Beauty and The Highlander (4 page)

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Authors: Hildie McQueen

BOOK: Beauty and The Highlander
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Chapter Nine



Sweat trickled down his temples. A river of it
dribbled along the center of his back as well. With a final heave he and his
men finally downed the tree. A smile split Carrick's face at seeing the
troublesome oak fall.

The men lifted their axes and began the job of
chopping it to smaller pieces. "Have care with the trunk. It will be used
to make new tables, the other half for chairs." He lifted his arm to wipe
away the perspiration.

It was time to replace the three tables in the great
room, it wasn't until he'd walked in with Analise and seen her reaction to the
current furnishings that he realized how much in need of repair everything was.
Analise instructed the house lads to drag the tables outside to be cleaned. But
even after much scrubbing they remained in horrible shape.

Movement caught his eye. His breath caught at the
sight. Analise walked from the front of the house. She held her skirts up with
one hand with the other she shaded her eyes and scanned around. Was she looking
for him?

If only she'd not requested to live separately from
him, he would have thought they had a chance at a closer relationship. But her
words cut him deeply. She was repulsed by him and did not wish to be in the
same household. He'd considered having another bed made so he could sleep in a
different chamber, but then changed his mind. As long as she remained under the
same roof, they would share a bed.

He'd yet to take her again. Not that he'd not been
tempted. Especially in the middle of the night when she'd snuggled against him
for warmth. He'd run his hands over her body while she slept appreciating the
dips and curves of her waist and hips. But he remained too angry with her to
make love.

She spotted him and headed his way.

Carrick put his ax down and met her half way.
"You are out early, wife. Is there something you require?" He ensured
to keep his tone even.

Her bright eyes flashed at him. "Yes, there

He took note that she blinked more than necessary, her
posture rigid. Was she about to cry? "Would you like to sit?"

She looked around to the flat ground and it was then
he realized there was nowhere to sit. "No, Carrick, I would not like to
sit." She took a calming breath. "But we can walk."

They walked a few steps and she cleared her throat.
"I am not sure how to speak to you about the household. You have not given
me clear instructions. Nor have you explained to me what you expect from
me." Her voice trembled. He could not tell if she was angry or sad. More
than anything he wanted to take her in his arms, but refrained.

Instead he walked alongside her, his hands behind his
back. "As my wife, you are free to make whatever changes you see fit. I do
not place any restrictions on your choices."

She stopped and looked up at him, her eyes lingering
on his lips before moving. He cursed inwardly at his disfigurement. How he
wished the slight coloring of her cheeks came from interest and not disgust.
"Carrick, does that include sending Lisbeth away?"

"Why would you want to send her away?" He
wondered if Analise suspected that in the past he'd lain with the woman. It had
been months since he'd done so, finding the woman expected more from him than
their agreement to keeping it purely physical. Analise had not liked Lisbeth on
sight. Women had strong intuition.

"She doesn't do anything. The house is in
horrible shape and she seems to hold herself in the role, I'm not sure
what actually."

"I see." He didn't but wasn't sure what else
to say. "If you wish to send her away, it's your decision."

"You are not upset?" She leaned forward
looking into his eyes. "Isn't she more to you than just a servant?"

Was she trying to upset him? Carrick frowned. "If
you mean to ask if Lisbeth is my lover then ask."

Her eyes widened at his blunt words. "Is

"She was at one time, but I have not lain with
her in a long time. Months. I understand why you'd want her to leave. I should
have sent her away before bringing you here. I will speak to her at once."
He sidestepped his wife, not sure if her mouth agape and shiny eyes expressed
disappointment at his lack of emotion or not.

He entered the empty great room, the floors were
scrubbed and white washed. There were no rushes on the floor and other than one
small clean table and chairs the expanse remained without furnishings.
Tapestries were pulled down from the windows allowing for fresh air. The lads,
who currently scooped ashes from the fireplace, got to their feet at seeing

"Where is Lisbeth?"

One of the lads extended his skinny arm. "She
just went downstairs, milord."

He took the steps two at a time coming to the landing
in a few seconds and went to Lisbeth's door. At his knock she opened the door,
her lips curving. "Carrick. You come to me today? Please enter." She
moved from the doorway clearly expecting him to walk inside.

He remained at the doorway. "You must go. I will
give you enough money to help you settle in town. My men will escort you once
you have finished packing."

"No!" Lisbeth threw herself against him, her
fists pounding his chest. "That bitch is not worthy of you. You are

Carrick took her fists in his hands and held her
still. "Stop. You were always aware I would marry and it would not be to
you. That is why I have not been with you of last. It's time."

