Before Sunrise (64 page)

Read Before Sunrise Online

Authors: Sienna Mynx

Tags: #bwwm interracial romance ir military romance, #bwwm interracial romance, #bwwm interracial

BOOK: Before Sunrise
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Kennedy checked her watch. “We got maybe
thirty minutes, and she’ll be running down those steps.”

Liam smiled. He sipped the coffee. She was
right. He needed it. Kennedy combed her fingers through his buzz
cut, and then rubbed her hand down his back. “How you feeling this

Like crap. But I’ll

Your face looks a little
better,” she said, cupping his chin and turning it toward her. She
kissed his chapped lips. “Much better.”

Hurts when I

You don’t like smiling, do

Never did,” he
acknowledged. “Can’t help it when I’m with you.”

Kennedy kissed his jaw. “So today is going
to be a madhouse. We have the party. Everyone will be here. Then
the neighborhood caroling.”

Are you kidding?” Liam

Kennedy laughed. “It’s a tradition for
Mackenzie. She’ll want to do it.”

Liam shook his head. “Can’t wait to make
some new traditions.”

Kennedy elbowed him. He winced. They settled
into a comfortable silence, staring out into the house, waiting for
their daughter to come down the stairs.

Phil’s bringing a

Liam didn’t expect that news. He glanced
over at Kennedy, who continued to stare ahead. “Seriously?”


You cool with that?” he
asked. As if he would care if the loser had another woman. In fact,
he was glad he did.

Kennedy cast her gaze to him. “Truth?”


I’m not sure.”

It was not the answer he wanted. He needed
her to say she was definitely cool with it. That she was relieved
the loser was gone. But he held his tongue. He’d told her to be
honest, to stop holding back. Guess he should have been careful of
the truth he asked for. “What’s up?”

He’s hurting. Whoever she
is, it’s for show.”

He could be seeing someone
he cares about. Someone you never knew.”

Kennedy smiled. “It’s not my ego talking,
Liam. Though I seriously doubt that Phil cheated on me when we were
together. I just don’t want him lashing out. I want a truce,
between us and you. For Mac and for me. I know it might be too much
to ask for but I’d like for us to part as friends.”

That’ll take time, Kay.
Neither of us can stand the sight of the other.”

I was thinking last night,
about the past. You were right. I knew Phil had a crush on me. I
thought it was harmless. Then he made it clear after I lost you
that it wasn’t. Kind of like you and Alexa.”

Liam began to choke on his coffee. He felt
Kennedy’s hard stare. “Babe, c’mon, Alex was never an issue.”

You sure about that?”
Kennedy said.

Yes. I’m sure.”

She shook her head. “Liam, it may be hard
for you to hear but I understand where Phil is coming from. I
started crushing on you first, remember? I became obsessed with my
crush, and then I fell in love with you. Thing is, you loved me
back. Can you imagine having those kind of strong feelings for
someone who doesn’t return them? I’m not jealous he has a date and
if I thought it meant the end of our time together could be easier
for him with someone else, then more power to him. I’m worried.
He’s hurting, and right or wrong I caused that.”

I’ll talk to

It was Kennedy’s turn to laugh. “No thanks.
Just be civil. After today, we’re moving in with you. We’ll have
Mackenzie’s furniture delivered to the new house. This place
belongs to Phil. We shouldn’t stay here. Oh, and I’ll need to meet
with him. Work out our separation, financial things. You


Kennedy smiled.

Mommy!” Mackenzie

Liam let go a deep sigh of relief. He didn’t
want to hear of her feelings for Phil. He said he would listen to
her and understand her more, but fuck it, he had his limits.

I guess our daughter is

Let the fun begin,” he
said, rising, extending his hand. She accepted and Liam spun her
then brought her into his arms. Kennedy giggled. “Merry Christmas

Our first Christmas with
you home. Mmmm, I’m so happy.” She hugged him.

Later, me and you, I got
something special for you.” He kissed her forehead.

I can’t wait!”

Mommy! Ooooh!

Your daughter’s happy. Go
join her.”

Liam let her go. Dragging his leg, he went
in search of another ray of sunshine.



Mackenzie peeled long strips of shiny silver
and white Frosty the Snowman wrapping paper from a large box on her
lap. Liam lowered to the floor. Kennedy could hear Andrew and Gail
descend the steps behind her. Everyone arrived in time to see
Mackenzie reveal a pink Barbie mini-van.

Gail gasped. “Oh darn it, I got to get my
camera.” She turned for the stairs. But Andrew stopped her. He
showed her the camera in his hand.

Gail smiled up at him. Kennedy caught the
exchange between her parents and had to double blink. It appeared
the tender moment she witnessed yesterday between her parents was
lasting. Her mother had had epiphanies before. But something was
different about them. It was the holiday for miracles, fresh
starts, forgiveness.

Turn around for Grandma,
sweetheart, and let me see,” Gail said.

Mac stood holding the box with a Barbie
grinning behind the wheel of her souped-up minivan. Gail snapped
the picture. Next Gail ordered her granddaughter to pose with Liam.
Mackenzie rushed to her father and nearly bowled him over backward
when she plopped on his lap. Immediately she gathered more
presents. Gail captured each moment. It took a good twenty minutes
to get through most of the presents. There would be more brought
over for the birthday celebration. Kennedy slipped away and headed
for the kitchen. Her mother handed the camera to her father and

They’re so cute,” Gail

Who’s cute?” Kennedy

Mac and Liam, silly! Don’t
pretend you didn’t notice.”

Kennedy nodded. “I’m just glad you noticed,
mom. Thanks for taking those photos, I want a copy of each.” She
reached for the frying pan and placed it on the front burner of the

I’m not heartless. She’s
his daughter, and she loves him. He loves her.”

