Beautifully Used (The Beaumont Brothers Book 2) (7 page)

BOOK: Beautifully Used (The Beaumont Brothers Book 2)
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Gabrielle may be writing a story, but there was no way she’d been acting out a character
’s response in the hallway with me. If she had been, she was one hell of an actress, academy award worthy, in fact. I should have suggested she give up the writing to become an actor. I suppose I should try to give her the benefit of the doubt, but it sure seemed like something was very wrong. For real.

I walked into the kitchen and found Jackson doing the old drinking out of the milk carton
thing our mother always yelled at us for. “Hey, nobody wants your stinking germs in their milk,” I said, smacking the back of his head as I walked by.

He eyed me over the top of the
carton and continued to drink. When he finished, he wiped his mouth with the back of his hand and smacked his lips. He crushed the carton until it became flat before tossing it into the trash. “It was the end of the carton.”

Rufus wagged his tail twice but didn’t move
, not even when I stepped over him on my way to the refrigerator. He was a lazy dog most of the time, except for that episode with Lena, the day he tried to save her life. He’d been quick to come to her rescue. That was something we’d all been surprised about with our good ol’ dog.

“Good thing. I don’t think the women in this house would have liked you
r backwash,” I said, unable to hide the negative mood behind my tone. I opened the fridge and took out a beer, popped the top and guzzled half before stopping.

“What’s eating you?”




“Are we going to continue this one word at a time conversation for long? Because if we are, I’m
gonna need a beer.”

“Better have a glass of water first. I don’t have first
-hand experience, but I’m not too sure a beer will settle very well with the milk you just drank.”

Jackson nodded. “You might be right.” He walked to the cupboard, grabbed a glass and headed to the fridge, filling the container to the rim with cold
, filtered water from the spout. Then he drank down the entire contents. “So, what’s the deal?”

“Grab your beer. Rufus, come on boy, let’s go get some fresh air.” If there was o
ne thing that got Rufus excited, it was the prospect of being outside sniffing around. Bloodhounds were naturals at tracking, and the first thing he did when he got outside was put his nose to the ground. I watched him as he sniffed his way toward the back of the property, following the trail of some squirrel no doubt. The raccoons don’t come around anymore now that they know Rufus is here. When he was a puppy, they’d come around and try to steal his food in the middle of the night. Now that Rufus was full-grown and ate his food quickly, they’d stopped coming.

walked to the middle of the yard, stopped, and took another swig of the beer I held as another bolt of lightning cracked, but not as bright as before. A few seconds later, thunder boomed in the distance. The storm was heading south. I glanced around the yard, dimly lit by the single porch light. “The grass needs cutting,” I mumbled.

“The gardeners were here a few days ago.”

“Maybe they should lower the blades on their mowers then,” I suggested. “The grass always grows twice as fast in the summer months.” My eyes fell upon the old hammock our uncle had tied up between the two oak trees. I pointed my finger at it. “The netting on that needs to be replaced before your wedding.”

“So now
we’re talking about things that need to be done around here. Okay. At least we’ve graduated from one-word sentences. I’m well aware of what needs to be done.”

.” Her name flowed past my lips with a heavy breath.

about her?”

How much do you know about her?”

Not much. Just things Lena has told me. She started singing in Weezer’s band several months before Lena left it. They’d become close in those months. Gabby attempted to keep in touch, but apparently Troy never let Lena know she’d tried. Why? Has she done something wrong?”

“No. Nothing like that. Nothing wrong. Just
… strange.”

“As in?”

I glanced back at the house. Not wanting anyone, especially Lena, to hear what I had to say. “A few minutes ago, I was coming down the hall. I’d just gotten out of the shower, was towel drying my hair and hadn’t been looking where I was going. I smacked into Gabrielle.” I recounted the whole story about how Gabrielle spilled the milkshake and then became all weird, apologizing and sounding like a scared little girl. “I’m telling you Jackson, she wasn’t herself. The way she stared at me, blotting the sticky stuff off my chest and stomach, saying, ‘Please don’t be mad, I promise I’ll clean it up, please don’t make me,’ like I was somebody else and was going to punish her in some weird way.”

“Make her do what?”

