Read Becoming His: The Teaching of Rebecca Online

Authors: Maggie Ryan

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #Romantic, #Romance, #Historical, #Historical Romance, #Regency

Becoming His: The Teaching of Rebecca (12 page)

BOOK: Becoming His: The Teaching of Rebecca
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His eyes captured hers and she was incapable of looking away.  Patrick smiled down at her.  He loved the blush that was slowly rising up her body, her huge eyes that had yet to look away from his, her breathing that was barely audible.  He knew she was in shock but also knew that he had chosen correctly.  Her plump lips parted to expose her tiny perfect teeth.  He watched as they very lightly began to worry her bottom lip.  Her chest was rising faster as if her heart was beating so fast within that it needed more space.  Her raspberry colored nipples were puckering even more tightly as he allowed his gaze to roam up and down her kneeling form.  He knew that her bottom was heart shaped and her skin was pale and silky.  He knew though she was unaware that she was born for this. The lifestyle he wanted to live—no, one he absolutely
to live in order to feel fulfillment, was not something most of society would ever admit existed and would certainly never condone.  He didn’t truly care about what society thought or expected.  However, he found he did want to give this small woman the choice.  He would so enjoy teaching her, molding her to his desires.  He knew she would fight him but, though he would naturally be able to win due to both his gender and his superior strength, he had no desire to break her spirit.  He had seen a fire in her from the moment she had walked into Danvers’ study.  He wanted to stoke that fire, to seek its embrace, to allow it to consume them both; he had no intention of dousing it. 

For the first time in his life, he felt a surge of uncertainty.  He gave a brief thought to what he was saying and wondered if he had read her unspoken, unrealized desires as correctly as he had thought.  He gripped her hands a bit tighter and continued.  “We won’t ever discuss this again.  You will make your decision as the young woman you are.  You now must realize that if you stay you won’t make another decision as an adult.  You will be nothing more than a child except when I take you into this bed.  Even then, on those nights, when you are naked in my bed, you will serve me as I wish.  I will allow you pleasure—or
—but I will always take my own in whatever way I desire.  The choice will never belong to you my little one.”  He saw her flush deepen but also was aware that she had yet to attempt to move away from him. 

“Make your choice Rebecca.”  He released her hands.  “Either stand up and I will arrange for your departure or take my cock in your hands and ask me to be your Papa and your husband.” 

Her breath hitched, her heart racing.  She knew that the next move was hers.  Her head was screaming, run… run…run. 

Her heart was begging for her to stay. 

She was both terrified of staying as well as leaving.  She searched his eyes for some sort of answer and found only an intense stare, the truth of his words filling his eyes.  She believed he spoke truly though she could not comprehend or truly believe all of what he had said. 

Patrick reached out and stroked her cheek with the tip of his finger. 

Rebecca unconsciously tilted her head as if to get closer to the contact.  Just that light touch had her body tingling all over with desire for this man to hold her, to teach her and to take her. 

Patrick barely dared to breathe.  He found himself praying he wouldn’t soon be regretting making the choice to allow her to make this decision.  However, he had discovered that while he had no intention of ever living in a conventional, society accepted marriage, he suddenly felt doubt about forcing her to simply accept the lifestyle he desired.  While he would always demand submission and absolute obedience, while he would always find pleasure in punishing her quite thoroughly, he did not want to break her.  He loved the spirit she had shown in Danvers’ office and though he would redden her bottom if she ever dared disobey him, he had been very impressed with her ability to stand up to the man in his own office.  He wanted her desperately and had already begun to fall in love with her.  Some part of him wanted her love, while not immediately he was sure, but to have her grow to love him was suddenly very important to him. 

Rebecca looked up and very slowly reached out and took his erection into both of her hands, her choice made. 

He groaned at the touch, sure he would embarrass himself but forced himself to say, “You need to ask me Becca… ask me to be your husband and your Papa.  Tell me you know that I will both love and punish you.” 

She shuddered but didn’t relax her hold.  “Please, sir, please be my husband and… and my Pa… Papa.  Please love and… and pun… punish me.  Please teach me.” 

Patrick nodded, very pleased with her words and Rebecca relaxed for the first time in his presence.  She felt terrified but part of her understood she was exactly where she wanted to be. 

