Beautiful Perfection (Beautifully Unbroken Book 2) (17 page)

BOOK: Beautiful Perfection (Beautifully Unbroken Book 2)
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“I’m so proud of you, do you know that?” Blake whispered into my ear, “I love you so much Jo.”

“Thank you for understanding why I needed to do this. Now can we go home and get back into our bubble?” I asked as I looked up at him and smiled sadly.

“Yeah, let’s go.”



We had only left the apartment twice since our visit to Cooper’s grave and, even though there is nothing that Jo and I like more than spending time alone in our bubble, we were both seriously beginning to suffer from cabin fever.

Theo had called and informed us that Sara was due to be sentenced in two weeks’ time which had got Jo into a frenzy because she was desperate to be there and see her go down for a long time.

I, however, didn’t want Jo anywhere near the court that day. She was exhausted all of the time now that the pregnancy was nearing the end and I didn’t want anything else for her to worry about which would make her ill; but Jo being as stubborn as she is was determined to be there.

I still had two weeks, however, to convince her to stay home and I was going to do my damned hardest to make sure that she did. On top of Sara’s trial and news of me quitting the show still hitting the headlines, the media were now also crawling all over a photo that had been snapped somehow of Jo stood at Cooper’s grave. I was seriously just one more mention of either of our names by a scumbag reporter away from breaking someone’s neck and ending up on trial myself. I could sense that Jo was becoming more and more stressed with each incident but she would always plaster on a smile and reassure me that everything was going to be okay. At some point in the past month or so it was me that had become the paranoid one in our relationship; it was me that always needed reassurance that everything was going to be okay, not Jo, but now I had three people to take care of, I needed to ensure the safety of my wife and unborn babies at all times so fear and paranoia were my forte now.

The first time that we had ventured out of the apartment should have been a happy occasion; we had driven to a baby boutique in SoHo to pick out our babies’ travel systems but thanks to the incompetence of a member of staff there, we were soon joined by flashing cameras and paparazzi; needless to say, we left the store and headed home empty handed. I spent the journey home silent while my mind tried desperately to figure out a way of putting an end to all of the crap that was being thrown at us, Jo had noticed my frustration and had placed her hand in mine and held on tight until we got home, smiling at me as we parked the car before simply telling me that everything was going to be okay.

The second time that we had dared to leave the apartment was to have lunch with Casey and Alex before they jetted off to Vegas for the grand opening of Alex’s new bar; ‘Red Desert’- as you can probably imagine, lunch was cut short too.

This afternoon however, I am confident that I will kill anyone, any single person who bothers me and my wife on what is set to be a very special day for us both. Today we get to see our babies for the first time since before we went to London and with only nine weeks left until they arrive, they are going to look amazing and almost fully-grown on the scan. My parents were coming along with us too after Jo had suggested that they would love to see the babies on screen, I would then be cooking dinner for us all this evening before they headed back home to the Hamptons in the morning.

We made it to the doctor’s office with no need for me to break anyone’s neck. I had called forward to Dr Greene’s office and asked for an alternative room where we could wait to be called for our appointment, away from anyone who could recognize us. I hated asking anyone for special treatment, I have never been the type of celebrity who thinks that the world owes me a favor just because I’m on TV, but sometimes it becomes necessary to play that card and today was certainly that day. Jo looked tired and worn out as she sat browsing through a parenting magazine that mom and dad had brought down for her. Her bump seemed to be growing bigger every day and it didn’t seem possible that there was any room left for them to grow anymore; however, even though Jo looked uncomfortable, it was obvious for anyone to see how much she loved being pregnant and also how much it meant to her that she had looked after the babies from the start, helping them to grow into tiny human beings.

Jo was called through by the nurse first who checked her weight and blood pressure, when she returned to the waiting room she had a worried expression on her face.

“The nurse said that my blood pressure is too high.” She began biting her lip nervously as she sat next to me on the couch.

“Well dear, you have been under immense stress recently, try not to worry just yet, let’s see what Sam says huh?” Mom gave her a reassuring smile.

“Yes, you’re right,” Jo exhaled. “I just hope that it’s nothing more serious than that, you read about these things don’t you?” She said as she turned to me for reassurance.