“I don’t know. She wouldn’t say. She just ran from me into her room and locked the door, or blocked it, because it wouldn’t open when I tried to check on her. My first thought was that she was on drugs or something, but when she finally let me in, I could tell she’d been crying. When I asked her what was going on, she came up with some lame excuse about acting out a character for a story she’s writing.”

“A story?”

“Yeah. Apparently she’s getting a book published and writing another one.”

“Wow. That’s fantastic. But y
ou think she was lying about the whole character thing?”

“Yeah. I’m positive.”

“Should I have Lena talk to her?”

“No. Let’s just keep it between us. I was only wondering if Lena had ever mentioned anything about Gabrielle’s past to you.”

“Nothing weird anyway.”

“Well, I think I’ll go pick up a bottle of bubbly to celebrate the book. Maybe that will make her feel better.”

“Sounds like a plan. Oh. Something I’ve been meaning to talk to you about. This is none of my business, but why have you been home so much lately?”

“You’re right. It
none of your business.” Jackson knew me too well. He’d never buy the bucket of shit I was about to lay on him. But I didn’t want him getting all brotherly on me and start talking about Beth. He knew how much she’d affected my life. “I figured it was the least I could do since we have a houseguest and I didn’t think it was right to leave her alone knowing you and Lena would probably be busy with each other. New love and all.”

Jackson smirked. “Oh. And here I thought it was because you liked her.”

“Don’t get your hopes up there, big brother. She’s made it very clear that she wants nothing to do with me that way.”

“So you’ve tried.”

“Long time ago. Last year, but I think we’ve come to a mutual understanding now.”

“Which is?”

“She hates me.”

“What’d you do,
stick your tongue down her throat without asking?”

I shrugged.







I sat in the middle of the bed, laptop open, finishing the last paragraph of the second chapter of the new story when I heard a soft knock on the door. “Come in,” I said, half expecting it to be Brodie again, a little disappointed that it wasn’t. The more I got to know him, the more I was beginning to like him. His concerned reaction to my bizarre behavior earlier was … well, sort of gallant. He could have just shrugged it off and left me alone, which is what I’d expected
from him, but he acted like he genuinely cared. I wasn’t very good at lying, and I have a pretty good feeling he caught on.

“Hey.” Lena bounded into the room
, bouncing on the bed beside me. “What are you writing?”

“The beginnings of a new book.”

“Cool. Very cool indeed. Can you take a break?”


She stood and put her hand out for me to take. “Come with me.”

“Okay.” I giggled.



She went to the closet and opened the door.
The few clothes I had hung in the middle looking pathetic, but then Lena slipped open the other door, revealing some men’s clothes. “Jackson put some of his things in here when he made room for mine in his closet. Here we go,” she said turning around holding a blue and gold striped tie. “Let’s put this on.”

at for”

She laughed. “Because. There’s a surprise
, and I think you should be blindfolded for it.”

“I really don’t think …” I began, but my protests were shushed
, and I found myself letting her secure the tie around my head.

“There. Can you see anything?”

“No.” My voice sounded every bit as timid as I felt. She giggled as she took my hand and led me out of the bedroom. I could tell by which way we turned that we were heading toward the living room. When we stopped walking, I heard mumbling from across the room. Then another shush.

“Okay. You can lower the blindfold now.”

I did and opened my eyes to see Jackson, Brodie and Rufus. Rufus wore one of those pointy little party hats decorated with balloons and streamers with the elastic under his big jowls looking absolutely adorable while Brodie held a bottle of champagne in his hand, a ridiculous grin plastered on his handsome face.

Congratulations!” Brodie said.

’m positive my eyes revealed the bewilderment I felt as I stood staring at the four of them.

“The book, silly. Congratulations on becoming a published author,” Lena informed, rushing to me, wrapping her arms around my shoulders.

“That’s a very notable accomplishment, Gabby. You should be very proud
, and we’re all proud of you. Congrats.” Jackson added, also giving me a hug.

“Well, I’m not published yet, just in contract,” I corrected.

“You will be,” Lena said with great confidence.

vase overflowing with bright yellow daffodils and pink gladiolus sitting on the table caught my eye. “The flowers were Brodie’s idea,” Lena said.

I looked at Brodie and he shrugged. “They’re from the garden.
They don’t get viewed as much out there. I thought they’d be a nice touch.”

