Bella's Tease: Blue Collar Wolves #4 (Mating Season Collection)

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Authors: Ronin Winters,Mating Season Collection

Tags: #romance, #Paranormal, #Fiction

BOOK: Bella's Tease: Blue Collar Wolves #4 (Mating Season Collection)
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Bella’s Tease

Blue Collar Wolves #4

Mating Season Collection

Ronin Winters


Romantic Geek Publishing


Romantic Geek Publishing

Copyright © 2015 Ronin Winters

E-book ISBN 978-1-938593-29-1

Kindle Edition

Publication Date: September 2015

Editor: Sara Lunsford

Copy Editor: Eilis Flynn

Cover Design: Croco Designs

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This literary work may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, including electronic or photographic reproduction, in whole or in part, without express written permission.

All characters and events in this book are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual persons – living or dead – is purely coincidental.

Table of Contents

Title Page

Copyright Page

Books by Ronin Winters

What is the Mating Season Collection?

Chapter One

Chapter Two

Chapter Three

About the Author

Mating Season – Books Released so Far

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Books by Ronin Winters

The Mating Season

The mating moon is rising…

Blue Collar Wolves


Brick House


Bella’s Tease

The Pleasure Chronicles

Sexy Sci-Fi about Warrior women and the Alpha Males who love them

Pleasure Satellite
To the Strongest goes Everything…

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What is the Mating Season Collection?

The Mating Season began when six friends (who also happen to be Paranormal Romance Writers) got together and started talking about how it was funny authors could start with the same premise but make such different stories.

After a little more talk (and perhaps a little more wine – no telling) they began to brainstorm about a shifter world revolving around The Mating Season, which would be the only time a shifter could take a mate. One author suggested she would take the story this way while another laughed and cut her off and said, nope, she’d tell the story like this.

And then they all stopped and thought,
Hey, why don’t we write these different stories and release them all together under one collection?
So they did.

Six Authors. Six Different Packs. All of it revolving around One Premise – The Mating Season.

We are proud and excited to have worked on this project together. I hope you enjoy my take and my pack as they navigate The Mating Season, and please check out my friend’s packs and their takes on it as well.


Chapter One

ecorations had never
been a thing at Iron’s bar before, but today it looked like a party store had decided to throw up over it. Iron had stopped counting at color number 35 and just shook his head every time a new one came into view.

“Stop grumping.” From behind him, warm, slender fingers ran up his arm and landed on his shoulder, right beside where lips pressed a quick kiss at the place where his neck and shoulder met. His mate’s mouth-watering scent filled the air around him, and as he always did, he took a reflexive breath, wanting to absorb everything about her.

Iron grabbed Bella’s hand and brought it to his mouth, placing gentle kisses on the pads of her fingers, then biting down on her thumb.
earned him a smack and a giggle, and he turned, bringing his gorgeous spitfire of a mate into his arms and leaning down to nuzzle into her neck.

More smacks, and Bella pulled back, the half-giggles and glow of happiness demanding he keep trying to snatch her up and kiss her senseless. “Don’t you
start. I am not getting dragged away from Doc’s retirement party because my husband is a horny wolf who can’t keep it in his pants for more than half an hour at a time.”

“It’s been ninety minutes,” Iron said, finally able to grab a handful of her ass and
, and fuck if her ass wasn’t the most luscious miracle ever put in his grasp. “I should be getting a fucking medal for staying away this long with you in that dress.”

Never had truer words been spoken.
The dress was red, and clung just right, and the bitch almost had him on his knees when she came out of the front door of their house, and he loved every minute of it.

She refused to let him see the dress before then, and his woman was damn smart, because if he had they wouldn’t have left the house. As it was, if he wasn’t waiting around with Brick and House, he would have dragged her back inside.

More like it was Danny that kept him in check, the little boy with his dads to help do the last minute pick-ups all parties somehow needed. Mel was already at the bar, finishing the decorations and making sure Doc Stevens’s retirement party went off without a hitch.

Bella smirked at him as she walked past, all swinging hips and pure seduction, and the only thing stopping him from pulling her down and mounting her right there was Danny’s sweet, “You look pretty, Bella.”

, even he couldn’t drag her away after that, though it was still a damn close thing, and the woman tortured him the entire car ride, crossing those legs back-and-forth and constantly playing with her skirt hem, straightening it, then pulling it up so it
showed the holy land, only to pull it down again.

when he told everyone to go in the bar without them, while Bella gave him a smoldering look and made sure when her back arched and her dress pulled up when she got out of the car.

Ten minutes later he was in the bar, and House had the good sense to hide behind Mel and keep the shit-stirring to a minimum.

Because Bella in that dress was breaking him down, and every minute stretched him thinner, made the wolf stronger, and the wolf wanted skin-to-skin with its mate, wanted buried inside her, wanted come and scent and sweat over every square inch of her, to mark her and proclaim her

That wasn’t going to happen anytime soon, and Iron pushed against the wolf hard. Thank fuck most here were mated themselves, or he might have gone over the edge, and Bella would have killed him if he messed up tonight.

