Bella Vita (40 page)

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Authors: Jesse Kimmel-Freeman

Tags: #romance, #vampires, #paranormal, #witches, #werewolves, #crossover, #jesse kimmelfreeman, #bella vampires series

BOOK: Bella Vita
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“Hmm, maybe some more
rest would help? Or we could go sit outside on the patio?” His eyes
twinkled at me.

“How about we combine
the two, and I rest on the patio with you there for company.” I
smiled at him, trying to find my normal self again.

“Sounds good to me.” He
helped me out to the patio and went to get a blanket and pillow for

There was a nice ocean
breeze blowing across the patio area and the wind chimes danced in
it. I closed my eyes and listened to the crash of the waves below
and the small beautiful tinkles of the chimes.
This is so nice.
I let my mind wander and I could feel my connection with Mike
grow stronger and I was suddenly swept into his

Hey, Em. How you
Mike's voice tickled my
thoughts- he was out running. I could see the countryside blurring
by him.

I've been better. Is it
nice to be home?
I missed him

It's always better when
I'm with you. I did miss this place. What's wrong?
He could sense that there was something not
quite right with me.

I don't know. I feel
I could feel our connection
weaken as the breeze now smelled of the sea and not of sweet

If you need me, call
me, and I'll be there- no matter what.
His words were fierce in my mind.

I know. Thank
I let the connection


“Where did you
disappear to, my Little Emma Bird?” Dom's eyes seemed to reflect
some of the ocean's deep green hue.

“Lost in my mind,
trying to figure out what's going on with me, and what to do about
tomorrow.” I sighed.

“If you're not up to
it, then don't go. They won't mind. People get sick.” He smiled at
me and shrugged.

“People get sick, not
vampires. We just don't. I'm a freak.” I shook my head- wondering
if I would
fit in amongst my people.

“Hey, you aren't really
sick. Something is just fucking with you. You are like the rest of
us, Emma Hutchinson. You belong with us, with me. This
and you'll be okay.” It was rare to see Dom swear in English, I
actually had to suppress my laugh.

“Yes, sir. Dominic,
sir.” I saluted him and then burst out laughing.

“I'm serious, you
know.” He mumbled at me.

“I know. And I
appreciate the sentiment... it was just put in a very no nonsense
kinda way... which hardly ever applies to the real world, Dom. You
know that too.” I smiled at him.

“Probably, but I want
you to be okay. I don't know how to fix you, I'm not a healer or
anything like that.” He frowned and I suddenly realized what was
going on.

“Oh! Dom... I don't
need you to be a healer, I love you for you... silly. I think that
they already did the best they could do for me- as untrained as
they all are. I could try to see if Betty could do anything more,
but I doubt it. I'll be okay, it'll just take the next couple of
days. You'll see.” I decided that our wedding would go on as
planned, even if I had to use a walker to get me down the aisle- he
had been through enough with me.





The next days passed in a
blur. I didn't get to go teach because even though I was feeling
better, I fainted just as I got to the bottom of the stairs that
morning. I got vetoed on the teaching. I spent the rest of the day
downstairs in a bathrobe- mainly out on the patio, drifting between
Italy and Ireland. I didn't know the time of day anywhere, but I
felt at ease. I realized that my bond with Mike was straining my
body as well as the attack that I had survived- I
him now. It was a
strange feeling to know that I needed someone so completely, that
it could physically affect me. I didn't want to ask him if he was
having any reaction because I didn't want him to come to Italy just
to try and cure me.

They say the day before your wedding all
sorts of chaos breaks out, but I didn't experience any of it.
Instead I was stuck out on the patio as the house got ready for the
after wedding party we were supposed to be hosting. Any questions
that Dom couldn't answer were brought before me like some sort of
regal queen. Sitting around on my duff was not what I had expected
for the day, but is what I was forced into. I was even sent to bed
early. I mean, seriously, who gets sent to bed early as an


The day of my wedding brought rain. I wasn't
entirely surprised. It didn't really matter since we were having it
indoors, but I still felt like it was some sort of bad omen. I love
the rain and all, but for the day of your wedding to have a freak
rain storm break out- it's gotta mean something.

I sat in my bed and stared
at my window, I had left the shutters open and now I watched as the
rain pelted the window. I sighed.
today is the big day, Emma.
Did I really
need a pep talk from myself? Hell yes
. I
pulled my knees to my chest and rested my chin on them.

How did things get so
complicated? How is it that months ago all of this woulda been like
a really funky story, and now it's my life?
I blew an exhausted breath out.

I loud squeal came from outside my door, and
I was instantly pulled out of my reverie. The sound came again, and
then my door banged open. Kelly stood in it with her beautiful
blonde hair cut short and dyed pink. Raindrops clung to the ends
making a glowing halo around her pixie spikes.

Ohmifuckingod! WHY AREN'T
YOU OUTTA BED YET?!” Kelly was shouting at me and waving

My sleepy mind decided I was having some
sort of mental breakdown and I pulled the blanket over my head,
“um, Kelly-like hallucination, please go away and stop

I'm... soo... sorry... Em,
I... tried... to... keep her downstairs.” Dom puffed behind

I tugged the blanket down enough to eye him,
and then eye her, “so, she isn't a hallucination?”

