. I will
be broken.” I backed away even farther, tears streaming down my cheeks. I stood up on my shaky legs and continued my tirade. “This isn’t me, Kyle. I can’t pretend my life is perfect anymore. My family is gone because of
!” I emphasized by pointing my fingers at myself.

I took a deep breath as pain invaded my chest.
What am I doing here? I don’t deserve to be happy. I’m not ready for a relationship.
Irrational thoughts assaulted my mind, but I was too weak to fight them off. Panic seized me.
I need to get away. Now. Right now.

I turned on my heels and ran, craving the distance. I sprinted straight for the meadow on the far side of the lake.
What is wrong with me?
The wind was blowing on my face, and I could feel tears streaming down my cheeks, but I didn’t care. I vaguely heard my name being called as footsteps chased after me.

I had no business getting into a relationship with someone I barely knew. Now, I was having all these feelings that go along with it, and I didn’t even know how to control them.
Are all relationships like this?
I obviously didn’t have anything to compare it to.

I kept running, faster and harder, trying to outrun the pain.
What happened to just fixing my life? To starting a new chapter?
A relationship was surely jumping ahead. It was moving so fast, and I felt like I could not catch my breath.

But how would I let him go? Could I let him go?
My heart skipped a painful beat at the thought of not having him in my life. It would be devastating…unbearably heartbreaking.
Shit, Lily! Now look what you have gotten yourself into!

My aching muscles slowed at the thought, and I was breathing heavily as the rational side of my brain started working again. I came up to a small line of trees that outlined a fence. My pulsed pounded in my ears as I considered the pain I would feel from letting him go.

A hard body came running full speed at me. He grabbed my waist, and a squeal left my throat as we spun around, falling to the ground. I landed with my face buried in his chest. I pressed my hands on his abdomen and regarded him, looking at those beautiful brownish-green eyes and tousled chocolate brown hair. I thought of not seeing him again, not feeling his warm, loving touch against my skin, and it hurt me. I was angry with him for making me feel so much.

Kyle’s arms tightened around my waist. Our breathing came and went forcefully. I felt as though he could read my thoughts.

“I’m never letting you go, Lily. You hear me?” He shook his head in denial. “Never,” he vowed. Kyle twined my legs with his and rolled us over until he was on top of me. “I know you’re scared, Lily, and I get it. You scare me just as much, but don’t run from me…from us. Give us a chance.” He moved to lean on his forearms as he tenderly brushed my windblown hair away from my face. “The therapist was just a suggestion. I’m sorry. Now that I know how you feel, I won’t mention it again.”

The sincerity and tenderness in his voice derailed me. I felt terrible that
was the one apologizing. This was all my fault.

“You have nothing to apologize for, Kyle. You’ve been so understanding, kind, and patient…and I’m so sorry that this is hard for me.” I stroked his cheek with the same tenderness he always seemed to show me. “I felt overwhelmed and panicked. My Aunt Lucie and I had many disagreements about counseling before I left the hospital, and it has been a sore subject for me.” I took a deep breath and sighed. “I was coming to my senses just before I got manhandled to the ground,” I teased, trying to lighten the mood.

“Manhandled, huh?” Kyle quirked an eyebrow in delight. His eyes were playful and challenging. “I can think of a few other ways to manhandle you out here,” he said, towering over me.

His hoarse voice combined with his close proximity made my insides knot with anticipation…until I remembered our surroundings.

I looked around nervously. “Here? Are you crazy? The chase must have decreased the amount of oxygen going to your brain,” I said, lowering my voice. “I’m not getting naked out here in the open!”

He threw his head back and laughed, his chuckle vibrating my body. “You’ll get naked on my patio, but you won’t in the meadow?” His brow rose at me in question.

“That was different.” I blushed. “It was in the corner of the patio where it was very secluded. This is in the wide open. Anyone could see us!”

He looked around with an amused expression. “Yes, lots of people might see you.”

I huffed. “You know what I mean.”

He lowered his face to my throat and gave me soft kisses, trailing them up my jaw before moving down to the base of my throat again. He kissed my lips gently, and I laced my fingers behind his neck, not ready for the kiss to end. Losing control, I sucked his tongue into my mouth, making him groan. His hands grabbed my thighs and backside as if he could not get close enough.

So many thoughts and feelings for Kyle filled my mind, but a few were crystal clear. Whenever he touched me, it made every nerve ending in my body light up in response. Every spare moment I had, I wanted to spend with him.

He pulled away, his eyes dark with need. “Lily, it’s time to go back…or I
going to take you here in the meadow, open area or not.”

I loved how turned-on he got from just kissing me. It made me feel wanted, and it reciprocated exactly the way he made me feel. He stood, and he lifted me into his arms. I snuggled in closer to his body as he carried me back to our spot. The walk was much longer than I’d expected. Apparently, I could run a very long distance in a short time when I was overwhelmed with panic.

“Would you like to stay out here for a bit longer or head up to the house?” he questioned.

“I was hoping to stay out here and unwind. Will you stay with me?”

“Of course,” Kyle answered easily.

He sat back in his former spot against the tree. I nestled my head on his lap and looked out at the lake. Once again, we sat wordlessly in each other’s embrace, taking in the view, while the birds chirped, and the breeze blew softly around us.

I sat nervously in Kyle’s bedroom as I tried to decide what to wear. I wanted to be comfortable but not underdressed, and I wanted to be cute but not overdressed. I was hoping to make a good impression on his family while keeping my nerves under control.

When Kyle came out of the bathroom, my jaw nearly hit the floor. He was dressed in a jaw-dropping pair of Ralph Lauren jeans that accentuated the curve of his hips and the V that disappeared beneath the denim.
Heart be still.

A navy blue polo shirt and socks were in his left hand. His bare chest and his collarbone sparkled with a few droplets of water. I moistened my lips, just thinking about how I could lick it off his bare skin. His eyes darkened, and his hands clenched around the clothing in his hand. He took in my lack of apparel as I stood there in only a bra and panties.

“If you don’t get dressed soon, beautiful, I’m afraid we won’t be going to dinner tonight. That pink lace bra is very tempting.”

He walked up behind me and ran his hand down my spine, causing a shiver to ripple through me. Carefully, he moved my bra strap aside and placed hot kisses in its path.

He breathed along my sensitive skin. “I’m afraid it’s already too late.”

I snapped myself out of the sexy Kyle trance. “Oh no. We are not backing out on dinner with your family at the last minute.” I quickly picked one of the three dresses I’d debated on and tossed it over my head. It was an adorable sunflower dress and shouted

“Fine,” Kyle snorted. “But when we get home, I’m going to devour that body of yours, inch by inch,” he threatened in my ear, his voice edged with desire.

I tried to control my body as I tested his restraint. “You promise?” I tilted my head to see his eyes.

His gaze heated while he clenched his jaw. “Keep teasing me like that, and I’ll find a way to strap you to the bed, so I can stay deep inside you until sunrise.” His voice was tight, and his eyes looked wicked and wild. “Now, that is a promise. Wanna keep it up?” he challenged.

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