Belong to Me

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Authors: Shayla Black

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Surrender to Me
“Full of steam, erotic love, and nonstop, page-turning action, this was one of those books you read in one sitting!”

Night Owl Reviews
“Sultry, intoxicating, and super sexy. Do not miss this book!”

Bookaholics Romance Book Club
“Shayla Black creates emotional, searingly sexy stories that always leave me wanting more.”
—Maya Banks,
New York Times
bestselling author
to put down . . . a book to be savored over and over.”

Romance Junkies
“Make sure you have something to cool yourself down with, for this one is a scorcher.”

The Romance Readers Connection
“The characters, the drama, the suspense, the eroticism, and, most important, the heart-stopping romance all combine to make
a perfect read . . . Sizzling hot and one for the keeper shelf.”

The Romance Studio
“Another winner from Black . . . will thrill erotica and mystery fans alike.”

Romantic Times
“Wickedly seductive from start to finish.”
—Jaci Burton,
New York Times
bestselling author
“A lusty page-turner from the get-go,
lives up to its title, grabbing readers from the very first chapter and not letting go until the very end with a shuddering climax worthy of any keeper shelf.”

TwoLips Reviews
Wicked Ties
“A wicked, sensual thrill from first page to last. I loved it!”
—Lora Leigh, #1
New York Times
bestselling author
“Not a book to be missed . . . Just be sure that you have something cold to drink while reading it and hopefully someone there afterward to ease away the ache.”

A Romance Review
“Absolutely took my breath away...
Wicked Ties
wound itself around me and refused to let go. Full of passion and erotic love scenes.”

Romance Junkies
Strip Search (writing as Shelley Bradley)
“Packs a hell of a wallop . . . an exciting, steamy, and magnificent story . . . If I had to rate this book out of ten, it would certainly get a fifteen! Twists, turns, titillating and explosive sexual chemistry, and memorable characters—readers can’t ask for more.
Strip Search
is highly recommended !”

The Road to Romance
“An exciting contemporary romance with suspenseful undertones . . . the love scenes are particularly steamy. This book would be perfect for readers who enjoy their romance with a hint of suspense.”

Curled Up with a Good Book
“Blew me away . . . a great read.”

Fallen Angel Reviews
“The twists and turns in
Strip Search
make for an intriguing climax . . . Bradley is a master of tying love and mystery together. I highly recommend this book.”
Bound and Determined (writing as Shelley Bradley)
“This story explores one of my favorite fantasies . . . a desperate heroine takes a handsome alpha male hostage. Much sexy fun is had by all. Especially when the yummy captive turns the tables!”
—Angela Knight,
New York Times
bestselling author
“Steamier than a Florida night, with characters who will keep you laughing and have you panting for more!”
—Susan Johnson,
New York Times
bestselling author
“A searing, frolicking adventure of suspense, love, and passion!”
—Lora Leigh, #1
New York Times
bestselling author
“A flawless story that grips readers from page one and doesn’t let up.”
—The Road to Romance Reviews
Titles by Shayla Black
(with Maya Banks)
Titles by Shayla Black writing as Shelley Bradley
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Copyright © 2011 by Shelley Bradley, LLC.
Excerpt from
Mine to Hold
by Shayla Black copyright © by Shelley Bradley, LLC.
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Heat trade paperback edition / October 2011
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Black, Shayla.
Belong to me / Shayla Black.—Heat trade pbk. ed.
p. cm.
ISBN : 978-1-101-54493-8
PS3602.L325245B45 2011
813’.6—dc23 2011019138

For my wonderful husband,
who’s taught me so much about giving,
self-sacrifice, and patience.
You balance, temper, and protect me.
This book wouldn’t have been possible
without all the good things
you’ve shown me over the years.
The two decades I’ve been your wife
have been the best of my life.
I can’t wait for many more.
As always, a big thanks to the friends, fellow writers, and beta readers who keep me sane:
A huge shout-out to Sophie Oak for being generally awesome, for sharing my love of margaritas, and for telling me that I wasn’t insane—at least not totally. And for loving this book as much as I did.

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