Beautiful Entourage (30 page)

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Authors: E. L. Todd

BOOK: Beautiful Entourage
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I nodded and my breathing returned to normal.

“You’re going to be so much happier now,” he said. “And don’t stress about money. You can live with me until you find a new job—or live with me permanently.” He smiled slightly.

“Are you asking me to move in with you?” I asked with a light laugh. “Right now? Really?”

He shrugged. “If your answer is yes, then yeah, I’m asking. If your answer is no, then I’m just an insensitive jerk.” He rubbed his nose against mine. “Do you have an answer?”

“I’d love to live with you.”

He beamed. “I knew that’s what your answer would be.”

“God, you’re cocky.”

He chuckled. “I just know how much my girl loves me. I knew how much you wanted the company…marrying John would have been a simple solution.” His eyes filled with emotion.

“You’re the only man I would ever consider.”

“I know.” He stared into my face, affection in his eyes. “This actually worked out for me as well.”


He sighed. “About a week ago, Isabella threatened to destroy my company if I didn’t tell your father I was an escort. I said no, obviously. And she just served me today.”

My jaw dropped. “What…why didn’t you tell me?”

“Because I knew you would have told your father and lost everything you were working for.” His thumb moved down my cheek then rested on my neck. His eyes glowed like a thousand stars in the night sky. “I couldn’t let that happen. I knew how important it was to you.”

“But not more important than you.” That bitch really had no limit to the terror she would cause. She would do anything to make someone miserable. “That’s not even fair. She’s my problem, not yours.”

“We’re family,” I said. “What’s mine is yours.”

Rhett was a treasure I never expected to find. He came in such a pretty package but I never expected him to be so pretty on the inside as well.

“I’d never betray you, Aspen. You know that.”

“I do,” I said quietly.

“And I knew you would never marry John to get what you wanted.”

I shook my head dramatically. “I would never marry him. Period. He came to me last week and tried to get me back. I kicked him out of my office. The sad part, he’s still with Isabella. Is that the most messed up thing you’ve ever heard?”

“No,” he said simply. “It sounds like John and Isabella are the opposite sides of the same coin. They should get married.”

“They really should,” I said. “And that’s just sad.”

His hands moved to my shoulders and he looked down into my face. “It looks like our lives just got a million times better. Chase is my brother again, going to ball games and the movies, and you’re finally free of that tyrant you call a father. I think we need to celebrate.”

“That I don’t have a job?” I teased.

“I can get you a job if you really need one.”

“Oh yeah?” I asked.

“Well, there are a few.” He had a twinkle in his eyes, a look of mischief. “You can be my private escort…”

“And when you say escort…”

“I mean, my own woman who pleases me when I want.”

“As opposed to what I’m doing now?” I kept a straight face and tried not to smile.

“Well, exactly what you do now. But you’ll get paid for it.”

I turned away, a hint of a smile on my lips. “Classy.”

“It’s just for me, so it is classy.”

“I have a master’s and years of work experience for one of the most profitable companies in the country. I’ll find something.”

“Yeah, probably,” he said. “But the offer is always on the table.” He gave me a playful look.

“How about you take me on this table right now?”

He froze, and his breathing stopped for several seconds. “You went from crying after quitting your job to asking for sex?”


Affection glowed in his eyes. “I’m glad I made you feel better.”

“You’re right, Rhett. Now our lives are perfect. I should have quit a long time ago. If I’d known I’d be this happy, I would have. Now, let’s not let some jerks ruin the remainder of our day. It’s time to make love, not war.”

He slowly guided me to the table and lifted me onto the surface. “That’s the best speech I’ve heard since the State of the Union address.”

“That’s not much of a compliment,” I said. “Politicians don’t know their head from their face.”

“Well, it was a damn good speech. Hit me right at home.” He guided my hand to the area over his heart and looked down at me. He suddenly became serious. “You came into my life and made it a bright and beautiful place. It was unexpected and I wasn’t ready for it. But it was the best thing that ever happened to me.”

I felt his heartbeat through his shirt, quick and powerful. “I’m really glad I sunk your battleships.”

A slight smile glowed in his eyes. “If I told you I let you win, would you believe me?”


“One of these days, you should let me win—boost my ego.”

I got his jeans loose and pulled them down. His cock sprang out, happy to see me. “I don’t think you need an ego boost.”


“Let’s play a different game,” Rhett said. “One you’ve never played before so it will be fair.”

“You’re really a sore loser, huh?” I sipped my wine on the couch and gave him a teasing look.

“I am a sore loser,” he said. “When my opponent cheats.”

“Just admit you suck.”

“You suck—literally.” He looked at me and chuckled.

I swatted him playfully. “Pervert…”

He moved beside me on the couch. “Tell me a game you haven’t played.”

I shrugged. “Monopoly.”

“You’ve never played Monopoly?” he asked incredulously.

“Everyone says it’s really long and boring,” I said. “So I’ve never bothered.”

“Let’s play that,” he said.

I smirked. “So, we’ll play a game you’ve done but I haven’t?”

“Hey, throw me a bone here,” he said. “I need to beat you at something.”

“Why can’t you just admit I’m better than you at board games?” I asked. “You’re a better cook than I am.”

“Baby, all of Manhattan is a better cook than you are.”

I smacked him again. “I’m not going to suck anymore if you keep that up.”

He immediately turned apologetic. “Sorry, I take it back.”

“That’s what I thought.”

A knock on the door interrupted our conversation.

“Expecting company?” he asked.