“Jo, you are pregnant with twins and being hounded at every angle each time we leave the apartment, I’m pretty sure that there is nothing more wrong with you than stress caused by the scumbag media.”

“The nurse said that Dr Greene will want to re-check it after the scan and take it from there,” Jo said nervously.

“Well Dr Greene knows what she is doing and what is best so let’s not worry until we see her, worrying won’t bring your blood pressure down it will just send it spiraling higher, now relax, please.” I pulled Jo to me and kissed her head as she rested against me.

“Dr Greene is ready to see you now Mrs. Mackenzie.” The receptionist smiled as she led Jo, my parents and me out of the room and down a short corridor to Dr Greene’s office. I desperately hoped that Jo’s blood pressure would settle once we got to see our babies on the screen.

“Jo, Blake, it’s great to see you both again, please take a seat.” Dr Greene welcomed us as we stepped into her office with a reassuring smile.

“Thank you Dr Greene,” Jo replied as we stepped past her.

“Please Jo; call me Sam. I think we are past all of the formalities by now don’t you?” She smiled.

“Okay,” Jo said “thank you Sam.” Jo and I took our seats as mom and dad followed into the room.

“Well, well, well, Julia Mackenzie, it’s been too long.” Dr Greene and my mother had worked together until mom had been forced to retire while Jasmine and I were young due to the pressure of dad’s fame. She rounded the desk and gave mom a hug. “It certainly has been way too long Samantha, we must do dinner sometime, catch up on the past what? Twenty five years?”

“Shhh,” Sam smiled, “that makes me feel so old.”

“Me too,” mom smiled. “Especially because I am here with my son and his wife, which by the way I want to thank you for; you have looked after Jo and my grandchildren so well,” mom said thankfully.

“Well it is my job but the pleasure has been all mine; I am enjoying watching these two beauties grow.” Sam replied before turning her attention to Jo, “How have you been keeping Jo?”

Jo smiled as she began removing her scarf, “I am beyond tired Sam, I want to sleep and I do sleep but I can’t seem to sleep enough and then when I am up and about and walking around I feel like I am carrying a small herd. I know I am carrying twins but they feel so heavy and they seem to be growing more and more every day. I am worried that there isn’t enough room for them inside of me to continue to grow,” Jo replied.

“I can imagine that you are tired Jo, as you know, being pregnant with twins towards the final stages of the last trimester is completely different to carrying just one baby, which might I add is hard enough.” She smiled gently at Jo before looking down at her notes, “So the nurse who took your blood pressure mentioned that it was a lot higher than we would like it to be.”

“Yes,” Jo said immediately, “should I be worried? I have read a lot of things about the dangers of high blood pressure during pregnancy.”

“I will check it again after the scan, but I assume that the stress you are under lately is a high contributing factor, so let’s just see what it comes out as after the scan and then we will take it from there.”

“Okay,” Jo smiled.

“Okay then, so Julia and Marti if you could stay here for a moment while I examine Jo and then when we are set up I will call you over to see the babies,” Sam smiled as Jo and I stood and followed her into the side room that was attached to her office. As Jo lay on the bed she smiled happily while Sam pushed and poked at her tummy like it was a pincushion but Jo didn’t seem to mind as she watched with fascination.

“How can you tell by feel alone where their heads are and how they are lying?” she asked in interest.

Sam let out a little laugh as she continued to feel around, “years of training and getting it wrong until I made sure to learn the difference between heads and bottoms.”

“Do you know yet if I can have a natural birth?” Jo asked.

“It’s still too early to tell I’m afraid Jo, but there is nothing at the moment to suggest otherwise so let’s hope that all continues as it is and then we can get you pushing those babies out.” Jo nodded happily as Sam finished her examination and began placing a clear liquid to Jo’s tummy that looked like clear jello.

“Grandparents we are ready for you now,” Sam called out as she finished with the gel; within seconds my parents came bursting through the door and took their positions around the bed. Mom stood to one side of the bed with Jo’s hand firmly in hers while dad stood to my side gripping my shoulder tightly as our babies appeared on the screen.

