Beautiful Triad (10 page)

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Authors: Kate Watterson

BOOK: Beautiful Triad
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The breeze came through again and she wanted to blame it for the hardened peaks of her nipples, but it would have been a lie. She was wet, too, and sincerely hoped when she stood up she didn’t leave a telltale damp spot on the chair. It didn’t help that instead of continuing the game they were both just staring at her, the open admiration flattering but she was still getting used to the idea of both of them as lovers, so it was also disconcerting.

“Don’t you have a last hand to deal?” The pointed question was due both to a tinge of embarrassment over the formerly forbidden idea of sitting naked with two very gorgeous men who obviously wanted to make love to her, and the fact she was excited by the idea of it.

It was still a bit hard to reconcile, but she was definitely coming around.

“Yeah.” Rob tore his gaze away from her bare breasts and looked at the cards in hand. “Sorry, lost my concentration there for a minute.

Don’t know why.”

“I do,” Drew chimed in, his heavy-lidded eyes holding a wicked glint. “This game is really getting fun. Give me my cards so I can kick your ass, Hanson.”

“I might win yet.”

“Don’t bet on it.”

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Beautiful Triad


The banter went on, though Lauren could tell from the minute Rob glanced at his hand he was not exactly delighted with what he’d been dealt. A poker face he did not have. He took two cards, didn’t look any happier, and waited.

“Unless you can beat a full house, drop those boxers, Hanson.”

Rob stood up and grumbled, “How the hell do you do that? That’s the second one you’ve had tonight. I got two pairs one hand and was grateful to get that.”

“Your luck is about to change in a minute.”

“Is that so?” Rob eased off his shorts, and Lauren saw he had an impressive erection already, his cock high and stiff against the taut plane of his stomach.

He gave her a smile that held a hint of apology for his arousal. His hand made a gesture at his crotch. “You’re here and naked. No way I can help this.”

“Time for my request, right?” Drew looked at her and a faint wicked smile hovered on his mouth. “Come here and kiss me and I’ll tell you what I want.”

The husky note in his voice made her give a small shiver. “The kiss isn’t the request?”

“No. I just like to kiss you, babe, and even more so when you’re so close and so damned hot.”

Acutely aware of Rob watching, she stood and up and walked around to where Drew sat, feeling his hands gentle at her waist as he urged her onto his lap. His mouth brushed hers and then settled into a deep kiss as she felt the coil of sexual need tighten in her stomach.

When he finally moved his mouth away, it was to her ear and his warm breath made her shiver, her nipples now tight and very erect. “I want to watch you suck his cock.”

It was startling to know he enjoyed seeing her with Rob, but she’d already gotten that impression the night before. On occasion, he also liked to talk dirty, but hearing what he wanted from her was a bit shocking when put so bluntly.

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Kate Watterson

As if he could feel her confusion, Drew whispered in explanation,

“It’s like watching the hottest porn ever, with the added bonus that you’re actually enjoying yourselves.”

Lauren glanced at where Rob sat. Intense hazel eyes caught and held her gaze. He murmured, “I’ve never been so happy to lose at anything in my life, but don’t feel pressured to do something you don’t want. I’m sure Drew feels the same way.”

“You can always say no, babe, you know that. We want you to be comfortable.”

That was the best thing about this relationship; she knew they both meant it. That she could trust them was definitely a positive point toward the possibility this might actually work out.

Well, they had certainly taken care of her the night before and she had the feeling she wasn’t going to be disappointed this night either.

If they both wanted it, she wanted to please them, not to mention that had been a definite part of her fantasy a few nights ago. One thing her involvement with Drew had done for her was adjust her attitude about sex in general, and that included a more relaxed feeling about oral sex.

Lauren slid off Drew’s lap and felt her breasts sway as she walked with provocative slow steps to where Rob sat in his chair, watching her. “Since he’s the grand winner, I suppose we don’t have much choice, now do we?”