They’re beautiful. Thank you, Brodie.” Even though he made excuses for his efforts, the gesture was still very sweet. No one had ever given me flowers of any sort before. So what if he didn’t buy them. Not everything wonderful is store bought. These flowers meant more because they came not only from his hands, but also through them.

“Let’s pop that cork,” Jackson said.







The rest of the week before the wedding flew by in a blur as we all worked our tails off getting everything ready for the big day. Jackson had the gardeners come at the crack of dawn the day before the wedding so the place would look good, which gave us the rest of the day to set up without them underfoot.
That night we all went out to dinner, including our mother who’d insisted we needed a rehearsal dinner, because it was tradition. Mom and Lena, as well as Gabrielle, hit it off immediately, which I knew would be the case. My mom was as easy going as apple pie, always delightful and always made you feel like you were home.



It was wedding day and I walked into Jackson’s room to grab my tux.

“How do I look?” Jackson stood in front of the mirror admiring himself in the black tux. The wedding was about to take place. The backyard buzzed with guests milling around drinking and talking. Soft music flowed through the wireless speakers I’d splurged on just for the wedding. Chairs were set up in rows with an aisle of heavy white paper positioned down the center for Lena to walk on toward Jackson, who would be standing at the end under the bridal arch decorated with white and pink sprays of miniature roses and baby’s breath. Tons of baby’s breath, as I’d spent all day yesterday helping Gabrielle place them on it and my fingers were now numb from twisting the wire around the arbor. It looked awesome by the time we were finished though.

The rest of the flowers arrived about two hours ago
, and Gabrielle and I had just finished placing them around and decorating the tables with the vases and ribbons as well as those pearls I’d insisted on having.

I eyed
Jackson, scrutinizing every detail. The silver bowtie around his neck drooped a little to the right. “You look like a penguin, and you look like you’re about to get married and are actually happy about it, crooked tie and all,” I said as the door to the room opened a crack.

“Boys?” Our mother peeked around the door before stepping all the way in.
She never fully rushed into our rooms anymore. Something Jackson and I both appreciated. Once she was in, she stopped and stared at Jackson before wrapping her arms around him, kissing him on the cheek. Tears welled in her soft blue eyes. Stepping back from him, she let her hands drop to the sides of the light blue sheer layered gown she wore. I had to admit, our mom looked amazing. She’d scooped her shoulder length brown hair up into some sort of bun with a few small strands curled down her neck, exposing the blue topaz teardrops hanging from her ears that my dad had given her years ago. “My, Jackson. You look so handsome. Do you need help with that tie?” Not waiting for an answer, she walked to him and proceeded to fix the bow so it sat straight.

strolled over to my tuxedo still hanging from the top of the door.

“Why aren’t you dressed yet?”
she asked.

“Because, I’ve been decorating
the yard with Gabrielle. You didn’t think all those flowers were just going to magically appear on the tables in the vases did you? Besides, we still have over an hour before the ceremony begins.”

Thanks,” Jackson mumbled, but I wasn’t sure if he was thanking her for the tie straightening or me for the decorating. I let it go.

“You’re a good brother.” She walked to me
and kissed me on the cheek. “No hug for you until you shower, though. You’d be wise to shave too.”

Leaving them, I
quickly got in the shower and washed off all the sweat from the morning’s work, picked up the razor and shaved off the permanent weeklong growth I’d been sporting for the past couple of months. Today called for a clean, smooth face whether my mother had said it or not, I’d already planned to shave it off for the wedding. Besides, it would grow back quick enough.

“I’m glad you decided to have the wedding here instead of at the bar. It would have been very crowded with all those tables
,” I told Jackson while pulling on the black pants to the tux.

“Yeah. We tried to keep it
small, but the guest list kept growing.”

“You mean
tried,” I pointed out, slipping my arm through the shirtsleeve and with fingers fumbling, fastened the tiny black beads they tried to pass off as buttons. “I don’t think there’s anyone on that list for her except Gabrielle and Weezer.”

“Hmmm. That’s true. But my friends are now her friends so it’s okay.
” He glanced at me. “Did the bouquet I asked you to get turn out okay?”

