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Authors: Three to the Rescue

Becca Van (11 page)

BOOK: Becca Van
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Chapter Twelve

The next week was one of the hardest Janie had ever endured. Every day her men would come to the main house for all their meals, and she could see Lander and Wolf looking at her with longing and sadness. Seton hardly acknowledged that she existed. He ignored her totally. Whenever his eye landed on her, he seemed to look through her, and that just added to the pain she was already feeling.

The members of the Elite Dragons had only left the stud once, and that was to follow up a lead on another Dr. Smith, which had turned out to be a false alarm. Janie didn’t know how much longer she would be able to pretend that everything was all right in her world when beneath the façade of normality she tried to portray she felt like she was dying a little more inside each day. She missed her men so much, and even though she knew Lander and Wolf missed her just as much, they had kept their distance, too.

One afternoon, later in the week, Janie decided a ride might help relieve some of her stress and headed for the stable. She was just entering as Seton was leaving. He didn’t even look at her, just skirted around her, being careful not to touch her in any way.

A sob bubbled up in her chest and erupted before she could push it back down. She turned and ran from the building. Not looking where she was going, she ran directly into the path of one of the stable hands mounted on a stallion. The stallion reared, and, as if in slow motion, she saw the deadly hooves above her head and waited for the pain to come crashing down on her skull. In the next instant she was flying through the air and landed on a hard, muscular frame, the air whooshing from her lungs.

“Ah God, Janie. Are you okay?” Seton asked with concern. He rolled her beneath him, and his hands traveled over her body, searching for injuries. Since she was still struggling to fill her lungs with oxygen, she nodded in response.

“Are you sure, sugar? Did I hurt you?”

“No,” she finally managed to gasp.

“Then why are you crying?” he asked, his hands still checking her for injuries.

“It’s not my body that’s hurting,” she answered. “Let me up.”

“No,” Seton replied and lifted her into his arms. Instead of heading toward the main house he headed for his own home.

“Where are you taking me?”

“Home,” he growled.

Janie looked up at him and saw for the first time how pale his face was.

“Are you hurt? Did the horse hit you?”


“Put me down. I’m okay,” she stated.



“Just be quiet,” he snapped and continued on.

Seton placed her on the bed in her old room and checked her over for injuries. Slapping at his hands, she tried to stop him, but he wasn’t deterred. He turned her around and looked her over until he was satisfied she wasn’t hurt.

“Happy now?”

“No. What the hell did you think you were doing? Don’t you watch where you’re going?” he asked angrily.

“Obviously not,” she replied with rancor.

“Don’t take that tone with me, little girl, or I’ll put you over my knee and spank your ass.”

“Yeah right,” she replied resentfully.

Her world spun. She hadn’t even seen him move. One minute she was on the bed, the next she was over his lap with her ass in the air. She braced herself for the first slap, but it didn’t come. Through gritted teeth, she snarled, “You have no right to lay a hand on me.”

“That’s where you are wrong. You belong to me and my brothers,” Seton stated.

“I don’t belong to anyone. Let me up,” she sobbed. She tried to contain her emotions and tears, but she was fighting a losing battle. Sniffling, she let him go and hung over his lap limply and cried silently.

“Janie, are you okay?”

She didn’t answer Seton. It was impossible at that moment. Her emotions had taken over.

He shifted, lifted her onto his lap, and tilted her face up.

“Ah, sugar, don’t cry. God, I hate when you cry,” he whispered and pulled her into his chest.

Janie buried her face into his chest and clung there until her tears were spent. When the tears finally abated, she slumped against him.

“I’m sorry, Janie. I didn’t mean to scare you,” he said, stroking a hand over her head in soothing motions. “I was just so scared. You could have been killed. I couldn’t bear the thought.”

Janie straightened on his lap and looked into his eyes. She let him see all the love she felt for him and then told him, “I love you, Seton.”

“Aw, sugar. I have been such a bastard to you, haven’t I. I know I don’t deserve your love, but I’m not letting you go. Please, will you move back in here with us?”

“Why? I don’t want to cause trouble between you, Wolf, and Lander. I couldn’t live with damaging your relationship,” she stated on a sigh and tried to push off his lap.

“Look at me, sugar,” Seton demanded.

Janie looked at him, and her breath caught in her throat. He was looking at her with such hunger and love that she felt the crack in her heart begin to mend. She felt hope for the first time in weeks.

“I love you, Janie. I have loved you from nearly the first. I’m sorry for the way I’ve treated you. I have never loved anyone besides my brothers before, and I didn’t like it. You made me feel vulnerable for the first time in my life, and since there is still a threat to you out there, I figured if I kept my emotions locked up, I wouldn’t get hurt,” he explained. “When you were beneath that rearing stallion, I was so scared. I have never felt such fear in my life. Then, when you were safe again, I knew that I was being a coward. It takes more courage to admit to loving someone and hanging on to it than it does to fight it and push it away. I’m sorry, sugar.”

“Oh God. Seton, I love you so much,” she sobbed. “And even though you have been an ass, I won’t hold it against you. Just promise to never treat me like that again. You damn near broke my heart.”

“I promise, Janie,” he replied and looked deeply into her eyes.

He leaned forward and kissed her softly, reverently, so full of love her heart healed and filled with hope and joy. Wrapping her arms around his neck, she opened her mouth to him as he deepened the kiss.

Moaning with desire, she tangled her tongue with his and held on to him for dear life. The kiss was long, hot, and rapacious. Finally they drew apart to gasp in air, but instead of letting her up when she tried to stand, he stood up with her still in his arms and placed her in the middle of the bed. He tore her clothes off with urgency before ripping off his own, and she ran her eyes over his sexy, muscular body. When he was naked he got onto the bed beside her and took her back into his arms.