“You always have a choice.” Rob leaned back, his muscular thighs slightly spread, his erection high and swollen. Hazel eyes looked at her with direct sincerity. “Keep that in mind.”

“I will.” She leaned down and placed a hand on either side of his hips, braced on the seat of the chair, and licked her lips for their audience.

Where does this wild side come from
, she wondered even as she lowered her head. The idea she would ever give someone a blow job besides Drew was shocking, not to mention in front of him...

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Beautiful Triad


But it was Rob shutting his eyes and taking in a sharp breath as her parted lips slid over the swollen crest of his erection. And it was Drew who sat in a sprawl with his gaze riveted on them, and somehow, it didn’t feel dirty but instead very, very arousing.

Because she loved them both.

Drew, with his quirky sense of humor and innate honesty was not only an inventive caring lover, but also a balance in her life.

Rob was steadier, more even keeled, perhaps more a sensitive soul mate in the aspect she knew they thought more alike, were more in tune in everyday life.

It was hard to analyze, she decided as the tip of Rob’s engorged cock touched the back of her throat. This wasn’t everyday life. This was a wicked fantasy and she was about to do the formerly unthinkable.

The taste of his semen was slightly salty and she heard the uneven sound of his respiration with an inner smile. She began to move, to take him deep and then slide upward until he was almost free of her mouth, her tongue gliding in languid strokes over the tip of his rigid penis.

“Christ,” Drew muttered in the background and she heard his chair creak as he restlessly shifted his weight.

Rob said thickly, “Oh…yeah.”

Long fingers brushed her face in a light caress and then he sank his hands into her hair. A groan came from his throat as she continued to lick and gently suck, and he became more and more tense even though his legs sprawled farther apart and his fingers flexed against her scalp.

It was amazing, but she felt not only immensely turned on by the idea of Rob’s enjoyment but also Drew’s rapt attention. If she was wet before, she was drenched now, and she could feel the warmth between her legs with acute awareness.

“Stop.” It was a gasp. Strong fingers forced her head up and she saw Rob’s face was dark and his chest heaved. With his rumpled dark Ebook piracy is stealing. It is a federal offense.

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Kate Watterson

wavy hair and smoldering eyes he resembled a romance novel hero, aroused, handsome as sin itself, his cock wet from her ministrations.

“I was about to come in your mouth,” he said in hoarse explanation.

“I don’t know if you do that.”

She never had, but she hadn’t done a lot of things before this vacation.

Besides, she was selfish. Wanting. Hot and bothered beyond belief.

“We can finish another way.” Lauren straightened, realizing her legs were a little wobbly.

It was Drew who said, “Hell yes, you can. Climb up, babe.”

Was she depraved because she liked the idea he found watching exciting? Maybe. But at the moment, her heretofore unknown depravity didn’t matter. She wanted Rob inside her. She wanted to feel his entire length, she wanted to take him to the hilt, and she wanted most of all to know they both found pleasure as she did it.

Looking into Rob’s incredible hazel eyes, she straddled his lap and joined him on the chair. He helped, his hands at her waist, guiding her into just the right position so she could sink down on his erection.

Long. Hot. Hard. Yes…just what she needed.

Her eyes drifted closed even as Rob kissed her, his mouth gentle in contrast to the urgency of his body as he thrust upward into her pussy.

Sex in a chair? It didn’t sound good, but it felt incredible. She was so aroused that her body caught fire immediately and when he began to move his hips, rocking against her, she moaned into his mouth. The tips of her breasts were against his chest, and somehow the position was more intimate than she imagined. They were together, one creature, and the subtly of the motion as he moved inside her added to the pleasure.

Dear God, the pleasure.

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Beautiful Triad


Like the night before, he was different from Drew, so different.

His taste, the way he kissed her, even the way his erection filled her, so…different.

