Beautiful Dreams (The Beautiful Series) (38 page)

Read Beautiful Dreams (The Beautiful Series) Online

Authors: Alicia Rae

Tags: #Contemporary Romance

BOOK: Beautiful Dreams (The Beautiful Series)
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As my car covered the miles, I had no idea where to go. I wanted Brooke, but Florida was so far away. I needed a friend. Just then, Abbey entered my mind.

Can I trust her not to tell him?

I parked my car and reached for my cell phone. When I opened my screen to call Abbey, I saw I had missed six calls from Kyle. I forced myself to hit Ignore, and I found Abbey’s name in my Contacts list.

“Hello?” she answered on the second ring.

“Abbey? Are you at home?” I asked, failing to stifle my cries, while cars flew past me on my left.

“Lily? Oh my gosh! What’s wrong?” she asked frantically. “Are you okay?”

“I don’t want to talk about it over the phone. Before I tell you anything, I need you to promise me something,” I demanded quietly.

I realized Kyle was her brother, but right now, I needed some distance from him, and I was in great need of a friend.

“Okay. Why don’t you come over, and we’ll talk about it then?” she answered with apprehension. “Am I right to assume this has something to do with Kyle?”

“Yes, but I need you to promise me that you won’t tell him I’m with you.” I paused. “I need some time to myself.”

“Okay,” she agreed. “I won’t tell him you’re here, but I can’t promise he won’t come over and break down my door,” Abbey added with a hint of amusement.

“Thank you,” I whispered.

“No problem,” she said fondly into the phone. “I’ll see you soon.”

“Alright,” I responded. “Thanks again.”

“See you soon and drive safe,” she said before ending the call.

I merged back out into traffic and began to drive to her house. It only took me a short fifteen minutes before I was pulling up into her driveway. After exiting the car, I walked up to her front door. She opened it before I could knock.

“Lily!” She pulled me into an embrace.

I cried into her shoulders, not sure where so many tears were coming from. After I stopped, she held me at arm’s length.

“I poured us each a glass of wine, and you’re going to tell me everything that is going on.”

Wine? Crap.
I wiped away my waterworks. “Um, can I just have some water, please?” I asked, following her into her condo.

“Sure,” she replied without question. “Let me grab you a glass,” she added before walking over to the kitchen. She grabbed a glass from the cupboard and poured some water into it.

My eyes scanned the room, taking in her exquisite home. Every wall was covered in some color of paint with magnificent masterpieces accenting the living room. Each piece instantly reminded me of Abbey, fitting her personality.

“You have a beautiful place,” I said while still glancing around.

She gestured me toward the large white sofa. Numbly, I sat down, and she handed me the glass of water.

“Thank you,” she said with a smile. “It took me a long time to figure out how I wanted this place to be decorated.”

“It suits you perfectly,” I said quietly in awe.

After a beat of silence, she spoke, “So, tell me why you’re here, Lily.” She paused while swirling her finger around the top of her wine glass as she gazed at me. “What happened?” she asked softly.

I let out a pained sigh, and I frowned as I felt the heavy events of the last forty minutes repeating over in my mind like a black cloud.

“A woman showed up at Kyle’s house today. She’s…pregnant,” I said, choking out the last word.

Abbey’s eyes bulged. “What?” she shrieked, nearly spilling her drink as she jolted upright. “How in the hell is that possible?”

I shook my head while blinking back new tears. “I don’t know, but she looks at least six months along,” I said, not wanting to believe it was true.

I could see Abbey doing the math in her head.

“But that was before you,” she said quietly, sounding as if she was processing her own feelings, too.

“I know,” I breathed.

I decided not to tell her that I was pregnant, too. That was supposed to be announced when Kyle was by my side…during a happier time.

“But it’s still going to change everything between us. I just needed to get away for a bit and clear my head.” I leaned my head back against her couch as I sank my body into it. “This is so messed-up, Abbey. I don’t know what to think.”

“Well, did he talk to her?” she asked.

“Yes, they were speaking when I left,” I responded. “I just could not stand the thought of being there while they had that conversation.”

My phone vibrated in my pocket. I sat up, reached for it, and looked at the screen. It was Kyle. I disregarded it and set it down beside me on the sofa.

“Are you sure you should ignore him?” Abbey questioned with a raised eyebrow and amusement underlying her tone.

“I don’t know anything right now,” I admitted honestly. “I’m just trying to breathe over here.”

She gave me a sympathetic smile. “That’s understandable…but, Lily, you should really talk to him even if it’s just on the phone. Just let him know that you’re okay before he sends out the search cavalry for you.”