“It did. I think you’ll be pleasantly surprised when you see it. That reminds me.
I’ll be back in about fifteen minutes and we’ll have a toast to the end of your single life.”

I grabbed the box with the two bouquets
, one for Lena, the other for Gabrielle, and headed toward the room where the two women were getting ready. God, I hoped they were both dressed by now. I knocked lightly and the door opened a crack, then a moment later, Gabrielle poked her beautiful head out and her brown eyes danced with delight when she spotted the box in my hands. “The bouquet!” She opened the door wider, stood on the other side of it, shielding herself and I slipped inside.

I placed the box on top of
a dresser too high for either of them to see inside, and turned to see Lena standing by the mirror. My tongue got stuck in my teeth as I tried to talk. “Wow. You look gorgeous and radiant, and beautiful, and everything every bride is supposed to be.” She blushed a little, and it only made her more beautiful. “My brother is a lucky man.”

“Thank you, Brodie.
” She stepped up to me and kissed my cheek. “You shaved.”


She twirled around holding the sides of the dress up so she wouldn’t trip on the hem. “Do you think he’ll like it?”

I slowly shook my head.
“No. I don’t think. I know he will, and he loves you. He’s so stupidly happy, he’s in the other room right now trying to remember how to tie his shoes.”

They both laughed and I turned to look at Gabrielle. Words escaped me this time as the lovely vision of her
standing there in a pale pink strapless gown stole my breath. The light shade brought out the rich, dark color of her eyes and her equally dark hair that she’d swept up on one side and fashioned with soft looking curls in the back, but most of them hung down to her waist and cascaded over her right shoulder. There was no question in my mind, she was a goddess, and I silently cursed my stupid attempt at carelessly trying to get her into my bed last year. One does not simply just have sex with a goddess.

I swallowed the
boulder lodged in my throat, managed a smile and spoke as best I could. “You look beautiful, Gabrielle.” Except it came out as barely a whisper. I couldn’t move. I couldn’t pull my eyes away from her beauty.

She lowered her
head and looked at her dress as her hands went to her sides. “Thank you.” I wanted to wrap my arms around her and draw her in to me. For the first time since Gabrielle arrived here, I was truly sorry for the way I’d acted last year, and finally realized that the guilt was the reason I hadn’t been sleeping around for the past two weeks. I was beginning to really like her, and I cared what she thought of me. God knows I have my reasons for my promiscuity, but I didn’t want Gabrielle to think that’s who I was. Tearing my eyes from her, I glanced back at Lena, who stood smiling at the both of us, and I remembered why I was there. Sticking my hand into the box, I pulled out Lena’s bouquet.

“Jackson had this designed for you, Lena.” It
had turned out exactly the way Jackson had described it, though he hadn’t seen it yet. It was a beautiful mixture of white posy calla lilies, and white roses with cream hypericum berries interspersed. The stems were wrapped with white satin ribbon.

“Oh my.
It’s gorgeous.” She waved her fingers in front of her eyes. “Oh, God, I’m going to ruin my makeup,” she said as Gabrielle handed her a tissue. Lena took the tissue and blotted under her eyes then took the bouquet from me. “I couldn’t have asked for a better arrangement. I can’t tell you guys how happy Jackson has made me.”

“Don’t worry.
We can see it,” Gabrielle said and that was true. Jackson and Lena were perfect for each other.

I turned back to the box. “I had a hand in designing this one,” I said, pulling out the other slightly smaller bouquet and present
ed it to Gabrielle.

“That’s right he did
. Well, actually he designed all of it. Brodie, take credit where credit’s due. All I did was offer my vote of approval,” Lena confessed.

I handed
Gabrielle the bouquet of pink roses that matched her dress, mixed with a spray of darker hypericum berries and a couple of white calla lilies to match Lena’s bouquet. Gabrielle took the delicate bouquet, wrapped her slender fingers around the pale pink satin wrapping the stems, and lifted her eyes to mine. “I don’t know what to say? This is so beautiful, Brodie. I love pink roses, and calla lilies are my second favorite.”

“A rose for a rose. I know, clichéd and corny.”

“I don’t think so. Thank you, it’s lovely.” Taking in the scent of the flowers, she closed her eyes and smiled. A gorgeous smile. One I think I’ll remember until the day I die.



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