Beneath the Boss: Omnibus (The Complete Collection) (12 page)

Read Beneath the Boss: Omnibus (The Complete Collection) Online

Authors: Lydia Rowan

Tags: #multicultural erotic romance, #Billionaire, #rubenesque, #bbw, #Curvy Heroine, #interracial erotic romance

BOOK: Beneath the Boss: Omnibus (The Complete Collection)
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It was a complicated tangle of unpleasant emotions, but the love she’d finally accepted hadn’t wavered. She had doubts about whether and how they would manage the daily challenges of a relationship, was still uncertain about what she was going to do with the rest of her life, but never, not once, had she doubted her love. And, despite his flaws, she knew he loved her, too.

Now, she just needed to swallow her pride and go to him.

She’d considered the best way to approach him for several days. It was silly, especially since he’d been so honest with her, but she wanted to do this right. A call seemed impersonal, an email slightly deranged, and a text way too short. But she was hesitant to go him, was inexplicably afraid, despite everything that had passed between them, of exposing herself, of letting him finally, fully in.

But there was no other choice. He’d made his move, and now it was her turn, which was why she found herself driving to the office at eight forty-five at night. She’d been on pins and needles all day and had almost talked herself out of it, but she’d stuck with the plan, only belatedly considering that he may not even be there. No matter. She’d come back tomorrow or the day after or the day after that, as many days as it took to say what needed to be said.

She pulled into the employee’s garage and entered her access code, somewhat surprised to find that it still worked. She parked in her usual spot, right next to Leighton’s, and punched in her elevator code and pushed the button to go straight to the top. Her stomach had been twisted knot of fear and excitement all day, but a calm was settling over her, and when the elevator dinged, she was ready.

She exited and noted that Dawn’s desk was empty and Leighton’s door was closed. She smiled and walked to it, paused a second, and then she entered. Leighton sat as his desk, tie off and shirt undone, his head bent and shoulders hunched. He heart tugged at the image, so familiar, but different, Leighton seemingly covered with a blanket of melancholy.

He looked up suddenly, and they silently took each other in. She noted the shadows in his normally bright eyes, could see the weariness in the set of his shoulders. But then he smiled, and the Leighton she’d known for years appeared.

“No knock?” he said teasingly.

“Eh, my code still worked, so I figured it was okay. And you should really change that on a regular basis.”

After the words left her lips, she realized how easily she’d slipped back into business mode.

It felt right.

He leaned back and crossed his arms.

“Another of the thousand details that no one, including me, remembered to handle.”

“You haven’t hired a replacement?” she asked.

“Good help is hard to find. And some people are irreplaceable,” he said, the double meaning in his words landing directly in her heart.

Layla’s blood began to pump harder, warmth suffusing her body.

“Come sit, Layla.”

She realized then that she still stood in the doorway, a hand on the knob.

“Right. And sorry for dropping by without calling. I just...I needed to see you,” she said as she walked across the floor and settled in a chair, as she had so many times before.

“I’m here for you. Anytime.”

The words heartened her, but she heard the slight tentativeness and unease in his tone. She hated that she’d put it there.

“I came to see Leighton Means. You look like him, but I don’t know that he’d say something like that.”

She tried for a joke to relieve some of the nerves that had sprung up, but he was having none of it.

“I’m Leighton, well, I’m attempting to be a version of Leighton that’s worthy of you. How am I doing?”

Her pulse spiked at his words.

“You don’t have to be anyone but yourself, Leighton.”

“Whoever I am pushed you away.”

“That’s not true. Never, not even at your worst, did you ever push me away. I hate that you lied to me, but I don’t think you’ll do it again. It’s just not who you are.”

“It’s not. And I won’t.”

“I know. You are many, many things, Mr. Means, but not a liar. Do you remember when you first took over the company?”

He raised a confused brow at the sharp switch in subjects but nodded.

“I kinda hated you.”

He laughed. “I imagine you weren’t alone.”

“I wasn’t. But I admired you, too. How relentless you were; how you absolutely refused to fail and didn’t give a damn whether people hated you or not. And then you encouraged me to finish school and what you did for my mom...”

