Read Beautiful Sins: Leigha Lowery Online

Authors: Jennifer Hampton

Beautiful Sins: Leigha Lowery (16 page)

BOOK: Beautiful Sins: Leigha Lowery
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"Are you ladies ready to go?" He crooned, fiddling with a few loose strands of her hair. Mina looked towards me and I quickly grabbed my jacket and wallet.

"We won't be out late mom." I promised, giving her a quick kiss on the cheek.

"Hope you meet someone nice…" My mother cheered.

During the drive back into Forest Grove, I sent Maria a quick text on my blackberry, and I was surprised to hear that she was already there. I frowned at that. Did anyone care about their safety these days?

I stared out the window at the darkening clouds. It was amazing watching the nightfall over. The clouds quickly cleared the way for the huge bright moon, exposing the bright twinkling stars. I could never get tired of the scenery here.

I hadn't realized it, but we were already turning into the parking lot of the bar, just a few blocks from the campus. I could definitely see myself attending this University within the next few years. These days, I had no idea what the future held. I was fighting day by day, just to keep my friends alive.

Caleb pulled in front of the valet and assisted us out of the car. I followed behind them, as they led the way holding hands. Deathrocks was fully packed as we entered. Caleb led us through a long dark hallway that led quickly into the main lobby of the club.

"Should we do VIP?" Mina suggested to me.

"Sure, go ahead. I'm going to look for the girls." I shouted over the loud music. Mina rolled her eyes.

"You don't have to shout Leigha. I can hear you perfectly." She reminded. I cringed at that. It's not my fault she's a super freak. Caleb must have picked up on my eternal reverie, because he covered his mouth to try a stifle a laugh. He wasn't successful. Mina gave him the glare of death and he straightened his composure.

"I don't like that idea Leigha. If you want to walk around, take Caleb with you." She suggested. I looked over to Caleb and my mind screamed, "total mood killer". Caleb frowned.

"Stay out of my head." I chided.

"How much trouble can I get in just by walking around the club? Lighten up Mina. I won't stay gone long, and I'm pretty sure that the both of you are very well attuned to my heartbeat. So please, stop acting like annoying parents and let me be." I said sternly. Mina glared at me. Caleb wrapped his arm casually around Mina's waist to intercede.

"Alright Leigha, we will try it your way for a while. However, if it doesn't work out, then you will have to join us in the VIP lounge. I'll be checking on you." He warned. I threw my arms around the ice-cold vampires, and decided to blend into the crowd inconspicuously. I texted Maria to get her location, and proceeded to the Goth section. I would make my rounds to look for Tiffany and Jenny later on. I decided to stop by the bar first, to grab something to drink. I ordered a cherry coke, and pulled out a few bucks to pay the bartender. He stared at me blankly, pushing the money away.

"It's already been taken care of." He shouted over the music, gesturing to the familiar face behind me. I beamed internally. Jason Walton, the handsome college student was standing in front of me. I took a sip of my coke, trying to be casual.

"I didn't expect to see you here." He said, gesturing towards my plainness. I shrugged indifferently.

"Well I wasn't going to sit at home all alone while all of my friends were out partying." I grumbled. He smiled, flashing his perfect white teeth.

"Do you want to go somewhere and talk?" He offered and it was too difficult to resist.

"I'm actually supposed to catch up with a friend. But, maybe later." I regretfully declined. I was literally slapping myself in my thoughts. But I was too busy admiring his bulging muscles through his tightly fitted black sweater. Oh my goodness, he looked and smelled so delicious. I hadn't realized that I had totally downed my soda within just a few gulps. It was so hot in here.

"Can I get you another one before you go?" He offered. I rolled my eyes. If I didn't get away from the god-like creature, I was going to commit a crime.

"No thanks. I'll catch up with you before I leave." I said, quickly sliding by him. I used my hands to fan myself as I finally reached the Goth area of the club. I grinned wickedly as I saw Maria on the dance floor, sandwiched up with some strange men.

