Bella Vita (25 page)

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Authors: Jesse Kimmel-Freeman

Tags: #romance, #vampires, #paranormal, #witches, #werewolves, #crossover, #jesse kimmelfreeman, #bella vampires series

BOOK: Bella Vita
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Dom had my bags. I asked if he could take
them into the plane for me. I wanted him to be happy... but he was
suddenly becoming very possessive. He came back out and stood for a
moment just outside of my reach.

Mia bella, ti
.” He took my hand and kissed

Ti amo
, Dom. I'll be home soon enough. So stop worrying.” I kissed
his lips gently.

He nodded his head and walked me over to the
door. “Be safe, Merry Meet and Merry Part, Princess.” He bowed

I laughed. “You are such a dork.” I kissed
his cheek and then went inside the plane. “Bye.” I waved as they
shut the door.

I watched Dom wave to me until they started
preparing to take off. He left the same way we came, but somehow it
looked very lonely and as though he was falling into despair. I
thought about contacting him through our link, but I thought better
of it.


The flight was about three hours. The
weather was beautiful. I could see the small world below as we flew
into the heavens above. It was like stepping into a different
universe. Dominic had shown that to me, and it was something that I
treasured about flying. I had instructed the pilot to try and land
as close to the school as possible. It was in Castlekelly, and I
knew that there had been some sort of magic placed on it so that
planes didn't fly over it or close to it. We landed in a field a
few miles away. I pulled my bags out of the plane as the pilot
pulled my Harley out of the back.

Merry Part, Princess.
Should you need to leave before our scheduled time just let me
know. Otherwise I'll meet you here at the end of the week.
The pilot's voice was rich and smooth like

Merry Part, Henry. Thank
you and I'll see you at the end of the week.
I replied and tied my bags onto my bike.

Once I was moving, the
world fell away and all I could feel was the connection to the old
I sent a mental message to Dom to
let him know I got there okay, but I didn't stay connected long
enough for him to start a conversation with me. The air smelt green
and full of life. My energy felt like the world had opened up to me
and whispered that I could have it all. I was glad I

As soon as I hit the school's land I knew.
It was like walking through ice. My entire body went cold and I
felt like I was going to go into shock. However, one of the nice
aspects to being a vampire was that my body temperature was
naturally lower than most people. So the cold didn't stop me, I
went on. I had done my research about the area. There was a small
inn that was just over a hill from the school- still on their land,
but not owned by the school itself. It was a place where I could
get away with staying without causing too much commotion. I had
paid in advance for my room, I also gave them extra for the short
notice- even though they refused in the beginning. I had researched
the inn, it was barely making ends meet because of the magic the
school had put into place- they kept normal folks away. This place
seriously needed the money. I also decided that I would be leaving
them a very generous tip when I left.

When I arrived at the inn, I fell in love.
The outside was painted a simple white wash. The roof was thatched
in a traditional Irish way. Around the door and windows, the frames
were painted a nice deep hunter green. It was like I had stepped
into a storybook, it was just so damn quaint. I parked my bike
outside, I didn't see anywhere else to store it for now. I grabbed
my bags and went into the warm and welcoming inn.

A roundish woman with fiery red hair and sea
glass green eyes stood behind the small oak counter. When the
little bell above the door chimed, she looked up at me. Her face
lit up like it was Christmas or something.

” Her native Irish had the slightest
hints of a Leinster dialect to it.

Dia is Muire
.” I responded with the traditional reply to her
greeting of 'May God Bless You.' I didn't understand why I had to
say that God and Mary should bless her but I did what I was
supposed to do.

Conas atá
” She seemed generally interested in
how I was doing, it was so strange to walk into a place and to have
a stranger actually care.

Táim go
” I was fluent enough to tell her I
was was well, I enjoyed using the Irish I learned in high school
when I wanted to come here.

Conas atá
” I asked the woman.

Táim go
” She replied. “
Cad is ainm duit?

Emma Hutchinson
is ainm dom.
” I told the
woman what my name was when she asked.

Tá brón orm.
I'm so sorry, Miss Hutchinson. Here I am blabbing
away and yer probably tired from yer long journey.” The woman's
smile dropped.

Oh, not to worry. I was
enjoying our conversation. I haven't used my Irish since high
school.” I beamed at her.

I've to tell yah, I
thought yer were a natural. I'm Moira, by the way.” She held out
her hand.

Deas bualadh leat,
” I shook her hand with bright red
polish on it.

The pleasure is mine, Miss
Emma. Here let me help yah with yer bags.” I watched as Moira moved
out from behind the counter, that was when I realized she must've
been at least six months pregnant.

That's quite all right. Do
you know what sex the baby is?” I smiled down at her small

I wish. The doctor keeps
checking, but the wee one won't show us.” She patted her belly

I could tell you what
you're having. I've a knack for such things.” I lied to the woman
about my ability, I could tell she would be having a little boy
from the moment I saw her belly.

Truly? What do yah think
it's?” She leaned against the counter for support.

It'll be a boy. He will be
strong and healthy, and I can already tell that he loves his momma
very much.” The words came out like they were waiting to be said
since the dawn of time.

Deas bualadh leat.
Thank yah so much. I feel like yer right.” Her
eyes became lost in thought.

Go ndéanaí mhaith
, you're welcome.” It was so nice to
see the woman look so happy.

“Oh, right. Let's get yah
Níl aon tintéan mar do thintéan
So let's make this place yer home
for the next week.” She let me take my own bags and then slightly
hobbled into the next room and up a small flight of

Moira had to stop at the top of the stairs
for a minute to catch her breath. I offered her just to tell me and
I could get myself to my room, but she insisted that she was going
to do her job. I loved her stubborn nature. It reminded me so much
of my own.