Yet one thing felt the same. His arms were strong and supportive and his movements reverent as he made love to her in a rocking motion of pelvis to pelvis, the angle exactly perfect. With each small thrust, the pressure on her clit sent small waves of sheer bliss through her entire body.

Lauren pressed her face against his neck and held on as he began to move faster, her breasts now flattened hard against his bare chest they held each so closely.

It was good…so good.

“Sweet Jesus,” he muttered hoarsely. “Please tell me…”

She didn’t hear him finish the sentence because her world imploded at that moment. The rush of her orgasm was fierce and bright, the sound of her cry ringing out so it echoed in her ears, even as she trembled against Rob, clinging to him desperately. In turn, his body stiffened and he groaned in a low, erotic sound and she could feel the pulse of his ejaculation and thundering of his heart as it matched hers pound for pound.

Sex in a chair.

No, rephrase, she thought hazily. Heart-racing sex in a chair.

With someone watching.

With Rob. With Drew watching.

This was definitely not an ordinary vacation.

* * * *

Being a voyeur had its merits, Rob decided in lazy contemplation, his gaze riveted on the couple on the rug in front of the stone fireplace. Drew was right to a certain extent, watching him make love to Lauren was arousing, but in his opinion, it didn’t resemble porn in the least. There was a seedy element to pornographic film, because in Ebook piracy is stealing. It is a federal offense.

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Kate Watterson

the back of your mind the knowledge always existed that the people were acting, were getting paid to turn you on, and so the excitement produced was tarnished and a bit tawdry.

On the other hand, watching two people you love pleasure each other and knowing there was nothing fake about it, was really pretty damned beautiful.

Drew whispered something and Lauren gave a laugh that turned into a gasp as he slid his mouth downward and took one perfect, very erect nipple between his teeth. Nude, her lithe body gleaming in the soft lighting, Lauren was on her back, legs bent at the knee, her eyes languidly half closed in a way that Rob found a turn on despite he’d just had one hell of a fabulous orgasm. Drew was taking his time, letting her recover from her recent climax, nibbling at her mouth, her breasts, and then kissing her neck.

“You taste so good, babe.”

“Hmm.” She stirred a little and smiled, drifting her fingers through Drew’s hair.

When you were involved in the moment, it was different, Rob realized, sprawled on the couch as he observed the intricacies of seduction as Drew moved, tasted and teased her back into arousal. It was a dance of desire and invitation, both blatant and understated at the same time, a signal as subtle as the slight lift of her hips sending a message as obvious as a blazing beacon on a moonless night. Just the right sigh, measured in timbre and volume, the faint flush on her skin…

And of course, the way she parted her legs and murmured his name.

His friend didn’t misinterpret that one. He shifted, covered her, and slid his cock into her in one smooth thrust.

She gasped and it was amazingly sexy to hear, even if Rob wasn’t the one making love to her.

Damn, she was gorgeous, naked, damp, her shining hair in disarray around her shoulders, the dreamy, abstracted look on her face Ebook piracy is stealing. It is a federal offense.

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Beautiful Triad


intensifying as Drew moved between her legs, his buttocks flexing as each inward glide became more and more urgent. It was easy to gauge their mutual upward climb to climax by the motion of Lauren’s hands on his back and the increasingly fierce expression on Drew’s face. It happened for her first, and Rob saw her begin to shudder, her throat a pale arch as she went over the edge. Drew went still a few moments later, his tall body tense as he came.

“I love you, babe…” Drew’s whisper floated in the hush of post-coital silence.

I love her, too
, Rob thought, not sure whether to be troubled or happy about it. Would he rather have her all to himself? It was hard to tell because it seemed to be the package deal was how things were and he was surprising himself to death with his reaction. The erotic imagery of them still entwined and joined sparked nothing but a healthy appreciation for how good he knew it must have been for them both.

Lauren to love Drew.

Rob also wanted her to love

If Lauren thought her mother would faint at the idea of their relationship, his would go into similar cardiac arrest.

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