Beautiful Perfection (Beautifully Unbroken Book 2) (8 page)

BOOK: Beautiful Perfection (Beautifully Unbroken Book 2)
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“Do you want me to walk for a bit now? I can feel your arms shaking,” Jo asked concerned.

“No,” I panted. The truth was, I was knackered, but there was no way her feet were touching the ground until we were over the threshold to our home. “What kind of a husband would have his wife walk in this weather?” I asked as Jo chuckled.

“Sounds weird doesn’t it? Husband and wife; you are my husband and I am your wife.” She chuckled again.

“I’d laugh with you beautiful but I’m finding it kind of hard to breathe right now.”

“I knew I was too heavy for you to carry, let me down and I’ll walk the rest of the way, you need your energy for later,” she said before placing her lips to my neck.

“You’re not too heavy,” I replied instantly. “You’ve just had a good Christmas by the feel of it.”

Jo looked up at me quickly, her mouth formed an ‘O’.

“I am pregnant with twins; it is nothing to do with having a good Christmas thank you very much.”

“Twin humans or twin elephants?” I teased

“You cheeky …..” Jo narrowed her eyes at me. “At least I have an excuse, what’s your excuse for the Christmas weight gain?”

“I haven’t gained any weight,” I smirked.

“Have so,” She stated. “Your head got fat from all of the worshipping my mum gives to you,” she added.

“Ha-ha good one, I like that,” I laughed. “And had I gained weight, which I haven’t by the way, then it wouldn’t be on my head and it won’t be because of your mom, it would be down to one thing and one thing only.”

“And what’s that?”

“Lack of sex that you have failed to provide me with, hence any weight gain on my part would be your entire fault.”

“Well if that is how we’re playing this,
, then my weight gain is one hundred percent your fault, yours, and your super sperm,” she snapped back.

“Ooh touché wife, touché.” We both began to laugh as Jo’s arms wrapped tighter around my neck and she kissed my cheek.

“Have I told you that I love you recently?” She asked happily just as our home came into sight.

“Not in the past twenty minutes no, you are slacking now you are my wife,” I laughed.

“Well, I love you,” she kissed me on the cheek. “I love you I love you I love you!” She chimed happily.

“I love you too,” I stopped for a brief moment to kiss my wife passionately. “Now let’s go and start the rest of our lives together.”


I couldn’t wipe the permanent smile from my face.

I was now Mrs. Josephine Mackenzie; I had married my knight in shining armour, and he had given me everything that I had ever wanted; happiness. Whoever said that there was no such thing as a happy ever after had never walked in my shoes, I had been dealt the worst cards imaginable in the past and somewhere between then and now, fate had decided that I had taken enough of the crap and they finally re-dealt me the best card available.

The wedding had been beautiful, and even though I hadn’t been impressed at the time, the car breaking down both going to the church and coming home, all added detail to the wedding that will have given us a memorable happy day that neither of us would ever forget; it was the day that Blake and I became one.

My mother and my new in-laws were waiting at the door when we arrived home, they stepped aside parting the ways as we approached enabling Blake to carry me over the threshold to our home. The rest of the guests were all gathered in the large hallway clapping and cheering us as Blake finally gave in and lowered me back to the floor. A waiter approached us with a tray, “congratulations Mr. and Mrs. Mackenzie, a glass of champagne for you sir and as instructed, non-alcoholic champagne for the bride.”

“Thank you,” We both replied in unison as we took our flutes from the tray.

“I am responsible for looking after you both this evening, if there is anything at all I can do for you, please don’t hesitate to ask. It is an honor to be a part of your special day, believe me.” The waiter laughed nervously as he shook his head, “forgive me, I am just such a huge fan of yours Mrs. Mackenzie.”

“Oh,” I replied in shock. “Thank you … Stephen,” I replied after noticing his name badge.

He gave me a curt nod as he visibly pulled himself back together, “we shall be serving dinner shortly, and we shall then arrange all of the guests into their seats before you enter the marquee,” He smiled.

“Thank you, Stephen,” Blake replied as our waiter turned and headed back to the kitchen.