She caressed over his chest with her hands, learning all the hard contours and taking note of the sighs her caresses elicited. Slowly her hand wandered down and smoothed over his hips, and finally she gripped his hard cock in her hand. He groaned into her mouth and pushed his hips into her touch. Breaking the kiss, she moved to straddle him. She kissed and licked her way down his neck, over his shoulders and pecs and torso. Using her tongue, she rimmed his navel and then dipped into the indentation, making him groan. All the while her hand pumped slowly up and down his hard shaft.

“Janie, you’re going to have to stop. You’ll make me come if you keep that up, and I want to be inside you when I do,” he rasped.

Janie released his cock but kept her mouth licking down over him until she reached the nest of hair framing his erection. She looked up the length of his body, gave him a wicked smile, and licked his shaft from base to tip. Just as she took the crown of his penis into her mouth, he reached down and hauled her up.

“I can’t take any more, sugar. I have to have you now,” he gasped.

Rolling her onto her back, he then covered her with his body and took her mouth once more. He kissed her like there was no tomorrow, and then he nipped and nibbled his way down her throat to her breasts. Seton took hold of one of her breasts and lifted it to his waiting mouth. Suckling strongly, he let his free hand rove up and down her side from hip to chest. Releasing her nipple, he then moved to the other and gave it the same treatment.

Janie cried out as shards of electricity zinged from her sensitive nipple down to her pussy. Cream leaked out onto her thighs, and she sobbed with pleasure, in danger of climaxing just from having her nipples stimulated.

“Shh, sugar. Easy, I’ll give you what you need. But first I have to taste you,” Seton rumbled in a deep voice.

Kissing and licking his way down her body, he caressed her with his hands until his head hovered over her cunt. Locking his eyes with hers, he gently spread her legs and lowered his head.

Whimpering when his tongue touched her clit for the first time, she closed her eyes and arched her hips up into his mouth.

“Open your eyes, sugar. I want you to see who’s giving you pleasure,” Seton said breathlessly.

Obeying his command, she gazed into his eyes and watched as he leaned in once more and licked her from her pussy hole to her clit. All of a sudden he sat up, and then he was piling pillows behind her back, until she was nearly sitting up. He gave her a sexy smile, wrapped his arms around her thighs, and lifted them up and out, until her cunt was fully exposed to him and tilted up for easier access.

Sliding down on the mattress until he was lying on his stomach, his mouth once more connected with her vagina. Seton laved his tongue over her sensitive bundle of nerves until she was sobbing from the pleasure he was bestowing on her, but she kept her eyes open. Slipping his tongue down through her folds, he licked around her puckered star.

“Oh God,” she sobbed.

“No, sugar. Seton,” he growled. “I want you to come in my mouth. Don’t hold back on me, Janie.”

Pushing a finger into her sheath, he began to pump it in and out of her cunt. All the while he flicked his tongue over her clit. Back and forth he went, until she felt her body begin to climb the peak. He added another finger, and then the pads were massaging over her G-spot, and her internal walls rippled around his thrusting digits.

Opening his mouth, he took her clit between his lips, his tongue flicked twice, and then he sucked on her nub.

Janie screamed as she flew to the stars. Her muscles convulsed and contracted around the fingers still shuttling in and out of her cunt. Juices leaked out of her pussy, only to be slurped up and swallowed. When the last contraction faded, Seton released her legs and moved back up over her body. The kiss he gave her was so poignant it brought tears to her eyes.

“I love you, sugar,” he sighed against her mouth.

“I love you, too.”

Removing the pillows from behind her until her head was resting on just one, he nudged her legs apart with his and entered her body on a groan.

“You are so fucking sexy, sugar. Your cunt is so hot, wet, and tight. I could spend the rest of eternity buried inside you,” he groaned and then began to move.

Janie wrapped her legs around his hips and dug her feet into the backs of his thighs. As he plunged forward, she arched up to meet him and pulled him toward her with her legs. The whole time he loved her, he stared deeply into her eyes, and she knew that everything was going to be all right.

Pushing her hips up into his, their flesh slapped together as he increased the pace. Caressing his back and clinging to him as he sent them both climbing up toward that peak, she gave her body and heart over into his care, knowing that he would do everything in his power to keep her safe.

“You feel so good, sugar. I want you to come on my cock.”

Sliding his hands beneath her ass, he tilted her hips and gained a deeper penetration. She dug her nails into the muscles of his shoulders and held on for the ride.

“You like that, don’t ya, sugar? You like it when I go deep.”

“Yes. More.”

“More what, honey?”

“Faster. Harder. Deeper.”

“Your wish is my command, sugar,” he groaned and plunged in.

Straightening his arms, he spread her legs wider using his own and plunged in and out of her hard and fast. She held on to his biceps and watched as the muscles in his face drew tight. She knew he was close to orgasm.

Tilting her hips a little more, she clamped her pelvic-floor muscles down tight around his cock and held.

“Fuck yeah. Keep that up, Janie,” he rasped.

Seton shifted slightly, and then he was balancing on one arm. Moving his other in between their bodies, he began to lightly massage her clitoris. Sobbing with pleasure, she gripped his cock harder, determined to climax with him.

“Come with me, sugar,” he gasped.

Since Janie was already on the precipice, his demand was easy to obey. She keened her pleasure, and even though the urge to close her eyes was great, she kept them on his. Ecstasy washed over her, and her pussy contracted and released around his cock, bathing his flesh in her cream.

He roared his completion and filled her with his cum as they flew to the stars together.

“Janie, where are you? Are you hurt?” Lander called frantically and then came rushing into the bedroom. “Fuck. Don’t scare me like that, darlin’. I heard you screaming and thought you were in pain. I heard about your near miss with the horse.”

BOOK: Becca Van
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