That does sound like something Kyle would do
. I sighed. “You’re right,” I responded.

I picked up my phone. I did not notice my hands were shaking until I tried to touch the screen to dial his number.

He answered on the first ring. “Lily!” he exclaimed. “Are you alright?”

“Yes,” I answered. My fingers rubbed the glass of water as I tried to distract myself from crying again. The sound of his voice made me want to go back home and be in his arms.

He let out a sigh of relief. “Where are you?” he asked with concern.

“I’m okay,” I answered, not wanting to tell him where I was. I knew I wasn’t ready to see him quite yet.

“She’s gone, Lily.” His tone was off, and he sounded like he was pacing back and forth. He paused. “Can you please come home now, so we can talk about this? I’m losing my mind over here.”

I bit my lip, unsure what to say. After a moment, I asked the question I was dying to know. “Is it yours?” I whispered. I knew it was completely out of his control, but I could not help that I wanted him to say no.

“I don’t know,” he said in a sad voice. “I was with her for only a short time.”

At the possibility, I felt like a knife entered my chest. I knew that he had been with other women, but it was still something I never wanted to hear about—especially not six months later with a baby entering the picture.

I thought about how I might have felt differently if I had known from the beginning, but finding out this way just felt so wrong. It hurt, and I could not ignore the agonizing ache it left inside of me.

“Please come home, so we can work this out together,” he said. His voice sounded miserable and defeated.

I lost the battle to fight back my sobs. “I’m not ready yet,” I said softly.

Kyle hesitated for what felt like an eternity. “Okay, I’ll give you some space,” he said before letting out a deep breath. “I love you, Lily. I’m going to make this right.”

“Please do,” I said barely above a whisper, praying more to myself than saying it to him. Then, I hung up.

I gathered the courage to look up and make eye contact with Abbey. Her eyes were filled with tears, and her right hand was on the center of her chest.

“Damn, Lily,” she said quietly. “You just broke my heart. I can only imagine what you did to his.”

Her words hurt more than I could have ever imagined.

“I know what I did…because mine feels the same way,” I replied despondently.

Abbey let me be after that, knowing that I needed some time to myself. She brought me a blanket, and I curled up underneath it on the couch as I let the darkness pull me in.

“Lily!” a voice said in an effort to wake me.

After tossing and turning all night, I tried to pry my tired eyes open, and I remembered I was at Abbey’s home. I let out a deep sigh, feeling the ache in my chest, as the night’s prior events entered my mind again.

“Lily! Wake up, damn it!” Abbey said.

My eyes popped open, clouded with morning haze. Abbey was standing in front of me, dressed and ready to go somewhere.

“What?” I replied sleepily as I turned on my side to face her.

“What was her name? The pregnant woman?” she asked.

“Amber…but she never said her last name,” I answered, wanting to close my eyes. Then, I dozed back off.

Sleep was better than reality.

I awoke again several hours later. I glanced around Abbey’s apartment, only to find it empty. I remembered her waking me up and looking as if she was leaving.

Needing a drink of water, I made my way to the kitchen. I noticed a pink marker sitting on the counter. A note was written on a white paper towel.

Even feeling like complete crap, I had to laugh at her signature. Still thirsty, I searched her cabinets for a cup, and then I filled it with water from the front dispenser on the fridge.

My mind wandered while taking a long sip.

Something doesn’t add up…

Hope surged in my chest.

An hour later, I was contemplating going home to talk things out with Kyle, and then the front door opened. Abbey strolled through…with Kyle right behind her.

My eyes were stuck on his. He looked beyond tired, and he was dressed in the same clothes as yesterday. My heart fluttered alive with longing to feel him in my arms.

As I took a step closer, I realized that even if the baby was his, it was before us. We would have to make it work. I loved him, and nothing would stand in the way of us being together.

“Lily,” he breathed, closing the distance between us with long strides.

With the last step, he gathered me tightly in his embrace. I inhaled deeply, reveling in his intoxicating scent that I adored above all else.

“God,” he said in a soft tone along my ear. “I missed you, and it’s only been twelve hours…twelve

“I missed you, too,” I replied, blinking back tears. I hugged him harder, never wanting to let go.

After a moment, he drew back. “Come sit with me,” he said, leading me to the couch. “We have a lot to talk about.”

“Well, kids, I’d love to stay, but I have to get scooting along to work,” Abbey said affectionately. Then, she made her way to the door. “You guys can let yourself out. Just lock the door when you leave. I’ll see you later,” she said, waving good-bye with a wink.

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