“Looks like I am going to have to keep an eye on ‘
’,” Blake said as he watched him walk away.

“Is my husband jealous because somebody actually fanned over me and not himself?” I teased.

“Let’s just say that he had better keep his hands where they should be this evening, and that is on food plates and glasses. I pulled Blake to me by his tie and kissed him, everyone around us cheered again.

“I love that you are jealous, it makes a refreshing change that it isn’t me,” I winked. “It also makes me even more excited about what you are going to put together for us as soon as the meal is over,” I said quietly.

Just then, Stephen re-entered the hallway and called all guests to be seated in the marquee, everyone filtered out quickly leaving the two of us waiting for our cue.

“Do you think we have time now?” Blake said as he looked at his watch. “I mean surely it will take a good ten minutes to get them all seated.”

“Mr. and Mrs. Mackenzie, follow me please.” Stephen was back suddenly and calling us through to the marquee. I heard Blake mutter a curse that definitely included our waiter’s name in there somewhere causing me to laugh as I took his hand and followed Stephen out of the house and down the long path to where the marquee was set up.

“Okay, just a couple of minutes and we will be heading in there,” he smiled.

“Can I have a word in private please Stephen?” Blake suddenly said.

“Of course Mr. Mackenzie,” Stephen replied confused.

“What are you doing?” I asked quietly.

“Well, he said not to hesitate to ask if we needed something.”

“So what are you asking him for?” Blake replied by tapping his nose and winking at me before disappearing with Stephen to the other side of the marquee. Whatever he asked of Stephen had them both smiling and laughing before they made their way back to me, thank god; I had imagined that he was going to make it clear to him to keep his hands on the plates and glasses as he had just said to me.

“Sorted?” I asked dubiously.

“Sorted,” Blake smiled. “Now I do believe it is time for us to take our seats, wife.”

“Lead the way, my sexy husband.”


I was sure that at some point this evening I was going to burst out of my dress, the food that we had been served was beyond amazing. We had been served very traditional English/winter dishes and each of them had been exceptional. We had started with spinach and bacon stuffed mushrooms followed by a main of roast pheasant in apricot sauce with seasonal vegetables, and finished off with a chocolate fountain on each table with a variety of fruits for dipping; overall, all of the food went down a treat. Alex had then stood and made his best man’s speech which had  all of the guests both laughing and crying throughout, along with a red faced Blake at some of the old tales that his best friend had told about him. Uncle Anthony’s speech was touching and very emotional as he made a big point of remembering his brother; my father who would have been so proud to have stood and made the speech himself, we stood and toasted the one man that I would have loved to be there other than Blake. Then it was Blake’s turn, he stood and cleared his throat numerous times before beginning.

“Wow,” he exhaled in a rush. “This is far more nerve wracking than standing at the altar wondering whether or not your bride is going to show up.” Everyone laughed with Blake before the room fell silent in anticipation. “I would firstly like to start by thanking each and every one of you for spending this magical day with us. I apologize that there wasn’t much notice given on our part, but Jo and I are well known for diving in head first as you will have noticed by now.” Again everyone laughed along as Blake began to relax into his speech. “Doesn’t my wife look beautiful ladies and gentlemen?” As everyone began to cheer Blake lifted my hand and placed his lips there briefly before whispering, “I love you.”

“I love you too,” I mouthed back before he turned back to the guests. “I have never been a believer in true love, I have been in so many movies over the years where there is always a ‘happy ever after’ but that was always where I believed happy ever after stayed; in a movie or perhaps in a book. I never actually believed that one day, I would be living my very own fairytale and that I too would be lucky enough to have found my happy ever after. I can even remember the very first time that I realized that true love existed, it was the first time that I ever laid my eyes on my beautiful wife,” Blake turned and looked at me lovingly.

“It was the very first morning that the cast were meeting to discuss the movie; as Jo walked into that room, every single person around me seemed to disappear; time slowed down and I believe that it was the first moment in my life that I had experienced that feeling that everyone talks about when they fall in love with someone; the butterflies, the need to speak to her, to be near her, I found her fascinating and even more so when she opened her mouth to speak and out jumped this really wonderful English accent; I was done for and it was all because of this beautiful woman right here.