The room was bright. It had a large window
that overlooked the small, but well maintained garden in the back.
There was a brass bed with a beautiful quilted blanket on it. A
small chest was at the foot of the bed for my belongings. There was
a white porcelain sink in the room, for freshening up without
having to leave my room. The walls were a gentle yellow with a
border of small delicate feminine flowers. It was a nice springy

“Is it to yer liking, Miss
Emma?” Moira stood nervously in the doorway as I set my bags

“I love it. Where do I find
the bathroom? Oh and is there some place I can park my motorcycle,
I left it out front.” I beamed at her.

“The bathroom is down the
hall to the left, there are fresh towels in the cupboard and a robe
on the back of yer door. As fer yer bike, I figure yah can bring it
to the back. We have a covered carport. I could have one of the men
take it round back for yah if yah want.” Moira looked a bit

“No, that's fine. I can
take it there myself. How about you go rest a bit? I promise I'll
give you a call if I need anything.” I watched as Moira's face
relaxed just a little bit.

“Right, but only if yer
sure.” She said as she inched out of the door.

“Yes. I'm sure.” I waved to
her as she left.

“Oh, one more thing. We
have dinner around sixish, breakfast around eight, and lunch is at
noon. If there's anything else yah need just let me know, I'll be
downstairs in the front.” She closed my door as she

I listened as her steps slowly crept their
way down the hall and eventually down the stairs. I could tell that
her pregnancy was weighing on her, but I also knew she'd be one of
the greatest and happiest mothers around. As with all pregnancies,
she would forget all of this strife.

I slowly turned around my room. It was such
an interesting contrast to my room back home. I sent Dominic a
mental message letting him know that I had made it to my motel.
Again, I broke contact before he could respond. I wasn't ready to
let home invade this personal haven I felt like I was taking, at
least not yet. I sat on the bed. It wasn't nearly as squishy as
mine, but it was still soft enough that I would be able to sleep on
it comfortably. I looked at the window as I sat on the beautiful
blanket. I could feel the love that went into each stitch, just as
I could see the devotion that went into the garden and small yard.
The entire inn radiated an energy of love. As I sat there soaking
in these pleasant emotions, I made a silent vow to ensure that this
place would never have to lose any of that. I decided I would be
its silent benefactor to it. It would never want, but I would never
interfere with it either. It was perfect just the way it was. I
smiled to myself, knowing that for once my wealth would go to
something that mattered.

I stood and stretched. It
was so nice to feel just relaxed. I looked down at my engagement
ring and knew that my life wouldn't hold a lot of moments like
this- not if I was going to be the queen that the vampires needed.
This trip suddenly became my moment, my time to be me before I had
to be what they needed and wanted me to be. I would be the best
queen they had, the one that would change what needed to be
changed, but I would always be able to go back to this moment and
remember my calm.
Yes, this was a good
I shook my head and went
downstairs to move my bike.

When I came back in Moira was watching a
small television behind the counter. She looked quite content. She
was even knitting something that was blue and she had clearly just
started. I smiled.

“Never too soon to start
making things fer him.” She waved the beginnings of what I thought
to be a hat at me as I waved to her.

“I couldn't agree more. I'm
sure he'll look beautiful in it. Have you a name for him yet?” I
leaned on the counter.

“No, but I like Michael, or
Patrick. Or maybe Liam, Diarmuid... hmm, I'll have to talk to
fear céile
Her laugh was cheery.

“I think those are all fine
names for a nice Irish lad. Perhaps all of them. I know my friend
that is from here has like five or six names.” I

“Aye, that they probably
do. We do like to give names.” She smiled. “Was there something
that yah were needing?”

“Actually, I was wondering
if it was usually okay for people to stroll up by that school over
on the other side there?” I thrust my thumb over my

“Aye. I've never heard any
other. Are yah planning on going out fer a walk then?” She eyed the
door enviously.

“I thought I might pop up
there and look around. It was something I saw when we flew over.” I
smiled at her as I pulled on my coat and newsboy hat.

“Well, be safe. Just call
the inn if yah need anything. The school people aren't as welcoming
to folks as most in these parts.” She shifted uncomfortably in her

“No worries, Moira. I've a
friend up there. Do you need anything before I head over?
Honestly?” I eyed her tea cup.

“No, dear. I've got me a
full pot right here.” She patted a small tea pot I hadn't noticed
earlier. “Yah go and have fun.”

“Okay, well if you need
anything, just phone my cell.” It was my contact number, I turned
and left- I really hoped she would call if she needed anything, I
felt for her.


The walk over was quick enough for me. I
memorized the landscape in case I needed to know any of the small
details. I really didn't know how Acacia, Mike's fiancée, would
receive me being here or if the school would get all bent out of
shape. I also had no clue if they taught werewolves to kill
vampires at this school. My heartbeat jumped up with the thought
that I might have to fight for my life. It created a giddy feeling.
I secretly wanted that kind of excitement in my life, I wasn't sure
that being a politician was where my heart truly was.

I sent out mental probes to get a feel for
the students and school itself once I got closer to the actual
structure. The day was becoming seriously overcast and a light
drizzle had started so there was not a lot of outside activity
going on. I tried to feel for Mike, but it was near impossible with
so many werewolves around. Their presence seemed to create a
constant flow of energy. It took me about half an hour before I
realized that he was outside. I followed the probing back to him as
quickly as I could. I didn't want to be noticed.

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