Beautifully Irresistible (50 page)

BOOK: Beautifully Irresistible
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“I now pronounce you man and wife. You may kiss the bride.”

Zack stepped forward and took me into his arms. My legs turned to jelly as he passionately kissed me, probing his tongue into my mouth seemingly unaware that there were about eighty people watching us. He grasped the back of my neck tightly as my hands gripped his hair. People started to cough and shuffle around.

Eventually he released me and we both started laughing.

A loud round of applause and whistles echoed around the room.

Everyone started laughing and I looked at Scarlett as she rolled her eyes and smiled at me.

“Wow, that was some hot kiss. I’m glad I recorded it for YouTube! It reminded me of New Orleans Mardi Gras!” Jake laughed as I squirmed and blushed, realising he must have seen us in the alleyway.

“Jesus, what are you two like!” Jasper shouted laughing.

We walked back down the aisle to Zack’s song, This guy’s in love with you, and we all headed outside for some photographs.

It was a bit cool but the low sun was still shining.

“I’m so happy, Zack. I love you to infinity and beyond!”

I beamed at him, feeling like I was on top of the world.

“I love you too, Jennifer,” he replied, grinning at me.

We all headed into the toasty warm marquee and the wedding breakfast commenced, starting with smoked salmon, followed by sorbet. The main course was beef wellington with sticky toffee pudding for dessert. It was an absolutely delicious meal and I enjoyed every course. I didn’t touch any alcohol as I just didn’t fancy it.

After the wedding breakfast, it was time for the speeches. My Dad started the ball rolling.

“Good evening everyone. I hope you are enjoying this beautiful wedding as much as I am. I know you will all agree when I say how stunning Jennifer looks today and what a beautiful couple her and Zack make. My daughter has worked hard in her career and she didn’t have much time for a love life but when she met Zack, she managed to skilfully combine the two! I won’t ramble on but I would like to wish them many happy years together and possibly some grandchildren! Please raise your glasses to the bride and groom. Oh and a very happy thirtieth birthday to Jennifer!”

Everyone got to their feet to toast us as I smiled up at my wonderful Dad, kissing his cheek. I wiped a tear from his eye.

Next it was Zack’s turn.

He smiled over at me and gave me a long kiss.

“On behalf of my wife and I, I would like to thank you all for joining us on our special day. When I first set eyes on Jennifer, I knew she was someone special and I fell hopelessly in love with her. Jennifer is a really remarkable woman. She is beautiful, kind, loving and generous. I still can’t believe that she is mine. I feel like the luckiest man in the world and I look forward to spending the rest of my life with her. Jennifer, Scarlett and Jasper have become really close and I know that they think the world of each other. She will be a fantastic step-mother to them and hopefully we will be blessed with some children together. That would be so amazing! I have a special 30th birthday present to show you all later! Please raise your glasses to my stunningly beautiful bride, Mrs Jennifer Cole, and Happy Birthday!”

Zack kissed me softly as he sat down and then took my hand, kissing my fingers. Tears formed in my eyes yet again.

Last but not least it was Jake’s turn. Jasper had said that he was too nervous to make a speech.

I looked up at Zack’s handsome younger brother, a bit worried about what he was going to say.

“Ladies and gentleman,” he said in a slow Southern drawl. “I didn’t know what a wedding in England would be like. So far, it has comprised of a lot to eat and a lot to drink so this pleases me greatly! I only met Jennifer recently when they visited New Orleans and I was really taken with her. To be honest, I was a bit disappointed that I didn’t get in there first! Seriously though, they make a stunning couple, don’t they? We had some crazy times the four of us growing up and Zack was always the ring leader and head of craziness. We used to dare each other to do really stupid things that you would hate your kids doing and I remember this one summer we were bored with nothing to do when Zack suggested that we go and call on old Mr Carter. Now Mr Carter was a mean old man and he thought nothing of giving you a good wallop around the head if you were cheeky to him. Zack said that we should creep into his garden and move his gnomes around and make them look like they were doing rude things. You get the picture! Well, we did this a few times and old Mr Carter got wind that something was up. One day we sneaked into his garden and he was ready and waiting for us with an air rifle! He took shots at Zack, Sam, Harvey and me but he missed all of us as his eyes weren’t too good. All of us except for Zack that is! He got so many pellets in his butt, he couldn’t sit down for a month! Anyway that’s just one of many funny stories but I would like you to join me in raising a glass to the bride and groom.”

“To the beautiful bride and groom, Zachary and Jennifer!”

Everyone took to their feet again and Zack shook Jake’s hand.

After the tables were cleared away, it was time for the first dance.

We had both agreed on the same song, At Last.

It was the song that was playing in the bar when we first met all those years ago.

Zack pulled me in close as we started to slowly move around the dance floor.

He was such an amazing dancer. He moved fluidly and confidently around the dance floor as I let him take the lead.

I started to feel flushed and giddy as he spun me around.

Words couldn’t describe how happy I was feeling.

This was the defining moment.

“Are you enjoying yourself, Mrs Cole?”

“Yes, so much, Mr Cole.”

“This is just the beginning of our lives together and tomorrow we go on honeymoon for two blissful weeks,” he told me, pulling me even closer into him.

“I wish you would tell me where we are going,” I pouted.

“Patience, sweetheart, you will just have to wait.”

Once the first dance was finished, the tempo cranked up and I noticed a band setting up on a small stage.

“You kept that quiet, you naughty boy!”

“You will love them. They do jazz and blues. It will remind you of New Orleans,” he smirked, referring to our amazing sex in the alleyway.