Thank you for giving me you; finally,” he laughed. “Thank you for loving me back and for being the other half that completes me. I always told you that we were going to grow old together didn’t I? And I look forward to growing old with you as my wife. Life doesn’t get any more perfect than what we have together Jo, because what we have is pure,
Beautiful Perfection
.” Blake held my gaze for a few moments as the guests sighed happily in response. He then lifted his champagne flute and turned to the guests, “To my beautiful wife, Jo, and the wonderful future that awaits us.” Everyone toasted our future and happiness, “Now all that is left for me to say is have a great night everyone, and Happy New Year!”

The band began to play as Blake and I stood and made our way through the guests taking time to thank them all for coming. The day had been magical and I felt emotional that the day would be coming to a close soon but grateful that I would be spending the rest of my life with Blake. The music quietened down as Blake and I were called to the dancefloor for our first dance as husband and wife.

We had chosen ‘All of Me’ by John Legend as our first dance. The words were so appropriate, as though they had been written especially for us, plus Blake had taken to singing it to me and our bump at every opportunity over the past couple of months; so there was no other song we deemed more appropriate.

I could see mum from the corner of my eyes as she watched us with her emotion clearly visible, I then saw Marti approach her and wrap his arm around her shoulder, she laughed up at him after he whispered something close to her ear. I was glad that not only had I gained a new family but so had mum too. I placed my head against Blake’s chest and sighed happily.

“You tired beautiful?”

“A little,” I admitted. “I just don’t want this day to end.”

“We have so much to look forward to now Jo, this day is just the beginning, there is no end.”

“No, there isn’t,” I smiled.

“By the way, there’s something I need to show you once the party gets going.”

I looked up at Blake who was smirking at me, “surely not in front of a room full of guests Mr. Mackenzie,” I teased.

Blake placed his lips against my ear, “meet me in the treehouse in twenty minutes, and don’t be late.”

“The treehouse eh? Have you been thinking about that treehouse since Christmas Eve?” I laughed as Blake’s face turned serious.

“As a matter of fact yes I have, and in twenty minutes time I will be doing something about it.”

“Can’t wait,” I replied as the song came to an end. Everyone clapped and cheered before taking to the dancefloor themselves giving me the ideal opportunity to slip away un-noticed and time to freshen up back at the house before my date with Blake.

The house held an eerily silence as I walked through the empty rooms and up the staircase towards our bedroom. I could hear the noise from the party that was now in full swing as I approached the first floor. The noise was  accompanied by voices that were filtering from the room that Julia and Marti had been staying in; I edged closer to the door as I heard two female voices coming from inside.

“I told you that you had done too much today Mom, you should be taking it easy not running around like a crazy person.”

“I needed this day dear, you know that. To see my son marry the girl of his dreams has been one of the best days of my life so far.” It became apparent that it was Jasmine and Julia that were the other side of the door.

“Are you going to tell them? They have a right to know Mom.”

“I know they do darling, but today is their wedding day and if I were to tell them then it could go and spoil this whole wonderful day for nothing; there may not even be anything to tell, you know that. Today is not the day dear, and neither is tomorrow. I don’t want to spoil their happiness right now, surely you can understand that.”

I heard Jasmine sigh, “I suppose I do yes, just get some rest, I’ll be back to check on you in a while, I love you.”

Before I had a chance to move quick enough, the door flung open and Jasmine was face to face with me looking like a rabbit caught in the headlights.

“Sorry,” I stuttered. “I was just…” I pointed towards our bedroom. “Is Julia okay? I couldn’t help but hear you telling her to rest, is something wrong? Sorry, I wasn’t listening but….”

“I’m fine,” Julia appeared behind Jasmine and gave me a tired smile. “I wish everyone would stop panicking so much, I just need some rest that’s all, I’m not as young as I used to be you know and it has been a very busy week.”

“I heard the conversation. I heard Jasmine tell you to tell us something. I’m sorry, I really wasn’t listening, but if there is something wrong then Blake really does have a right to know, we both do; be it our wedding day or not, please don’t keep anything from us, especially Blake, please.”

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