No, I'm not, and
right here, HELLOOOO!” Kelly was waving again.

What the devil did you do
to your hair?” My first thought after I asked was maybe it was an

You don't like it?” Her
blue eyes dulled with hurt.

Ya I do, but it's more
something I would do. So why the change?” I didn't like to see her

Um, before you two go on
forever about hair, and clothes, and other girl things I don't want
to hear about, I'm going to head back downstairs. Your grandmother
already phoned and said to remind you that hair and stuff would be
starting around ten-thirty or eleven.” Dom shook his head and went
back down the hallway.

The change is for a punk
magazine shoot I'm doing. Since I was coming to your wedding and I
get to do the Halloween thing here, I figured I would get it done
before I came.” She beamed.

Aw, it's wonderful and
you're going to be the most beautiful maid of honor vampiress out
there.” I laughed.

Okay, Miss Bride-to-be,
let's get your big butt outta that bed.” Kelly actually snapped at

Excuse me, Miss Model, but
in civilized worlds, we DO NOT snap at people.” I rolled over and
pulled the blanket tighter.

Well, some of us were
never raised in civilized society..” I didn't hear her coming but I
felt the shove she gave me.

Give up. You won't get me
outta of this bed.” The challenge was clear.

Don't be so quick to
dismiss me.” She shoved again.

Kel, you couldn't get me
outta here if you had a forklift.” I snuggled deeper into my

Oh, yeah?” I could imagine
her perfect brow going up.

Yep. Simple fact.” I

I thought she would try to shove again or
something similar, I was very surprised when I found myself
floating in the air.

What the fuck?” I

Kelly's eyes had shifted to a light gray, so
gray it was almost white. A small breeze fluttered her tiny spikes.
I watched as she raised her arms slightly more and I went even

Okay, Miss Witch, put me
down now. I get it... you can move me.” I tried to sound nonchalant
about it.

Oh, come on! That is all I
get! I show you my BIGGEST SECRET and
is all I get!” Kelly sounded

I've seen worse. Hang
on... I need to ask Dom, something.” I closed my eyes.


What can I help you
His voice was smooth.

Can I tell her about
My voice sounded pleading.

I thought we already talked about this, it
isn't safe...

I know what we said, but
she is a WITCH! She just levitated me out of my bed!
I knew I was shouting in his mind.

What the hell are you
talking about?
I wanted to laugh at his

Come upstairs.
I broke the connection.

Um, do I even wanna know
what just happened?” Kelly's brows had pulled together.

Wait, I need you to show
Dom... I know you don't wanna as it's your secret and all, but
you to
. Okay?”
My eyes pleaded for her to understand.

Only him, no one else.”
She nodded.

Just then Dominic walked in the room. Kelly
raised her hands and the lights went out. Soon a strange eerie glow
was coming from her side of the room. The mystery breeze had picked
up again and I could see my best friend glowing like a Glow

Ooph.” I heard Dom say
from somewhere near the door.

The lights came back on and Dom was stuck to
the ceiling. His brow was cocked and he was grinning.

Welcome to the family of
freaks, Kelly.” He boomed from his perch on the ceiling.

Can I tell her?
I asked.

Go ahead, if she tells
anyone, they won't believe her and we have her secret as well. Now
please put me down, Kelly.” I watched in silent fascination as
Kelly slowly lowered Dominic back to the floor.

He left the room after he nodded to me.

HECK YEAH! I get to tell
secret. Come, sit on the bed with me.” I cooed at her as I
made my way back to the bed.

Only if you promise that
after we talk you'll put some clothes on because we're running out
of time.” She checked her watch.

Fine. But come, sit down.”
I patted the spot next to me and crossed my legs.

So now you know, I'm a
witch. What's your secret?” Kelly's grin was cocky- like I couldn't
top that.

I'm a vampire.” I slid
down my fangs and smiled at her.

Holy shit...” She fell off
my bed as she jumped back with shock.

Well, gee, thanks.” I
wasn't hurt at all, I knew it would shock her.

Well, shit, Em. You can't
just drop something like that on me. Are you undead? You don't need
my blood right?” Kelly's hand flew to her neck.

I laughed.

I'm serious. You aren't
going to, like, eat me, right?” Kelly's eyes had gone a little

No, I'm not even
interested in your blood. Seriously. And I'm not undead... just
different.” I smiled.

So how long have you been,
you know... like this?” Kelly was having a moment.

I was born one, only we
start off as human. I guess you could say, I kinda had to die to
fully change.” I didn't know what I should tell her and what

Oh, shit, the day on the
bridge! I get it now. Did you really die?” A strange fascination
seemed to take over her shock.

No, not entirely. Only, I
got as close as possible and then the change happened.” My mind
drifted back to that day.

Wait, so are Mike and Dom
vampires too?” It seemed to just occur to her that others were part
of this.

Um, I can't... Mike isn't
a vampire. Dom is, our families are... and today, you'll be
surrounded by them.” I beamed at her.

If you guys are vamps,
then what's Mike?” Apparently she had caught that.

I can't tell you, it's not
my secret to tell.” I hung my head.

You can tell her,
Mike's voice cycled in my

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