She twisted her hands in her lap, the emotion of her memories bringing tears to her eyes.

“I owe you everything, Leighton, and I won’t ever be able to repay you, no matter how hard I try. You made me who I am today. And I resent that and I hate myself for resenting it but I want to—need to—know that we’re equals.”

She was babbling now, her vision blurred by tears, and Leighton rounded the desk and lowered himself in front of her, wrapping her hands in his.

“You don’t owe me anything, Layla. You are, and were, a brilliant, enthusiastic, loyal, trustworthy woman. I’d have been a fool not to invest in you. And with your mother, well, that was just human.”

A tear slipped down her cheek, and Leighton brushed it away with his thumb.

“And as for us being equal, that can never be.”

She looked into his eyes, dread and confusion filling her as his words sunk in.

“Never, not even on my best day, will I ever be as good, as kind, as fucking amazing as you are.”

She gave him what she knew was a quizzical look.

“I’m serious. I make money. You make people, including hard cases like me, better. There’s no comparison.”

The tone of his voice and force of his words left no doubt of his sincerity. She leaned down and put her arms around his neck, resting her head on his shoulder. She was enveloped in his warmth and basked in the feel of him, strong and solid, in her arms. She lifted her head and looked into his eyes, seeing the hope, the love, that she knew was reflected in her own.

“I love you, Leighton.”

“I love you too, Layla. With all my heart.”


Six Months Later...

“I thought I’d never get you alone again, Mrs. Means,” Leighton said as he walked through his office, Layla’s hand in his, after having finally said good-bye to the last of the guests.

“Hmmm, that’s going to take some getting used to, but it has a nice ring.”

“Yes it does.”

He stooped and pulled her into a deep embrace, before he dipped her, mimicking the last step of the wedding dance they’d just shared. She laughed and leaned back, knowing, and fully believing, that he’d never let her fall.

“Nice moves, Mr. Means,” she said, “but let me up. I have some moves of my own to share.”

He lifted one corner of his mouth. “I can’t wait, and fortunately for me, I don’t have to.”

“Ahh, there’s my husband. I was wondering where he’d gone.”

“What do you mean?” he asked as he pulled her close, sprinkled kisses on her shoulders and neck.

“Well, you were on your best behavior today. You made polite chatter, didn’t yell at anyone even once, and even had a quiet moment with Smythe, your sworn enemy. Your mother was pleased as punch.”

“She just never thought she’d see the day, and besides, you let her invite all of her society pals.”

Layla shrugged. “Why not? My friends where there, and,” she linked her arms around his neck and kissed him, “most importantly, so were you. Nothing else matters. Though I do think your mother was
that we had a wedding an office building, and my dress is off the rack.” She gestured down at the simple white satin sheath she wore.

“Most beautiful dress I’ve ever seen,” he said as he tightened his arms around her waist. “And of course I was on my best behavior. I have you as my wife. What could I possibly be upset about?”

“Smart man,” she said with a laugh as she stretched up to kiss him again.

“And, I’ll have to admit, I owe Smythe a lot. Without him, I might not have found you.”

With that he swept her up in his arms, the surprise making her stomach drop and forcing out a strained giggle.

“Leighton, you put me down this instant! You’re going to break your back!”

“Shush, woman.” He kissed her hard and fast on the lips. “Let me fulfill the tradition.”

He carried her into his apartment and through to his bedroom before finally letting her down.

“I know this isn’t our home, but it seemed appropriate.”

He held her gaze with his, his eyes glittering with lust and something much deeper.

“I love you.” He said the words quietly, reverently, and with a sincerity she would never doubt.

“I love you, too.”

“And now,” he said as he walked her over to the bed and lay her down, covering her with the broad expanse of his shoulders, “I have you where you belong.”

“Good, because beneath you is right where I want to be.”

Also by Lydia Rowan

Beneath the Boss

Beneath the Boss (Book One)

Beneath the Boss (Book Two)

Beneath the Boss (Book Three)

Beneath the Boss (Omnibus)

Guardian's Heart

Heart of Danger

Victor for Valentine's

Heart of Healing


Feel & Obey

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