The hard base from the music rumbled through my body, pulling me quickly into a trance. I found myself on the dance floor, dancing with Maria and the two men for a long moment.

When the D.J. decided to take a break, Maria escorted me over to her table and asked the men to bring us something to drink.

"This place is wild isn't it?" She yelled excitedly. I frowned at her.

"There are vampires in here Maria." I chided.

"Calm down Leigha. They are not all like that. They are under the conversion code, so they mingle with us instead." She explained. I was confused for a moment.

"Leigha, they are modernizing. They've found other ways to coexist. They go grocery shopping just like we do." She said as she gestured to the two men. As they ordered our cokes, I noticed the bartender serving them both something thick and red in a concealed container.

"Eww." I said. I couldn't contain the disgust that escaped my lips.

"Get with the program Leigha. Your version of vampires is like in extinction mode." I frowned at that.

"Leigha! What are you doing here?" Tiffany yelled with Jenny at her side. Maria and I stared at them in disbelief. They were dressed like Goths.

"Look who decided to convert." Maria teased.

"Yeah well I decided if I couldn't beat the freaks, I might as well join them." Tiffany countered. Maria scowled at her. I groaned. I wasn't in the mood for their fighting tonight. This was my free night. I had to leave for the Islands in just two more days, and I wanted to enjoy my free night.

"I heard that Prince Alexander likes to come here for leisure. I wonder if he's going to show up. I sure hope so." Jenny gossiped.

"How's Naomi doing?" I asked.

"Still sick. We definitely have to make that visit." Jenny reminded. I nodded.

"Oh god, there go the hot guys we saw on campus earlier today. Let's go say hi." Tiffany said eagerly, pulling Jenny along with her. I looked over to the men and sighed in relief that it was only Jason and his friends.

"Leigha, that guy over there is staring at you." Maria nudged. I shrugged indifferently.

"It's only Jason. I met him on the campus earlier today." I informed. Maria rolled her eyes.

"Jeez Leigha, are you going to save any of the god-like men for us commoners?" She chided. I gave her a playful slap on the arm.

"He's just being friendly. That's all."

"I wonder what he is." Maria spoke. I stared at her blankly.

"Oh come on Leigha, look at him. He's just too perfect to be human. He looks so exotic. I bet he's a guardian." Maria assumed.

"That's funny. I thought the same thing when I first met him." We laughed in unison. Satisfied that everyone was safe, I was finally able to allow myself to be relieved.

"Well, I'd better go check on Mina and Caleb before they decide to check on me." Maria frowned.

"What are they? Chaperones?" She asked. I shrugged.

"I have no idea. Alexander isn't even speaking to me right now." I confessed, tucking a lock of hair behind my ear. Maria gave me a look of concern.

"What do you mean he's not speaking to you?" She asked. I really didn't even want to get into this, but I felt compelled to talk to someone about it.

"He hasn't spoken to me since the incident at the game. I was hoping that I would see him, just so that I could apologize but he hasn't even stopped by the house." Maria placed her hand on my shoulder to comfort me.

"Maybe he's just busy and he's been meaning to stop by Leigha. He is a Prince after all." I nodded in agreement with her. However, deep inside, it felt like I had lost a true friend.



* * * * *



Return to Me


Deathrocks was becoming a depressing event. I wanted so badly to just go home and crawl up in bed with some chocolates. I decided to call it a night, and head up to the VIP lounge. On my way up the steps, I hadn't realized that I wasn't paying any attention and bumped into someone.

"Oh, I'm so sorry." I murmured, looking up at the individual. I was so tired; I hadn't been paying any attention to the tall dark figure standing over me.

"Where are you going beautiful?" He asked. The horrific smell of cigarette breath through me off.

"Excuse me." I said, trying to get past him. He blocked the way, backing me into the wall.

"Don't be like that beautiful. The least you can do is be nice to me, since you rudely bumped me and all." He murmured, fiddling with a lock of my hair.