Patrick knew that she would question this moment several times, most especially when her bottom was roasted and aching from enduring punishments designed to humiliate her and cause her great pain, when she was forced to offer herself sexually every time he demanded it of her, and in ways she could not possibly imagine.  He bent forward and lifted her chin a bit further.  He pressed his lips to hers and she shyly kissed him back.  Too soon he released her mouth.

“Thank you Rebecca.  You are now mine forever and always.” 

She blushed but nodded. 

Patrick was done being gentle or kind.  She had made her choice and he intended to teach her that he had been serious.  He now owned her.  She was his to do with as he pleased. 

She trembled at the look on his face and felt his hands cover hers.  He moved her hands away and pushed her back until she was lying beneath him.  She was breathing hard as he took her hands and guided them above her head. 

“Take hold of the rail, Becca.”

She did as he said and felt something being wrapped around her wrists. 

Patrick had pulled up the restraints he had put on his bed in anticipation of just this moment.  For now, they consisted of just leather straps but he knew that somewhere in the boxes below, soft leather cuffs were waiting for his use.  He had absolutely no intention of taking the time to find them.  “Good girl.  I will keep you bound often, whether to fuck you or spank you or just to keep you in place while I observe you.” 

His words continued to shock her.  He was coarse and harsh and she believed every word he was saying. 

He sat back and used his hands to spread her legs wide.  She whimpered at the stretch but didn’t attempt to fight him.  He put his hands under her bottom, finding that her small cheeks seemed made to fit into his palms.  He squeezed hard until she squirmed and whimpered, the skin still obviously very tender. 

She didn’t realize that just hearing her whimper caused his cock to twitch again. 

He looked down and frowned, the thick covering of her pubic hair hid her pussy from his view.  He decided that it would be the first thing to go but, that too could wait.  He released one cheek to probe between her legs, opening her lips and pushing his fingertip inside.  She squirmed harder but he easily held her with one hand.  He found her dripping wet, her juices showing him that she was far more prepared than most virgins.  He grinned and grasped her legs to pull them over his shoulders, lifting her hips to tilt towards him. 

She blushed and shuddered at the humiliating exposed position, never once having truly considered what men and women did in the privacy of a marriage bed.  She had practically died when he had first spread her and knowing that his eyes were looking upon her most intimate place.  When he had roughly pushed a finger into her body, she had felt her heart stop beating.  She became frightened as he cupped her aching bottom again and pulled at the restraints but knew she was going nowhere. 

He smiled down at her as he pushed his hips forward until the head of his cock kissed her opening.  “I won’t lie to you, Becca.  This is going to hurt you and it won’t be my fault… this time.  I’m going to fuck you fast but I promise, after this it won’t hurt again unless, of course, that is something I desire.” 

She had no idea what he was speaking about but he didn’t give her time to think.  He pushed hard into her.  Even with the intention of taking her maidenhead as quickly as possible, it still took another even harder thrust to break through her barrier.  She had arched immediately upon his entry but screamed loudly as he burst through her resistance.  Her eyes were huge as he continued to press himself inside her, causing her sex to stretch and open for the first time.  Her head thrashed as he pulled her towards him.  She moaned and tried to squirm away but Patrick simply lifted her hips higher and pushed forward, claiming her body inch by inch.

“No… oh no, please.  It... hurts… you are hurting me!” she sobbed, her wrists aching as she pulled against the restraints.  Surely he would realize that she was far too small to accommodate him.  Surely he would stop before he ripped her in two. 

Patrick didn’t stop or even halt his entry.  He kept pressing forward, spreading her even wider.  “Be still Rebecca, you will take me, every last inch of me.” 

She whimpered and struggled, tears leaking down her cheeks, but he pressed his weight down onto her.  She felt her sex stretching to a degree unimaginable to her as he continued to claim her.  She arched her back and Patrick just smiled as she inadvertently offered herself to him.  She held her breath until she thought she would faint only to then release it in a scream that echoed around the room when, at last, he sank himself completely within her body. 

Once seated, Patrick stilled.  He watched her face as she tried to accept the act that made her truly his wife.  Her discomfort was evident as her face was streaked with tears, but he felt her lift her hips just a trifle. 