There was no worry of that. Doc’s retirement party was a success, and Mel and Bella had outdone themselves. It wasn’t fancy, but the food was fantastic and there was a ton of it, family and friends were laughing, and Doc was in his element, free to tell embarrassing stories to the kids about their dads, which had the younger generation wide-eyed and listening hard, while the adults were blushing for perhaps the first time since puberty ended.

Bella pushed hard and freed herself, wagging her finger at him. “Behave yourself.” And then she turned, presenting that ass, and looking over her shoulder,
at him. “I promise it will be worth the wait.”

She was out from behind the bar before he could grab her up and run out the back with her.

“How is it you became more of a horndog since you mated?” Razor sat at the barstool in front of Iron, his words taking a few moments to penetrate the haze of lust fogging Iron’s head. “Shouldn’t sex be boring now?”

Iron picked up a shot glass and debated if Bella would yell at him if he chucked it at Razor’s head. Probably would since there were kids around, so he tabled the impulse and put the glass away. “Don’t make me sound all old man on you and say wait until you mate, or some shit like that. Steel’s the one to get all deep and meaningful in these discussions.”

“Yeah, my mate.” Razor’s voice went that half-step between nostalgic and bittersweet, and Iron went on alert. That tone, that was the tone his voice took on when he spoke about Bella, back when she was in college, those days when if someone told him one day he’d mate Bella, he’d have rammed the fucker through the wall and beat the shit out of them for torturing him in the cruelest way possible, because there was no way he’d ever get Bella in his life.

Iron’s eyes met and held Razor’s, and the pain in them was fucking intimately familiar from many a moment when Iron stared into the mirror and saw only the bleakness of his own life without his mate.

Razor never talked about mates or mating seasons, and Iron assumed it was because he was young and wanted to get some unattached fun in before worrying about true bonds and forever after and all the shit that comes with being with one woman for the rest of life.

But what if, maybe, Razor already knew…?

The door opened, and Steel and Regan walked in, and with them a smaller blonde woman, wearing glasses and an oversized sweater, and with a shy, inquisitive air as she both shrank into herself, but was open with her avid studying of her surroundings. Razor seemed to snatch at their entrance to turn away and call out, usual jovial tone in place, “Fashionably late Alpha? Or busy in other ways?”

Everyone laughed, the flowing liquor helping the overall happy mood, and Steel flipped off the younger but bigger wolf before he looked around, and spotting Mel and Bella chatting in the corner, leaned down and whispered in Regan’s ear. She nodded, and, after entwining her fingers with his and giving them a squeeze before letting go, took the other woman’s hand and went to talk with Bella and Mel, leaving Steel to approach the bar.

Iron put a beer down in preparation, and Steel grabbed it up and drank half in one gulp. “Nice entrance,” Iron said, giving a lift of his eyebrows. “That Annabeth?”

“Yeah, Regan wasn’t sure if her coming was a good idea, but Beth insisted. Said she wanted to meet the family.” Steel shrugged and tried to appear calm, but, at least to Iron, it was apparent that tonight his chill was missing, and this display was pure show.

Regan’s acceptance into the pack wasn’t going smooth. The fact that she hadn’t taken Steel’s bite had a lot of the wolves uneasy, and her past as a hunter hadn’t won her any points either. Mel and Bella accepting her helped keep the talk to a minimum, but Iron knew his oldest friend, and between the problems the pack was having with Regan and the ongoing threat of Jacobson, the alpha was getting worn down, game face be damned.

Iron did his part to help, keeping the chatter light and away from heavy matters. Tonight wasn’t about that anyway. Tonight was about the pack celebrating the good in their life, and so much good had happened recently. Sometimes, that reminder was needed. “Smart girl. Coming in when everyone’s happy and drunk is about the best time to get intros done. Pretty too. There’s probably going to be some interest.”

Razor snorted. “Yeah, but you’d have to date her under Regan’s watch. My balls shrink with the thought.”

Instead of taking offense, Steel radiated smug satisfaction. “Damn straight. I pity the poor fucker that has to go head-to-head with my bitch.”

Razor threw his hands into the air in an exaggerated display of disgust. “Could you assholes be less obvious about slavering over your women? I’m fucking getting diabetes listening to all of you, and with Brick and House, I get a double dose of both mate and kid talk. I mean, someone needs to tell those two Danny didn’t fucking hang the moon.”

“Course he didn’t hang it, jackass, but he’s going to probably figure out how to get us to Mars and colonize it or something. You know his math teacher called us and said that he gets concepts that don’t start teaching until high school, even college?” House and Brick sidled up to the group, Tank following close, and the wolves had taken over a good stretch of the bar top. Iron set out fresh beers for everyone while House continued, now on a roll talking about his second favorite subject. “Gave us some names for these programs for gifted kids. Gifted. Even his teachers realize how fucking smart our kid is.”

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