Beautiful Triad (16 page)

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Authors: Kate Watterson

BOOK: Beautiful Triad
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“Did I know what?” Lauren traced the impressive bulge of a bicep with her fingertips. He worked out and it showed. Drew had the kind of trim, hard body that turned female heads, no doubt about it. Throw in the pilot thing and no wonder she was hooked.

“How much you’d like it. Was it a fantasy? Two guys, both turned on as hell, wanting you at the same time.”

“No, not that I know of.” She shook her head, but she felt a slight flush rise in her neck to touch her face. Had it been? If so, not a Ebook piracy is stealing. It is a federal offense.

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Beautiful Triad


conscious one because she still had difficulty not rejecting the idea on principle.

“Oh, come on.” Drew’s voice dropped a little into a persuasive whisper and his hands caressed the small of her back. “Everyone has fantasies. It’s healthy and normal, not a dirty secret. Tell me one of yours.”

She laughed, but it was a little breathless. “I don’t think so, Andrew Fletcher. You can be dangerous when given information.

Besides, I hate to disappoint you, but I really don’t spend all my time sitting around thinking about sex, believe it or not.”

“That’s a damn pity.” He leaned down and nipped at the curve of her neck, just the slightest pressure of his teeth along the tender skin.

“I think about it pretty often, especially since the minute I met you.

It’s so clear. Like a picture in my mind. That day had sucked…I hate shopping, much less Christmas shopping with all the damn crowds, and then I looked over and saw you there in the store and I was just blown away. When you left your purse on the counter, I swear I just dumped the stuff I was buying on the floor.”

It had been an unusual way to meet, but he was right, it had been the same for her. Flustered and harried from trying to get the last minute gifts she needed taken care of, she’d paid for her purchases at a big downtown department store. In the process of trying to figure out how to carry all her bags and boxes out to the parking garage where she’d left her car, she’d just walked away from her purse. The busy clerk hadn’t noticed, but apparently Drew, standing in line to checkout, had seen her abandoned purse, and he’d grabbed it and chased out of the store after her. When he’d caught up her he’d insisted on helping her carry—which meant he carried all of them—

her packages to her car, and then invited her for coffee. She’d almost refused because she really didn’t have the time, but those gorgeous blue eyes had a very predictable effect.

“I think my nose was running since I had a cold, and I know my hair was mess because it was snowing and blowing like crazy.” She Ebook piracy is stealing. It is a federal offense.

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Kate Watterson

leaned into him, smelling the clean scent of soap and male. “I’m still surprised you asked me out.”

“You looked gorgeous.”

“Yeah, right.” He’d been the gorgeous one, tanned from a trip to Egypt, with his sun-streaked blond hair and sexy smile.

“I’m serious, red nose and all.” His hands cupped her ass and adjusted her closer, so she could feel the rigid length of his erection through the thin material of his shorts. His breath was warm against her ear. “I knew as we sat there and you sipped your cappuccino I was going to fall in love with you.” The romantic sentiment was punctuated in true irreverent teasing Drew fashion as he added, “I also knew I really wanted to fuck you. I’m not sure which revelation came first. Who gets a hard on over a first cup of coffee? Obviously you had an impact. Like now.”

The window was open to the pleasant night and Lauren could feel the slow breeze brush her heated skin. Her breasts tightened and she didn’t even bother to say anything about the vulgar word she didn’t particularly care for. She knew Drew said it to tease her on purpose.

“Should we?”

“Make love?” Drew gave an inelegant snort. “Hell yes, we should, babe. Do you think Rob expects us to abstain because he can’t be here? I don’t expect you two to not sleep together when I’m gone.”

She still felt a little guilty because she knew whatever Rob and Karen were discussing it probably wasn’t a very comfortable conversation. But all thoughts of any man except the one with her were banished as Drew suddenly dropped to his knees in front of her.

He unfastened her shorts and pulled them down, fingering her panties for a moment, brushing her labia underneath the silky material with a practiced touch.