She sniffed and yanked her hands from his hold.
"How often do you fuck her, Carrick? Because from what I see you two are
rarely in the same room. Does she touch or kiss your misshapen face? I bet
not." Lisbeth turned on her heel. "I will be gone, but mark my words.
You will wish for me back."

"Do as I say. Be gone." Carrick took a step
back and turned away.

"Don't do this," Lisbeth wailed, but did not
follow him. At least she was wise enough not to push her luck.

Thankfully there was no one in his chamber. He closed
the door behind him and sunk into a chair. Lisbeth was right in some respects.
Analise did not kiss him, nor did she come near him except in her sleep. He did
wish for something more from his marriage, love, acceptance and children. But
it seemed his wishes were not to come true.



Chapter Ten



One of the lads came running into the great room just
as Carrick finished eating. "Milord, a messenger arrives." Analise
gave him a questioning look and he shrugged not expecting anyone. Just then two
of his father's men entered the room. "Carrick, your father is very ill.
Your presence is required immediately."

Carrick motioned for the messengers and the second man
to sit. "We will head to Gordon keep in the morning. Eat and rest, we
leave at first light."

"Shall I will go with you?" Analise asked
him, her eyes on the messengers. "I think it would be most appropriate in
case anything is needed. I am well versed in curing."

Her request surprised him but he kept from showing any
expression. "I would think you'd be glad to remain behind and away from

Analise's gasp made him wish to retract the words.
"I will remain then." Her bottom lip quivered and she pressed them

"Analise, I..." Carrick began, but she stood
and looked down her nose at him.

"No, do not apologize. I will go to bed now. I
find that I am suddenly very tired."


Analise entered her chamber and threw the door shut
behind her. She stormed to the window and looked over the expanse of the land
toward the mountains. A tear escaped, trailing down her face and she did not
bother to wipe it away. Why did she insist in attempting to please him? Every
time she tried, he said the most hurtful things. There was no doubt in her mind
that once he became laird he'd leave her behind and move to Gordon keep without

Movement below caught her attention. Two men stood in
the shadows speaking in a low voices. They did not look familiar. It was
probably the messenger and the other clansman. She leaned and attempted to get
a closer look, but they moved further into the shadows making it impossible.

A deep voice reached her ears. "I don't know why
she goes to all this trouble. All she has to do is order him killed. I would do

The second man replied, "Aye but this way she can
control when and how it happens."

Who did they refer to? Did a woman plan to hurt
Carrick? Analise moved back from the window when the men circled out and
continued their walk.

She sighed. What could she do, there wasn't much in
the way of helping as Carrick saw her more as a nuisance than a wife. Erin
entered followed by the two lads who carried in a large wooden tub. "I
thought you'd enjoy a bath tonight, milady."

Ever thoughtful, the maid continued to briskly order
the lads to bring buckets of water while she urged Analise to a stool and began
to loosen her hair. The maid's eyes met hers in the looking glass. "You
seem sad, milady. Is there anything you wish to talk about?"

Analise did not take her request as taking too much
liberty. As she was without friends, she'd confided more and more in the gentle
Erin. "I am sad. It seems no matter how hard I try to please him, he finds
me bothersome. I don't believe he cares one way or the other what I do."

"Oh, but Lord Carrick is not indifferent to you,
milady. I believe he does care. He watches you wherever you are in a room. He
is just not used to women and our sensibilities."

"No, I think you are mistaken. I am not a
whimpering simpleton to be set aside and treated like glass. He doesn't like

"I say you wait for him to come to bed and speak
to him, milady. In the darkness sometimes it’s easier to speak without having
to school one's expressions." She met Erin's sensible face in the mirror
and nodded.

She lowered into the hot water and closed her eyes
while Erin washed her hair. The heat soothed her rigid limbs. "I will try,
Erin. At the same time I won't expect much."

An hour later Analise settled into the bed and once
again straightened the blankets. Her eyes flew to the door when she heard heavy
footsteps. Unlike other nights, the lamps still burned, bathing the room with
soft lights. Carrick entered and looked to her. By the dampness of his hair, he
too had bathed. But not in their shared chamber.

"Are you unwell?" His eyes scanned the room
before leveling on her. "Why are you still awake?"

"I am waiting for you. Thought perhaps we could

The muscle at his jawline jumped and he shoulders
lifted. "What do you wish to speak of?"