“Just as I told you.”  Smiling, he began to move inside her. 

She gasped as she felt his withdrawal and again as he advanced.  She felt her heart stutter as he began to thrust hard and fast, her body accepting his demand of it.  She strained against the leather restraints, not to get away but to follow some deep seated need to touch this man, to put her hands on his chest, his arms, anywhere. 

Patrick was in trouble.  He wanted to stake his claim forever—had no desire to withdraw from the woman beneath him and he sank to the hilt inside her.  However, her incredible tightness, her warmth surrounding him, her small cries of pain as well as her barely audible pleas for mercy drew him to an embarrassing fast eruption.  He groaned as he emptied into her and was grateful that she would have nothing to compare him too.  It wouldn’t happen so quickly the next time and all the thousands of times after that. 

He didn’t remove himself.  Instead, he bent down and took a taunt nipple into his mouth.  She arched again, the feeling alien and utterly shameful but not hurtful.  He licked and tongued her nipple and then moved to suckle the other. 

She moaned, the tingling between her legs growing, her blood pulsing.  He worried first one and then the other of her nipples until he hardened again. Grinning, he began to move inside her.  She, of course, had no understanding that most men would be fulfilled after their first climax.  She was gasping as he suckled and bit her breasts shocked at the sensations.  She moaned as she felt him tilt her hips higher until she was practically lying on her shoulders. Though it seemed impossible, he moved even deeper into her as he thrust into her over and over. 

Each time he withdrew, she felt her insides being abraded.  As he pushed forward, she felt herself becoming uncomfortably full.  Soon she felt something else.  The ache that had first begun when she first met this man was growing into an intense fire.  She felt like she was going to explode and began whimpering and panting. 

Patrick grinned knowing what was happening and delighted that she obviously had no idea.  He changed his rhythm loving watching her face.  He pulled completely out only to hear her whimper loudly as if regretting the loss of his cock and then moan as he drove into her again. 

“I’m going to make you spend, little one.  I won’t always be giving you pain, I’ll also teach you pleasure.” 

She was rolling her head from side to side, whimpering and squirming under him, her arms pulling against her restraints.  He wasn’t even sure she had heard him but decided it didn’t matter.  He bent and suckled at her nipples again and again until they were both swollen and engorged.  He felt his own end approaching and began to pump into her as hard as he could, her nipple caught in his teeth.  He was just about to reach down and play with her little bud when she tensed and arched against him.  “That’s it, Becca, take your pleasure, spend for Papa.” He thrust again and bit down on her tender nipple at the same time. 

Rebecca screamed and felt her world implode.  Her body shook with convulsion after convulsion.  She writhed beneath him, her nipple aching where he had bitten her but throbbing with pleasure at the same time.  She sobbed not wanting to enjoy what he was doing, shame flooding her even as he flooded her insides for the second time. 

Patrick finally pulled out of her, panting a bit hard himself.  He lowered her legs to the bed where she immediately tried to close them.  His response was just as quick.  He reached down, flipped her over and began spanking her bottom. She was crying within moments from both the shame of what had just happened as well as from the confusion of having been brought to intense pleasure she still didn’t quite understand to having her already aching bottom being reddened with every slap of his huge hand.    “You were warned little girl.  You do not close your legs or try to hide any part of your body.  Your titties, your kitty and your little clittie are mine to look at, to touch, to kiss, to pinch, to bite, to fuck and to spank.  You will learn to remain open to me at all times even if it takes a thousand spankings.” 

She sobbed as he spanked her until her bottom was once again practically beet red.  He finally flipped her back over and she cried harder as her tenderized bottom was pressed into the mattress. 

Patrick proved his point by splaying her apart and driving into her for the third time.  He wasn’t concerned about watching her reach her own pleasure this time.  This fuck was just for him and he intended to imprint his ownership on her and her aching bottom.  She had made her choice and her lessons began at this very moment.  He didn’t lift her hips or capture her legs over his shoulders.  No, this time he made sure his movements caused her aching bottom to press hard into the mattress, each stroke reminding her of the fact that the same man that was now taking her would and could punish her at the slightest act of disobedience. 

BOOK: Becoming His: The Teaching of Rebecca
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