“Have I mentioned how much I like the fact you wear sexy underwear? But, as much as I love them, they’ve got to go. I need access.” He kissed her thigh where the elastic followed the line where Ebook piracy is stealing. It is a federal offense.

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Beautiful Triad


leg met torso, his tongue tracing the inner curve as his hand hooked the top of her panties and eased them down.

Not off. Just enough to expose her pussy. Mid-thigh at best, so she really couldn’t spread her legs. Standing there, looking down at his supplicant pose as he leaned in and nuzzled her pubic hair, Lauren felt herself sway and the rush of moisture between her legs.

Oh, God.

His tongue invaded in a delicate parting of the sensitive folds, finding her clit, touching it in a slow rasping movement. Her neck arched back and her hands flew to his shoulders as she made an inarticulate sound in response.

“I love the way you taste,” he murmured, his hands spanning her hips. That firm grip strengthened as he pressed closer, finding her vaginal opening and slipping his tongue inside in a tantalizing imitation of intercourse. The wet, heated slippery motion of the intimate invasion made her give a low moan and his fingers flexed against her ass in response to the noise. Lauren closed her eyes, pleasure washing over her in erotic waves.

Maybe she did have a fantasy or two. This certainly felt like one, with Drew’s talented mouth buried between her legs and his tongue eagerly working her to orgasm. She braced her weight on his wide shoulders and felt the delectable shudders start, the soft sound of him tasting the fluids of her enjoyment audible even through her own frantic pants.

She didn’t intend to scream. Maybe she always did, it was difficult to know when the force of erotic release bore down like a whirlwind and enveloped her. She shuddered at the exquisite rush, barely able to keep standing, not even objecting as he stood up in one fluid motion with her trembling body face down over his shoulder, bare ass in the air, her underwear still half on.

He carried her to the bed, bent to drop her sated body down on her back, and grinned as he jerked off her panties. “I take it you liked that, babe. I think most of the surrounding countryside knows you did.”

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Kate Watterson

Well, damn, the door was closed, but he was right, the window was wide open.

“There’s no one around,” she managed to say as he shoved down his shorts and stepped free. His erection was blatant and she could see the glisten of semen seeping from the tip already. That was one thing about Drew, he was as turned on by giving oral sex as she was at being on the receiving end, which in her opinion worked out very well.

For a moment, a frown crossed his face. “Don’t sell our neighbor short. He was watching me and Rob today with a telescope from the upper deck of his house when we were out in the boat.”

That was a bit startling. “Really?” Lauren lifted to her elbows, staring at him. “Why would he do that?”

“How the hell do I know? And for the record, right now I don’t give a damn.” He stepped closer, so he was right next to the edge of the bed. “Care to reciprocate? Watching you with Rob the other night was good…I was surprised how much I got off on it. But getting the real thing yourself is even better.”

She rolled to her knees, gave him a provocative smile, and felt an inner glimmer of wonder at her own audacity. Nothing she’d done this vacation was in character. She was still wearing her blouse—only her blouse—and she unbuttoned it and slid it off her shoulders. “I assume you want me naked,” she asked in a soft voice.

“You can probably count on that every second of every day.” He sounded amused, but the husky note in his voice betrayed his excitement also as he stared at her breasts. “You have the most perfect tits, babe, I’m telling you.”

“I admit I haven’t seen a lot of them, but this seems nice, too.”

She shimmied on her knees so she knelt at the edge of the bed right in front on him and reached out a finger to skim his erection. Base to tip, testing every inch of velvet skin.

His eyes closed briefly. “It’s all yours.”

“That’s promising.”

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Beautiful Triad



“How would you like me to do this?”

“Oh, believe me, you can’t go wrong. Mouth on dick. Or is it dick in mouth? It’s kind of hard to think right now with no blood left in my brain. But anyway, there you go. It’s that simple.”

“What about these?” She cupped his testicles, holding them lightly in her palm. They felt full and tight.