“No. Maybe it’s a pizza.”

“Why would it be a pizza?” he asked.

“I order them so often that they just assume I want one,” I said with a shrug.

He chuckled then walked with me to the door.

I peered through the peephole and almost dropped my wine. “It’s my dad,” I mouthed.

Both of his eyebrows shot up. “Really?” he mouthed back.

I nodded.

He eyed the door then looked back at me. “Do you want me to answer it?” he mouthed.

I didn’t know what I wanted to do.

Dad knocked again. “I heard voices a moment ago.”

Why did people always sneak up on me when I was being loud? I put down my wine then cracked the door open. The second I saw his face, my anger came back. I hadn’t thought about him in a week. Not going to the office every morning was odd at first, but after the initial change, I didn’t think twice about it. I didn’t miss being treated like pigeon vomit on the bottom of a shoe. “Yes?” What did he want? To sue me? The idea was so ridiculous, but since we were talking about my father, it was believable.

He glanced at Rhett then looked at me again. “Can I have a moment of your time?”

“I won’t work for you again,” I said coldly. “Only when the company starts to fall apart and you realize what an asset I am that you notice my absence. Forget it.” I started to close the door.

“Aspen.” His authoritative voice stilled me. “That’s not why I’m here.”

I opened the door again. “I don’t care why you’re here. All I care about is you going away. Now.”

“Please,” he said calmly. “Can we take a walk?”

“I’m not going anywhere with you.” He’d never come to my apartment before. I didn’t think he even knew where I lived.

“Then can I come in?”

“No,” I snapped. “Rhett and I are busy right now.”

“Then can I come by at a different time?” he asked.

“Don’t come back at all.” I shut the door in his face. Once he was hidden from view, my blood pressure went down slightly.

Rhett stood there quietly, his thoughts unknown to me.

Then Dad knocked again. “Aspen, I just want to talk.”

I opened the door again. “I’ve wanted to talk every day but you’ve never listened. Why should I listen to you?”

He shifted his weight then put his hands in the pockets of his suit. “Because you’re a much better person than I am. You have compassion and I don’t. I’m hoping I can take advantage of that one last time.”

Did he just pay me a compliment? Or did he consider compassion a weakness? “What’s so important?” I asked with a sigh. “Did something happen at work? Can you not locate a file? What?”

“No,” he said. “This has nothing to do with work. I just want to speak to my daughter.” His voice came out quiet and weak.

He never referred to me as his daughter before. It was only by name.

“Can I come in?” he asked. “Just hear me out. You don’t have to talk to me again if you don’t want to. But please listen to me.”

I turned to Rhett, silently asking him what I should do.

He kissed my cheek. “I’ll go home and give you guys some privacy. Call me when you’re done.”

I didn’t want him to leave but I knew it wouldn’t be appropriate for him to stay. “Okay.”

He turned to Dad, nodded, and then walked out.

I cleared my throat. “Well, come in.”

He stepped inside and looked around at my small apartment. It was pitiful in comparison to his house in Connecticut and the apartment he had in the city. In his eyes, I was just a poor beggar. “Nice place.”

“Thanks,” I said even though I knew he was lying. I crossed my arms over my chest while I stood there.

He looked around for another moment before he turned to me. His hands were in his pockets and he seemed out of place. His suit cost more than everything in my apartment.

“Dad?” I prompted. There were a million other things I’d rather be doing than staring at a man I despised. Rhett and I were having a wonderful night until Dad decided to ruin it. I wanted to get back to the man I loved as quickly as possible.

“This isn’t easy for me to say…I was never very good with words.” He didn’t make eye contact. “Your mother was always better at this sort of thing.”

“Just say what’s on your mind.” I wasn’t trying to comfort him or offer help. I just wanted to rush him.

“I feel like I owe you an explanation,” he said quietly. “I didn’t visit your mom in the hospital because…it was too hard. You don’t know what it’s like to watch the one woman you love lose her mind. When I went to see her and she didn’t recognize me, I couldn’t do it anymore. That’s why I didn’t go.”

That was the worst explanation I’ve ever heard. “Love isn’t supposed to be easy. You put your pain before hers. How do you think she felt? Having no idea who anyone was? In sickness and in health, remember? You should have been there, spending the entire time telling her who you were and holding her hand before she fell asleep. Just because things got tough doesn’t give you the right to turn your back on her. All you explained was the fact you’re a coward. A fucking coward.” I hardly cussed and I never did it at my father, but I was too angry to censor myself.

He stared at the floor. “I’m not saying what I did was right. I’m just explaining myself.”

“Well, congratulations. You made me despise you more than I already did.”

He looked at me, his eyes full of hurt.

I shook my head. “You should just go…”

“No,” he said immediately. “I’m not done.”

I sighed loudly, not masking the fact I was extremely irritated.

“The reason why…I’m so distant with you is because you look just like your mother. You have her eyes. They’re identical.”

I stared at him blankly.

“You remind me so much of her and it just hurts. I feel guilty for not being there for her. I feel guilty for not being a better husband.”

“And being a shitty father,” I said. “So I get punished because of your issues? How is that fair?”

“I…” His words trailed away.

“You’ve been the biggest tormentor I’ve known. Don’t come in here and try to justify your behavior. I have better things to do than listen to a bunch of meaningless words and lies.”

“I’m not justifying my behavior,” he said with a stronger voice. “After you said those words to me, I realized just how…much I hurt you. I realized how much I destroyed your spirit. I realized…how much you hated me.”

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