Damnation, she was doing it all wrong. Erin had said
to speak in the darkness. Unfortunately now she could see how much he didn't
wish to speak with her by his body language alone. "It nothing serious
really. I just hoped to convey that I wish to accompany you to see your father.
To be of help."

Carrick's shoulders fell, he sat on the edge of the
bed and pulled his boots off. "If you want to come, then I have no
objection. I will go ahead on horseback and not take any breaks. You and your
maid can follow in the wagon." He turned to face her, his breathtaking
eyes locking to hers. "Is that all?"

If only she'd waited until they lay together in
darkness. A heated response of her cheeks coloring made her unable to speak.

Her eyes traveled from his face to his bare chest.
"No, nothing else."

Moments later he blew out the candles and slid into
the bed to lie next to her. It cut like a knife into her chest when he took
care to keep a distance between them. Analise reached to his arm. "Sleep

"Aye. Ye as well."

Soon his soft snores gave her freedom to move closer
to him. By the moonlight she studied him. Her finger just above his skin, she
traced along the scar that went from the corner of his right eye to his lip.
What could have caused such a scar? Asleep his features softened and he seemed
much younger, almost carefree. A total contrast to the stern quiet man. Was he
always that way? Had he been different once?

She gave in and leaned over him and pressed her lips
to his. A soft mumble made her jerk away. Thankfully he'd not woken.


Two days later, Analise and Erin arrived at Gordon
keep. They were escorted into the courtyard. This time was so different. She
now knew what to expect and prepared herself to greet her husband's brother and
stepmother. She made her way into the great room and was immediately taken by
the sheer size of it and the many people who mingled about. How different to
her home it was. And yet if the laird died, this would be where she and Carrick
would live.

No one greeted her, so she directed the lads to take
her trunks upstairs and went directly to the opposite stairwell to see about
Carrick and his father. She turned a sharp corner at the first landing and ran
right into Declan. "Oh, I'm sorry I didn't see you. It's quite dim in
here, isn't it?"

His shrewd eyes narrowed and looked her up and down.
"I didn't know you were coming. My brother didn't say."

When he didn't move out of her path, she took a step
back. "Where is Carrick?"

"So you are well then? I am surprised to find you
wish to be near him."

"Why would I not?" No matter her relationship
with Carrick, she didn't wish to discuss it with Declan.

His lips curved up, but the smile did not change the
narrowing of his eyes. "Why not indeed. I suppose being the new laird's
wife has allure." He reached for her face, his fingers tracing down the
side. "You are much too beautiful to be tied to him. If things change, I
may take you for myself."

She knew her eyes widened, but she did not say
anything. Instead she pushed his hand away and looked past him. "Allow me
to pass, please."

"Of course. It's the door at the end of the
hall." He gave her a short bow and went around her and down the stairs.

"What in heavens did he speak of?" Her
heartbeat quickening, she went to the door and pushed it open. Carrick stood
next to a window and didn't turn to see who entered. The laird lay on the bed,
his once ruddy complexion now pale. The ill man watched her enter but did not
move to speak. Analise went to the edge of the bed and studied him lifting his
eyelids then pulled out his upper lip. She leaned over him and sniffed.

"What are you doing?" Carrick was at once
next to the bed, his brows drawn together.

"Leave her be," the laird's words sounded
weak. He would not live much longer if it continued.

"He is being poisoned," Analise stated and
went to the side table. She picked up the pitcher of water and poured it out
the window. "Do not allow anyone but Erin to oversee his food and

"How can you be so sure?" Carrick took her
arm. "Why do you suspect poison?"

Analise moved back toward the laird, Carrick at her
side. She pointed to the ill man's mouth. "The purpling around his lips
and eyes are clear signs of poisoning. Also his breath, it smells sweet. I've
seen it before."

Carrick leaned over the laird and sniffed. "Aye,
‘tis true."

The laird's wide eyes looked to his son and then to
her. "Do not speak to anyone of this. No one outside this room. If I live,
whoever is responsible will be dealt with." Exhausted from talking, his
eyes began to droop. "Post one of your men at my door. Someone you trust."
His head loped to the side.

"Who would do this?" Carrick lowered his
voice. Analise considered telling him what she'd overheard, but at the same
time what if she'd heard wrong. What would a woman have to gain from killing
the laird? It was Carrick who would gain Lairdship.

She went toward the doorway. "I will find Erin
and explain that we wish her to oversee the preparation of your father's meals.
Say that he's requested her stew and only she can cook it. As far as water and
such, the lads can bring it."

Carrick nodded, his expression hard to read. "I
thank ye."

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