“Jesus, Lauren.”

She lowered her head, her hair falling in a veil around her face as she licked the crest of his rigid penis and then took him in her mouth.

Drew, predictably, was not as restrained as Rob. He cupped her head and thrust lightly as she began to suck and lick, his harsh breathing an indication of his enjoyment. One hand wound into her loose hair and held her in place as he took over the rhythm, not quite gagging her but close, moving his erection in and out as his staccato gasps became more and more audible.

Like Rob, he was the one who pulled away, but unlike her other lover, he didn’t ask permission but instead pushed her down to her back with urgent hands and was between her legs before she could do more than give a breathless laugh, his cock driving deep.

All the way in, so they were fused for that crucial moment, need taking on a whole new meaning. Drew seemed half-frantic as he began to thrust, and she wasn’t any better, fingernails digging in, her body taut and needy, their lovemaking turning into something both fierce and a little bit primal.

The pinnacle came and she poised there, teetering, her aroused body tense. The burst as she climaxed took the breath right out of her body and a moment later Drew followed, eyes shut, a low groan punctuating the rush of his ejaculation.

They were half on and half off the bed, Lauren gradually realized, muffling a small laugh. Drew still had his feet on the floor, partially lying on top of her, and her legs were around his waist. She touched Ebook piracy is stealing. It is a federal offense.

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Kate Watterson

the softness of his hair, making him lift his head. “We might want to move to a more comfortable position.”

“I can say with a great deal of conviction that if my cock is inside you, I’m comfortable.” A lazy grin accompanied that speech, but he did withdraw and lifted her up with an ease that was impressive, settling her in a more traditional way on the big bed. He didn’t join her but walked over to the window for a moment, one arm braced against the frame, his face toward the screen. “That breeze feels good.

I think I might have worked up a little sweat there.”

“All in a good cause.” Lauren felt a languorous sense of physical contentment. “I should get up and take a shower myself. Care for a second one?”

“With you? Hell yes. The day I turn down that invitation, have them check me for a pulse, will you?”

“You can hold me upright.”

“I have just the right prop, babe, but you’ll have to give me a minute.”

If there was one thing she could say about him, he had the ability to make her laugh at almost any time. “Not everything I say is a sexual invitation, Drew.”

“More’s the pity about that.” He stood there, unselfconsciously nude, and asked in an off-hand voice, “Having you been thinking about the house? Rob said the two of you discussed it a little bit last night.”

“We did. Some.”

“Yeah, I gathered not too much.”

She hesitated but then asked simply, “Does it bother you he and I slept together while you were downstairs?”

“He asked me the same thing earlier.”



“Just like that?”

He turned around, brows lifted. “Just like that.”

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Beautiful Triad


Well, that was Drew. She could tell he meant it and to him, it
that easy.

“As for moving in…I made a list. The pros pretty much do outweigh the cons. I called Carolyn, too, and she thought the idea was okay.” After the call to her sister she’d sat down and tried to logically dissect the controversial idea. Putting it on paper helped to clarify it in her mind. She just worked that way.

Predictably, Drew laughed at her and shook his head. “You made a
? That’s my girl. I’m not surprised, I guess. Okay, tell me, I’m dying to know. What was the number one reason for moving in with us?”

Number one. That was easy. She’d written fantastic sex right at the top, but it had been more tongue in cheek than anything. Yes, the sex was great, but real life was filled with a lot more than what happened in bed. The number one reason was the idea of making a home with both of them.

Lauren looked him in the eye and lied, her mouth twitching. “Two guys to take out the trash. What else?”

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Kate Watterson

Chapter Ten

He couldn’t sleep. Ben paced the floor and gave the clock on the mantle an irritated glance. Three in the fucking morning. By now he was too tired to work, his laptop and scattered notes sitting on the coffee table, untouched since just after midnight. Even scotch didn’t help when he got this way. Writing always wound him up, made him restless, and tonight was worse than ever.

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