“Here they are,” Sam said, as her eyes remained focused on the screen. “It’s going to be a little difficult to see baby number one’s face because of how she is lying, she seems quite camera shy,” Sam smiled.

“Just like her mommy,” I said focusing on the screen, not wanting to miss a single second with them.

“Well, she is looking good, her measurements are perfect for your gestation and even though she is playing hide and seek with us all is looking perfect with your little girl. And here,” she paused for a moment before getting a clearer picture. “Here we are, here is baby number two, your little boy.”

Dad patted my back firmly with pride. “Looks just like you son,” he joked.

“He is beautiful, look at him Marti,” mom said proudly. “Hang on a moment, is he?” Mom leaned forward to focus better at the screen, “is he sucking his thumb?”

Sam took a closer look before letting out a small laugh, “yes he is; he is sucking his thumb.”

“Told you he was like you son, you sucked your thumb until you were what? Eight?”

“I did not,” I shook my head with embarrassment as I laughed with him.

“Oh you did dear,” mom added. “But I would go so far as to say that you were nine, not eight,” She teased.

“Oh I can remember that Blake sucked his thumb,” Sam joined in.

“I can’t believe I didn’t know that about you Blake, you really sucked your thumb until you were nine?” Jo asked in mock horror trying to hide her smirk.

“Have you not noticed that it’s flatter than the other one Jo? Looks like he hit himself with a hammer,” dad replied as Jo lifted my hand and laughed hard along with everyone else.

“Go on, let it out, let’s all have a laugh at Blake’s expense shall we?”

“You are so cute,” Jo said in a teasing tone.

“Yeah well, I bet if little Johnny here sucks his thumb until he is nine you will all think that he is cute too.”

“He is cute isn’t he?” Jo said as she watched the screen, “and so is little Johnny.”

Again everyone laughed, and for a moment, in that room, all of the shit that Jo and I had suffered since coming back to New York evaporated as the room filled with happiness.

Sam stood and wiped away the remainder of the gel from Jo’s stomach as the laughter began to stem.

“Well I wish every scan I did was as fun as that one,” she said as she helped Jo lift from the bed. “We just need to check your blood pressure once more before you go, but I am sure that you are feeling much more relaxed after the scan,” She smiled.

“I am yes,” Jo smiled as she straightened her clothes and headed back to the desk alongside me.

“We will wait for you back out in the waiting room darlings,” mom announced happily. “The babies are just so beautiful, I am so proud of you both.”

“Thanks Mom, we won’t be long,” I replied.

“And Samantha, we need to arrange dinner, it would be lovely to catch up.”

“Looking forward to it already,” Sam smiled before turning her attention back to Jo.” So, you’re calling your son Johnny? That was my father’s name.” Sam said as she prepared Jo for her blood pressure check.

“Mine too,” Jo smiled briefly before frowning, “he passed away in the summer so it felt like the right thing to do.”

“It’s a lovely thing to do.” Sam told her as she placed the cuff around Jo’s arm. “Do you have a name for your little lady yet?”

“No,” Jo replied, “nothing has stood out enough yet so at the moment she is our little princess.” Sam didn’t reply as she watched the machine that was measuring Jo’s blood pressure with concern.

“Is it still high?” Jo asked nervously.

“I’m afraid so,” Sam replied before checking it yet again. “I think we need to run some bloods to see what’s going on, you will need to stay here and be monitored for just a couple of hours until we get the results back but hopefully there will be no abnormalities and you will just need to try and rest more.”

“And if there is something wrong, what happens then?” Jo asked carefully.

“Let’s get the bloods done first and then we will see what the results say.” Sam smiled reassuringly at us both but I could sense her concern. “I’ll be right back.” Sam left the room as Jo turned to me; her eyes were glazing over with unshed tears.

“Something is going to happen to me or the babies Blake, I just know it is. I have carried them and helped them grow for over seven months and now that they need me the most I am going to let them down. I have spent my entire pregnancy convincing myself that I finally have control over pain and happiness but without even realizing, it’s still there isn’t it? We are still, every day, experiencing the pain that follows happiness but we now just choose to ignore it; we have become so used to it that we simply just ignore it.” Jo’s breath hitched as a tear fell from her eyes and rolled down her cheek.

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