I flushed with raw desire, remembering it clearly and looking forward to enjoying our lovemaking later tonight as man and wife.

The party was fantastic and everyone looked to be having a great time.

About halfway through the night, Happy Birthday played out over the speakers and the most enormous cake was wheeled in to the room. It had a lot of candles on it and Zack led me over to blow them out as everyone sang a rousing Happy Birthday to me. I blew them out and everyone clapped and cheered.

This was certainly a birthday I wouldn’t forget in a hurry.

Zack grabbed my hand and started leading me to the front door.

I wondered what he had up his sleeve.

“You will have to come outside for your present, Jennifer. I hope you like it!”

Scarlett, Jasper and our parents followed us.

When Zack opened the door, I couldn’t believe my eyes.

He never stopped surprising me.

“Jennifer, here he is!” Zack said as he walked me over to the most beautiful horse I had ever seen.

He was clearly a thoroughbred of some impressive breeding. Jonathan had been holding him. He was about 16 hands high and the most beautiful shade of dark brown almost black. A white flash marked his nose. Enormous kind brown eyes stared at me. You could tell a lot about a horse from their eyes.

I went over and stroked him gently.

“Oh my god, Zack, he’s gorgeous. Thank you so much!” I squealed like a child.

I kissed him hard on the lips as he swung me around.

“What are you going to call him, Jennifer?”

“I shall call him Black Magic!”

“I love it!” Zack laughed, watching me.

“That is the best present I have ever had, Zack. You really spoil me!”

“That’s because I really love you, Jennifer,” he said, looking deeply into my eyes before he kissed me passionately under the stars.

“Jennifer, he is an absolute stunner. He must have cost an arm and a leg. I can’t wait to see you ride him,” Dad said as his mouth gaped open.

“I can’t wait either, Dad. He’s beautiful.”

We went back in and joined the party. The band entertained us into the small hours.

Everyone seemed to be having a fantastic time.

“Fancy a dance?” Jasper asked, coming over to me.

“I would love to.”

Jasper led me onto the dance floor and held me close.

“I’m so glad that you married, Dad. You two are made for each other, Jennifer.”

“Thank you, Jasper,” I told him, touched by his sweet words.

“I’m sorry that I was a dick at times.”

“It’s okay. We all do things that we regret. Forget about it.”

“Thanks, Jennifer. You do have really lovely boobs though!” he laughed, kissing my cheek.

“Watch it!” I laughed as we finished our dance.

“Happy Birthday, Jennifer. I got you a present.”

Jasper handed me an envelope out of his suit pocket.

“Ooh, what’s this, then?”

I tore it open and laughed when I saw that it was an experience day at Formula One.

“Oh Jasper, that is brilliant. Thank you, sweetheart!”

“Well, I know that you enjoy crazy driving!”

“I love you, Jasper.”

“I love you too, Jennifer.”

I gave him a warm hug and tears filled his lovely blue eyes. I was step-mother to two fabulous kids.

Zack and I danced for a bit longer until I led him and the guests into the hallway for me to throw the bouquet.

“Ready?” I shouted over my shoulder from the top landing.

“One, two, three!” I shouted as I launched the flowers behind me.

I quickly turned around to see who had caught them. I laughed as Rosie held them tightly.

Brian looked at her and grinned widely. She pulled him close for a tender kiss, wrapping her hands in his hair. My matchmaking had worked!

“Aw, they are sweet, aren’t they, Zack?”

“That was all your cunning plan, wasn’t it, Mrs Cole?”

“Just call me Cupid Cole!”


At about 2am, I was absolutely shattered and suggested going to bed.

“I am beat,” I said. “You can stay up if you want, Zack.”

“You are joking! I can’t wait to give you a good seeing to, Mrs Cole!” he leered playfully.

“I can’t wait either. Let’s say goodnight and escape!”

After bidding goodnight, we ran up the stairs to our bedroom and I collapsed exhausted onto the bed.

My stomach fluttered as I thought about what I was about to tell my new husband.

“I have a present for you, Zack,” I told him, giving him a long box.

“You didn’t have to get me anything. I have everything I want right here.”

He smiled warmly at me. A breathless shiver ran down my spine as he looked at me. His smile was so sweet and loving.

Zack opened the box and removed a Rolex from it. He had been talking about it for a few weeks, saying that he was going to treat himself.

“Wow, Jennifer, I love it!”

His lovely face lit up as he grinned like a small boy.

“Turn it over, Zack.”

He flipped the watch over in his hands and read the inscription on the back: ‘Always yours, JB x’

Tears filled his eyes as he looked at his gift.

“Thank you so much, baby.”

“Zack, I have another present for you,” I told him, thrusting another box into his hands.

He looked up from examining his watch curiously.

“You got me another one? What is it?”

“Open it and you will find out!”

He slowly unwrapped the box and stared at it open-mouthed. I laughed at the shocked expression on his face.

This was the best surprise, ever.

“Jennifer! You are pregnant?” he shouted as his lovely face broke out into a wide grin.

“It looks that way, about 10 to 12 weeks, Zack!”

“Oh my god, that is wonderful news, Jennifer!” he said, grabbing me and kissing me deeply.

I responded to his lovely kiss, wrapping my hands into his hair.

“I don’t know which awesome lovemaking the baby was conceived in but there are so many, who knows!” I laughed when we came up for air.

“I thought that your tits looked even bigger!”


“I can’t wait to be a Dad again and you will be an amazing Mom. This has been a fantastic day, baby,” Zack told me, cuddling me in.

“It’s not over yet,” I told him, undoing his trousers to release his growing erection.

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