"Get away from her!" Mina demanded, pointing her finger towards me. The dark man grinned wickedly, focusing his attention on Mina.

"Two for the price of one. Now I don't have to worry myself with sharing." He laughed darkly. Mina grinned wickedly and began to approach him.

"I will say it just once more nicely. Unhand her, or you will pay severely for it later." She warned in a soft tone. The man angrily drew his hand back and proceeded to strike her. I through myself into him causing him to miss and jerk forward.

"Stupid bitch!" He yelled at me. Mina couldn't catch the swift smack of his hand as it hit roughly across my face, causing me to fall backwards down the steps. He hurried down the steps after me, and Mina broke off into a loud roar of laughter. Holding my face, I looked up at her bewildered. She continued to chuckle as she walked down the steps and moved closer towards the man.

"You fool. Do you have any idea what you have just done?" She laughed again. She lifted up her finger and pointed towards my charm. A horrified look spread across his face as he took in the charm around my neck.

It all happened so quickly, I couldn't comprehend what happened first. The man took a few steps back, and then he paused as something pressed hard into his back. Blood oozed from the corners of his mouth and he slowly fell to his knees. Alexander stood over him, grinning wickedly with a beating heart grasped firmly in his hands. Alexander looked around the VIP lounge, pulled the heart up to his face, and devoured it before our very eyes. That was more than enough shock for my body to give out on me. I fell back onto the ground, hoping that the shock and fear that coursed through my body would knock me unconscious, but it didn't. My breathing was still even, and my heart rate was normal. My body was treating the situation as if it were normal.

Caleb walked over to me and scooped me up in his arms. Mina quickly grabbed a white towel and proceeded to clean Alexander's hands.

"Take her out the back way. We don't want to frighten the humans." Mina demanded. A long black limousine waited out back for us, and Caleb slid me in. Mina pushed Alexander in after me.

"Go with them. I have to get rid of the body, and I'll be right behind you." Caleb assured, assisting Mina inside with us. Mina sat across from us, while Alexander adjusted my feet in his lap. I fought with him weakly, kicking lightly as I tried to pull myself into a sitting position.

"I think she's in shock. Maybe you should slap her or something." Mina joked. Alex frowned at her.

"You—You killed him." I murmured, moving as far back as possible from him.

Alexander reached out to touch my swollen face and I flinched.

"She doesn't understand our way of living. I told you that rushing things would have its consequences." Mina chided.

"Mina would you please!" He snapped.

"I tried to stay away. I just couldn't stand there and let that feign get away with harming her." He confessed.

"Well don't you think his punishment was a little extreme?" Mina asked.

"Do you believe my father would be any less lenient?" He countered. Mina shrugged.

"Leigha still has no idea of your connection with her." Mina reminded. I stared at her blankly.

"Connection? What connection?" I asked defensively. There was no way I could be connected to such a monster. Alex scowled at Mina and she looked away quickly.

"What connection?" I asked again, putting more aggression in my voice.

"It's nothing to worry of Leigha. Maybe we should call Randy from the office and have him take a look at your face." Alex suggested.

"My face is fine. I don't need the 'healer' intervening with my injuries." I grumbled.

"You seem to be adjusting to our lifestyle pretty well." Mina teased.

"Oh yeah, the fact that I'm taking the whole 'ripping of the heart' thing so well." I said with a sarcastic tone.

"What is your problem anyway? You're like this super-weird, extremely handsome, spooky monster." I ranted. Mina tried to stifle a laugh, and Alex glared at her.

"I'm sorry, this is just so ridiculous." Mina said between her chuckles. We stared at her expressionlessly.

"Look at yourselves. You're perfect for each other." She said, gesturing towards us. Just as she had said those words, I realized that the limo was parked in front of my house. Instead of responding, I decided it was my queue to go inside. I opened the door, my hands breaking my fall as I fell onto the crib.

BOOK: Beautiful Sins: Leigha Lowery
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