He does love her. He’s
trying really hard to know her, make up lost time for all those
years he missed. That’s why this Christmas is important to us both.
Do you understand?”

Gail sighed. “I owe you an apology.”

Kennedy smiled. “Let’s just forget yesterday
and start again.”

No, sweetheart I did
something wrong. I um, I think I caused you more

The press conference?”
Kennedy asked, going to the fridge and removing a cold pack of
bacon. When Gail didn’t respond, she stopped. She saw her mother
with her eyes cast down and arms crossed over her bosom. “What?
What now?”

I gave Phil the impression
that you had an abortion.”

You did

I implied it. After talking
to that lady—”

Sweet merciful Jehovah!”
Kennedy snapped. She threw the bacon in the sink.

Gail put her hand to her brow. “Let me

How could you do something
like that? Say something so cruel to him when you knew what he was
going through. Let alone think so little of me!”

I’m sorry, Kennedy. I
thought I was helping.”

That’s the problem mama.
You didn’t think you were helping. Let’s be honest, you were trying
to force me to stay with Phil. You were interfering.”

Gail approached. Kennedy took two steps
back, seething with rage.

You’re right, honey. I’m
your mother and I’ve been acting like anything but since he
returned. I know I’ve punished you and Liam both unfairly for
years. The two of you made a choice I didn’t agree with, yes, but
it doesn’t give me the right to interfere in your lives. Not
anymore. I know we don’t talk about it, but I was so miserable when
you ran away. It hurt so bad to lose you to him. I never let myself
forgive. Still, you are my daughter, my first born. I should have
dealt with everything better than I have.”

Mom, it’s just too much.
I’m tired of this.” Kennedy put a hand to her brow. “Leave me

Gail smiled. “Of course you’re tired. It’s
Christmas. We’ve seen God’s miracle with Liam returning to you.
Today isn’t the day for drama, meddling, bickering. I wanted to
apologize to you now, tell you what I did so I can prove to you
that I’m ready to change too. I don’t know why it took me so long
to see you’re your own woman. Now I do. That’s why I will fix this
between us. Forgive me. I’ll speak to Phil and explain I was

You lied! That’s not the
same as a mistake!” Kennedy said through clenched teeth.

Kennedy, sweetheart,

Kennedy gave a defeated sigh and turned
away. She put her hands to the sides of her head. Her mother’s
meddling wasn’t the worse of it. The repercussions could blow up in
her face and undo everything she and Liam were trying to build. How
did her mother even know she’d thought she was pregnant? “What

Huh?” Gail

What woman? You said you
told Phil this after some woman said something to you.”

Oh, it’s the military lady.
Liam’s friend. Alexa?”

Kennedy narrowed her eyes. “Really? So Alexa
is going around saying I’m pregnant by Phil?”

Well…she said Phil told

This is unbelievable. I’m
not pregnant. I don’t believe this mess!”

What can I do? Tell me. I
want to fix this Kennedy.”

The request seemed earnest but Kennedy was
emotionally exhausted. Dealing with Liam and their problems had
taken its toll, and now this. What if Alexa told Liam these lies?
He’d lose it. She was certain of that. “I’ll handle Alexa. Just
stay out of it. Can you do that?”

Gail’s tear-streaked cheeks glistened with
joy. “I love you. I love Mackenzie, and I do care about Liam. I’m
happy you two are going to begin again. I swear it. Give me another
chance to prove it.”

An inexplicable feeling of understanding
befell her. Kennedy released her anger. There was no reason to hold
on to it. She embraced her mother. Forgiveness, like a warm, cozy
blanket, covered them both. It felt genuine, and a bit surreal. How
many times had she pretended they were closer and her mother
rejected her choices? How often had she closed her eyes to the
truth? She and her mother needed closure, and this was the first
step. Silently, Kennedy prayed that this Christmas would heal her

Well, this is a beautiful

Kennedy lids flickered open and her gaze met
with the most caring pair of blue eyes, looking down from her over
her mother’s shoulder.

Hi,” she said.

Liam smiled. He only did so
with her and not often, but when he smiled all the worry in her
heart seem to evaporate. She could survive off of his smiles from
this day forth. Her arms fell away from Gail, who turned to see
Liam as well. Thankfully, she and her mother were all cried out.
The only thing Liam could witness between them was love. And that’s
what the day would be for her family.

Excuse me,” Gail said as
she left the kitchen. She stopped in front of Liam then threw her
arms around him. Liam blinked, surprised, but welcomed the

Welcome home, son.” Gail
lifted on her toes and kissed his cheek. “We’re all happy to have
you home again.”

Gail glanced back at Kennedy and winked
before leaving.

Wow.” Liam touched his
cheek from her mother’s kiss. “Guess Christmas is the day for

Kennedy beamed proudly. “Is Mac done?

She wants you to come see.
Me too. We need some of mommy’s attention. Can breakfast

For you two, yes.” She gave
him another hug. Her hand rubbed up and down the center of his
back. Liam’s brow quirked. The misty blue swirls in his irises
became clearer than ice and more hypnotic. Kennedy pressed her body
against his hard frame and felt her heartbeat ease up to a racing
flutter. When his hand gently grasped the back of her neck she
immediately lowered her gaze to his mouth, licking her bottom lip.
The kiss was brief and sweet but she became lost to it. Lingering
on the edge of desire and lustful want, she tried to capture his
mouth for more.

Our daughter is waiting,”
he said, only inches away from continuing the kiss.

Kennedy blinked. “Um, right. Okay.” She
pushed free of him and tried to ignore the moisture that gathered
at the seat of her panty and the throbbing in her core. It sent
spasms of lust through her pelvis. His body had become a magnet.
She was drawn to him each and every time he was near. How had she
ever survived these years without this joy?

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